name: Gardevoir [Fairy]
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Healing Wish
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Energy Ball
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Trace
nature: Timid
evs: 252 Spa / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Thanks to its ability Trace, Gardevoir is specifically used to revenge kill common threatening weather sweepers for Fairy-type teams. With coverage moves like Energy Ball and Focus Blast, Gardevoir is able to revenge kill threats like Seismitoad, Drednaw, Barraskewda, and Excadrill against Water- and Ground-type teams, respectively. Additionally, Gardevoir helps in beating Poison-type Pokemon such as Toxtricity and Gengar, which can be pain otherwise for Fairy-type teams. Gardevoir has low bulk, so it should be brought in via a free switch after a Pokemon has fainted to revenge kill the foe or through aggressive double switching to threaten opposing Pokemon. The Speed EVs along with a Choice Scarf and Trace make it possible to outspeed aforementioned weather sweepers. The remaining EVs go into Special Attack to ensure maximum damage output.
Slower Pokemon such as Togekiss and Mimikyu benefit from Gardevoir's ability to revenge kill faster Pokemon like Salazzle and weather abusers of Water- and Ground-type teams. Wallbreakers like Nasty Plot Togekiss and Bulk Up Grimmsnarl appreciate Gardevoir as a cleaner. Due to its middling Speed stat, faster revenge killers can outspeed and threaten to beat it, hence Pokemon like Ribombee can provide Sticky Web support to allow Gardevoir to outspeed opposing Pokemon more readily.
- Written by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- <Fairy> analysis by: [[Harpp, 320110]]
- Quality checked by: [[Eien, 100418], [Moosical, 215618]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732]]
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