Pet Mod [Gen 1] RBY CAP - Revived! [Slate 3!]

My Gargoyle votes:
Original Gargoyle
The Faz

[No votes for Phantom, I like all options]
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Voting closed! The winners are:
Gargoyle: Original
Phantom: zxgzxg

This means Gargoyle's sprite and name will remain unchanged, while phantom will not have its name changed but will be re-sprited.

Additionally, we plan on hosting a tour in the near future! Sabelette will be proving details about that once we get the logistics figured out.

After some less conventional CAP stuff we are now returning to your regularly scheduled programming. In case you forgot, about months ago we voted on the three concepts for Slate 2. We created the first Pokemon (Mandrelec) but the other two concepts have been sitting in limbo for a little while, but it's time to resume ... Creating a Pokemon!
Slate 2 Part 2B: CAP 5 Typing
Now it's time to determine the Super Luck but not really pokemon's typing; it can be single or dual typed. This defines much of their possible matchup spread. Be careful when adding CAPmons of types that could disrupt the type balance, such as Ghost-, Fighting- or Bug-types, since these directly impact some of the strongest OU Pokemon.

For this slate, you can submit 2 typings. Roughly 5 days to submit.

A reminder on the concept

Super luck but not really: A mon designed around using at least two high crit-rate moves, not necessarily STAB, but being able to constantly punish both reflect and amnesia at least to the point is forces a switch out.

Have fun!
Sorta crazy idea here, but the main thought is that this mon is a fighting-type that uses an ice move to threaten zapdos and exeggutor, probably shouldnt get slam so it doesnt do much to starmie (or even alakazam if its attack isnt too high). It also matches up fairly poorly into corup and phantom, but good into pineguin

Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 12.29.20 AM.png

STAB Rock move that's actually accurate while also being high crit, in tandem with Razor Leaf. Thinking this isn't a status Grass-type and rather goes full in on the mixed attacker concept in mind. Not too much thought here the typing just sounded cool.

Has STAB Slash, as well as an immunity to Thunder Wave and Body Slam para, two tools that benefit this concept, while not overlapping with Persian due to its added Grass, Ice and Water weaknesses that its got to play around due all of them being common. Ground STAB also gives it a strong tool to beat all Ghost-types (Phantom and Gengar) who would otherwise stop it from using Slash.
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Bug / Ice

Hear me out, it's one of the typings gastlies suggested and I think it's cool. Ice autocrit + Slash makes it like a weird Pinsir or Scyther that has a ton of checks (Fire/Rock/Flying/Poison), some interesting resists that give it entry points (Grass/Ground/Ice), and pretty solid coverage while still being very checkable and having some interesting matchups with other CAPs. No Bug STAB here, IMO.
Voting time! Vote for your favorite and second favorite, as usual no voting your own as your #1. 48 hours.
