[GEN 8] Shiny HA RIllaboom GA (CLOSED)

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Hello y'all, i'm not dead. Just working a lot on myself. BUT i have some spare time to breed , breed, breed and put da ribbons on thoses pokemon.
I present you... Shiny Rillaboom a.k.a Innerbloom! You can have the unickname one if want.

(#812 - FrenchGaudi's Innerbloom -


galar mark.png


OT: Gaudi | ID: 807827 | Sword
Adamant | Grassy Surge | Masuda Method (400 eggs)
31 | 31 | 31 (9) | 31 | 31 | 31
Ev'd: 252 HP/ 140 Spe / 60 Spd / 58 Atk
Moves: Grassy Slide, Fake Out, U-Turn, Knock Off

The nickname is a musical reference, a song from the band RUFUS. A title track wich moves me a lot and give me chills, when i close my eyes listening to this song, I think a bout a dark sky and a life live. That's it. For once, my nicknam is not French or invented. I'm pretty proud.

Just post your IGN and friend code here.

In stock: 27.
I will be available starting tommorow until thursday to give this drummer.​
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Noted! I have to go, you will have it tommorow, when are you available tuesday?

I should be around most of the day and periodically take breaks from here and there. But as for a time, I should be online by 9am (EST). I'm on the Smogon Wifi Discord if you want to ping me there when you're available (I don't remember if you're on the server).
Hi FrenchGaudi, i would like one of those Innerbloom. My ign is Icicle and my fc is SW-5065-2665-6609
I hope this GA is still active and would like to request one of those gorillas.
Many thanks!
IGN and SW are in my signature
Hey thanks for this giveaway :) Would love to get my hands on a non-nicknamed Rillaboom!
IGN: Peekaming
Friend Code: SW-3112-2890-0440
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