[Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

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Sent: Rotom-H, Rayquaza

BlizzardHero : Seems like it was sniped again really quickly! :( But good news, it appears the bug preventing from sending Ditto in Gen 7 has been fixed! So if you would prefer to request it in Gen 7, you can do that! I will update the first post shortly.
Requested: Ditto(Perfect (31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly)) whit Destiny Knot
Deposited: Level 2 male Ledyba
Message: I want to fill my pokedex.
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Deposite:Yungoos (Lvl.12)
Message:Please trade Pokemon with me.
Thank in advance.
I cant find it myself , pls help.
FC : 3025 0095 2593
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Requested: HP Grass Ditto with Gold bottle cap
Deposited: Level 27 Fearow Male
IGN: Fany
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex

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Since the Dittos don't count I'd like to request the Perfect Jolly Ditto for breeding (thanks). If possible a Destiny Knot would be great butthe item oisn't really important since I can get one soon.

Deposited: Male Charmander, Lvl 1 (no nickname)
Requested: Lvl 100 Ditto
Ign: Tyler
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, I didn't have a Mareep. Next time I promise.
Hey Eisen I'd like to request the perfect Impish Ditto. I'm actually going to be putting a Pokémon in Omega Ruby, so can the GTS work over to Gen VI? Also, I'd like a destiny knot too, please.

Deposited: Tentacool, male, lvl 5
Requested: Prfct Impsh Ditto
Ign: Nicolia
Message: Eisen Ditto

Thanks so much!

Got it, thanks!
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Hi, may I request the HP fire Ditto with a gold bottle cap?

Deposited: Rockruff level 1 female
IGN: Anthony
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you :)
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I would like this Rotom-W.
Sorry for posting this again, I have another IGN now that i'm using. The other I deleted.
Thanks in advance!

Request: Rotom-W
IGN: Daniel
Deposited: lvl 10 Litten (Male)
Reason: It has been my fav wall an I don't have a good one for SM right now. Thank you very much
Mago Berry
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 [HP Ice] (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 Spe
Hydro Pump / Volt Switch / Will-O-Wisp / Pain Split
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Desired: Kartana

Focus Sash
Jolly | Beast Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/x/3/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Protect

IGN: Patters
Deposited: Level 15 Tentacool (edit: male)
Message: "I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure"
Reason desired: Looking to start building my competitive pokemon from this generation, Kartana feels like the right place to start!
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Hey can I snag a HP ice timid ditto with a golden bottle cap.

I really appreciate it!

IGN: Dan
Deposited: Level 1 Porygon
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
  • Deposited: male fearow lv 57
    Requested:Ditto PrfctSassy (31/31/31/31/31/0 Sassy) gold bottle cap
    Ign: Rayton
    Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
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Sent: Ditto x5, Kartana

People who got sniped: YourKingSkeletor, minuteman, dwz10, Alakalando

General tips for some people who got sniped: Do not deposit starter Pokémon, and try not to deposit level 1's. People are looking for breedjects all the time on the GTS to start their own breeding, so level 1 is attractive to them. Finally, make sure you ask for level 91+.

Deposite:Yungoos (Lvl.12)
Message:Please trade Pokemon with me.
Thank in advance.
I cant find it myself , pls help.
FC : 3025 0095 2593

Hello, it would seem you didn't read the first post. In it, I ask that you specify which set you wish for if I have many. I also ask not to deposit Yungoos. I also mention that event Pokémon cannot be traded through the GTS. I also ask to provide a reason for requesting.
The Charmander is still up on GTS (gen 7 since you said the glitch is fixed). I can put something up on OrAs instead (which might help me too. Need to breed things that have Alolan forms still).
I got some TR plans for the Tree, so can I get a Quiet Ditto please?

Deposited: Lv 20 Trumbeak
Requested: Ditto SpA Quiet (31/0/31/31/31/0) with gold bottle cap
IGN: Keegan
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance

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I think I want to request a Skymin (Shaymin-S), but... for that, won't one need to connect directly first instead of GTS due to ribbons?

If so, I need to set up when we can connect first... may I? I'll get to the formal post when we get a good time scheduled.
Hey, I'm requesting:

Ditto, Timid [HP Fire]

Deposited: Slowpoke, Lv.6 (F)
IGN: Ben
Msg: I want to fill my PokeDex in another language

I want to breed a HP Fire Magnezone for my BSS team,

Thanks a lot! :)
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Do you mind if I request one or two Gen VI replacements for the dittos I transferred to Gen VII? the lack of move tutors is rather annoying since I'd kind of like to try a Special-based Mega-Salamence (among other sets).
Could I please get this Dugtrio?
Focus Sash
Jolly | Arena Trap
IVs: 31/31/31/31/20/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Earthquake / Stone Edge / Reversal / Memento

Deposited a level 42 female Alolan Raticate with the message "I want to fill my Pokedex.", IGN is Almedha.

I'm wanting this Dugtrio as I currently don't have a trained Dugtrio and I am looking to make my list of trained pokemon bigger.

Thanks for the giveaway.
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Requested: Ditto(Perfect (31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly) with Destiny Knot
Deposited: Fearow, Lvl 26, Female
IGN: Drofriz
Message: I want to fill my pokedex.

Reason: I want to breed of my own. Thanks in advance
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Sent: Venusaur, Tauros, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, Tapu Fini, Xurkitree, Nihilego, Ditto, Pheromosa, Kartana

BlizzardHero and TiHee : Seems like both of you were sniped :(

I'm not sure I fully understand your question, are you talking about requesting things from my collection here, or requesting things to be added to my collection?
All my legendaries from previous generations have been transferred to Gen 7 currently, so you can request any of them. Mega stones are also blocked from the GTS, and I believe the orbs too. Mega stones from past gens unreleased in Sun and Moon and simply unavailable for now, there is no way of bringing them over.
As for your adding Groudon/Rayquaza/Kyogre, I already have them all in my collection. Do you mean requesting more sets to be added?

Oops for some reason I kept thinking that kyogre and groudon were Gen 6 as I have them in omega ruby. I mistakenly requested them to be added to your collection as I did not see them under the gen 6 tab.. Sorry for the confusion.
Pokemon Requested: Ditto (Timid HP Fire)
IGN: Magdalene
Pokemon Deposited: Lv.1 Female Magikarp
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Mostly looking to make my life easier when breeding HP Fire-reliant Pokemon like Magnezone. Gen VII made HP breeding a lot easier, but actually getting the necessary IVs in the right places is still a pain in the neck.

Hopefully Magikarp isn't an issue; just trying to think of something I had on me that most people wouldn't want for the price offered.

Thanks in advance (assuming I didn't make any dumb mistakes)!

Received! Thank you very much!
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Thanks so much for the Fini! I'm here again for one of your 0-IV Dittos.

Request: PrfctBrave Ditto (w/ Gold Bottle Cap if possible)
Deposited: Lv. 12 Female Cottonee
IGN: AGSilver
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks again! :)
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Well, I think to go to the formal post. I have added your Friend Code, here's mine: Canis, 5043-3873-9321

Request: Shaymin-S (Life Orb, HP Ice)
Life Orb
Timid | Natural Cure -> Serene Grace
IVs: 27/x/22/31/31/31 [HP Ice] (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Air Slash / Seed Flare / Hidden Power Ice / Healing Wish


I think to get this one, simply since I like cute critters. This one's pretty popular, so I'll love to have it. I need to get lovable things in Moon.

So, we need to arrange when to meet and directly trade? Uh, I'll be available after 12:00 noon UTC for some hours maybe.

Got it. Thankies again! I'll love this so much!!
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Sorry about misunderstand your rule.
pls forgive me.
Here is my request.


Life Orb
Timid | Bad Dreams
IVs: 27/0/31/31/8/31 (Hyper trained to 31/0/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Dark Void / Nasty Plot / Dark Pulse / Sludge Bomb

Reason : This guy is Awesome I love this guy , it look cool , want it , need it , thats all.
IGN : Solaria
FC : 3025-0095-2593

Thank you.

Got it .
Thank you very much. Xoxo ><''
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Requested: HP Ground Ditto with Gold bottle cap
Deposited: Level 27 Fearow female
IGN: Fany
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex

Thanks very much!
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