Hello y'all, i'm not dead. Just working a lot on myself. BUT i have some spare time to breed , breed, breed and put da ribbons on thoses pokemon.
I present you... Shiny Rillaboom a.k.a Innerbloom!You can have the unickname one if want.
(#812 - FrenchGaudi's Innerbloom -
OT: Gaudi | ID: 807827 | Sword
Adamant | Grassy Surge | Masuda Method (400 eggs)
31 | 31 | 31 (9) | 31 | 31 | 31
Ev'd: 252 HP/ 140 Spe / 60 Spd / 58 Atk
Moves: Grassy Slide, Fake Out, U-Turn, Knock Off
The nickname is a musical reference, a song from the band RUFUS. A title track wich moves me a lot and give me chills, when i close my eyes listening to this song, I think a bout a dark sky and a life live. That's it. For once, my nicknam is not French or invented. I'm pretty proud.
Just post your IGN and friend code here.
In stock: 27.
I will be available starting tommorow until thursday to give this drummer.
I present you... Shiny Rillaboom a.k.a Innerbloom!
(#812 - FrenchGaudi's Innerbloom -
OT: Gaudi | ID: 807827 | Sword
Adamant | Grassy Surge | Masuda Method (400 eggs)
31 | 31 | 31 (9) | 31 | 31 | 31
Ev'd: 252 HP/ 140 Spe / 60 Spd / 58 Atk
Moves: Grassy Slide, Fake Out, U-Turn, Knock Off
The nickname is a musical reference, a song from the band RUFUS. A title track wich moves me a lot and give me chills, when i close my eyes listening to this song, I think a bout a dark sky and a life live. That's it. For once, my nicknam is not French or invented. I'm pretty proud.
Just post your IGN and friend code here.
In stock: 27.
I will be available starting tommorow until thursday to give this drummer.
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