Tournament [Gen 9] Micrometa Solomod Trios Team Tour - Cancelled :(


solomods apologist
is a Metagame Resource Contributor
Approved by the Pet Mods moderators
Art by zxgzxg waow!


Welcome to the Fakemon Micrometa Solomod Trios Team Tour! This is a team tour featuring the following three Solomods:
CommunityUsed 2: Regional Dex
Fusion Evolution VGC Regulation B (Best of 3)

Each of these three Solomods have had tour presence before, but they've had major patches since then; with the second edition of Solomods Premier League looming on the horizon, and each of these three mods likely to be included, now seems like a great time to give them a spin, do some metagame innovation, and get your name out there for managers, wouldn't you say? (or just have a fun time--all 3 mods are enjoyable imo!)

As a little introduction, I will give a brief synopsis of each mod included:
CommunityUsed 2: Regional Dex is a Fakemon mod I run that saw every person who signed up creating one mon blind based off of a prompt I gave them. From there, me and a helper worked to bring the visions to life in a balanced state, and this metagame is the outcome. We ran a kickoff tour this summer/fall, and have used that to fix some of the metagame's issues, and I believe it lies in a much more balanced state; playtesting is needed to make sure, however, so here we are!

Scootopia was a similar Fakemon mod run by Scoopapa that was featured in the first edition of Solomods Premier League and was a breakout hit, with it being considered among the best tiers in the tournament by many. It stars a dex of several dozen custom additions, along with a new mechanic: Super Types! These are two new types, Feral and Crystal, that can be added to Pokemon via item. Since SoloPL, Scoopapa has released a patch for the mod aimed to take the top tiers down a notch while buffing some underwhelming options.

Fusion Evolution VGC, a spin-off of the Pet Mod smash hit Fusion Evolution, takes the concepts of that mod and puts it into a new VGC format. It uses new fusions created by mod leader AquaticPanic, most with multiple ability options (something unheard of in the FEverse), to create a balanced VGC metagame. Regulation A was received very well by players in Solomods Premier League, and AquaticPanic has since released a second edition in Regulation B, featuring many of the same Pokemon while adding new additions, most notably over a dozen Paradox fusions!

Team Signup Format
Team Name:
Player 1 / Format to be played:
Player 2 / Format to be played:
Player 3 / Format to be played:

If you're not the one posting the team signup, you can just like the ambassador's message to confirm your involvement.

Free Agents
If you don't have a team, you can sign up as a free agent by posting confirming your free agent status, along with a preferred tier. After signups close, I will put any unclaimed free agents together to form a team or backfill teams that are missing a player. Note that I will try to make your preferred format happen, but I cannot guarantee it.

  • All three tiers can be found on the Dragon Heaven side server.​
  • Depending on the amount of teams, this will either be Round Robin or Swiss.​
  • Replays are required!
  • Just as a reminder for those planning to sign up, FEVGC is played using normal VGC rules--this includes Item Clause, Open Team Sheets, and a Best of 3! There is a challenge format available on DH2 specifically for these Bo3 rules--Fusion Evolution VGC Reg B (Bo3)! Note that this does not show up in the teambuilder, just when you go to challenge.​
Signups will last until November 17th, 2024!
Allllllrighty gamers! We have enough free agents for two teams of free agents! Get in touch with your peeps and let me know what you decide for a team name.

Free Agent Team 1
Dragonslayerz - CU2
Cao Jie - Scootopia
Loginator - FEVGC

Free Agent Team 2
JoltSmash - CU2
Beaf Cultist - Scootopia
BriefMarigold4 - FEVGC

I'll give the free agents a chance to get in touch with their teams, so I will post the first round of matchups tomorrow. As we have 5 teams, we'll be doing a round robin format, with each team getting one bye week. See you in a bit!

:slugma: :frigibax: :goomy: :unown-question: :unown-question:

Micrometa Solomod Trios Team Tour - Round 1​

:pmd/frigibax: vs. Free Agent Team 2
CU2: Maia vs JoltSmash
Scootopia: teal6 vs Beaf Cultist
FEVGC: 3d vs BriefMarigold4

Free Agent Team 1 vs Fusion Evolution VGC for spl
CU2: Dragonslayerz vs zxgzxg
Scootopia: Cao Jie vs Quinn
FEVGC: Loginator vs NecasInTrouble

On Bye: GOOMY SWEEP :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy:
Schedule was built with numbered teams then randomizing which team goes to what number, so each team had an equal chance to be in any specific slot 1-5.
Week 1:
:pmd/frigibax: vs. Free Agent Team 2
Free Agent Team 1 vs Fusion Evolution VGC for spl

Week 2:
:pmd/frigibax: vs GOOMY SWEEP :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy:
Free Agent Team 1 vs Free Agent Team 2

Week 3:
:pmd/frigibax: vs Free Agent Team 1
Fusion Evolution VGC for spl vs GOOMY SWEEP :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy:

Week 4:
:pmd/frigibax: vs Fusion Evolution VGC for spl
Free Agent Team 2 vs GOOMY SWEEP :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy:

Week 5:
Free Agent Team 2 vs Fusion Evolution VGC for spl
Free Agent Team 1 vs GOOMY SWEEP :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy:

If we have a straight up winner following the round robin, the winner will be declared; if not, we will have a tiebreaker round.

Games will be due Monday, November 25th, at 11:59 PM GMT-6. Giving an extra day for the late start and we'll be on normal Sunday-due games following that. Replays are required. As a reminder, CU2 and Scootopia are Bo1, FEVGC uses the Bo3 format on DH2. Good luck :D
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act calls granted, 3d wins coinflip but doesn't swing the series

Micrometa Solomod Trios Team Tour - Round 2​

:pmd/frigibax: vs. GOOMY SWEEP

CU2: Maia vs cyclonez_
Scootopia: teal6 vs Zpice
FEVGC: 3d vs Clas

Free Agent Team 1 vs Free Agent Team 2
CU2: Dragonslayerz vs JoltSmash
Scootopia: Cao Jie vs Beaf Cultist
FEVGC: Loginator vs BriefMarigold4

On Bye: Fusion Evolution VGC for spl
Games will be due Sunday, December 1st, at 11:59 PM GMT-6. I'll be willing to give extensions because of the holiday, but try to get them in this week. Replays are required. And just a reminder that CU2 and Scootopia are Bo1, FEVGC uses the Bo3 format on DH2. Good luck, let's get some games in!!
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