(Gen 9) Modern Gen 1 2024 Fall Seasonal ($50 Prize) - Won by Copen

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activity win granted, pkmn master asked for the extension so its on them to be more proactive and while scheduling could be better on both sides its been well over 24 hours with no response to the latest scheduling attempt.

new matchup: teamo vs DonFlorencio
We have an 8 hour difference so scheduling will always be difficult for Eurpeans/Americans and those who live in Asia like myself. I was constant with messaging and this information from DonFlorenco was not conveyed on my Wednesday at an appropriate time. The only news if this trainer not being able to play on Thursday was replied 4 in my morning.

Wednesday was not a good day for me, hence why I was unable to reply (it was one of my longest workdays) In response to the admins: I disagree, I am being proactive about this tournament.

I request a recall of this act, for us to play Friday.

activity win granted, pkmn master asked for the extension so its on them to be more proactive and while scheduling could be better on both sides its been well over 24 hours with no response to the latest scheduling attempt.

new matchup: teamo vs DonFlorencio
That is due to it being 4 am on my wednesday. 24 hours would translated to 4 am my Thursday to reply at the latest. It is Thursday now, 2pm my time and I am responding.

I want to claim act win against my rival, because it's true that I accepted the extension expecting to play today at the latest. However, the problem is that he told me to play on thursday, day that is impossible for me to play (I could play yesterday and I can today today, but he doesn't answer) and I don't think that is good to extend until friday for respect the other opponent in loser bracket waiting for an opponent.
You claiming act at my 4am due to it beinga 24 hour bench mark is not fair. My 4 am for your intial reply transaltrs in less then 24 hours for me respond if we put into account Rest.

No need for it not to be played on Friday and losers have until Sunday. That is perfectly reasonable. I totally disagree with this act at such a late part of the tournament. This tournament has been full of coin flips and acts and I want to see a finalist NOT due to an act. Please reverse the act, let us play and see who is deserving of the winners bracket finals.
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We have an 8 hour difference so scheduling will always be difficult for Eurpeans/Americans and those who live in Asia like myself. I was constant with messaging and this information from DonFlorenco was not conveyed on my Wednesday at an appropriate time. The only news if this trainer not being able to play on Thursday was replied 4 in my morning.

Wednesday was not a good day for me, hence why I was unable to reply (it was one of my longest workdays) In response to the admins: I disagree, I am being proactive about this tournament.

I request a recall of this act, for us to play Friday.

That is due to it being 4 am on my wednesday. 24 hours would translated to 4 am my Thursday to reply at the latest. It is Thursday now, 2pm my time and I am responding.

You claiming act at my 4am due to it beinga 24 hour bench mark is not fair. My 4 am for your intial reply transaltrs in less then 24 hours for me respond if we put into account Rest.

No need for it not to be played on Friday and losers have until Sunday. That is perfectly reasonable. I totally disagree with this act at such a late part of the tournament. This tournament has been full of coin flips and acts and I want to see a finalist NOT due to an act. Please reverse the act, let us play and see who is deserving of the winners bracket finals.

if the other players involved (ie DonFlorencio and teamo ) were okay with extending the first match until friday and then playing the second on less than 48 hours notice, i have no opposition to that (and i presume copen as the primary host would be ok with it as well). neither of them has the obligation to offer that, but they are welcome to do so if they wish.

when you received the extension copen said that u need to schedule the extended match as soon as possible. perhaps specifying a deadline for the extended match would have been preferable to "asap" but i feel like its p clear that asap does not include the third to last day.
your opponent responded as soon as the week began to try to schedule, then u said u couldnt play tuesday and didnt respond til afterward about wednesday. ofc everyone has schedules etc, but you didnt convey any of this ahead of time you only communicated your lack of availability after it was too late to schedule around it in the case of tuesday and after the fact entirely re wednesday.

i am also a bit confused though, when were you thinking of playing when you asked for the extension to begin with? when you posted on donflorencio's wall, it was still 24 hours prior to the original deadline. were you hoping to play on that day? bc your opponent probably assumed that since u asked for the extension u werent available until the following week. if you wanted to play on the monday then obv that requires scheduling it prior to monday. if you were thinking of playing your thursday or later then you needed to respond when you first received the extension (at minimum, rly should be when you requested it) that actually youd likely need until thursday or later (which might or might not have been granted.)

also just to be as open as possible on my end, when copen asked me to adjudicate this activity call giving a second extension was rly not even on the table, i was asked to adjudicate whether to grant the activity call or alternatively to coinflip the match. between those two options i think an activity win is correct for the reasons i have given above.
100% it is preferable for sets to be played esp late in the tour, and i probably tend to be more flexible as far as giving longer extensions etc than what is 'typical' on smogon. but im not going to pretend granting a second extension wouldnt affect things, itd prevent teamo from scouting if they wished to do so, also fwiw idt i have seen a double-extension granted on smogon before (not saying that itd be "incorrect" just bc it hasnt been done before, but there is a status-quo-based expectation that extensions are only a couple extra days and that the extended match will either be activitied or coinflipped if not completed within that time)
again if both your opponent and teamo were to accept it then id be fine with granting a second extension (assuming copen also approved it as the primary host), but only in that instance. after all your opponent also could have taken an activity win due to you not being able to play last week in the first place, they agreed to a brief extension but they did not agree to an extension til the following thursday or later (which turns into friday or later since they arent available thursday).

if you have further questions or concerns i think it would be better to move to dms so that we dont clutter the tournament thread
Don't lie. First, when I put my message at my 1:19 pm (+1) about to play on wednesday because you said tuesday was impossible for you, it was your 9:19 pm of Tuesday.

Second, my activity win post was at my 1:57 pm of wednesday because you didn't reply me, translate to your timezone, at your 9:57 pm, so I don't know what do you say about your 4 am when the messages I put was at a time that are not bad to at least see in a moment.

Finally, I didn't screenshot, but I saw you be online yesterday in my morning, like my 8 am, so why don't you reply me my last message about to play on wednesday and tell me that you can't or something? Because that's was one of the reasons to claim the activity, the other is to play so late when extension should be in a short period of time of the following week, or at least It is how It is works in other sites, not sure how is here but it is how I felt
Fine.You made your decision. Please look past our miscommunication and let’s move on.
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