Tournament [Gen 9] Micrometa Solomod Trios Team Tour - Cancelled :(

was given win, proof on opps wall
1732989213648.png (Win, but worth a watch)
Unsurprisingly, Joltsmash match was...interesting.
I dub this mini-format within CU 2 as CU>2%, where only mons used in less than 2% of games (with recorded replays) are legal.
That leaves you with 8 fully evolved mons, and all but 2 nfes, and it's kinda neat. (We swapped Snipythic out for Polipid as fully evolved mon 8, cause Polipid is dogshit and snipy is paying for its past crimes.)
After a lot of thought I've made the unfortunate decision to cancel the rest of this tour. The lack of games has been a large and demotivating source of frustration for me, considering the primary purpose of this tour was to help play test for the upcoming Solomods Premier League. Multiple people involved have expressed difficulties finding time to build and play for the tour, so I'm not wanting to assign fault here, perhaps it just wasn't the right time for a tour like this. Thanks to those who signed up and double thanks to those who were on top of playing their games.

If you want to help test any of these mods, reach out and I will look into scheduling some roomtours or something.

goomy gang forever :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: :goomy: