Welcome to the Do Not Use Fall Seasonal! Do Not Use is a tier that features only the weakest of the weak Pokemon in a National Dex format (more details below). This tour is being hosted by yours truly and features a $25 prize pool! Winner takes all.
Tournament Rules
Metagame Overview
Sample Teams & Sample Sets
Viability Rank 
In addition, we recommend joining the Discord to discuss the metagame and get practice games.
Discord Link 
Post "in" to sign up and let me know if you have questions! You can find me on Discord at jumpheart! Signups will be open until Sunday, October 27th at 11:59 PM (GMT -6).

- All general tournament rules and guidelines apply.
- This is a double elimination tournament! All players will play a minimum of two matches. Finals will be a Bo3 where losers bracket has to win two sets.
- Every round lasts at least 1 week.
- All matches are bo3 using the challenge command on Pokemon Showdown! or Smogtours, not Dragon Heaven or any other side server.
- We do have a teambuilder on Dragon Heaven, under the Gen 9 Solomods category, so you can use this as a resource while teambuilding.
- Not using the challenge command or using illegal movesets will forfeit the game.
- Replays of all tour games must be posted.
- If any tiering action occurs during the middle of a round, changes will take effect the next round.

- This tier is a National Dex tier that is comprised of Pokemon at or below 280 BST, with a few extra Pokemon above that limit, with a few bans below the limit.
- Unbans: Beldum, Capsakid, Luvdisc, Snorunt, Swablu, Unown
- Bans: Dewpider, Diglett-Alola, Flittle, Smeargle, Nidoran-M, Wattrel, Wishiwashi, Wingull, Zigzagoon
- Ability bans: Arena Trap, Shadow Tag, Cute Charm, Huge Power, Pure Power, Moody
- Terastallization is banned, as are Z-Moves.
- Baton Pass is also banned per normal ND Ubers rules.

/challenge gen9nationaldexubers @@@ -all pokemon, +Applin, +Arrokuda, +Azurill, +Beldum, +Bidoof, +Blipbug, +Bounsweet, +Bramblin, +Budew, +Bunnelby, +Burmy, +Capsakid, +Cascoon, +Caterpie, +Charcadet, +Cherubi, +Cleffa, +Combee, +Cosmog, +Cottonee, +Diglett, +Dreepy, +Feebas, +Fletchling, +Fomantis, +Gossifleur, +Happiny, +Hatenna, +Hoothoot, +Hoppip, +Igglybuff, +Impidimp, +Jigglypuff, +Kakuna, +Kirlia, +Kricketot, +Lechonk, +Ledyba, +Lillipup, +Litwick, +Lotad, +Magikarp, +Makuhita, +Mareep, +Marill, +Meditite, +Metapod, +Milcery, +Nacli, +Nickit, +Nidoran-F, +Nincada, +Noibat, +Nymble, +Patrat, +Pawmi, +Petilil, +Pichu, +Pidgey, +Pidove, +Pikipek, +Poochyena, +Ralts, +Rattata, +Rattata-Alola, +Rellor, +Rockruff, +Roggenrola, +Rolycoly, +Rookidee, +Scatterbug, +Seedot, +Sentret, +Shedinja, +Shinx, +Silcoon, +Skitty, +Skwovet, +Slakoth, +Slugma, +Smoliv, +Snom, +Snorunt, +Spearow, +Spewpa, +Spinarak, +Starly, +Sunkern, +Surskit, +Swablu, +Swinub, +Tadbulb, +Taillow, +Tarountula, +Togepi, +Toxel, +Tynamo, +Tyrogue, +Venipede, +Weedle, +Whismur, +Wiglett, +Wimpod, +Wooloo, +Wooper, +Wooper-Paldea, +Wurmple, +Wynaut, +Yamper, +Yungoos, +Zigzagoon-Galar, +Zubat, +Luvdisc, +Unown, -Shadow Tag, -Arena Trap, -Cute Charm, -Huge Power, -Moody, -Pure Power, Terastal Clause, +Assist, Z-Move Clause, -Diglett-Alola

In addition, we recommend joining the Discord to discuss the metagame and get practice games.

Post "in" to sign up and let me know if you have questions! You can find me on Discord at jumpheart! Signups will be open until Sunday, October 27th at 11:59 PM (GMT -6).
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