[Gen 7] Bird Set Free: Shiny HA Lugia and Shiny HA Ho-Oh Giveaway (+ proof) [Complete]

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Max. Optimizer

free to be the greatest
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Bird Set Free: Shiny Lugia & Shiny Ho-Oh Giveaway (+ proof)


Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is Giveaway time!

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, this time I welcome the opportunity to give away the shiny versions of the 2 cover legendaries from Gold & Silver that I soft-reset myself on my Virtual Console Gold version. I announced this Giveaway already way back when the Virtual Console games were first announced and now that the transfer is possible I am more than happy to follow through with what I promised!

I will give away 100 copies! (50 copies per bird). They are fully redistributable, which means that you are allowed to trade them. Feel free to add them to your trade threads here on Smogon and feel free to trade them with as many of your friends outside of Smogon as much as you like! The goal of this Giveaway is not just to make people happy in general, but also to spark off additional trading and communication between community members! The Pokémon should also make great team members for tournaments!

They can be traded to both SuMo and USUM games, which means that, if you do not have the USUM games (yet), you will still be able to participate! I dedicate these trophies to the Smogon community!

{#249 - Max. Optimizer's Tsunami}

IVs: HT/31/31/HT/31/HT - Bold\Multiscale (Ø) - Chris\64053 ‹

Ev'd: Substitute, Toxic, Whirlwind, Roost
[248 HP / 168 Def / 94 Spe]
I caught this Pokémon with an Ultra Ball in the depths of the Whirl Islands on my Pokémon Gold version for the Virtual Console.
Since ball types are not retained in Generation 1 and 2 games, its ball became a regular Pokéball after transferring it to Generation 7 via Poké Transport.
The Lugia from the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Gold and Silver is the only legal Lugia that can simultaneously be shiny and have its Hidden Ability.
This Pokémon was soft-reset manually: this means that no tools (such as e.g. PKMN-NTR bots or Lua scripts) or glitches were involved in the hunt for this Pokémon.
I started soft-resetting on the 3rd of October 2017 and I finally encountered the shiny Lugia on the 4th of October 2017 at 01:14 a.m after soft-resetting for only 1 day.
The odds of encountering a shiny Pokémon are 1/8192 in Generation 2 games.
I referred to this "Exp. Points ↔ Nature" table (courtesy of TheMantyke) to assure a Bold nature for it.
I finished the Alola Ribbon Master on the 21st of November 2017.

A tsunami (from Japanese: 津波, "harbour wave"; English pronunciation: /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ tsoo-NAH-mee) or tidal wave, also known as a seismic sea wave, is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides, glacier calvings, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.

If you wish to see proof in the form of screenshots, please click on the following links:

{#250 - Max. Optimizer's Fenikkusu}

IVs: 31/HT/31/7/31/HT - Adamant\Regenerator (Ø) - Chris\64053 ‹

Ev'd: Brave Bird, Sacred Fire, Earthquake, Recover
[248 HP / 184 Atk / 52 SpD / 26 Spe]
I caught this Pokémon with a Master Ball at the peak of the Tin Tower on my Pokémon Gold version for the Virtual Console.
Since ball types are not retained in Generation 1 and 2 games, its ball became a regular Pokéball after transferring it to Generation 7 via Poké Transport.
The Ho-Oh from the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Gold and Silver is the only legal Ho-Oh that can simultaneously be shiny and have its Hidden Ability.
This Pokémon was soft-reset manually: this means that no tools (such as e.g. PKMN-NTR bots or Lua scripts) or glitches were involved in the hunt for this Pokémon.
I started soft-resetting on the 22nd of September 2017 and I finally encountered the shiny Ho-Oh on the 26th of September 2017 at 20:01 p.m after soft-resetting for 5 days.
The odds of encountering a shiny Pokémon are 1/8192 in Generation 2 games.
This was the first manually soft-reset shiny Ho-Oh from the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Gold and Silver on Smogon.
I referred to this "Exp. Points ↔ Nature" table (courtesy of TheMantyke) to assure an Adamant nature for it.
I finished the Alola Ribbon Master on the 20th of November 2017.

Fenikkusu is the rōmaji transcription of フェニックス (Phoenix).

If you wish to see proof in the form of screenshots, please click on the following links:

Please just make sure to read the rules, okay? Okay.

Must-read: fundamental ruleset:
  • In order to participate, catch/hatch a male Salandit if you do not have a spare one already. Salandit can be caught all day long on Route 8 (20%) and at the bottom of the Wela Volcano Park (30%) in both SuMo and USUM.
  • Nickname the Salandit: Maximum (Note: something close to that is fine if Maximum is too long for your game's language). If you play on a Japanese game, Maxim will for example suffice.
  • Log on to the GTS, deposit your Salandit, and set the Pokémon you want in return as either Lugia or Ho-Oh. If they are not in your Pokédex, you can type in their names manually from the bottom.
  • Set the level range as "91 or higher".
  • Select "Deposit Pokémon".
  • You are allowed to request both Pokémon, but you can only request 1 of each bird. Please give other users a chance too. If you own more than one game, you're allowed to deposit two Salandits at the same time.
  • Please use the format that I provided down below for your convenience. If you deposit 2 Salandits from 2 different games, please fill in the format twice! Please do not copy and paste the Pokémons' entries, just fill in the format:
  1. IGN: (Your Ingame Name)
  2. Pokémon: Lugia/Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: (Ball it was caught in + Level)
  4. Message: (The message you use on the GTS)
  • Please make sure to check if your deposited Salandit got sniped at regular intervals.
  • In case your deposited Salandit got sniped, please do not panic and just re-deposit another one. Do not forget to edit your post though!
  • Please make sure to strike through your post once you receive your Pokémon, it will help me keep the Giveaway organized.
  • Please do not rush me. I will get to you as soon as I possibly can. I reserve the right to exclude people from the Giveaway that do not want to follow the rules or people with poor behavior. Fortunately this has never been the case. Let us keep it that way, shall we?
  • The Giveaway will end once every single Pokémon has been distributed. Once the Giveaway is over, it is over. Please do not request any more Pokémon once it is complete.
  • Please do not be sad or disappointed if you did not manage to get a Pokémon. There is always a chance that one of your fellow Smogon members will give you a copy of the Pokémon they received from me!
Cloning method:
  • The cloning was done with the help of the Powersaves Cloning codes. If you are opposed to cloned Pokémon, I respect your opinion and ask you to refrain from participating.
  • Lugia: 14/50
  • Ho-Oh: 9/50

Update: Thank you P3DS for bringing this to my attention. My university studies have been rather exhausting and intense lately and it looks like I indeed forgot to hyper-train the Ho-Oh. Many apologies for the inconvenience!
Update #2: Thank you Tapu Koko Loko for bringing this to my attention. Apparently I forgot to hyper-train both Pokémon. Tsk tsk tsk.
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  1. IGN: KraXatu
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: Moon Ball lvl 1
  4. Message: Please trade Pokémon wiht me. Thanks in advance.

    thank you so much for this :D
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  1. IGN: God
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: level 17 great ball
  4. Message: i want to fill my pokedex
thank you!
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IGN: Jonathan
Pokémon: Ho-Oh
Deposited Salandit: Pokeball, Lvl. 1
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks in advance!
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Hi Max Optimizer! Been eyeing your Ho-Oh for a while, so I'm pretty excited..!

IGN: Winry
Pokemon: Ho-Oh
Deposited Salandit: level 19 caught in an Ultra Ball!
Message: "Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance"

IGN: ゆうた
Pokemon: Lugia
Deposited Salandit: level 17, caught in Quick Ball, nicknamed "Maximu"
Message: "Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance"
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  1. IGN: Riannon
  2. Pokémon: Lugia
  3. Deposited Salandit: Dusk Ball Lv 1
  4. Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
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IGN: Cekky
Pokémon: Lugia
Deposited Salandit: lvl 19 ultra ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thank you.
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  1. IGN: Jonyeo
  2. Pokémon: Lugia
  3. Deposited Salandit: Quick Ball, Lv 17
  4. Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
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IGN: Alex
Pokémon: Lugia
Deposited Salandit: Timer Ball / Level 16
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thanks in advance.

Thank you!
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IGN: Jonathan
Pokémon: Lugia
Deposited Salandit: Pokeball, Lvl. 1
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks for the two Shiny Birds!
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  1. IGN: Jonyeo
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: Dusk Ball, Lv 16
  4. Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
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IGN: Alex
Pokémon: Ho-Oh
Deposited Salandit: Premier Ball / Level 17
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thanks in advance.

Thank you again!
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  1. IGN: KraXatu
  2. Pokémon: Lugia
  3. Deposited Salandit: Moon Ball lvl 1
  4. Message: Please trade Pokémon wiht me. Thanks in advance.
Thanks again :D
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  1. IGN: Riannon
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: Dusk Ball Lv 1
  4. Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
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IGN: Cekky
Pokémon: Ho-oh
Deposited Salandit: lvl 17 ultra ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.
Thank you.
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IGN: William
Pokémon: Ho-oh
Deposited Salandit: lvl 20 ultra ball
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

Thank you.
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IGN: Dan
Pokémon: Lugia
Deposited Salandit: Lvl 17 quick ball
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance.

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IGN: Zarozinia
Pokemon requested : Ho-Oh
Deposited Salandit: level 18 female, caught in Ultra Ball!
Message: "I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles."

IGN: Cymoril
Pokemon requested : Lugia
Deposited Salandit: level 18 male, caught in Ultra Ball
Message: "I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles."

Thanks a lot !!!
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  1. IGN: Fiore
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: Ultra Ball Level 18
  4. Message: "Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance"
Thank you so much!
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  1. IGN: Reus
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: level 16 ultra ball
  4. Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance
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  1. IGN: May
  2. Pokémon: Lugia
  3. Deposited Salandit: (Quick Ball + Level 16)
  4. Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure.
I'll request Hooh too, when I get Lugia, so I can deposit another pokémon. Thank you :)
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Heya. These look awesome, thanks for such a great giveaway.
  1. IGN: Phil (Moon)
  2. Pokémon: Ho-Oh
  3. Deposited Salandit: Lv 1 in a Love ball
  4. Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
And (need to put this one up. Just nning a salandit rn)
  1. IGN: Phil (Ultra Moon)
  2. Pokémon: Salandit
  3. Deposited Salandit: Lv 1 in a Love ball
  4. Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
I will treasure these beauties.
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  1. IGN: Yi
  2. Pokémon: Lugia
  3. Deposited Salandit: quick ball lvl 18
  4. Message: Please trade pokemon with me, thanks in advance.
Thank you!
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