Pet Mod [Gen 6] Megas Revisited - Ladder Challenge @ Post 469 - Balance Changes @ Post 494

What time would you be able to play in roomtours this weekend?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Aerodactyl: Yoshiblaze, Genuine_Angus_B33F
Steelix: Gravity Monkey, Gekokeso, G-Luke
Altaria: Breloom Buddy, Gravity Monkey, Genuine_Angus_B33F
Aerodactyl: Turtlek, Yoshiblaze (SV), Gekokeso, G-Luke
Steelix: anaconja, Yoshiblaze (SV), G-Luke, Genuine_Angus_B33F, Gekokeso
Altaria: anaconja, Yoshiblaze (SV), BreloomBuddy
you know what time it is i don't need to tell you

Original - 2 + 2(1) = 4
Gekokeso - 2(3) + 2 + 4(1) = 12
GAB - 2(3) - 6
Yoshiblaze - 3 + 4(2) + 2(1) = 13
G-Luke - 2(3) + 2(2) + 2(1) = 12
Turtlek - 2(3) + 3(1) = 9
DIB - 3 + 2 + 2(1) = 7
MegaFlareon - 2 + 2(1) = 4
Verdas - 2 + 2(1) = 4
Ema Skye - 2 + 1 = 3
BreloomBuddy - 2(1) = 2
faithviolet - 3(1) = 3
anaconja - 1 = 1
The Damned - 1 = 1

Gravity Monkey - 3 + 2 + 2(1) = 7
MegaFlareon - 3 + 2 = 5
GAB - 3 + 3(1) = 6
Turtlek - 3 + 2 = 5
anaconja - 4(3) + 2 + 1 = 15
G-Luke - 3 + 5(1) = 8
Tanny89k - 3 + 2 + 4(1) = 9
Yoshiblaze - 3(2) + 2 + 3(1) = 11
DIB - 2 + 2(1) - 4
Ema Skye - 1 = 1
faithviolet - 2(2) + 1 = 5
Gekokeso - 2 + 4(1) = 6
The Damned - 2(1) = 2

BreloomBuddy - 2(3) + 2(2) + 1 = 11
Gravity Monkey - 3(3) + 3(2) + 3(1) = 18
Yoshiblaze - 3(3) + 2 + 2(1) = 13
GAB - 3 + 2 + 3(1) = 8
MegaFlareon - 3 + 2 + 1 = 6
anaconja - 2(3) + 2 + 4(1) = 12
SKIPPERGAMEZ - 2(2) + 3(1) = 7
Original - 2 + 1 = 3
The Damned - 2 + 2(1) = 4

Congratulations to Yoshiblaze, anaconja, and Gravity Monkey for winning Aerodactyl, Steelix, and Altaria respectively!
Name: Mega Aerodactyl

Ability: Nostalgia Trip - This Pokémon's moves have the move category they would in Generation 3 and earlier based on their type. (i.e. Fire moves are always Special, Poison moves are always Physical, etc.). Fairy moves are Special.
Stats: 80 / 140 (+35) / 65 / 85 (+25) / 100 (+25) / 145 (+15) [615 BST]
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Power Gem, Hurricane
Description: this is what you meant when you wanted to give aerodactyl physical flying stab right. Aero's blast to the past gives it a nuke in Hurricane that's difficult to switch into at the cost of its wide coverage as most of them are special types (though its SpA is just high enough to 2HKO Lando-T with 4 SpA neutral natured Ice Fang). While making Aero a little easier to handle defensively as long as you have a Flying resist + any Ground-type for Stone Edge/Power Gem, this does open up Aero's last two moveslots for utility options, most likely Roost and one of Taunt, Defog, and Stealth Rock, or you can add in some of the physical coverage you still have in Earthquake for Heatran and Shadow Ball for Slowbro.
Name: Mega Steelix
Type: Steel / Ground
Ability: Heatproof
Stats: 75 / 135 (+50) / 210 (+10) / 55 / 105 (+40) / 30 | 610
New Moves: Heat Crash, Rapid Spin, Smack Down
* also weight goes up to 999.9kg
Description: fat stat stick that beats clefable/audino and checks tornt p well
Name: Altaria-Mega

Ability: Weather Report (This Pokémon's Fire-type moves set up Harsh Sunlight before hitting. Its Water-type moves set up Rain before hitting.)
Stats: 75 / 70 / 95 (+5) / 140 (+70) / 115 (+10) / 95 (+15) [590 BST]
New Moves: Scald, Hydro Pump, Thunder
Description: So this sub initially started as a Drizzle Altria. Looking at it further, I found it unfortunate that it would not be able to use the fire-type side of its movepool. That's when this stupid idea hit me. This version of Altaria effectively has 4 STABs which is pretty crazy. It's pretty self-sustainable thanks to it's respectable Bulk and access to Roost. It can tech Solar Beam or Thunder to hit Water types once in sun or rain mode so it does have some synergy with the weathers. Scald is still a dumb move and it can use it. 95 speed is a very awkward speed tier so that should keep it in check.

A couple very unique abilities coming in at the same time, let's see how well they pan out!

Slate 6 will start shortly!
Alright time for another normal starter sla-

- Slate 6 There is an Impostor Among Us -
:xy/sceptile-mega: :xy/charizard-mega-x: :xy/swampert-mega:
Sceptile, Charizard X, Swampert

For the next slate, we got another 3 starters, although something is wrong. Mega Sceptile is a blazingly fast mon which also happens to have the absolute worst ability out of its hoenn compatriots, but could ocassionally pop up in ORAS on a lucky matchup. Charizard X needs no introductions it is probably the best physical fire type to ever grace OU, known for being one of the best ddancers ever. Meanwhile swampert is a mon that suffers from the gen 6 speed curse, but is otherwise known for being an absolute terror on rain teams.​

Refer to the rules located on the OP for how you should sub:

Voting Phase (1 Day)
After the submission phase is over, voting will begin. This mod will be using the same voting system as Book of Enigmas, where you can vote for as many submissions as you want, with each submission getting a certain number of points based on how you ranked it. An example can be seen below.
For a slate with Mega Beedrill, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Pidgeot, for example, a ballot would look like this:
Beedrill: User 1, User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9

With this ballot, Submission 1 for Mega Beedrill would get 3 points, Submission 2 would get 2, and Submission 3 would get 1. The same goes for Submissions 4, 5, and 6 in the Lopunny category and Submissions 7, 8, and 9 in the Pidgeot category, with them getting 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.

You can add as many submissions are you'd like after your third vote, with each one getting 1 point.
Beedrill: User 1, User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
So, in this ballot, Submissions 10 and 11 would also get 1 point in the Pidgeot category.

You can vote for your own submission, but it can't be in first place or your only vote in that category. Be sure to mark your self-vote by putting (SV) after it.
Beedrill: User 12 (SV), User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
This wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is in first place in the Beedrill category

Beedrill: User 12 (SV)
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
This also wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is the only vote in the Beedrill category

Beedrill: User 2, User 12 (SV)
Lopunny: User 4, User 12 (SV), User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 12 (SV), User 10, User 11
This is a legal ballot because none of the self-votes are in first place or the only vote in a category.

If you vote for only 2 submissions in a category, the first place submission gets 2 points and the second place submission gets 1 point. If you vote for just one, then that submission gets 1 point.
Beedrill: User 1 (1 point)
Lopunny: User 4 (2 points), User 5 (1 point)
Pidgeot: User 7 (3 points), User 8 (2 points), User 9 (1 point), User 10 (1 point), User 11 (1 point)
The submission with the most points in a category will be added to the mod. For every Mega, you will also have the option to vote for the original Mega Evolution if you aren't a fan of any of the submissions. However, this can't be done for Pokemon whose original Megas were banned to Ubers.
For most slates, the next submission phase will start immediately after voting ends for the previous slate. The long submission phase will still give ample time for discussion and playtesting during the week so you can adjust your submissions. However, every 3 slates or so, one or more roomtours will be held so we can see what state the metagame is in. This may result in winning submissions being nerfed or buffed, depending on what we learn. Buffs and nerfs (mostly nerfs) can also happen at any other time as we learn stuff between roomtours.

Basic Template:
[b]Name[/b]: Mega <Pokémon>
[b]Stats[/b]: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe [BST]
[b]New Moves[/b]:
[b]Description[/b]: (Describe how your submission fits into the metagame, what it does, what it checks/counters, what it gets checked/countered by, why you would use it, etc.)

Megas For All Template (Created by Hematite):
:pokemon: [b]Mega <Pokémon>
New Ability[/b]:

Special Attack:
Special Defense:

[b]New Moves[/b]:
For types, you can insert type images like this
with this link (replace Type with the type you want)

Example Submission
Name: Mega Charizard X

Ability: Tough Claws
Stats: 78 / 130 (+46) / 111 (+33) / 130 (+21) / 85 / 100 [634 BST]
New Moves: N/A
Description: Mega Charizard X can act as a dangerous Dragon Dance sweeper with strong Tough Claws-boosted moves in Flare Blitz, Outrage, Dragon Claw, and Thunder Punch. A unique defensive typing and decent bulk makes setting up much easier, made even easier with Roost. Walled by very bulky Water-types, Heatran (if you don't run EQ), and checked by Landorus-T.
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass / Dragon
Ability: Tailgate (This Pokemon's tail moves can't miss and have 1.5x power.)
* tail moves: Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail, Tail Slap
Stats: 70 / 150 (+65) / 70 (+5) / 105 / 100 (+15) / 135 (+15) | 630
New Moves: Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail, Tail Slap
Description: fast wallbreaker


Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Sap Sipper
Stats: 100 / 150 (+40) / 120 (+30) / 95 (+10) / 120 (+30) / 50 (-10) | 635
New Moves: Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch
Description: the funny no weakness. the low ladder bh set. fantastic check to ferro, megavenu, serperior, amoonguss, and just any grass type lol. basically an upgraded swampert base in that regard
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...Sigh. Apparently Killer Queen exploded my throat since my sister got me sick just yesterday because of course she did, so of course I miss out by an hour. Still, my bad. Seventh time's a charm or something. Congratulations to the winners. For now only submitting an off-the-top of my Sceptile-Mega before I lie down to mope convalesce from this thankfully minor but still annoying flu:

Name; Sceptile-Mega
Type: Grass/Fighting
Ability: Sharpness*
Stats: 070 HP / 110 Atk (+25) / 085 Def (+20) / 140 SpA (+35) / 085 SpD / 140 Spe (+20)
New Moves: Air Slash, Sacred Sword {previously also Psycho Cut, U-Turn}
(*For the sake of Sharpness and moves that actually exist in Gen 6, Sceptile already gets: Aerial Ace, Cut, Fury Cutter, of course Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Slash...and weirdly not Razor Leaf. What. EDIT: Oh, and X-Scissor. Who could forget X-Scizor? /s)
Description: I guess anaconja and I had similar ideas for this (and they should totally call that ability "Thagomizer") but thankfully vastly different executions of it. I figured that Sharpness makes sense for the mon who originally debuted Leaf Blade as its exclusive move and is far more useful to Sceptile-Mega even with still less Atk than SpA than having to rely on Focus Miss for Fighting coverage like in its cursed, original incarnation. So this is meant to be a bit of mixed wallbreaker or one that can go either side successfully even I'm not giving it Nasty Plot. Speaking of which, I went Grass/Fighting in part because Dragon is kind of a liability defensively post-Fairy and ironically especially so for Grass, which only benefits from it along the lines of "you are now neutral to the cost of two other weaknesses and now exploding to Ice Shard guaranteed". Despite this being Talonflame's gen in the original meta, I figure being even weaker to already fatal Brave Birds is fine if you can potentially live Ice Shards now as well get actually useful resistances (to Dark), and Fighting gives STAB on Drain Punch, which Sceptile already gets along with a bunch of other Fighting moves. That move is potentially nice to fall back on even in the instance where Sacred Sword is vetoed as being "too much" with both STAB and Sharpness, which it might be (and which is why I was originally going to not add it at all). [/collapses]
[EDIT: Lost -10 +Atk, Psycho Cut, and U-Turn; gained +05 Def and +05 SpA.]

Name: Charizard-Mega-X
Type: Fire/Dragon
Ability: Gonna Give to Ya Levitate
Stats: 078 HP / 130 Atk (+46) / 111 Def (+33) / 109 SpA (+00) / 085 SpD / 121 Spe (+21) (a.k.a the vanilla stats both because they're fine and because I don't care that much to change this one)
Description: This will be the last Mega I append "Levitate" to, I swear. I just think that both Charizard-Mega-X and Swampert-Mega are fine in the original forms, and so this is more for completionist's sake to ease my mind than anything else. Not like Charizard's spoiled ass needs anything anyway, though Levitate does get rid of a weakness and make it immune to non-Stealth Rock hazards while still letting it Roost because Roost is weird like that. (At least the fact that anaconja's winning Charizard-Mega-Y didn't have any new moves makes adding things to this guy if you want easier than it would be otherwise.) EDIT: In the unlikely case that this wins (please don't vote for it), it would be the fastest Dragon Dance at least unless I missed something (and actually capable of using it unlike the Latis).
[EDIT: Lost -21 SpA; gained +21 Spe.]

Name: Swampert-Mega
Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Electric Swole = Absorbs Electric moves flying around to get even more swole, gaining +1 Atk. [/gains]
Stats: 100 HP / 160 Atk (+50) / 105 Def (+15) / 085 SpA / 100 SpD (+10) / 085 Spe (+25) (a.k.a. vanilla stats with -10 SpA and +10 Spe)
New Moves: Aqua Jet, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Mach Punch
Description: Fighting type for everyone! (Except Charizard.)Even more so than Charizard-Mega-X, I'm rather likely to just vote for the original Swampert-Mega since Arceus knows that Rain needs it this Gen even if Rain deserves like absolutely nothing else. So this is merely a semi-joke entry that isn't "instant veto" levels of dumb and still viable if it somehow wins. EDIT: In the unlikely case it wins (please don't vote for it) it has the "small" niche of being a Water type that can beat Ferrothorn rather easily, which is at least good for Rain given that needs all the help it can get even though it can't guarantee an OHKO without +1 Close Combat even with Max Atk and Adamant.
[EDIT: Lost -05 Def and -10 SpD; gained +10 Atk and +05 Spe, Bulk Up, Close Combat, and Drain Punch.]
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Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Water Absorb
Stats: 100 / 140 (+30) / 115 (+35) / 85 / 115 (+35) / 60
New Moves: Bulk Up, Slack Off
Description: Water Absorb lets it wall the likes of Keldeo, Volcanion, and Mega Altaria. Slack Off lets it deal with not having Lefties. Regular Swampert also gets a nice buff.
Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Bulk Up
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Slack Off

Swampert @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Slack Off

Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Slack Off

Type: Grass / Steel
Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 70 / 105 (+10) / 110 (+45) / 125 (+20) / 100 (+15) / 130 (+10)
New Moves: Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Iron Head
Description: Aims to replicate Mega Sceptile's roles in ADV and SM as a defensive Leech Seed user. Steel typing gives it a Toxic immunity, letting it use Protect over Sub to better abuse Multiscale. Offensive sets are still also a thing.
Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm / Giga Drain
- Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon
- Leech Seed
- Protect

Sceptile @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
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Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Armor Tail
Stats: 70 HP / 135 Atk / 85 Def / 115 SpA / 85 SpD / 140 Spe [630 BST] (+50 Atk, +20 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe)
New Moves: None
Description: A fast SD sweeper that is immune to priority moves.

Name: Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire/Dragon
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Stats: 78 HP / 134 Atk / 103 Def / 134 SpA / 85 SpD / 100 Spe [634 BST] (+50 Atk, +25 Def, +25 SpA)
New Moves: None
Description: Trades Fire STAB power for a much more powerful Dragon STAB. Outrage in particular allows it to break through bulky Fire resists such as Heatran and Slowbro, making it less reliant on coverage and therefore open a moveslot for Roost. Equal 134 offenses allows it to be more unpredictable since it can successfully pull of a Special wallbreaker set.

Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist
Stats: 100 HP / 160 Atk / 120 Def / 95 SpA / 90 SpD / 70 Spe [635 BST] (+50 Atk, +30 Def, +10 SpA, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Drain Punch
Description: Iron Fist makes sense flavor-wise as its forearms are HUGE. Hammer Arm provides its wallbreaking move with 120 BP, while Drain Punch gives it recovery to keep it healthy. Dark resistance and high Defense also makes it an excellent Knock Off absorber.
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Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Fighting
Ability: Drizzle
Stats: HP-100 Atk-140 Def-110 SpA-130 SpD-110 Spe-45 BST: 635
New Moves: Drain Punch
Description: Bulky Rain setter and wallbreaker. With 140 attacks and Rain boosted Water STAB moves, he can do very big damage. Without recovery, it relies on Drain Punch to stay in battle longer. Also the Fighting-type makes him resistant to Knock Off and Stealth Rock.

Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass / Fighting
Ability: Regenerator
Stats: HP-70 Atk-135 Def-85 SpA-115 SpD-85 Spe-140 BST: 630
New Moves: Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Sacred Sword, Spikes
Description: Offensive Regenerator pivot baby! Basically, he pivot in, he tank Stealth Rock, he do BIG DAMAGE, he pivot out. A secondary Fighting typing helps greatly with resistance to Stealth Rock, while Regenerator deals with any other chipping. It also provides Sceptile with a ton of resistances, including Dark, Ground, Grass, and Water, meaning it has nearly infinite switch-in opportunities and doesn’t need pivot support to safely enter battle. However, its still weak to Ice, which is becoming increasingly abundant, as well as Fire and Flying, so most other Megas can handle him.

Name: Mega Charizard
Type: Fire / Poison
Ability: Levitate
Stats: HP-78 Atk-100 Def-118 SpA-138 SpD-100 Spe-100 BST: 634
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Clear Smog
Description: As it turns out, Fire / Poison is an incredible defensive type combo if you can ignore the 4x Ground weakness, which is easy to do if you don’t have it. This Charizard now has immunity to two common status moves, as well as what is likely the best physical attack. Additionally, it has resistances to Grass, Fire, Fairy, Poison, Steel, Fighting, Ice, and Bug, all of which have some offensive presence in the current metagame. Roost and Tyrant Torch provide Charizard with some great recovery. The only real problems with Megazard-x 2.0 are the Stealth Rock weakness, low HP, and being weak to Water, but those were all there before.
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Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Armor Tail
Stats: 70 HP / 95 Atk (+10) / 79 Def (+14) / 145 SpA (+40) / 99 SpD (+14) / 142 Spe (+22) [630 BST]
New Moves: Calm Mind, Sludge Wave
Description: Armor Tail makes sense to me because of Sceptile's tail fixation. And now it has access to Calm Mind and Sludge Wave to act as strong offensive late game breaker. It's slower than standard Mega Sceptile but not by much, allowing it's stats to be optimized more.

Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Poison Touch
Stats: 100 HP / 155 Atk (+35) / 120 Def (+30) / 85 SpA / 115 SpD (+25) / 70 Spe (+10) [BST: 635]
New Moves: Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes, Bulk Up, Aqua Jet, Sludge Bomb
Description: The advent of Pokémon like Mega Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y (and to a lesser extent newcomer Mega Altaria) in my opinion makes the viability of classic Mega Swampert and Rain in general very questionable. Thus I decided to retool Mega Swampert from being a rain sweeper to that of a slow but bulky wallbreaker with the tools to check multiple major threats in the tier right now, like Mega Venusaur, Mega Blastoise and Mega Pinsir, all of which constitutes the top list of Mega Evolutions currently available. Toxapex proves that Water Poison is a top defensive type, and being able to pivot into multiple threats will help serve it well. Poison Touch is just a unique way to cripple checks with spammable Poison Jab, but Aqua Jet, Waterfall among others can also help here. 70 Speed is really nice so that Swamp will always creep Clefable.

Charizard X coming soon. (Jk Mega Zard is so good as is and adds well needed breakers to shift up the dynamic of the meta)
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Mega Sceptile
: Grass / Electric
Ability: Big Succ (name pending)
All the user's Grass and Electric moves have an HP drain effect if they didn't before, restoring 50% of damage dealt.
Big Succ used to effect contact moves rather than STABs, but I forgot about Endeavor being a contact move. That would've made this design lean hard on unhealthy cheese which I didn't want.
Stats: 70 HP / 120 Atk (+40) / 75 Def (+10) / 115 SpA (+10) / 95 SpD (+10) / 160 Spd (+40)
New Moves: Wild Charge, Electro Ball, Charge Beam, Ion Deluge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain
Description: Wanted to utilize Leaf Blade without going to way of Sharpness as others have, and ended up at this... somehow. It can utilize both Physical sets with Swords Dance and beefed up draining forms of Leaf Blade and Wild Charge and Special sets with Leaf Storm alongside Charge Beam to offset drops or Electro Ball to make it's speed really count; with only those two Special Electric STABs, it can easily end up doing inconsistent damage against important Flying type targets compared to physical sets, but it holds far more explosive snowball potential with proper support.

Regular Sceptile can also just use Electro Ball + Unburden itself, which I think is neat.

Mega Charizard X
Dragon / Fire
Ability: Smoulder
When at 1/2 or less of max HP, user's offensive stat is 3.0* when using a Fire type attack.
Stats: 78 HP / 104 Atk (+20) / 133 Def (+55) / 109 SpA / 145 SpD (+60) / 65 Spd (-35)
New Moves: None
Description: Blaze is cool. What if it was consistent-ish? Here, Charizard functions somewhat like a souped-up version of Berserk Drampa or Galarian Moltres, with more immediate risk and reward. It's bulk is incredible, 78/133/145, which alongside Roost and Wisp can give it incredible longevity defensively against many offensive threats. Smoulder lets it deal massive Fire type damage, chunking even bulky resists with Flamethrowers, but only when it's below half health. Unlike Moltres or Drampa, however, it doesn't keep these boosts after it Roosts above half health, so it can only utilize this massive strength when actively on the back foot. Even with it's impressive bulk, half heath is a dangerous place to be with only 65 base Speed and a Rocks weakness, balancing out the incredible damage it can deal. A more fun thing it can do is utilize Flame Charge to boost itself out of it's bad Speed tier and sweep, using it's respectable bulk and Roost to snowball speed and it's decent bulk even at half health to live revenge attempts.

Mega Swampert
Water / Ground
Ability: Corrosion
Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk (+10) / 120 Def (+30) / 110 SpA (+25) / 120 SpD (+30) / 70 Spd (+10)
New Moves: None
Description: Of the Swampert subs thus far, all but SKIPPERGAMEZ's has given it a different defensive profile typewise, by outright changing it's type, giving it extra immunities, or both. This is understandable; while good in abstract, Water / Ground is awfully adjusted to the current meta, with Ferrothorn, and new!Mega Venusaur making it useless on offense and several other things walling it's STAB combination accidentally like Rotom-W or Lati@s. Still, I want to see if I can buck that trend.

Without changing it's typing or ability, Swampert has four moves it can actually use; Earthquake, Scald, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. Earthquake has too many immunes to make it matter without some insane power, Stealth Rock is hard to improve, and fuck Scald, which leaves Toxic. With Corrosion Toxic, Swampert can make any of those Toxic immune Grass types very, very sad they disrespected it, either by switching in on it or by attempting to predict around it, by putting them on a timer. As a bonus, it kind of indirectly disincentivizes using Scald, which I appreciate. Everything else is just Swampert, but only slightly bigger, which is a fair compromise considering it has such an ace-in-the-hole against its biggest counters.
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Name: Mega Sceptile
Typing: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Contrary
Stats: 70/155 (+70)/90(+25)/105/90(+5)/120 (the balancing is real here)
New Moves: Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb
Description: Contrary Leaf Stormmmmm

Name: Mega Swampert
Typing: Water/Ground
Ability: Mold Breaker
Stats: same
New Moves: None
Description: Swampert doesn’t have to be reliant on rain to be effective
Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Stakeout
Stats: 70 HP / 95 Atk (+10) / 80 Def (+15) / 145 SpA (+40) / 100 SpD (+15) / 140 Spe (+20) [630 BST] → 70 HP / 109 Atk (+24) / 80 Def (+15) / 134 SpA (+29) / 100 SpD (+15) / 137 Spe (+17) [630 BST]
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot
Description: Special Wallbreaker. Sceptile is an edgy boy so it needs the Dark type.

Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Bulletproof
Stats: 100 / 145 (+35) / 115 (+25) / 85 / 115 (+25) / 75 (+15) [635 BST]
New Moves: EDIT: Bulk Up, Aqua Jet
Description: A bulky heavy hitter. Bulletproof makes it immune to some of the popular grass moves, such as Energy Ball, Bullet Seed and Seed Bomb, as well as to other common moves like Shadow Ball, Focus Blast or Sludge Bomb.
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Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Gale Force (Raises Spa when hit by a Flying type move, Flying type immunity)
: 70
Atk: 85 --> 95 (+10)
: 65 --> 90 (+25)
: 105 --> 145 (+40)
: 85
Spe: 120 --> 145 (+25)
Moves: U-turn
Description: You are not the only one who can do weeb references on his abilities Gravity >:). I actually like Mega Sceptile in modern ORAS thanks to completely stuffing Mega Rotom and turning it to a momentum sink. This Sceptile goes a similar route, but it now has a way more useful immunity in flying which allows it to be a decent switch in to stuff like Tornadus or the new mega Aero, while still retaining a lot of its previous tools. Attack drop was relocated into defense to switch better against stuff like ground types or water types.

Name: Mega Charizard-X
Typing: Fire Dragon
Ability: Magic Guard
: 78
Atk: 84 --> 140 (+56)
Def: 78 --> 112 (+24)
SpA: 109
SpD: 85 --> 105 (+20)
Spe: 100
New Moves: None
Description: I like regular zard but I know some of you fuckers would try to submit special zards x, so I added this as another option. Trades Zard's huge power in exchange for being a more durable and consistent sweeper.
Name: Sceptile-Mega
Type: Grass / Electric
Ability: Wind Power (added effect: Immune to Wind moves alongside original effect)
Stats: 70 / 85 / 95(+30) / 145(+40) / 95(+10) / 140(+20) [BST:630]
New Moves: + Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch
Description: Fast Electric-type pivot that is able to threaten the Ground-types present in the meta with its extremely powerful Leaf Storms. Wind Power and higher defense stats allows it to have extra longevity as well in conjunction with these traits, allowing it to switch in to Flying types such as Tornadus-T and Zapdos. However, it should have some trouble hitting the Grass-types of the meta without relying on hidden power.
(Edit: Changed Regenerator to Wind Power)

Name: Swampert-Mega
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Water Veil
Stats: 100 / 150(+40) / 110(+20) / 85 / 110(+20) / 80(+20) [BST]
New Moves: + Aqua Jet, Bulk Up, Knock Off
Description: Bulky Booster or Rocker, has some really great utility, as well as a great ability and a new move in Aqua Jet to use Bulk Up with, as it can’t be burned by Scald or Wisp from Rotom-Wash. Base 80 Speed allows it to now outspeed some pretty important targets, who would otherwise threaten this mon more, such as Volcanion, Breloom(although you will need coverage to beat this one) and Bisharp, as well as allowing it to get the jump on Heatran. Even without being able to be burned by Will-O-Wisp, Rotom-Wash and Grass-types still act as great checks to Swampert-Mega here.
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Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Super Luck
Stats: 70 / 131 (+46) / 86 (+21) / 105 / 96 (+11) / 142 (+22) [630 BST]
New Moves: Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Stone Edge, Spikes, Cross Chop, Focus Energy
Description: 50% crits go brrr- wait why did everyone else make Sceptile physical. Anyway, Grass/Ghost is a cool typing, allowing Sceptile to naturally outspeed and threaten the likes of Alakazam, Keldeo, and Gengar while affording it a couple more switch-in opportunities against Fighting and Normal moves that aren't from Lopunny. Super Luck makes Leaf Blade, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, and Cross Chop all crit 50% of the time, patching up Sceptile's fairly low 130 Atk by giving it a Choice Band boost half the time, making it a terrifying wallbreaker and sweeper. You can also go a step further and use Focus Energy with Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball, and Focus Blast to make them always crit, though this isn't a recommended as it's very weak without a Focus Energy up. Spikes also exist, punishing switches that Sceptile can naturally force due to its Speed. Still frail af, hates Talonflame, Ice Shard users, Zard Y, Aerodactyl, and basically any Grass resist that isn't weak to Stone Edge or Cross Chop, and it's heavily reliant on RNG to reach its fullest potential, dependent on getting crits and hitting 80% accurate coverage moves
Physical (Sceptile) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Shadow Claw
- Cross Chop / Stone Edge / Earthquake
- Swords Dance / Stone Edge / Spikes

Mega CritDra (Sceptile) @ Sceptilite
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Focus Energy
Name: Mega Charizard X

Ability: Reckless
Stats: 78 / 143 (+59) / 115 (+37) / 109 / 85 / 104 (+4) [634 BST]
New Moves: Wild Charge, Brave Bird
Description: Base Zard X is already amazing, so I opted to go a similar route with a worse ability but more optimized stat spread. Reckless is obviously a big step down from Tough Claws, but Flare Blitz is still gonna hit like an absolute truck with Zard now higher Attack stat, with the option of Wild Charge as coverage for Blastoise and Slowbro. Brave Bird is another option as strong neutral coverage for the likes of Mega Altaria. Slightly higher Defense and Speed also make Zard X better at its previous jobs, now outspeeding Garchomp and Mega Banette unboosted and having a little bit more defense for its Will-O-Wisp set. It's all-in-all still Zard X, so it possesses the same weaknesses, like Landorus', bulky Waters, a Rock-weak typing, and Flare Blitz recoil wearing it down.
Physical Sweeper (Charizard) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Wild Charge
- Roost / Wild Charge

Utility (Charizard) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 248 HP / 100 Def / 160 Spe
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
- Earthquake
Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Hydrolysis - This Pokemon uses Aqua Ring on switch-in and acts as if it's holding a Big Root.
Stats: 100 / 170 (+60) / 115 (+25) / 85 / 115 (+25) / 50 (-10) [635 BST]
New Moves: Drain Punch, Baton Pass, Aqua Ring
Description: I didn't have many ideas for Swampert, but this could be a fun weird one. Swampert here is meant to be the epitome of a tank, being able to tank a bunch of hits with great 100/115/115 bulk, heal 8.125% per turn due to Hydrolysis, and dishing out massive damage with STAB EQs off of 170 Attack. Drain Punch is there for Ferrothorn and additional boosted recovery. You do have to be very careful with it, however, as the meta right now is surprisingly hostile to what Swampert is, being a slow Water/Ground-type in a world where Mega Venusaur and Mega Blastoise exist and being a bulk Water that doesn't resist Ice kinda sucking when Pinsir and Alakazam exist (though at least it checks KyuB). Baton Pass is a funny flavor option as Swampert would be able to instantly pass its Aqua Ring to a teammate
Offensive (Swampert) @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Drain Punch
- Stealth Rock / Protect / Ice Punch

Curse (Swampert) @ Swampertite
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Rest / Protect
Name: Sceptile-Mega

Ability: Technician
Stats: 70 / 150 (+65) / 65 / 125 (+20) / 95 (+10) / 125 (+5) [630 BST]
New Moves: Needle Arm
Description: Sceptile has a suprisingly wide physical coverage movepool, this submission is tailored to make use of that. Grass + Rock stabs with Ground or Fighting coverage is pretty damn good already, and by spamming Rock Tombs and Bulldozes around, it makes switching to try to outspeed it a pretty complicated endeavour; not like its really gonna get outsped by much with 125 speed. It also get access to some other nice tools like Quick Attack, Aerial Ace or Pursuit for some hijinks. Coupled with SD, this makes for a potent wallbreaker as well as a decent cleaner. 125 SpA is also definitely not bad to be throwing 90 BP Hidden Powers around. It's main weakness is its horrendous typing which makes switching in a complex endeavour.
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Wind Rider
Stats: 70 HP / 130 ATK (+45) / 85 DEF (+25) / 130 SPA(+25) / 85 SPD (+0) /125 SPE (+5)
New Moves: Tailwind, Air Slash
Description: A lot of wind moves are strong against Grass types (almost half of them), so an immunity to said wind moves is definitely useful, especially considering that moves like Blizzard and Hurricane are so strong. The Attack boost from Wind Rider is appreciated as well, considering Mega Sceptile's equal prowess in both offensive stats compared to its original form.

Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 100 HP / 130 ATK (+20) / 120 DEF (+30) / 100 SPA (+15) / 95 SPD (+5) / 90 SPE (+30)
New Moves: None
Description: Sheer Force boosted Waterfall simulator. However much base power off of such a big attack stat is obviously great, and high defenses make it generally just strong. That's about it, general Grass-type prominence is an issue, but in general, Mega Swampert is just Pretty Good.

Charizard X coming soon probably
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Name: Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire / Water
Ability: Moisturize (Water-type Refrigerate clone)
Stats: No Changes (TBD)
New Moves: None
Description: Blue = Water lol.
Works basically the same as vanilla Zard X, but the things it can hit are completely different.

Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
Stats: No Changes
New Moves: None
Description: People were saying vanilla Mega Swampert would be bad bc rain is bad. So now it does the same thing but in a weather that doesn't suck.
24 hours before voting begins, so it's review time!

I didn't have time to write reviews myself this time around, but luckily for you guys council member Gekokeso was able to, so I'll be sharing his thoughts here, in blue like the last time I posted his reviews.

As always, these reviews are just opinions on your sub, so you don't have to follow the advice given unless your sub is in danger of getting vetoed, denoted by the vetoed in bold (and for the record I agree with all the vetoes and wouldn't add any myself). Strong suggestions that Geko has are also italicized

:Sceptile: Really don’t like this one. The boost on its tail moves is fine and all that but its damage output is beyond pitiful, as it is plagued with the same problems that Mega Glalie has. Doesn’t help that it is unable to use its stabs, since its grass attacks don’t have a tail move and dragon only has dragon tail, a move with negative priority which goes against the design of Sceptile as a fast frail attacker. Approved but not a fan.
:Swampert: As said before this submission initially seemed sus for me due to the whole “no immunities pert” thing, but it should be fine. It greatly improves Swampert’s capabilities as a bulky ground but I do fear that it might outclass Mega Steelix in some aspects. Approved.

:Sceptile: This one looks very scary, even with only 120 attack, sharpness is quite the power boost for Sceptile, especially with the plethora of added cutting moves you added to it. I would very much suggest to both reduce the coverage you give this thing (especially u-turn) and drop its attack a tad bit as well, otherwise it might be a veto.
:Charizard: It exists, many of the subs in this slate need to learn how to meaningfully compete against base zard x but this just seems considerably weak. Dragon fire with levitate is admittedly a good typing for the likes of drill without rock slide but it is generally considerably weak as a mega. Approved, but needs some stat reshuffling to make up for the significant power loss it received.
:Swampert: Water Fighting it's not as good as a typing in ORAS as in later gens and while reducing its grass weakness and retaining the electrick immunity is nice it has little that it can check by itself. Approved, but needs clarification on what it provides to the meta.

:Sceptile: This is definitely an interesting take on Sceptile by making it a bulky attacker with decent speed, but the fact it is grass poison makes it very unappealing, especially with how weak it seems compared to Mega Venusaur. Approved, but needs a way better typing.
:Swampert: Turns sampert into a water absorb Quagsire on steroids which is cool. While I would love Slack Off Swampert, it runs into the problem of potentially making the base form be more viable than the mega form, which is not ideal. Still, there definitely is an argument of the viability of the mega form so approved.

:Sceptile: Simple but fun, albeit I do think it would appreciate more attack to function well. Approved.
:Charizard: An okayish trade off I suppose. It has nuclear dragon type attacks and fire is good coverage for the fairies of the tier which it can set up with relative ease. I would recommend an attack and maybe special attack nerf to make it more handable. Close to veto, but approved.
:Swampert: Another megas that exists I suppose. I do admit the prospect of focus punch Swampert making a return sounds very appealing and stats ain’t half bad. Approved.

:Sceptile: Yes, u-turn would be too much considering we already have insane volt turn cores. Otherwise this sub is fine and approved.
:Charizard: Again, we are not adding new moves to the mod, having that tyrant torch already vetoes this sub, remove it please. There is also the choice of making this special which is something I really dislike personally but doesn’t mean its terrible, although this does end up competing directly with zard-y.
:Swampert: Unnecessarily Contrary? More like unnecessarily wordy. That name 100% needs to be reduced in some capacity, although I think reversing the effects of hazards is also kind of a very non-synergistic ability. You are forcing your other mons to sit through hazard damage only to slightly improve this one mon, a mon that doesn’t even really care for hazards in the first place due to its typing, and depends solely on the rival’s ability and desire to stack hazards on your side of your field to gain an advantage. The ability could maybe work on another mon, but absolutely not on this thing. I strongly suggest you change the ability.

:Sceptile: Usually when two people make subs with the same ability and typing of another submission they tend to be shunned and asked for a collab with the original poster instead but this feels sufficiently different for Mega Flareon’s own armor tail Sceptile. Maintains the spirit of the original mega Sceptile while just being able to optimize it, big fan of this one. Approved.
:Swampert: Not a particular fan of the type changed Swamperts but this one makes a decent case for it. Water poison is a great type for the meta and getting poison from stuff like aqua jets or waterfalls sounds fun and hilarious. Approved.

:Sceptile: Stats seem very unoptimized for the mega and making this a mixed attacker seems like it will only end in tragedy. I Suggest picking an offense and dropping the speed so that it isn’t the fastest mon in the meta.
:Charizard: As Ana and I pointed out in the discord, this ability would have been better on a mon with more speed, as the ability clashes with its attempted niche in recreating ADV charizard’s blaze exploits. Ability also needs to be toned down x3.0 is way too much. Suggest dropping it to x2 or x2.5 and making the mon faster with less bulk.
:Swampert: I do like this one. Recognizes the strengths of Swampert in the current meta and amplifies it thanks to the addition of corrosion. Approved.

:Sceptile: No. Vetoed.
:Swampert: Swampert doesn’t need rain to work, but it needs WAY more than that. Swampert’s stats are very unoptimised for the meta and Mold Breaker doesn’t do anything of note to fix that. Only approved since it's not broken but it's a very ineffective sub.

:Sceptile: Interesting sub. It does seem like a sub designed to switch into stuff and then make the rival have to choose either to stay in and let their Pokémon die or switch into a very powerful hit on the check for Sceptile. Usually this subs would probably take a lot to determine if it should make it to the slate or not but what pushes it into Veto territory is the addition of Nasty Plot. Remove nasty plot and maybe reduce its spa a tad bit to allow it to be slated. (Yoshi Edit: Would just like to emphasize here that this does need a SpA drop if you're gonna keep Stakeout, Stakeout is an insane ability in the right hands and something this fast is already gonna force switches, 120-130 SpA should be plenty enough for this)
:Swampert: Bulletproof is nice, and I think stats of this a good, but I would certainly recommend to add a couple more moves to justify its use on a team, like bulk up (would recommend slack off but should we allow that move?). Approved.

(Yoshi Edit: )

:Sceptile: This clashes too much with Audino as an electric type regenerator user, and while this is certainly a more offensive take on the whole Regen + Volt Switch it just seems a bit boring in comparison, not to mention Audino is considerably bulkier. Approved, but not a fan.
:Swampert: This one is honestly nice, providing a burn immunity in this meta and having nice stat additions and stats makes this quite decent as a mega.

:Sceptile: Already gave feedback on this regarding stuff like focus energy but would also like to add that I like the typing and how it interacts with other mons in the meta, Approved.
:Charizard: Nice optimizations on what seems to be a more offensive take on zard-x, approved.
:Swampert: This one seems fun, while the meta is hostile at the moment, having built-in lefties does help it in that regard. Approved.

:Sceptile: Grass Rock is one of my favorite typings ever and here Sceptile puts it to good use withs its nice movepools and good stats. Approved.

:Sceptile: I actually had brainstormed a Wind Rider / Wind Power Sceptile at the start of the slate so I was happy to see this, or at least I was until I saw the speed and typing. Grass Flying is beyond horrible for Sceptile’s hit and run nature and it is also considerably slow for a mon of its movepool. Would recommend a typing change to begin to solve some of its problems but otherwise approved.
:Swampert: Might want to cut up some attack on this one since it hits like a truck but otherwise should be fine. Approved.

Name: Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire / Water
Ability: Moisturize (Water-type Refrigerate clone)
Stats: No Changes (TBD)
New Moves: None
Description: Blue = Water lol.
Works basically the same as vanilla Zard X, but the things it can hit are completely different.

Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
Stats: No Changes
New Moves: None
Description: People were saying vanilla Mega Swampert would be bad bc rain is bad. So now it does the same thing but in a weather that doesn't suck.
Geko didn't have this one in his review, I'll take this one!
:charizard: A starter Mega having one of the other starter types annoys me a lot, otherwise this physical Volcanion type thing is pretty neat I suppose
:swampert: Sand is already the best weather so I don't like adding a buff to it, so I don't like this. Sucks that literally every other weather sucks so Sand is the one option for a weather-based Pert, but it be like that sometimes

And that's all! See you in 24 hours for voting!
Voting Time!

Voting Rules can be found below:
After the submission phase is over, voting will begin. This mod will be using the same voting system as Book of Enigmas, where you can vote for as many submissions as you want, with each submission getting a certain number of points based on how you ranked it. An example can be seen below.
For a slate with Mega Beedrill, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Pidgeot, for example, a ballot would look like this:
Beedrill: User 1, User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9

With this ballot, Submission 1 for Mega Beedrill would get 3 points, Submission 2 would get 2, and Submission 3 would get 1. The same goes for Submissions 4, 5, and 6 in the Lopunny category and Submissions 7, 8, and 9 in the Pidgeot category, with them getting 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.

You can add as many submissions are you'd like after your third vote, with each one getting 1 point.
Beedrill: User 1, User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
So, in this ballot, Submissions 10 and 11 would also get 1 point in the Pidgeot category.

You can vote for your own submission, but it can't be in first place or your only vote in that category. Be sure to mark your self-vote by putting (SV) after it.
Beedrill: User 12 (SV), User 2, User 3
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
This wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is in first place in the Beedrill category

Beedrill: User 12 (SV)
Lopunny: User 4, User 5, User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 9, User 10, User 11
This also wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is the only vote in the Beedrill category

Beedrill: User 2, User 12 (SV)
Lopunny: User 4, User 12 (SV), User 6
Pidgeot: User 7, User 8, User 12 (SV), User 10, User 11
This is a legal ballot because none of the self-votes are in first place or the only vote in a category.

If you vote for only 2 submissions in a category, the first place submission gets 2 points and the second place submission gets 1 point. If you vote for just one, then that submission gets 1 point.
Beedrill: User 1 (1 point)
Lopunny: User 4 (2 points), User 5 (1 point)
Pidgeot: User 7 (3 points), User 8 (2 points), User 9 (1 point), User 10 (1 point), User 11 (1 point)
The submission with the most points in a category will be added to the mod. For every Mega, you will also have the option to vote for the original Mega Evolution if you aren't a fan of any of the submissions. However, this can't be done for Pokemon whose original Megas were banned to Ubers.
For most slates, the next submission phase will start immediately after voting ends for the previous slate. The long submission phase will still give ample time for discussion and playtesting during the week so you can adjust your submissions. However, every 3 slates or so, one or more roomtours will be held so we can see what state the metagame is in. This may result in winning submissions being nerfed or buffed, depending on what we learn. Buffs and nerfs (mostly nerfs) can also happen at any other time as we learn stuff between roomtours.
All submissions are eligible for voting except for the following:
SKIPPERGAMEZ's Sceptile (Contrary Leaf Storm with high SpA, higher Speed than Serp, and real coverage in Focus Blast lets Sceptile snowball too easily)

Voting will end in 24 hours!

If your sub isn't here and wasn't vetoed please let me know!
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass / Dragon
Ability: Tailgate (This Pokemon's tail moves can't miss and have 1.5x power.)
* tail moves: Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail, Tail Slap
Stats: 70 / 150 (+65) / 70 (+5) / 105 / 100 (+15) / 135 (+15) | 630
New Moves: Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Poison Tail, Tail Slap
Description: fast wallbreaker
Name; Sceptile-Mega
Type: Grass/Fighting
Ability: Sharpness*
Stats: 070 HP / 110 Atk (+25) / 085 Def (+20) / 140 SpA (+35) / 085 SpD / 140 Spe (+20)
New Moves: Air Slash, Sacred Sword {previously also Psycho Cut, U-Turn}
(*For the sake of Sharpness and moves that actually exist in Gen 6, Sceptile already gets: Aerial Ace, Cut, Fury Cutter, of course Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Slash...and weirdly not Razor Leaf. What. EDIT: Oh, and X-Scissor. Who could forget X-Scizor? /s)
Description: I guess anaconja and I had similar ideas for this (and they should totally call that ability "Thagomizer") but thankfully vastly different executions of it. I figured that Sharpness makes sense for the mon who originally debuted Leaf Blade as its exclusive move and is far more useful to Sceptile-Mega even with still less Atk than SpA than having to rely on Focus Miss for Fighting coverage like in its cursed, original incarnation. So this is meant to be a bit of mixed wallbreaker or one that can go either side successfully even I'm not giving it Nasty Plot. Speaking of which, I went Grass/Fighting in part because Dragon is kind of a liability defensively post-Fairy and ironically especially so for Grass, which only benefits from it along the lines of "you are now neutral to the cost of two other weaknesses and now exploding to Ice Shard guaranteed". Despite this being Talonflame's gen in the original meta, I figure being even weaker to already fatal Brave Birds is fine if you can potentially live Ice Shards now as well get actually useful resistances (to Dark), and Fighting gives STAB on Drain Punch, which Sceptile already gets along with a bunch of other Fighting moves. That move is potentially nice to fall back on even in the instance where Sacred Sword is vetoed as being "too much" with both STAB and Sharpness, which it might be (and which is why I was originally going to not add it at all). [/collapses]
[EDIT: Lost -10 +Atk, Psycho Cut, and U-Turn; gained +05 Def and +05 SpA.]
Type: Grass / Steel
Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 70 / 105 (+10) / 110 (+45) / 125 (+20) / 100 (+15) / 130 (+10)
New Moves: Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Iron Head
Description: Aims to replicate Mega Sceptile's roles in ADV and SM as a defensive Leech Seed user. Steel typing gives it a Toxic immunity, letting it use Protect over Sub to better abuse Multiscale. Offensive sets are still also a thing.
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Armor Tail
Stats: 70 HP / 135 Atk / 85 Def / 115 SpA / 85 SpD / 140 Spe [630 BST] (+50 Atk, +20 Def, +10 SpA, +20 Spe)
New Moves: None
Description: A fast SD sweeper that is immune to priority moves.
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass / Fighting
Ability: Regenerator
Stats: HP-70 Atk-135 Def-85 SpA-115 SpD-85 Spe-140 BST: 630
New Moves: Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Sacred Sword, Spikes
Description: Offensive Regenerator pivot baby! Basically, he pivot in, he tank Stealth Rock, he do BIG DAMAGE, he pivot out. A secondary Fighting typing helps greatly with resistance to Stealth Rock, while Regenerator deals with any other chipping. It also provides Sceptile with a ton of resistances, including Dark, Ground, Grass, and Water, meaning it has nearly infinite switch-in opportunities and doesn’t need pivot support to safely enter battle. However, its still weak to Ice, which is becoming increasingly abundant, as well as Fire and Flying, so most other Megas can handle him.
Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Armor Tail
Stats: 70 HP / 95 Atk (+10) / 79 Def (+14) / 145 SpA (+40) / 99 SpD (+14) / 142 Spe (+22) [630 BST]
New Moves: Calm Mind, Sludge Wave
Description: Armor Tail makes sense to me because of Sceptile's tail fixation. And now it has access to Calm Mind and Sludge Wave to act as strong offensive late game breaker. It's slower than standard Mega Sceptile but not by much, allowing it's stats to be optimized more.

Mega Sceptile
: Grass / Electric
Ability: Big Succ (name pending)
All the user's Grass and Electric moves have an HP drain effect if they didn't before, restoring 50% of damage dealt.
Contact Moves? Big Succ used to effect contact moves rather than STABs, but I forgot about Endeavor being a contact move. That would've made this design lean hard on unhealthy cheese which I didn't want.
Stats: 70 HP / 120 Atk (+40) / 75 Def (+10) / 115 SpA (+10) / 95 SpD (+10) / 160 Spd (+40)
New Moves: Wild Charge, Electro Ball, Charge Beam, Ion Deluge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain
Description: Wanted to utilize Leaf Blade without going to way of Sharpness as others have, and ended up at this... somehow. It can utilize both Physical sets with Swords Dance and beefed up draining forms of Leaf Blade and Wild Charge and Special sets with Leaf Storm alongside Charge Beam to offset drops or Electro Ball to make it's speed really count; with only those two Special Electric STABs, it can easily end up doing inconsistent damage against important Flying type targets compared to physical sets, but it holds far more explosive snowball potential with proper support.
Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Stakeout
Stats: 70 HP / 95 Atk (+10) / 80 Def (+15) / 145 SpA (+40) / 100 SpD (+15) / 140 Spe (+20) [630 BST] → 70 HP / 109 Atk (+24) / 80 Def (+15) / 134 SpA (+29) / 100 SpD (+15) / 137 Spe (+17) [630 BST]
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot
Description: Special Wallbreaker. Sceptile is an edgy boy so it needs the Dark type.
Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Gale Force (Raises Spa when hit by a Flying type move, Flying type immunity)
: 70
Atk: 85 --> 95 (+10)
: 65 --> 90 (+25)
: 105 --> 145 (+40)
: 85
Spe: 120 --> 145 (+25)
Moves: U-turn
Description: You are not the only one who can do weeb references on his abilities Gravity >:). I actually like Mega Sceptile in modern ORAS thanks to completely stuffing Mega Rotom and turning it to a momentum sink. This Sceptile goes a similar route, but it now has a way more useful immunity in flying which allows it to be a decent switch in to stuff like Tornadus or the new mega Aero, while still retaining a lot of its previous tools. Attack drop was relocated into defense to switch better against stuff like ground types or water types.
Name: Sceptile-Mega
Type: Grass / Electric
Ability: Wind Power (added effect: Immune to Wind moves alongside original effect)
Stats: 70 / 85 / 95(+30) / 145(+40) / 95(+10) / 140(+20) [BST:630]
New Moves: + Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch
Description: Fast Electric-type pivot that is able to threaten the Ground-types present in the meta with its extremely powerful Leaf Storms. Wind Power and higher defense stats allows it to have extra longevity as well in conjunction with these traits, allowing it to switch in to Flying types such as Tornadus-T and Zapdos. However, it should have some trouble hitting the Grass-types of the meta without relying on hidden power.
(Edit: Changed Regenerator to Wind Power)
Name: Mega Sceptile

Ability: Super Luck
Stats: 70 / 131 (+46) / 86 (+21) / 105 / 96 (+11) / 142 (+22) [630 BST]
New Moves: Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Stone Edge, Spikes, Cross Chop, Focus Energy
Description: 50% crits go brrr- wait why did everyone else make Sceptile physical. Anyway, Grass/Ghost is a cool typing, allowing Sceptile to naturally outspeed and threaten the likes of Alakazam, Keldeo, and Gengar while affording it a couple more switch-in opportunities against Fighting and Normal moves that aren't from Lopunny. Super Luck makes Leaf Blade, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, and Cross Chop all crit 50% of the time, patching up Sceptile's fairly low 130 Atk by giving it a Choice Band boost half the time, making it a terrifying wallbreaker and sweeper. You can also go a step further and use Focus Energy with Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball, and Focus Blast to make them always crit, though this isn't a recommended as it's very weak without a Focus Energy up. Spikes also exist, punishing switches that Sceptile can naturally force due to its Speed. Still frail af, hates Talonflame, Ice Shard users, Zard Y, Aerodactyl, and basically any Grass resist that isn't weak to Stone Edge or Cross Chop, and it's heavily reliant on RNG to reach its fullest potential, dependent on getting crits and hitting 80% accurate coverage moves
Name: Sceptile-Mega

Ability: Technician
Stats: 70 / 150 (+65) / 65 / 125 (+20) / 95 (+10) / 125 (+5) [630 BST]
New Moves: Needle Arm
Description: Sceptile has a suprisingly wide physical coverage movepool, this submission is tailored to make use of that. Grass + Rock stabs with Ground or Fighting coverage is pretty damn good already, and by spamming Rock Tombs and Bulldozes around, it makes switching to try to outspeed it a pretty complicated endeavour; not like its really gonna get outsped by much with 125 speed. It also get access to some other nice tools like Quick Attack, Aerial Ace or Pursuit for some hijinks. Coupled with SD, this makes for a potent wallbreaker as well as a decent cleaner. 125 SpA is also definitely not bad to be throwing 90 BP Hidden Powers around. It's main weakness is its horrendous typing which makes switching in a complex endeavour.
Name: Mega Sceptile
Type: Grass/Dragon
Ability: Wind Rider
Stats: 70 HP / 130 ATK (+45) / 85 DEF (+25) / 130 SPA(+25) / 85 SPD (+0) /125 SPE (+5)
New Moves: Tailwind, Air Slash
Description: A lot of wind moves are strong against Grass types (almost half of them), so an immunity to said wind moves is definitely useful, especially considering that moves like Blizzard and Hurricane are so strong. The Attack boost from Wind Rider is appreciated as well, considering Mega Sceptile's equal prowess in both offensive stats compared to its original form.
Name: Charizard-Mega-X
Type: Fire/Dragon
Ability: Gonna Give to Ya Levitate
Stats: 078 HP / 130 Atk (+46) / 111 Def (+33) / 109 SpA (+00) / 085 SpD / 121 Spe (+21) (a.k.a the vanilla stats both because they're fine and because I don't care that much to change this one)
Description: This will be the last Mega I append "Levitate" to, I swear. I just think that both Charizard-Mega-X and Swampert-Mega are fine in the original forms, and so this is more for completionist's sake to ease my mind than anything else. Not like Charizard's spoiled ass needs anything anyway, though Levitate does get rid of a weakness and make it immune to non-Stealth Rock hazards while still letting it Roost because Roost is weird like that. (At least the fact that anaconja's winning Charizard-Mega-Y didn't have any new moves makes adding things to this guy if you want easier than it would be otherwise.) EDIT: In the unlikely case that this wins (please don't vote for it), it would be the fastest Dragon Dance at least unless I missed something (and actually capable of using it unlike the Latis).
Name: Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire/Dragon
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Stats: 78 HP / 134 Atk / 103 Def / 134 SpA / 85 SpD / 100 Spe [634 BST] (+50 Atk, +25 Def, +25 SpA)
New Moves: None
Description: Trades Fire STAB power for a much more powerful Dragon STAB. Outrage in particular allows it to break through bulky Fire resists such as Heatran and Slowbro, making it less reliant on coverage and therefore open a moveslot for Roost. Equal 134 offenses allows it to be more unpredictable since it can successfully pull of a Special wallbreaker set.
Name: Mega Charizard
Type: Fire / Poison
Ability: Levitate
Stats: HP-78 Atk-100 Def-118 SpA-138 SpD-100 Spe-100 BST: 634
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Clear Smog
Description: As it turns out, Fire / Poison is an incredible defensive type combo if you can ignore the 4x Ground weakness, which is easy to do if you don’t have it. This Charizard now has immunity to two common status moves, as well as what is likely the best physical attack. Additionally, it has resistances to Grass, Fire, Fairy, Poison, Steel, Fighting, Ice, and Bug, all of which have some offensive presence in the current metagame. Roost and Tyrant Torch provide Charizard with some great recovery. The only real problems with Megazard-x 2.0 are the Stealth Rock weakness, low HP, and being weak to Water, but those were all there before.
Mega Charizard X
Dragon / Fire
Ability: Smoulder
When at 1/2 or less of max HP, user's offensive stat is 3.0* when using a Fire type attack.
Stats: 78 HP / 104 Atk (+20) / 133 Def (+55) / 109 SpA / 145 SpD (+60) / 65 Spd (-35)
New Moves: None
Description: Blaze is cool. What if it was consistent-ish? Here, Charizard functions somewhat like a souped-up version of Berserk Drampa or Galarian Moltres, with more immediate risk and reward. It's bulk is incredible, 78/133/145, which alongside Roost and Wisp can give it incredible longevity defensively against many offensive threats. Smoulder lets it deal massive Fire type damage, chunking even bulky resists with Flamethrowers, but only when it's below half health. Unlike Moltres or Drampa, however, it doesn't keep these boosts after it Roosts above half health, so it can only utilize this massive strength when actively on the back foot. Even with it's impressive bulk, half heath is a dangerous place to be with only 65 base Speed and a Rocks weakness, balancing out the incredible damage it can deal. A more fun thing it can do is utilize Flame Charge to boost itself out of it's bad Speed tier and sweep, using it's respectable bulk and Roost to snowball speed and it's decent bulk even at half health to live revenge attempts.
Name: Mega Charizard-X
Typing: Fire Dragon
Ability: Magic Guard
: 78
Atk: 84 --> 140 (+56)
Def: 78 --> 112 (+24)
SpA: 109
SpD: 85 --> 105 (+20)
Spe: 100
New Moves: None
Description: I like regular zard but I know some of you fuckers would try to submit special zards x, so I added this as another option. Trades Zard's huge power in exchange for being a more durable and consistent sweeper.
Name: Mega Charizard X

Ability: Reckless
Stats: 78 / 143 (+59) / 115 (+37) / 109 / 85 / 104 (+4) [634 BST]
New Moves: Wild Charge, Brave Bird
Description: Base Zard X is already amazing, so I opted to go a similar route with a worse ability but more optimized stat spread. Reckless is obviously a big step down from Tough Claws, but Flare Blitz is still gonna hit like an absolute truck with Zard now higher Attack stat, with the option of Wild Charge as coverage for Blastoise and Slowbro. Brave Bird is another option as strong neutral coverage for the likes of Mega Altaria. Slightly higher Defense and Speed also make Zard X better at its previous jobs, now outspeeding Garchomp and Mega Banette unboosted and having a little bit more defense for its Will-O-Wisp set. It's all-in-all still Zard X, so it possesses the same weaknesses, like Landorus', bulky Waters, a Rock-weak typing, and Flare Blitz recoil wearing it down.
Name: Mega Charizard X
Type: Fire / Water
Ability: Moisturize (Water-type Refrigerate clone)
Stats: No Changes (TBD)
New Moves: None
Description: Blue = Water lol.
Works basically the same as vanilla Zard X, but the things it can hit are completely different.

Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Sap Sipper
Stats: 100 / 150 (+40) / 120 (+30) / 95 (+10) / 120 (+30) / 50 (-10) | 635
New Moves: Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch
Description: the funny no weakness. the low ladder bh set. fantastic check to ferro, megavenu, serperior, amoonguss, and just any grass type lol. basically an upgraded swampert base in that regard
Name: Swampert-Mega
Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Electric Swole = Absorbs Electric moves flying around to get even more swole, gaining +1 Atk. [/gains]
Stats: 100 HP / 160 Atk (+50) / 105 Def (+15) / 085 SpA / 100 SpD (+10) / 085 Spe (+25) (a.k.a. vanilla stats with -10 SpA and +10 Spe)
New Moves: Aqua Jet, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Mach Punch
Description: Fighting type for everyone! (Except Charizard.)Even more so than Charizard-Mega-X, I'm rather likely to just vote for the original Swampert-Mega since Arceus knows that Rain needs it this Gen even if Rain deserves like absolutely nothing else. So this is merely a semi-joke entry that isn't "instant veto" levels of dumb and still viable if it somehow wins. EDIT: In the unlikely case it wins (please don't vote for it) it has the "small" niche of being a Water type that can beat Ferrothorn rather easily, which is at least good for Rain given that needs all the help it can get even though it can't guarantee an OHKO without +1 Close Combat even with Max Atk and Adamant.
[EDIT: Lost -05 Def and -10 SpD; gained +10 Atk and +05 Spe, Bulk Up, Close Combat, and Drain Punch.]
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Water Absorb
Stats: 100 / 140 (+30) / 115 (+35) / 85 / 115 (+35) / 60
New Moves: Bulk Up, Slack Off
Description: Water Absorb lets it wall the likes of Keldeo, Volcanion, and Mega Altaria. Slack Off lets it deal with not having Lefties. Regular Swampert also gets a nice buff.
Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist
Stats: 100 HP / 160 Atk / 120 Def / 95 SpA / 90 SpD / 70 Spe [635 BST] (+50 Atk, +30 Def, +10 SpA, +10 Spe)
New Moves: Drain Punch
Description: Iron Fist makes sense flavor-wise as its forearms are HUGE. Hammer Arm provides its wallbreaking move with 120 BP, while Drain Punch gives it recovery to keep it healthy. Dark resistance and high Defense also makes it an excellent Knock Off absorber.
Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Fighting
Ability: Drizzle
Stats: HP-100 Atk-140 Def-110 SpA-130 SpD-110 Spe-45 BST: 635
New Moves: Drain Punch
Description: Bulky Rain setter and wallbreaker. With 140 attacks and Rain boosted Water STAB moves, he can do very big damage. Without recovery, it relies on Drain Punch to stay in battle longer. Also the Fighting-type makes him resistant to Knock Off and Stealth Rock.
Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Poison Touch
Stats: 100 HP / 155 Atk (+35) / 120 Def (+30) / 85 SpA / 115 SpD (+25) / 70 Spe (+10) [BST: 635]
New Moves: Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes, Bulk Up, Aqua Jet, Sludge Bomb
Description: The advent of Pokémon like Mega Venusaur and Mega Charizard Y (and to a lesser extent newcomer Mega Altaria) in my opinion makes the viability of classic Mega Swampert and Rain in general very questionable. Thus I decided to retool Mega Swampert from being a rain sweeper to that of a slow but bulky wallbreaker with the tools to check multiple major threats in the tier right now, like Mega Venusaur, Mega Blastoise and Mega Pinsir, all of which constitutes the top list of Mega Evolutions currently available. Toxapex proves that Water Poison is a top defensive type, and being able to pivot into multiple threats will help serve it well. Poison Touch is just a unique way to cripple checks with spammable Poison Jab, but Aqua Jet, Waterfall among others can also help here. 70 Speed is really nice so that Swamp will always creep Clefable.
Mega Swampert
Water / Ground
Ability: Corrosion
Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk (+10) / 120 Def (+30) / 110 SpA (+25) / 120 SpD (+30) / 70 Spd (+10)
New Moves: None
Description: Of the Swampert subs thus far, all but SKIPPERGAMEZ's has given it a different defensive profile typewise, by outright changing it's type, giving it extra immunities, or both. This is understandable; while good in abstract, Water / Ground is awfully adjusted to the current meta, with Ferrothorn, and new!Mega Venusaur making it useless on offense and several other things walling it's STAB combination accidentally like Rotom-W or Lati@s. Still, I want to see if I can buck that trend.

Without changing it's typing or ability, Swampert has four moves it can actually use; Earthquake, Scald, Stealth Rock, and Toxic. Earthquake has too many immunes to make it matter without some insane power, Stealth Rock is hard to improve, and fuck Scald, which leaves Toxic. With Corrosion Toxic, Swampert can make any of those Toxic immune Grass types very, very sad they disrespected it, either by switching in on it or by attempting to predict around it, by putting them on a timer. As a bonus, it kind of indirectly disincentivizes using Scald, which I appreciate. Everything else is just Swampert, but only slightly bigger, which is a fair compromise considering it has such an ace-in-the-hole against its biggest counters.
Name: Mega Swampert
Typing: Water/Ground
Ability: Mold Breaker
Stats: same
New Moves: None
Description: Swampert doesn’t have to be reliant on rain to be effective
Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Bulletproof
Stats: 100 / 145 (+35) / 115 (+25) / 85 / 115 (+25) / 75 (+15) [635 BST]
New Moves: EDIT: Bulk Up, Aqua Jet
Description: A bulky heavy hitter. Bulletproof makes it immune to some of the popular grass moves, such as Energy Ball, Bullet Seed and Seed Bomb, as well as to other common moves like Shadow Ball, Focus Blast or Sludge Bomb.
Name: Swampert-Mega
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Water Veil
Stats: 100 / 150(+40) / 110(+20) / 85 / 110(+20) / 80(+20) [BST]
New Moves: + Aqua Jet, Bulk Up, Knock Off
Description: Bulky Booster or Rocker, has some really great utility, as well as a great ability and a new move in Aqua Jet to use Bulk Up with, as it can’t be burned by Scald or Wisp from Rotom-Wash. Base 80 Speed allows it to now outspeed some pretty important targets, who would otherwise threaten this mon more, such as Volcanion, Breloom(although you will need coverage to beat this one) and Bisharp, as well as allowing it to get the jump on Heatran. Even without being able to be burned by Will-O-Wisp, Rotom-Wash and Grass-types still act as great checks to Swampert-Mega here.
Name: Mega Swampert

Ability: Hydrolysis - This Pokemon uses Aqua Ring on switch-in and acts as if it's holding a Big Root.
Stats: 100 / 170 (+60) / 115 (+25) / 85 / 115 (+25) / 50 (-10) [635 BST]
New Moves: Drain Punch, Baton Pass, Aqua Ring
Description: I didn't have many ideas for Swampert, but this could be a fun weird one. Swampert here is meant to be the epitome of a tank, being able to tank a bunch of hits with great 100/115/115 bulk, heal 8.125% per turn due to Hydrolysis, and dishing out massive damage with STAB EQs off of 170 Attack. Drain Punch is there for Ferrothorn and additional boosted recovery. You do have to be very careful with it, however, as the meta right now is surprisingly hostile to what Swampert is, being a slow Water/Ground-type in a world where Mega Venusaur and Mega Blastoise exist and being a bulk Water that doesn't resist Ice kinda sucking when Pinsir and Alakazam exist (though at least it checks KyuB). Baton Pass is a funny flavor option as Swampert would be able to instantly pass its Aqua Ring to a teammate
Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Sheer Force
Stats: 100 HP / 130 ATK (+20) / 120 DEF (+30) / 100 SPA (+15) / 95 SPD (+5) / 90 SPE (+30)
New Moves: None
Description: Sheer Force boosted Waterfall simulator. However much base power off of such a big attack stat is obviously great, and high defenses make it generally just strong. That's about it, general Grass-type prominence is an issue, but in general, Mega Swampert is just Pretty Good.
Name: Mega Swampert
Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
Stats: No Changes
New Moves: None
Description: People were saying vanilla Mega Swampert would be bad bc rain is bad. So now it does the same thing but in a weather that doesn't suck
Sceptile: Genuine_Angus_B33F, Yoshiblaze, Gravity Monkey, G-Luke, MegaFlareon
Charizard: Gekokeso, MegaFlareon, Yoshiblaze, Genuine_Angus_B33F, Original
Swampert: jayballester, G-Luke, Yoshiblaze, APaidActor
Sceptile: Apaidactor, G-luke, Gekokeso (sv), Yoshiblaze, Jayballester, Gravity Monkey, The damned, Original
Charizard: Original, Gekokeso (sv), Yoshiblaze
Swampert: Genuine_Angus_B33F, Yoshiblaze, Jayballester, G-luke, Anaconja