Validator Gen 3-4 PIDIV validation

What type of bug are you reporting? Teambuilder

What is the bug?
IV/nature combinations for Wish Salamence allow illegal Pokemon; Wish Bagon was distributed at an event that used seeds from 0 to 65535, making the number of different spreads possible limited. PS!'s teambuilder does not currently account for this.

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
Opening the teambuilder and adding Wish to a Salamence, setting its IVs and Nature to 31/0/31/31/31/31 and Bold respectively, and validating the team or loading it into a battle.
A bit more info: possible Wish Salamences are those with seeds 0x0 through 0xFFFF generated BADC. I can provide a list of all 65000 possible spreads if desired. This will affect the other 5th Anniversary events as well; those being Iron Defense Bagon, Wish and Teeter Dance Pichu, Wish and Charm Ralts, and Wish and Spite Absol (unless they get thosemoves elsewhere). This may also affect other events but I'm too lazy to figure out which ones exactly.
A precomputed route approach only work if we could store all of the various legal PIDIV combinations in Gen 3-4 in various circumstances 1) in a reasonable file size and 2) do legality lookups against that file in a reasonable amount of time. Assuming that worked, we would still need a way for players to be able to reasonably choose valid IV/Nature combinations at the teambuilder level.

Like Anubis said, until we are able to overcome those hurdles, this is a validator bug, and it's known, but we haven't come up with a feasible way of fixing it yet.
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understood, thanks; i didn't think a lookup table would work for obvious reasons but i thought i'd offer anyways. i assume there is no eta on a fix?
understood, thanks; i didn't think a lookup table would work for obvious reasons but i thought i'd offer anyways. i assume there is no eta on a fix?
There's currently no good workable solution to address all the issues, so an eta doesn't exist until there is a plan to work on.
out of curiousity, what sort of file size are you looking at max? i assume that like a sorted list of the seeds is too big, for instance