CC isn't an intrinsically flawed mod, its not. The issue has always been the lack of real leadership at any level, from the subbers or the leaders. There's kind've this constant influx of submissions that lead nowhere and the mod has no direction. And because of the flaws in leadership nobody without a tie to how cc already functions really wants to do stuff lol. And thats partially due to the extreme gatekeeping. But its also due to the extremely low entry level and you guys probably getting the worse subbers in any mod. CC is stuck. I know what it is like to lead a directionless mod, I have guided the 2 biggest pet mods out of the directionless phases. And obviously I'm not going to conflate either of them exactly with the way cc works because they're both more reliant on competitive but, the biggest thing for finding direction in pet mods to me. Is having a limitation. All of the most successful pet mods end, M4A will eventually end. HG ended, Jolte and Vape both ended. CC is endless, and you can't just now drop an arbitrary number and expect things to be fixed. Thats part of why I think rebuilding from the bottom and having a focused project is probably the easiest and best way of having it function but, given what we have with CC as of this moment I'm going to lay out a plan.
1.: Take a deep breath. There's so much toxicity in CC, if people just chilled out and actually tried to work on the project instead of getting angry with each-other everything would get just a little bit better.
2: Concrete leadership, it doesn't need to be one person, they just have to respect the community, and try to get new people in. Ingratiate NOT Alienate . And they have to keep their eyes on the goal of the mod, whatever that becomes. Maybe even bring in somebody from outside, not me obviously lol but anybody thats passionate enough to want to lead and yknow isn't crazy.
3:Along with the community come up with a goal, something I had as an idea is actually pausing what the current CC is, and creating a basis for the competitive metagame. Not through an arbitrary tier level thing, by creating a micrometa. By building organically from what you have, a bunch of passionate people that want to add their favorite anime characters into Pokemon. And then after you finish the micrometa, and playtest it and make sure the community enjoys it, going back and having rebalances of the best characters and the ones people want most. And then contiuing to build off of that. Inside-out. This is just a suggestion though. Any goal is an improvement. It might just be that arbitrary number to stop and then just going back and rebalancing what you have. I definitely think the micrometa would work at actually improving the way CC functions while keeping what you guys like.
4:Using that goal, you build out a community. Even if its small, try to allow new people in. New users SHOULD NOT BE BULLIED IN THE THREAD. Even if they're clearly kids. The whole thing about an internet forum is that its open for everybody.
5:Strive towards that goal, and be happy when its fulfilled even if that means its the end. Maybe have a spiritual successor. I don't know.
I will also say, this is loose but its pretty solid foundation for trying to make CC better and I guarantee if you follow this CC will get better, and don't say anything about how its impossible or its been tried. It hasn't.