Other Tiers Gen I Side Formats - Pika Cup, Petit Cup, Nintendo Cup '98, Middle Cup, Nintendo Cup '99, Poké Cup, Little Cup Level 100 and Prime Cup

Little Cup Level 100 Analysis and Resources


A cup for pokémon that haven’t evolved and can evolve at least once in Gen I.

Suggested Rules

-Qualyfing pokémon: This cup is only for pokémon that haven’t evolved and can evolve at least once in Gen I.

-Clefairy is allowed because it is possible to have one at level 100 in Gen I.

-Species Clause

-Level restrictions:
All of your pokemon must be at level 100, if you use one or more pokemon of different levels you lose (e.g. a level 5 Bulbasaur or a level 99 Staryu).

-Battles are of 6 VS 6 pokémon

-About Team preview:
If you play on Pokémon Stadium 1, Team preview is always allowed; on the other hand, if you play on cartridge or simulator, Team preview is allowed only if the Tournament Organizer or players agree to it.

-Dragon Rage and Sonic Boom are allowed because they’re weak when they’re used against level 100 pokémon.

-All the partial trapping moves are allowed, this includes Wrap.

-One Hit KO Clause

-Evasion Moves Clause

-Fly and Dig are banned unless you use the Semi-invincibility Clause or play on Pokémon Stadium 1:
To learn more about the Semi-invincibility Clause, please check the following link: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/semi-invincibility-clause.3650376/

-Tradeback moves are banned (e.g. an Abra with Ice Punch or a Poliwag with Lovely Kiss)

-Sleep Clause

Qualifying Pokémon

Only pokémon that haven’t evolved and can evolve at least once in Gen I are allowed. Following is the list of the 54 pokémon allowed:

Nidoran female
Nidoran male


This banlist can be useful for tournament organizers or players that want to host Little Cup Level 100 matches on simulators like Pokémon Showdown:

/tour rules -ivysaur, -venusaur, -charmeleon, -charizard, -wartortle, -blastoise, -metapod, -butterfree, -kakuna, -beedrill, -pidgeotto, -pidgeot, -raticate, -fearow, -arbok, -raichu, -sandslash, -nidorina, -nidoqueen, -nidorino, -nidoking, -clefable, -ninetales, -wigglytuff, -golbat, -gloom, -vileplume, -parasect, -venomoth, -dugtrio, -persian, -golduck, -primeape, -arcanine, -poliwhirl, -poliwrath, -kadabra, -alakazam, -machoke, -machamp, -weepinbell, -victreebel, -tentacruel, -graveler, -golem, -rapidash, -slowbro, -magneton, -farfetch’d, -dodrio, -dewgong, -muk, -cloyster, -haunter, -gengar, -onix, -hypno, -kingler, -electrode, -exeggutor, -marowak, -hitmonlee, -hitmonchan, -lickitung, -weezing, -rhydon, -chansey, -tangela, -kangaskhan, -seadra, -seaking, -starmie, -mr. mime, -scyther, -jynx, -electabuzz, -magmar, -pinsir, -tauros, -gyarados, -lapras, -ditto, -vaporeon, -jolteon, -flareon, -porygon, -omastar, -kabutops, -aerodactyl, -snorlax, -articuno, -zapdos, -moltres, -dragonair, -dragonite, -mewtwo, -mew

About the rules of this format

Little Cup Level 100 was created by Beelzemon 2003 to offer Gen I players an alternate way to play with the baby pokémon. The intention of this format is to fix some problems that exist in the Level 5 Little Cup, following is a list with some of them:

  • It is impossible to get pokémon with max EVs at Level 5 in Gen I; however, it is very easy to get pokémon with max EVs at level 100.
  • Clefairy is banned because it is impossible to obtain it at Level 5 in the Gen I games; even if you use tradebacks. Clefairy’s lowest level in Gen II is 6.
  • Level 5 Little Cup uses tradeback moves which is something that some Gen I players don’t like.
  • Even with tradebacks, some pokémon like Staryu or Magnemite can’t have some of their level up moves.

Using level 100 mons in Little Cup allows players to use baby pokémon at their peak of their strenght. Using level 100 mons also makes easy to train them and teach them moves because they have full access to their Gen I movepool.

Back during Gen I’s glory days many players trained pokémon like Pikachu or Dratini to level 100 without letting them to evolve, so it was not rare to see teams that had one or two unevolved pokémon. This format also has the intention to homage those players that refused to evolve their pokemon because they liked them a lot.

You are free to disagree with the rules

The intention of this ruleset is to set a standard for this Gen I side format; however, if you think that the games would be more fun with other rules you are free to make any changes that you want, some examples include: having battles of 3 VS 3 or allowing pokémon that qualify for the Little Cup in later gens like Lickitung and Scyther.

Notable differences between Level 5 and Level 100 Little Cup

Here are some of the key differences between both rulesets:

Level 5Level 100
All pokémon are at level 5.All pokémon are at level 100.
Clefairy is banned because it is impossible to obtain at level 5 even with tradebacks.Clefairy is allowed because it is super easy to get one and train it up to level 100. You can catch Clefairy in Mount Moon or buy one in the Game Corner. Clefairy’s minimum level in Gen I is 8 (or level 6 with tradebacks).
Some pokémon have the same Speed despite having different Base Stats, e.g. Voltorb and Diglett have a max Speed of 19.Speed is determined by Base stats; e.g. pokémon like Ponyta and Staryu no longer have the same Speed at level 100.
Tradeback moves are allowed.Tradeback moves are banned.
Sonic Boom is banned because it 2 hit KOs most of the cast, some pokémon like Diglett even die with a single attack.Sonic Boom is allowed because it is garbage, on average it needs to hit 15 times to KO the majority of the cast (even Diglett needs 12 hits to go down).
Dragon Rage is banned because it always 1 hit KOs any pokémon.Dragon Rage is allowed because it sucks, most pokémon need 8 hits to go down (or 9 if they spam Substitute), even Diglett requires 6 hits to be KOd.
Wrap is banned.Wrap is allowed.
Seismic Toss and Nightshade are average because they need to hit 5 times on average to KO (pokémon like Jigglypuff even need 7 hits to fall).Seismic Toss and Nightshade are good because they 3 hit KO the majority of the cast. Both moves punish switches heavily in a meta where only Staryu, Drowzee and Mega Drain users can recover health.
Some pokémon don’t have access to some of their level up moves even with tradebacks.All pokémon have full access to their movepools.
No one has Recover.Staryu can have Recover.
All pokémon get more damage from all non Set Damage attacks which sometimes can be the difference between life and death, e.g. Abra sometimes faint after three Surfs from Staryu at level 5, while it sometimes faint after four Surfs at level 100.All pokémon get less damage from non Set Damage attacks, e.g. Dratini always faints with two Earthquakes from Cubone at Level 5; while it always faints with three Earthquakes at level 100.
Critical Hits do less damage: 1.5.Critical Hits do more damage: 1.952380952.
Pikachu can’t have Quick Attack, not even with tradebacks.Pikachu can have Quick Attack, which allows it to hit Voltorb and Diglett before dying and helps it to annoy Agility + Wrap Dratini.

Sleep Moves users

This is the list of pokémon that learn Sleep inducing moves in this format:

Accuracy: 55 %
Pokémon that learn it: Clefairy and Jigglypuff.

Accuracy: 60 %
Pokémon that learn it: Poliwag, Gastly, Drowzee and Exeggcute.

Accuracy: 75 %
Pokémon that learn it: Bulbasaur, Oddish, Venonat, Bellsprout and Exeggcute.

Accuracy: 99.609375 %
Pokémon that learn it: Paras.

Explosion users

Explosion is the strongest move in the game because it has a Base Damage of 340, below is the list of pokémon that learn it:


Note: All the pokémon that learn Explosion in this format also learn Self-Destruct; however, since Self-Destruct is weaker it is almost never used.

Tier List

This list was built by Friend of Mister Golem 120, KidNelson and the champions of this format: Alpha Male Psyduck and Beelzemon 2003. Remember that tier lists tend to change, so take this info with a grain of salt.

Note: In each letter the pokémon are listed by their Pokédex number and not by their performance.

Top Tier

Diglett, Exeggcute, Staryu

A: Poliwag , Abra, Gastly

A-: Clefairy, Meowth, Drowzee

High Tier

Pikachu, Dratini

B-: Bulbasaur, Voltorb

Middle Tier

Psyduck, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Doduo, Kabuto

C: Sandshrew, Geodude, Rhyhorn

C-: Charmander, Rattata, Spearow, Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Paras, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Omanyte

Low Tier

Squirtle, Ekans, Nidoran female, Nidoran male, Oddish, Venonat, Mankey, Growlithe, Machop, Seel, Grimer, Shellder, Krabby, Cubone, Koffing, Horsea, Goldeen

D-: Pidgey, Zubat, Magnemite, Eevee

Bottom Tier

Caterpie, Weedle, Magikarp

Average Stats

Hit Points: 294
Attack: 209
Defense: 205
Special: 201
Speed: 207
Sum of Max Stats: 1,115

Top 5

Here are the best pokémon of each category:

1. Jigglypuff (433)
2. Slowpoke (383)
3. Grimer (363)
3. Rhyhorn (363)
5. Clefairy (343)
5. Machop (343)

1. Krabby (308)
2. Doduo (268)
2. Ponyta (268)
2. Rhyhorn (268)
5. Geodude (258)
5. Grimer (258)
5. Kabuto (258)
5. Machop (258)
5. Mankey (258)

1. Geodude (298)
1. Omanyte (298)
1. Shellder (298)
4. Cubone (288)
4. Koffing (288)
4. Rhyhorn (288)

1. Abra (308)
2. Gastly (298)
2. Tentacool (298)
4. Magnemite (288)
5. Drowzee (278)
5. Omanyte (278)

1. Voltorb (298)
2. Diglett (288)
3. Abra (278)
3. Meowth (278)
3. Pikachu (278)
3. Poliwag (278)
3. Ponyta (278)

1. Ponyta (1,285)
2. Rhyhorn (1,225)
3. Kabuto (1,195)
3. Krabby (1,195)
3. Omanyte (1,195)

Note: Max stats were calculated using the following criteria: Level 100, Max IVs and Max EVs.

Hall of Shame

Here are the worst pokémon of each category:

Lowest Hit Points: Diglett (223)

Lowest Attack: Magikarp (118)

Lowest Defense: Abra (128)

Lowest Special: Caterpie, Magikarp and Weedle (it’s a triple tie, the three have a maximum Special of 138)

Lowest Speed: Slowpoke (128)

Lowest Sum of Max Stats: Caterpie (945)

Note: Max stats were calculated using the following criteria: Level 100, Max IVs and Max EVs.

Speed Tiers

The average Speed of this format is 207. Below is the list of all pokémon with their correspondent Speed:

Fast Pokémon

288: Diglett
278: Abra, Meowth, Pikachu, Poliwag and Ponyta
268: Staryu
258: Gastly and Magikarp
248: Doduo
242: Rattata
238: Mankey, Spearow and Tentacool
228: Charmander and Vulpix
224: Goldeen
218: Growlithe and Horsea
210: Pidgey
208: Eevee, Ekans, Kabuto, Psyduck and Zubat

Slow Pokémon

Dratini, Krabby, Nidoran male and Weedle
188: Bulbasaur, Caterpie, Magnemite, Seel and Venonat
184: Squirtle
182: Drowzee
180: Nidoran female
178: Bellsprout, Exeggcute, Sandshrew and Shellder
168: Clefairy, Cubone, Koffing, Machop and Omanyte
158: Oddish
148: Grimer, Paras and Rhyhorn
138: Geodude and Jigglypuff
128: Slowpoke

Hall of fame

Here are the names of the players that have won tournaments of this format. All hail the champions!

-Alpha Male Psyduck (2 times)
-Beelzemon 2003 (2 times)
-Mikon, also known as Delphi Riddle (2 times)
-Chuva de perereca (1 time)
-Cubielubie (1 time)
-Earthworm (1 time)
-Pileosand (1 time)
-Roi Clement (1 time)
-Tratchy (1 time)
-Tapu Baloo (1 time)

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Poké Cup Analysis and Resources


The official Pokémon League tournament.

History of the format

Poke Cup.jpg
Poké Cup was a real-life event, in fact, it was the very first official Pokémon tournament in History. Poké Cup was hosted by Nintendo in Japan in 1997 where it was originally called Nintendo Cup 97. The event introduced some clauses that became a standard for Pokémon battles like the Species Clause and the Sleep Clause.

Since the event took place before the Stadium games were released, players used their Game Boys and Game Link Cables to play. Battles used the Japanese Gen I mechanics where Blizzard froze 27 % of the time and Draining Moves always failed against Substitutes. Team Preview was also seen for the first time in this event. Originally, the organizers planned to host battles of 6 Vs 6; however, due to time constraints, they were forced to make things faster. At the end, they came up with the idea of having battles of 3 Vs 3, on the other hand, players had to show their six pokemon to their opponents before the matches.

Poké Cup reappeared in 1998 in the game Pokémon Stadium Zero where you could battle the 15 top players of the real event, Poké Cup was also featured in Pokémon Yellow which came out the same year; after that, it appeared in Pokémon Stadium 1, which was released in 1999 in Japan.

In the International scene, Poké Cup appeared for the first time in Australia in September 1999 with the release of Pokémon Yellow; then, in February 2000, the format appeared in the Americas along with Pokémon Stadium 1; finally, over the course of the year, the format also began to appear in other parts of the World.

Poké Cup is one of the most popular formats of Gen I in Japan where it has been played continuously since its debut in 1997, its player base is so passionate that they continue to use the original rules, they even play on Colosseum 1 when both players use the Yellow Version!

If you like to know more about this great format, we invite you to check the analysis and resources that we made for it.


Did you know?

  • Nintendo Cup 97.png
    Poké Cup introduced Team Preview, Species Clause, Sleep Clause and Self-KO Clause, the two latter had to be manually enforced in the original event.
  • In the original tournament there was no penalty for freezing two or more opposing pokémon since Freeze Clause was not invented until Pokémon Stadium Zero came out one year later. Nowadays, Japanese players are still allowed to freeze as many pokémon as they want, in fact, they almost always play on Colosseum 1, even when two players use the Yellow Version!
  • Poké Cup was the first tournament where some pokémon were banned because they were considered overpowered, in this case they were Mewtwo and Mew (this suggests that Mewtwo was designed to be broken on purpose).
  • In practical terms, Poké Cup was also the first Video Game Championship of Pokémon in History. It had similar rules compared with those of modern day VGCs: Ubers were banned, Species Clause, level 50 pokémon, etc.
  • In Pokemon Stadium Zero you could only use 40 of the 149 pokémon that were allowed in the original event, this was because the game only had 42 pokémon available and two of them were Mewtwo and Mew.
  • As we said before, in Pokémon Stadium Zero you could fight the 15 top players of the real event; however, for unknown reasons, they were replaced for generic Non Playable Characters on both versions of Pokémon Stadium 1.
  • In Pokémon Stadium Zero and the Japanese version of Pokémon Stadium 1, Poké Cup only has one difficulty level.
  • In the Japanese version of Pokémon Stadium 1, the tournament takes place in the open stadium; however, in the international version, the event takes place in the covered stadium.
  • In the Japanese version of Stadium 1, the game uses three exclusive soundtracks that are not available in the international version, these play during battles four to eighth respectively.
  • The international version of Stadium 1 uses the four soundtracks that belong to the Nintendo Cup 99, which is not featured in that version of the game.
  • In the international version of Stadium 1, the CPU opponents are those that appear in the Nintendo Cup 99; however, they are fought in a different order and all have different teams.
  • Poké Cup was featured alongside Pika Cup and Prime Cup in the Pokémon 2000 Stadium Tour, an official event that was held in Canada and US from February 5 to April 9 of 2000. The event was famous because it allowed players to use their Red, Blue and Yellow versions to test Pokémon Stadium 1 shortly before and after its release, there was also a Mew giveaway! In this link you can watch one of the event’s commercials.

Regional differences

Back in the 80s and 90s it was common for popular games like Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Street Fighter II Turbo to have differences in their regional versions, Pokémon was no exception. Below is a list of the differences that exist between the two versions of Poké Cup:

JapanRest of the World
Name of the format
Nintendo Cup 97Poké Cup
OriginIt was a real-life tournament that took place in 1997. The competitors used their Game Boys, Link Cable and a copy of Pokémon Red/Green/Blue to play.The format was featured in Pokémon Yellow, which was released in Australia in September 1999; shortly after, the format was updated with the release of Pokémon Stadium 1, which was launched first in the Americas in February 2000.
Format’s updatesIts rules and mechanics were updated thrice with the release of Pokémon Stadium Zero, Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon Stadium 1.Its rules and mechanics were updated only once with the release of Pokémon Stadium 1.
Current Status of the formatActive, it has been played regularly since its debut in 1997.Almost defunct. After Pokémon Stadium 1’s glory days passed, the format has only been played sporadically in friendly matches and tournaments.
Main mechanicsJapanese Colosseum 1Pokémon Stadium 1
Format variations-Nintendo Cup 97 + Post 1997 moves
-Pokémon Stadium Zero’s Nintendo Cup 97
-Nintendo Cup 97 with Pokémon Yellow’s Colosseum 2 mechanics
-Pokémon Stadium 1’s Nintendo Cup 97
-Poké Cup with Colosseum 1 mechanics
-Poké Cup with Pokémon Yellow’s Colosseum 2 mechanics
Post 1997 moves legalitySometimes allowedAlways allowed
Freeze ClauseNot enforced in Red, Gree, Blue nor Yellow, players can Freeze more than one opposing pokémon.Always enforced in Pokémon Stadium 1, it can’t even be turned off.
Successors of the formatNintendo Cup 98, Nintendo Cup 99, Nintendo Cup 2000.Pokémon Stadium 2’s Poke Cup (the international version of Nintendo Cup 2000).

Those are the main differences. Regarding Tradeback moves, they are banned in both regions (they’re only allowed on special occasions or by mutual agreement).

Pokémon Stadium - Japan.png

Bonus: Click on this link to watch a Nintendo Cup 97 battle, the match starts at 1:34 (footage courtesy of Plague von Karma and the Pokémon Battle Historia website).

Suggested Ruleset

The following rules only apply for International Poké Cup matches.

-Your team must have 6 pokémon, no less.

-Level restrictions:
Each pokémon must be between levels 50-55.

-Species Clause.

-Mewtwo and Mew are banned.

-Post 1997 Moves are allowed (e.g. a Butterfree with Flash or a Golduck with Amnesia).

-Evasion Moves are banned:
The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.

-One Hit KO Moves are banned: The moves Fissure, Guillotine and Horn Drill are banned.

-Fly and Dig are allowed: In the case that a pokémon gets stuck in the air or underground, Semi-invincibility Clause rules apply, to learn more about them, click on this link.

-Tradeback moves are banned (e.g. a Snorlax with Lovely Kiss or a Tauros with Surf).

-Team Preview is On:
If you play on Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow, you and your opponent have to show your pokémon to each other before the battle. In Pokémon Stadium 1 this step is automatic.

-Choose three out of six pokémon: After Team Preview takes place you have to choose three of your six pokémon. The three chosen pokémon will be used in the battle.

-Level sum of the chosen pokémon must be between 150 and 155. If one player breaks this rule he will lose and either player can select the Run option.

-Pokémon Stadium 1 Sleep Clause

-Freeze Clause is Off in Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow:
In the case of those games, players can freeze more than one oppposing pokémon without any penalty; however, in the case of Pokémon Stadium 1 matches, Freeze Clause is always enforced.

-Self-KO Clause: If your last remaining pokémon uses Self-Destruct or Explosion and dies, you lose the match even if you also faint your opponent’s last pokémon.

-Recoil Moves Clause: If the battle ends in a double KO due to a Recoil Move, then the Recoil Move user wins.

You are free to disagree with the rules

The intention of this ruleset is to set a standard for this Gen I side format; however, if you think that the matches would be more fun with other rules you are free to make any changes that you want, some examples include: allowing Evasion Moves or allowing Tradebacks.

Hall of fame

Here are the names of the players that have won tournaments of this format. All hail the champions!

Nintendo Cup 97

These are the winners of the original Poké Cup that took place in 1997:

Champion: Toru (Miyasawa)​

Runner-up: Hiroki Yoshi​
Third place: Yojiro Yuki, Yusuke Suzuki​
Fifth place: Akihiro Fuchiwaki, Jun Takahashi, Mika Fujita, Taisei Yoshitomi​
Ninth place: Daisuke Imai, Kazuhito Kato, Kenji Iwamasa, Shun Nishimura, Takahisa Yamada, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasunori Kitagawa​

In this link, courtesy of Plague von Karma, you can see the teams that each of these players used in the tournament.


-Beelzemon 2003 (2 times)
-Zalarye (2 times)
-Kaisser, also known as TheKaisser (1 time)
-HSOWA (1 time)
-Mikon, also known as Delphi Riddle (1 time)
-Nuwuubers, also known as Stunner047 (1 time)
-PacAttacc (1 time)
-Plague von Karma (1 time)
-Shellnuts (1 time)

-Hitano Conrad (1 time)

-RBY Melanie (1 time)

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Nintendo Cup 1997 Original Top Cut Teams
Since the Poke Cup is having resources made, I thought I'd post the top cut teams. I'm sourcing this from the Pokemon Stadium JP game's coverage on Serebii this time, which features trainers in a similar way to Nintendo Cup 1998. However, I lack the Japanese names, so if there are translation errors (or you have the Japanese-written names) please DM me! As with the Nintendo Cup 1998 teams, I will warn you all that the sets vary in quality and are from a time where optimization wasn't at its peak yet.

You see some unique Pokemon on teams, such as Ditto and Magneton, which is why they got banned for Nintendo Cup 1999 (All Pokemon that topped here and in NC98 were banned). You can also see the only Venusaur to top, which used Toxic+Leech Seed...perhaps this is why it was removed in Gold and Silver. After all, the stacking wasn't removed in Stadium, which signals it was intentional before. Articuno was also extremely popular back then, being used on almost every team along with Tauros. You can see a ton of history just looking at these teams, which is something many western RBY players don't know about. It's like stepping into a parallel universe.

On the other hand, in terms of present-day viability, many of these teams have room for improvement. The level composition is generally good, and the Pokemon choices are alright. The move choices, however, vary in quality, likely due to the context. They had one year to make a good team, and like with Nintendo Cup 1998, it was early days. Game theory was primitive, and not everyone had multiple Game Boys and copies of Pokemon. I'm pretty sure most of these players had to try hard just to get their trade evolutions at school, let alone get the additional TMs and stuff. As a result, you'll see the budget options fairly frequently; Strength over Body Slam, filler options, etc. Not sure why there's a Vaporeon without Surf, though, that one slips my mind. Regardless though, it's all super intriguing.

I believe each team can provide historical context to the format and give you an idea on teambuilding creativity. How about you use these to make your own improved versions of the teams? Need ideas? Takahashi Jun's team is inches from being a very, very good team...but there are some budget shortcomings that cut it off. Have a look at the learnsets and see what you can come up with. Many of these teams are like that though, so you could probably pick up any and try your hand. Think of it as...an elaborate RMT.

Katou Kazuhito
Yukiyo Jiro
Takahashi Jun
Toru Miyasawa
Suzuke Yusuke
Fuji Tamika
Hiro Hayashiyasu
Yamadataka Hisa
Kitagawa Yasunori
Nishimura Shun
Imai Daisuke
Yuwamasa Kenji
Hiroki Yoshii
Tomitaisei Yoshi
Hiro Fuchiwakiaki

I don't know why Tomitaisei Yoshi has the same portrait as Katou Kazuhito; this is either a Serebii error or something else. Regardless, I hope these will be helpful to some people interested in the format.

L50 Legendary Bird Stat Exp Notes
Through Exp. All + Switching exploitation against super low-level Pokemon (Pidgey and Nidoran-M on early routes is popular), you can get 1 Exp per battle and eventually enough Stat Exp. to max all stats, even at very low levels. While this does scale, the Legendary Birds such as Zapdos can get max stats at L50, it's just stupid tedious and would probably take days. However, without this training method, they just barely fall short of max stats, though L51 birds can get max Stat Exp even with the conventional methods. Thanks to Caetano93 and Enigami for this research. Thanks to this, we aren't in a Farceus situation.

If there are any errors, don't refrain from DMing me with any corrections.
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After a long time doing it on and off, I finished my Petit Cup spreadsheet. It's very much like my other spreadsheets.

This contains;
  • Ruleset
  • Speed Tiers
  • Critical Hit Chances
  • Analyses for all 45 available Pokemon. Yes, even Caterpie.
It's pretty much enough to make a cohesive team. Some of the analyses are a bit short, but it's because a lot of the sets are very same-y and straightforward.
if battles were of 3 VS 3, all battles would feature the same three mons: Exeggcute, Diglett and Dratini.

Exeggcute with Rest and Hypnosis is formidable and endures a lot of punishment aside from Blizzard and Fire Blast (which is super rare), Diglett is like Tauros and revenge kills hard despite its awful bulk, finally, Dratini is formidable with Agility, Wrap, Surf and Dragon Rage which 3 hit KOs all mons except for Jigglypuff. Of course, these mons are the best if you play on Colosseum 1 and even Colosseum 2 where Partial Trapping moves are even more powerful when battles are of 3 VS 3. If you play on Stadium 1, it is an unknown battlefield, Exeggcute continues being good, but I doubt Diglett and Dratini continue being over centralizing there.
(Why reply to an almost 2-month-old post...)
This is just wrong and kind of misunderstands Bring 6 Pick 3 Teambuilding. Not all battles will ever feature those same Pokemon. At all. Team Preview and 3v3 Teambuilding alone will drastically change what you use. If you bring those same 3 Pokemon every time, you're going to become very easy to counter. Not everyone will use the same 3 Pokemon because common sense says not to.

While Exeggcute is great, I really question why you would say the other two are such despotic threats you have to use them. I also hardly think Exeggcute would be used every battle because there are many team matchups that it really doesn't want a part in. Not only are the other two Pokemon very flawed, but the core presented is fairly easy to break apart as well. Each Pokemon you mentioned for this core is hit extremely hard by Blizzard; ironically, a Dratini using Blizzard over Surf would have a great time cleaving this team apart. Horsea would also fare very well. Exeggcute could take a few Blizzards, but the rest will definitely get a 2HKO or worse. This is why 3v3 Teambuilding is so complex, as the 6 you bring are not necessarily what you plan to use. You bring the 3 Pokemon out of that 6 to give yourself the best chance of winning against the opposing team. You don't just bring the 3 "strongest by metagame" Pokemon, that way you're removing context and thus ignoring what the opponent has. This is a concept as old as Competitive Pokemon itself; look at Toru Miyasawa's team and how he won NC97: he used Kangaskhan and Tauros to adjust according to opposing teams: Kangaskhan had a better Articuno matchup. There is no "single most viable" 3 Pokemon to pick, that's plain ignorant.

Diglett is one of the most matchup-dependent Pokemon in the format. Sometimes it'll do well, sometimes it gets bodied by Bulbasaur, Horsea and Poliwag. It's nothing like Tauros: it doesn't have Hyper Beam, nor does it have the Blizzard coverage for Grass-types. Hell, it can't even get Slash in this format which makes its Body Slam fairly below-average. It can't switch in for the life of it. It's a good revenge killer that's hard to switch into, and that's great, but it's hardly a top tier threat.

Dratini is a hell of a degen Pokemon, but like Dragonite, the counterplay is very much there. Once paralyzed, it's fairly easy to bring down. In the context of your set, Bellsprout can risk the Wrap to get a Stun Spore off. It's not 2HKO'd by Dragon Rage, which means Dratini isn't statistically likely to win this matchup. It'll always take at least 3 turns. If Dratini carries Blizzard, it now has to deal with Charmander who eats the poor thing alive. I'm frankly shocked it hasn't been mentioned as one of your 3 threats that are always used, as it's a tough 'mon to counter.
I don't know why Tomitaisei Yoshi has the same portrait as Katou Kazuhito; this is either a Serebii error or something else. Regardless, I hope these will be helpful to some people interested in the format.

This is a Serebii error; he also has some of the breakpoints between first/last names parsed incorrectly. (The first of those players is supposed to parse as "Taisei Yoshitomi", for example.)

I have a sheet that contains dumped stats for all Stadium games, including the Japanese-exclusive cups and their real-world basis teams. The components (IVs/proto-EVs) are hidden by default, but you can expand them and see who actually bothered to attempt training their teams, and who presumably kept resetting for good stats on things like Zapdos.
I have a sheet that contains dumped stats for all Stadium games.

I'd like to give a look to that info, also, I'm pretty sure some nicknames are bad translated, e.g. I'm sure "Hiro Fuchiwakiaki" is really called "Akihiro Fuchiwaki", I also can't distinguish between the first and last name of some contestants, in cases like Tour Miyasawa, it is super obvious that Toru is the first name and Miyasawa is the last name. Too bad I don't speak Japanese, otherwise I could translate the names myself :(
With the approval of Beelzemon 2003, I am posting my RBY Middle Cup Guide to this thread. It is an introductory guide that is meant to give some background on the tier. Included is a brief description of every Pokémon's moveset, along with a spreadsheet that details the base stats of every Pokémon. I hope anyone who is looking to get into the tier finds it helpful.

RBY Middle Cup Guide
Been working on making these formats more accessible lately, through RBY 2k20. As a result of the efforts of many people, there's a wealth of formats available on RBY 2k20. I just finished up adding some of the fun formats that RoA tends to put on their tour nights; Inverse, Scalemons, STABmons and Camomons.

You can access the RBY 2k20 PS Server here.

Here's a look at the format list (Last Update: 2nd Jan 2021)

As far as I know, all but Nintendo Cup '98 are fully functional. There isn't a Stad0 mod currently available, which is essentially the only thing stopping NC98 from being a thing. For now, it uses the Stad1 sim, which is actually a format in and of itself given Stad1 JP had it there. It all comes together in the end, I guess! The Nintendo formats are simulated at a pretty crazy level; there's a fully working level validation system, Japanese effects on NC97 in particular, and more. Pokemon Perfect's tiers are playable as Challenge-only formats.

The server isn't currently all that active, most of the 2k20 community talks in the Discord server. The PS server is mainly used as a means of accessing these formats without going doing 24 backflips while drinking 6 cans of Pepsi at once just to do it. We do run Live Tours every so often, though!

I plan on doing more soon.
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Hi chums, I made some minor updates to the articles: I moved Jigglypuff from the Mid-Low Tier to the Mid-High in Petit Cup; finally, I updated the Hall of Fame of Poké Cup. By the way, we'll have a Little Cup Level 100 tournament this Monday, October 26 in the Ruins of Alph Chatroom, the event will begin at 8:00 pm GMT-5, hope to see you there.
Petit Cup Learnsets

Here are the moves that each pokémon learns. This guide has two purposes, the first is to help those players that want to build their own sets and the second is to help players and tournament organizers to spot players that cheat using illegal moves like Mirror Move Pidgey.

These learnsets don’t take Tradebacks into account because they’re banned in standard Petit Cup matches, so don’t expect to see Pokémon like Pikachu with Sing or Dratini with Flamethrower.

Finally, I want to clarify that this post is meant as a general guide because I didn’t put the level nor the version at which each move is learnt (I only wrote in Bold the moves that can be learnt after level 25), one example would be Eevee, which only learns Growl in Pokémon Yellow. To find specific info regarding level up moves, TMs and HMs you can use sites like Bulbapedia.

-Sand Attack
-Fury Attack
-Swords Dance

TM02 – Razor Wind
TM03 – Swords Dance
TM04 – Whirlwind
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut
HM02 – Fly


Technical Machines


Hidden Machines


-Leech Seed
-Vine Whip
-Poison Powder
-Razor Leaf

TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut


TM01 – Mega Punch
TM03 – Swords Dance
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM23 – Dragon Rage
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut
HM04 – Strenght

-Tail Whip
-Water Gun

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf
HM04 – Strenght

-String Shot

Technical Machines


Hidden Machines


-Poison Sting
-String Shot

Technical Machines


Hidden Machines


-Sand Attack
-Quick Attack
-Wing Attack

TM02 – Razor Wind
TM04 – Whirlwind
TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM43 – Sky Attack
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM02 – Fly

-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
-Hyper Fang
-Focus Energy

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Fury Attack
-Mirror Move
-Drill Peck

TM02 – Razor Wind
TM04 – Whirlwind
TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM43 – Sky Attack
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM02 – Fly

-Poison Sting

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM48 – Rock Slide
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght

-Tail Whip
-Thunder Wave
-Quick Attack
-Double Team

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM16 – Pay Day
TM17 – Submission
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM50 – Substitute

HM05 – Flash

-Surf (via Pokémon Stadium 1)

Note: Contrary to popular belief, Pikachu can’t learn Fly in Gen I, that’s because the only Flying Pikachus that existed were given away only in Japan (the Japanese Pokémon games aren’t compatible with the international Pokémon games).

-Sand Attack
-Poison Sting

TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM17 – Submission
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM48 – Rock Slide
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut
HM04 – Strenght

-Double Kick
-Poison Sting
-Tail Whip

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Horn Attack
-Double Kick
-Poison Sting
-Focus Energy
-Fury Attack

TM06 – Toxic
TM07 – Horn Drill
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Double Slap

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM29 – Psychic
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM35 – Metronome
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM46 – Psywave
TM49 – Tri Attack
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght
HM05 – Flash

-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
-Confuse Ray

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Defense Curl
-Double Slap

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM29 – Psychic
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM46 – Psywave
TM49 – Tri Attack
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght
HM05 – Flash

-Leech Life
-Confuse Ray
-Wing Attack

TM02 – Razor Wind
TM04 – Whirlwind
TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Poison Powder
-Stun Spore
-Sleep Powder

TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut

-Stun Spore
-Leech Life

TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut


TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM48 – Rock Slide
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut

-Pay Day

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM16 – Pay Day
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Tail Whip

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM16 – Pay Day
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf
HM04 – Strenght


Note: Only the prize Pysduck that you get in Pokémon Stadium 1 has Amnesia as a starting move. You can only get one prize Psyduck per playthrough which makes virtually impossible for it to have 15 IVs on all stats. By the way, beware, if you erase Amnesia, Psyduck won’t learn it never again (not even if you use the Move Reminder option of Pokémon Stadium 2).

-Take Down

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM23 – Dragon Rage
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Water Gun

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM29 – Psychic
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM46 – Psywave
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf


TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM29 – Psychic
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM35 – Metronome
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM46 – Psywave
TM49 – Tri Attack
TM50 – Substitute

HM05 – Flash

-Karate Chop
-Low Kick

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM35 – Metronome
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM48 – Rock Slide
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght

-Vine Whip
-Poison Powder
-Sleep Powder
-Stun Spore

TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM22 – Solar Beam
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut

-Defense Curl
-Rock Throw

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM35 – Metronome
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM44 – Rest
TM47 – Explosion
TM48 – Rock Slide
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght


TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM50 – Substitute

HM05 – Flash

-Aurora Beam

TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM39 – Swift
TM44 – Rest
TM47 – Explosion
TM49 – Tri Attack
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf

-Confuse Ray
-Night Shade

TM06 – Toxic
TM20 – Rage
TM21 – Mega Drain
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM29 – Psychic
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM42 – Dream Eater
TM44 – Rest
TM46 – Psywave
TM47 – Explosion
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines



TM03 – Swords Dance
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM01 – Cut
HM03 – Surf
HM04 – Strenght

-Sonic Boom
-Light Screen

TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM39 – Swift
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM47 – Explosion
TM50 – Substitute

HM05 – Flash

-Leech Seed

TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM29 – Psychic
TM30 – Teleport
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM37 – Egg Bomb
TM44 – Rest
TM46 – Psywave
TM47 – Explosion
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Bone Club
-Tail Whip

TM01 – Mega Punch
TM05 – Mega Kick
TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM17 – Submission
TM18 – Counter
TM19 – Seismic Toss
TM20 – Rage
TM26 – Earthquake
TM27 – Fissure
TM28 – Dig
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM04 – Strenght


TM06 – Toxic
TM20 – Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM36 – Selfdestruct
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM44 – Rest
TM47 – Explosion
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Smoke Screen
-Water Gun

TM06 – Toxic
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf

-Tail Whip
-Horn Attack
-Fury Attack

TM06 – Toxic
TM07 – Horn Drill
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf


Technical Machines


Hidden Machines


Special Moves


Note: Magikarp can´t have Dragon Rage in Petit Cup because the special Magikarp was only distributed in Japan and Japanese Pokémon games aren’t compatible with the international versions.

-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

Hidden Machines


-Water Gun

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf


TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM44 – Rest
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf

-Thunder Wave

TM06 – Toxic
TM08 – Body Slam
TM09 – Take Down
TM10 – Double Edge
TM11 – Bubble Beam
TM12 – Water Gun
TM13 – Ice Beam
TM14 – Blizzard
TM20 – Rage
TM23 – Dragon Rage
TM24 – Thunderbolt
TM25 – Thunder
TM31 – Mimic
TM32 – Double Team
TM33 – Reflect
TM34 – Bide
TM38 – Fire Blast
TM39 – Swift
TM40 – Skull Bash
TM44 – Rest
TM45 – Thunder Wave
TM50 – Substitute

HM03 – Surf

Note: Dratini can't have Hyper Beam in Petit Cup since it only learns that move via Level Up and not via TM (Dratini learns Hyper Beam until level 50).

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Petit Cup Individual Movesets

If you’re angry because pokémon like Pidgey or Magikarp weren’t included in the samples or if you want to build a team with a different combination, then you can use the following sets. There's a moveset for each one of the 45 pokémon allowed in the Petit Cup (Plague von Karma built seven of them, the Pokémon Red and Green staff built four and I built the others). Since the format can be played with different mechanics, there are pokémon that have two sets. Sets that say Colosseum 2 are recommended for matches that can be played in Pokémon Yellow; on the other hand, sets that say Stadium 1 are recommended for matches that can be played on Pokémon Stadium 1.

Fully Evolved Pokémon

Author: Plague von Karma

DUX (Farfetch’d)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Peck
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

Author: Beelzemon 2003

DUX (Farfetch’d)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Fly
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

Author: Beelzemon 2003

DUX (Farfetch’d)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Fly
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Pokémon Red and Green staff

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Transform

Little Cup Pokémon

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Swords Dance

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Hamilton (Charmander)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Counter
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Hamilton (Charmander)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Hamilton (Charmander)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Counter

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Pokémon Red and Green staff

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Tackle
- String Shot

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Pokémon Red and Green staff

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Poison Sting
- String Shot

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Alex (Pidgey)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Double-Edge
- Wing Attack
- Quick Attack
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Alex (Pidgey)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Double-Edge
- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Alex (Pidgey)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Double-Edge
- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Quick Attack

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Double-Edge
- Drill Peck
- Mirror Move
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Glare

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Slash
- Swords Dance

Author: Beelzemon 2003

SPOT (Nidoran-F)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Toxic

Author: Beelzemon 2003

SPOT (Nidoran-F)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Chappy (Nidoran-M)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Toxic

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Chappy (Nidoran-M)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Plushie (Clefairy)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Double-Edge
- Quick Attack
- Confuse Ray

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Double-Edge
- Quick Attack

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Quick Attack
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Alucard (Zubat)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Wing Attack
- Double-Edge
- Mega Drain
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Mega Drain
- Acid
- Double-Edge
- Stun Spore

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Mega Drain
- Acid
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Leech Life
- Mega Drain
- Body Slam
- Spore

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Thunderbolt
- Bubble Beam
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Amnesia
- Rest

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Reflect
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Body Slam

Author: Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Counter
- Thunder Wave

Author: Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Low Kick
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Seismic Toss

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Low Kick
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Mega Drain
- Acid
- Double-Edge
- Stun Spore

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Mega Drain
- Acid
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

FOMG (Geodude)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Seismic Toss
- Explosion

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Thunderbolt
- Double-Edge
- Sonic Boom
- Thunder Wave

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Tri Attack
- Explosion

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Faust (Gastly)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Night Shade
- Explosion

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Buccaneer (Krabby)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Swords Dance

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Earthquake
- Blizzard
- Bubble Beam
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Ice Beam

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Pokémon Red and Green staff

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Tackle
- Splash

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Plague von Karma

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Body Slam
- Quick Attack
- Mimic
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Ice Beam
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Colosseum 2 and Stadium 1

Beelzemon 2003

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Gusanito (Dratini)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Gusanito (Dratini)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Dragon Rage
- Thunder Wave

Author: Beelzemon 2003

Gusanito (Dratini)
Ability: None
Level: 30
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Dragon Rage
- Thunder Wave

gen 1 starters.png
TKU Plaza.jpeg
petit cup 3.jpg
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Middle Cup Sample Teams

Members: Kadabra (lead), Haunter, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Graveler and Charmeleon.

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Hypnosis

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Wrap
- Hyper Beam
- Agility

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Flamethrower
- Slash
- Seismic Toss
- Counter

Members: Kadabra (lead), Haunter, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Graveler and Ivysaur.

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Night Shade
- Explosion

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder

Members: Kadabra (lead), Haunter, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Graveler and Weepinbell.

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Hypnosis

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Wrap
- Hyper Beam
- Agility

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Crecencio (Weepinbell)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Wrap
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore

Members: Kadabra (lead), Haunter, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Graveler and Wartortle.

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Mega Drain
- Explosion

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Wrap
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Counter

Members: Kadabra (lead), Haunter, Poliwhirl, Dragonair, Graveler and Machoke.

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Hypnosis

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Wrap
- Hyper Beam
- Agility

Ability: none
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Arnold (Machoke)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Counter

Individual Movesets

If you’re mad that pokémon like Nidorina or Pidgeotto weren’t included in the samples or if you want to build a team with a different combination, then you can use the following sets. Some pokémon have two sets, one that is recommended for Cartridge (labelled as Gen 1) and one that is recommended for Pokémon Stadium 1 (labeled as Stadium 1). Beelzemon 2003 built at least one set for each one of the 16 pokémon allowed.

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Sleep Powder

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Flamethrower
- Slash
- Seismic Toss
- Counter

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Slash
- Counter

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Slash
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Counter

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Tackle
- Harden
- String Shot

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Poison Sting
- String Shot

Dominic (Pidgeotto)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Double-Edge
- Wing Attack
- Quick Attack
- Mirror Move

Dominic (Pidgeotto)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Double-Edge
- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Mirror Move

Dominic (Pidgeotto)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Double-Edge
- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Bubble Beam

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Bubble Beam

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Mega Drain
- Double-Edge
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Petal Dance
- Mega Drain
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Amnesia

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Arnold (Machoke)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Counter

Arnold (Machoke)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Crecencio (Weepinbell)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Double-Edge
- Wrap
- Sleep Powder

Crecencio (Weepinbell)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Razor Leaf
- Acid
- Double-Edge
- Substitute

Suggested Moveset – Gen 1 and Stadium 1

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Substitute

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Hypnosis

Faust (Haunter)
Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Mega Drain
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Wrap
- Hyper Beam
- Agility

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam

Ability: None
Level: 50
EVs: 251 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
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Pika Cup Samples for Colosseum 2

These teams are recommended if you want to play Pika Cup in Pokémon Yellow's exclusive battle mode called Colosseum 2. The only difference between Colosseum 1 and Colosseum 2 is that the Sleep status lasts from 1 to 3 turns in the latter.

Team 1

Beelzemon 2003

:raichu: :dugtrio: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Thunder Wave

GURIO (Dugtrio)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 19
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 16
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 2

Beelzemon 2003

:clefable: :alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :dragonair:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Team 3

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:slowbro: :exeggutor: :rhydon: :chansey: :starmie: :lapras:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunder Wave

Coconut (Exeggutor)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Mega Drain
- Psychic
- Strength
- Explosion

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 4

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:alakazam: :rhydon: :chansey: :tangela: :jynx: :gyarados:

Ability: none
Level: 18
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 17
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

CRINKLES (Tangela)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Body Slam
- Bind
- Substitute

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Dragon Rage

Team 5

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:arcanine: :tentacruel: :electrode: :chansey: :tangela: :starmie:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Hyper Beam
- Substitute

Kraken (Tentacruel)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Wrap

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

CRINKLES (Tangela)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Body Slam
- Bind
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunder Wave

Team 6


:clefable: :alakazam: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras: :dragonair.:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Submission
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Pika Cup Individual Movesets

You can find the movesets in this link.

Pika Cup Individual Learnsets

Go to this link if you want to know which moves each pokémon learns.

pokemon 2000 stadium tour 1.jpg
pokemon 2000 stadium tour 2.jpg
pokemon 2000 stadium tour 3.jpg
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Pika Cup Samples for Colosseum 1

Pika Cup debuted with Colosseum 2 mechanics in Japan; however, in the Americas, Pika Cup debuted with Colosseum 1 mechanics during an official Nintendo event called Pokémon League Summer Training Tour '99. Later, during the Pokémon 2000 Stadium Tour, players that only had the Red and Blue versions had to use Colosseum 1 mechanics to play.

The only difference between Colosseum 1 and Colosseum 2 mechanics is that the Sleep status lasts between 1 and 7 turns in the former, while it lasts 1 to 3 turns in the latter.

Team 1

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:electrode: :chansey: :tangela: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: none
Level: 16
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

CRINKLES (Tangela)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Body Slam
- Bind
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 2

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:arcanine: :alakazam: :rhydon: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx:

Ability: none
Level: 16
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Hyper Beam
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 18
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: none
Level: 16
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 16
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 16
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 16
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Team 3

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:alakazam: :tentacruel: :chansey: :tangela: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Kraken (Tentacruel)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Wrap

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

CRINKLES (Tangela)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Body Slam
- Bind
- Substitute

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 4

Beelzemon 2003

:clefable: :dugtrio: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :dragonair:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

GURIO (Dugtrio)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Team 5

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:exeggutor: :rhydon: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Coconut (Exeggutor)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Mega Drain
- Psychic
- Explosion
- Hypnosis

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Pika Cup Individual Movesets

You can find the movesets in this link.

Pika Cup Individual Learnsets

Go to this link if you want to know which moves each pokémon learns.

pokemon league summer training tour 99 a.jpg
pokemon league summer training tour 99 b.jpg
pokemon league summer training tour 99 c.jpg
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Middle Cup Analysis and Resources


A cup for pokémon that have evolved once and can evolve a second time in Gen I.

Suggested Rules

-Battles are of 6 VS 6 pokémon

-Level restrictions:
All of your pokemon must be at level 50, if you use one or more pokemon of different levels you lose (e.g. a level 16 Charmeleon or a level 49 Kadabra).

-Species Clause

-About Team Preview:
If you play on Pokémon Stadium 1, Team Preview is always enforced; on the other hand, if you play on cartridge, Team Preview is enforced only if the Tournament Organizer or players agree to it.

-One Hit KO Clause

-Evasion Moves Clause

-Dig and Fly are banned unless you use the Semi-invincibility Clause or play on Pokémon Stadium 1:
To learn more about the Semi-invincibility Clause, please, check the following link.

-Tradeback Moves are banned (e.g. a Gloom with Razor Leaf or a Poliwhirl with Lovely Kiss).

-Sleep Clause

Qualifying pokémon

Out of the 151 pokémon, only 16 are allowed, this makes Gen I Middle Cup the most restrictive Pokémon format of all time.



This banlist can be useful for tournament organizers or players that want to host Middle Cup matches on simulators like Pokémon Showdown:

/tour rules -bulbasaur, -venusaur, -charmander, -charizard, -squirtle, -blastoise, -caterpie, -butterfree, -weedle, -beedrill, -pidgey, -pidgeot, -rattata, -raticate, -spearow, -fearow, -ekans, -arbok, -pikachu, -raichu, -sandshrew, -sandslash, -nidoran female, -nidoqueen, -nidoran male, -nidoking, -clefairy, -clefable, -vulpix, -ninetales, -jigglypuff, -wigglytuff, -zubat, -golbat, -oddish, -vileplume, -paras, -parasect, -venonat, -venomoth, -diglett, -dugtrio, -meowth, -persian, -psyduck, -golduck, -mankey, -primeape, -growlithe, -arcanine, -poliwag, -poliwrath, -abra, -alakazam, -machop, -machamp, -bellsprout, -victreebel, -tentacool, -tentacruel, -geodude, -golem, -ponyta, -rapidash, -slowpoke, -slowbro, -magnemite, - magneton, -farfetch’d, -doduo, -dodrio, -seel, -dewgong, -grimer, -muk, -shellder, -cloyster, -gastly, -gengar, -onix, -drowzee, -hypno, -krabby, -kingler, -voltorb, -electrode, -exeggcute, -exeggutor, -cubone, -marowak, -hitmonlee, -hitmonchan, -lickitung, -koffing, -weezing, -rhyhorn, -rhydon, -chansey, -tangela, -kangaskhan, -horsea, -seadra, -goldeen, -seaking, -staryu, -starmie, -mr. mime, -scyther, -jynx, -electabuzz, -magmar, -pinsir, -tauros, -magikarp, -gyarados, -lapras, -ditto, -eevee, -vaporeon, -jolteon, -flareon, -porygon, -omanyte, -omastar, -kabuto, -kabutops, -aerodactyl, -snorlax, -articuno, -zapdos, -moltres, -dratini, -dragonite, -mewtwo, -mew

You are free to disagree with the rules

The intention of this ruleset is to set a standard for this Gen I side format; however, if you think that the games would be more fun with other rules you are free to make any changes that you want, some examples include: using level 100 pokémon or allowing pokémon that qualify for Middle Cup in later gens like Clefairy, Chansey or Pikachu.

Partial Trapping Moves users

Partial Trapping Moves are good if you play Middle Cup in Red, Blue or Yellow. Below is a list of the pokémon that learn Partial Trapping Moves in this format:

Type: Fire
Base Damage: 15
Accuracy: 70 %
Pokémon that learn it in Middle Cup: Charmeleon.

Type: Normal
Base Damage: 15
Accuracy: 85 %
Pokémon that learn it in Middle Cup: Weepinbell and Dragonair.

Dragonair strikes again with its fearsome Agility + Wrap combo. If you've played Pika Cup in Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow, you know that Dragonair can be annoying with Agilywrap and in this format it also learns Hyper Beam! If you want to stop this ferocious dragon, you should paralyze it or bring Haunter.

Sleep Moves users

This is the list of the pokémon that learn Sleep inducing moves in this format:

Accuracy: 60 %
Pokémon that learn it in Middle Cup: Poliwhirl and Haunter.

Accuracy: 75 %
Pokémon that learn it in Middle Cup: Ivysaur, Gloom and Weepinbell.

Exploding Moves users

Self-Destruct and Explosion are the strongest moves of the gen because they have a Base Damage of 260 and 340 respectively. Below is the list of the pokémon that learn those moves in Middle Cup:


As you can see, all the pokémon that learn Self-Destruct in this format also learn Explosion. Since Self-Destruct is weaker than Explosion, it is almost never used.

Critical Hits in Middle Cup

Despite what many think, Critical Hits don’t do double damage in Gen I, instead of that, their damage depends on the level of the pokémon, e.g. a level 2 pokémon will deal 1.29 times damage when it scores a Critical Hit, while a level 100 pokémon will deal 1.95 times damage.

Since Middle Cup uses level 50 pokémon, the multiplier for Critical Hits is 1.909090909 (or 1.91 for short).

Average Stats

Hit Points: 165
Attack: 114
Defense: 113
Special: 116
Speed: 113
Sum of Max Stats: 621

Top 5

Here are the best pokémon of each category:

1. Machoke (186)
2. Nidorina (176)
3. Poliwhirl (171)
3. Weepinbell (171)
5. Pidgeotto (169)

1. Machoke (151)
2. Graveler (146)
3. Weepinbell (141)
4. Dragonair (135)
5. Nidorino (123)

1. Graveler (166)
2. Wartortle (131)
3. Gloom (121)
3. Machoke (121)
5. Nidorina (118)

1. Kadabra (171)
2. Haunter (166)
3. Gloom (136)
3. Weepinbell (136)
5. Ivysaur (131)

1. Kadabra (156)
2. Haunter (146)
3. Poliwhirl (141)
4. Charmeleon (131)
5. Pidgeotto (122)

1. Dragonair (660)
1. Haunter (660)
3. Graveler (655)
3. Machoke (655)
3. Weepinbell (655)

Note: Max stats were calculated using the following criteria: Level 50, max IVs and max DVs.

Hall of shame

Here are the worst pokémon of each category:

Lowest Hit Points: Kadabra (146)

Lowest Attack: Metapod (71)

Lowest Defense: Kadabra (81)

Lowest Special: Kakuna and Metapod (it’s a tie, both have a maximum Special of 76)

Lowest Speed: Metapod (81)

Lowest Sum of Max Stats: Kakuna and Metapod (it’s a tie, both have a Total Sum of 490)

It was a tough competition, but Kakuna and Metapod won, congratulations!

Note: These stats were calculated using the following criteria: Level 50, max IVs and max DVs.

Speed Tiers

The average Speed of this format is 113. Below is the list of all pokémon with their correspondent Speed:

Fast Pokémon

146: Haunter
141: Poliwhirl
131: Charmeleon
122: Pidgeotto
121: Dragonair
116: Nidorino

Slow Pokémon

109: Wartortle
107: Nidorina
106: Weepinbell
96: Machoke
91: Gloom
86: Graveler and Kakuna
81: Metapod

Tier List




3. Poliwhirl
4. Dragonair
5. Graveler


7. Weepinbell
8. Charmeleon
9. Wartortle
10. Machoke


12. Nidorina
13. Gloom
14. Pidgeotto


16. Metapod

Brief analysis of the format

, one of the Petit Cup champions, wrote a good analysis of this fun format, you can find it in this link.

How to get Pokémon with good stats for Middle Cup

In this link you can find info about how to get pokémon with good stats for formats like the Pika Cup, the Nintendo Cup 98 or the Middle Cup which use mons of low levels.

How to teach your pokémon some Level up Moves

When you're training a pokémon to level 100 you can evolve it as soon as you want; however, if you do that in Middle Cup and save your game, your pokémon will never learn some of its Level up Moves, e.g. if you evolve Charmander at level 16, its new form, Charmeleon, will never have Fire Spin on Middle Cup. In cases like this it is better to wait until the pokémon learns the desired Level up Moves before you evolve it. Below is a list of the moves that your pokémon can learn if they delay their evolution:

If you want to save a Technical Machine, delay Bulbasaur's evolution until level 48 so it can learn SolarBeam.

If you want Charmeleon to have Fire Spin in Middle Cup, you have to delay Charmander's evolution until level 46 so it can learn that move.

Wartortle learns the last of its Level up Moves at level 47, so you can evolve Squirtle at level 16 if you want.

This is an interesting case, if you want Metapod to have its three moves in Middle Cup you first have to catch it as a Caterpie so it can have Tackle and String Shot and then you have to evolve it at level 7 in Pokémon Yellow so it can have Harden (it will learn the move just after evolving).

If you evolved Caterpie in Pokémon Red or Blue and are playing on the cartridge versions, you can use the Move Relearner from Pokémon Stadium 2 to teach Metapod Harden.

This is another interesting case. Like Metapod, Kakuna only learns three moves; however, unlike Metapod, Kakuna can't have its three moves in the same set. If you want Kakuna to have Poison Sting and String Shot, you have to catch it as a Weedle and evolve it at level 7 or higher; on the other hand, if you want your Kakuna to only have Harden, you have to catch it as a Kakuna in Pokémon Red or Blue.

Pidgeotto learns the last of its Level up Moves at level 49, so you can evolve Pidgey as soon as you want.

She learns her last move at level 46 in Pokémon Yellow and at level 50 in Pokémon Red and Blue, so you can evolve Nidoran female as soon as you want.

Nidorina learns the same moves in all versions, but in different order.

Like his female counterpart, Nidorino learns his last move at level 46 in Pokémon Yellow and at level 50 in Pokémon Red and Blue, so you can evolve Nidoran male at level 16.

Nidorino learns the same moves in all versions, but in different order.

If you're greedy and want to teach Gloom SolarBeam via Level up, you have to delay Oddish's evolution until level 46.

This is another pokémon that you can evolve whenever you want. It learns its last move at level 49.

This pokémon is the exception to the rule. Abra evolves at level 16 and its only Level up Move is Teleport, which is also a Basic Move for Kadabra, due to that, it is adviced to evolve Abra as soon as possible or else Kadabra won't learn Confusion, Disable, Psybeam, nor Recover (Kadabra also learns Psychic and Reflect via Level up, which can save you two Technical Machines). On the other hand, if you want Kadabra to have Kinesis, you have to catch it already evolved in Pokémon Yellow.

If for some reason your Kadabra doesn't have one or more of its Level up Moves, you can use Pokémon Stadium 2's Move Relearner.

Evolve Machop at level 46 if you want to save Submission's TM.

Weepinbell learns its last move at level 49, so you can evolve Bellsprout at level 21 if you want.

Graveler learns its last move at level 43, so you can evolve Geodude as soon as you want.

Haunter learns its last move at level 38, so you can evolve Gastly at level 25 if you want.

If you want Dragonair to have Hyper Beam, you have to delay Dratini's evolution until level 50, when it reaches that level it will learn Hyper Beam and then it will evolve inmeadiately. Be careful, because Dratini and Dragonair don't learn Hyper Beam via TM, so if you evolve Dratini before level 50, Dragonair won't have Hyper Beam on the Middle Cup.

How to prevent some Middle Cup pokémon from evolving

Four Middle Cup pokémon evolve if you trade them to another version, these are Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler and Haunter. The problem with these mons is that the evolution by trade can't be stopped and once they evolve they won't be able to qualify for the Middle Cup anymore.

If you are using the Virtual Console versions of Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow, it is adviced that you train these four pokémon in the same game so you don't have to move them to be in the same team. Teach them valuable Technical Machines when they're in their first form so you don't have to move them, e.g. if you already used the TM Explosion of your file and you want to teach that move to Haunter, move it to another game when it is still a Gastly and teach that move to it there, then return Gastly to its original file and then evolve it.

Another alternative for the Virtual Console versions is to clone Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler and Haunter in a Gen II game before they evolve, e.g. you can pass a Machop to Pokémon Silver, clone it and then return both pokémon to their original game, after that you can train only one of the pokémon and keep the other untrained (this one can be used as a backup in case you evolve the other into Machamp by accident). Be careful, because the cloning process, although safe, has a small change of erasing the saved file of the Gen II game along with the pokémon that is being cloned; even if the process is successful, the saved file of the Gen II game is doomed to get corrupted in the future, due to this, it is adviced that you clone your pokémon in a Gen II game where you haven't advanced much (e.g. a Silver version where you only have four badges).

Finally, if you are using the cartridge versions of Red, Blue and Yellow, you are lucky, because there is a way that allows you to move Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler and Haunter from any game without worrying for them to evolve, the only thing that you need to do is to deposit the pokémon in question in one of the boxes of Pokémon Stadium 1 or 2 and then withdraw it in the game that you want.

We hope that these tips will help you to prevent any unwanted evolution.

Hall of fame

Here are the names of the players that have won tournaments of this format, all hail the champions!

-AMG (1 time)
-Jove1 (1 time)
-KjDaas (1 time)
-Phosphor (1 time)
-Thunder Cebra (1 time)
-xdsrxeggroll (1 time)

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Pika Cup Tier List (Version 7.0)

Hello all, here is a tier list that I built for the Pika Cup after testing the 18 sample teams that I built. This list is for the Pokémon Stadium 1 mechanics, I have to clarify this because some pokémon improve their performance a bit when the format is played on Colosseum 1 or Colosseum 2 (Cartridge mechanics).

By the way, this list takes into account the original rules of the format except for Evasion and One Hit KO Moves; finally, since I've been busy I didn't have time to specify why each pokémon has a high or low rank, anyway, without further ado, here is the list:

Note: In each tier, each pokémon is ordered by alphabet, e.g., in the A+ Tier Alakazam goes first than Chansey.

Top Tier


:jynx: Jynx


:alakazam: Alakazam
:chansey: Chansey
:lapras: Lapras


:exeggutor: Exeggutor
:slowbro: Slowbro
:starmie: Starmie

High Tier


:arcanine: Arcanine
:electrode: Electrode
:gengar: Gengar
:gyarados: Gyarados


:clefable: Clefable
:dragonair: Dragonair
:raichu: Raichu
:rhydon: Rhydon
:tentacruel: Tentacruel

Middle Tier


:cloyster: Cloyster
:dugtrio: Dugtrio
:nidoking: Nidoking
:ninetales: Ninetales


:kadabra: Kadabra
:mr. mime: Mr. Mime


:tangela: Tangela

Low Tier


:beedrill: Beedrill
:butterfree: Butterfree
:dewgong: Dewgong
:ditto: Ditto
:farfetchd: Farfetch’d
:fearow: Fearow
:golduck: Golduck
:hitmonchan: Hitmonchan
:hitmonlee: Hitmonlee
:kingler: Kingler
:lickitung: Lickitung
:machamp: Machamp
:nidoqueen: Nidoqueen
:onix: Onix
:parasect: Parasect
:pinsir: Pinsir
:poliwrath: Poliwrath
:porygon: Porygon
:raticate: Raticate
:scyther: Scyther
:seadra: Seadra
:wigglytuff: Wigglytuff

Bottom Tier


:charmeleon: Charmeleon
:haunter: Haunter


:ivysaur: Ivysaur
:nidorina: Nidorina
:nidorino: Nidorino
:pidgeotto: Pidgeotto
:poliwhirl: Poliwhirl
:wartortle: Wartortle


:charmander: Charmander
:dratini: Dratini
:growlithe: Growlithe


:abra: Abra
:bellsprout: Bellsprout
:bulbasaur: Bulbasaur
:clefairy: Clefairy
:cubone: Cubone
:diglett: Diglett
:doduo: Doduo
:drowzee: Drowzee
:ekans: Ekans
:exeggcute: Exeggcute
:gastly: Gastly
:geodude: Geodude
:goldeen: Goldeen
:horsea: Horsea
:jigglypuff: Jigglypuff
:kabuto: Kabuto
:koffing: Koffing*
:krabby: Krabby
:machop: Machop
:magnemite: Magnemite
:mankey: Mankey
:meowth: Meowth
:nidoran f: Nidoran female
:nidoran m: Nidoran male
:oddish: Oddish
:omanyte: Omanyte
:paras: Paras
:pidgey: Pidgey
:pikachu: Pikachu
:poliwag: Poliwag
:ponyta: Ponyta*
:psyduck: Psyduck
:rattata: Rattata
:rhyhorn: Rhyhorn
:sandshrew: Sandshrew
:seel: Seel*
:shellder: Shellder
:slowpoke: Slowpoke
:spearow: Spearow
:squirtle: Squirtle
:staryu: Staryu
:tentacool: Tentacool
:venonat: Venonat
:voltorb: Voltorb
:vulpix: Vulpix
:zubat: Zubat


:kakuna: Kakuna
:metapod: Metapod


:caterpie: Caterpie
:magikarp: Magikarp
:weedle: Weedle

*Only available as Rentals.

In my opinion, only the pokémon that belong to the Top, High and Middle Tiers are viable, while the others are non viable.

Japanese Tier List

The Tier List of Japan is almost the same; however, there are three pokémon that are exclusive of that country: Golem, Kangaskhan and Muk. finally, Magikarp learns Dragon Rage, which improves its viability a bit.

Top Tier


:jynx: Jynx


:alakazam: Alakazam
:chansey: Chansey
:lapras: Lapras


:exeggutor: Exeggutor
:slowbro: Slowbro
:starmie: Starmie

High Tier


:arcanine: Arcanine
:electrode: Electrode
:gengar: Gengar
:golem: Golem**
:gyarados: Gyarados


:clefable: Clefable
:dragonair: Dragonair
:raichu: Raichu
:rhydon: Rhydon
:tentacruel: Tentacruel

Middle Tier


:cloyster: Cloyster
:dugtrio: Dugtrio
:nidoking: Nidoking
:ninetales: Ninetales


:kadabra: Kadabra
:mr. mime: Mr. Mime


:kangaskhan: Kangaskhan**
:tangela: Tangela

Low Tier


:beedrill: Beedrill
:butterfree: Butterfree
:dewgong: Dewgong
:ditto: Ditto
:farfetchd: Farfetch’d
:fearow: Fearow
:golduck: Golduck
:hitmonchan: Hitmonchan
:hitmonlee: Hitmonlee
:kingler: Kingler
:lickitung: Lickitung
:machamp: Machamp
:muk: Muk**
:nidoqueen: Nidoqueen
:onix: Onix
:parasect: Parasect
:pinsir: Pinsir
:poliwrath: Poliwrath
:porygon: Porygon
:raticate: Raticate
:scyther: Scyther
:seadra: Seadra
:wigglytuff: Wigglytuff

Bottom Tier


:charmeleon: Charmeleon
:haunter: Haunter


:ivysaur: Ivysaur
:nidorina: Nidorina
:nidorino: Nidorino
:pidgeotto: Pidgeotto
:poliwhirl: Poliwhirl
:wartortle: Wartortle


:charmander: Charmander
:dratini: Dratini
:growlithe: Growlithe
:magikarp: Magikarp


:abra: Abra
:bellsprout: Bellsprout
:bulbasaur: Bulbasaur
:clefairy: Clefairy
:cubone: Cubone
:diglett: Diglett
:doduo: Doduo
:drowzee: Drowzee
:ekans: Ekans
:exeggcute: Exeggcute
:gastly: Gastly
:geodude: Geodude
:goldeen: Goldeen
:horsea: Horsea
:jigglypuff: Jigglypuff
:kabuto: Kabuto
:koffing: Koffing*
:krabby: Krabby
:machop: Machop
:magnemite: Magnemite
:mankey: Mankey
:meowth: Meowth
:nidoran f: Nidoran female
:nidoran m: Nidoran male
:oddish: Oddish
:omanyte: Omanyte
:paras: Paras
:pidgey: Pidgey
:pikachu: Pikachu
:poliwag: Poliwag
:ponyta: Ponyta*
:psyduck: Psyduck
:rattata: Rattata
:rhyhorn: Rhyhorn
:sandshrew: Sandshrew
:seel: Seel*
:shellder: Shellder
:slowpoke: Slowpoke
:spearow: Spearow
:squirtle: Squirtle
:staryu: Staryu
:tentacool: Tentacool
:venonat: Venonat
:voltorb: Voltorb
:vulpix: Vulpix
:zubat: Zubat


:kakuna: Kakuna
:metapod: Metapod


:caterpie: Caterpie
:weedle: Weedle

*Only available as Rentals.
**These pokémon are only available in Japan.

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Pika Cup Sample Teams for Pokémon Stadium 1

These teams were designed for competitive battles of Pika Cup that use Pokémon Stadium 1 mechanics.

These teams feature Pokémon that can only be obtained in the international games of Gen I; still, they can be used to battle against teams that have Pokémon exclusive of Japan without any disadvantage.

Team 1

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: No Ability
Level: 17
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 17
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

This team struggles a bit against certain Level 20 Pokémon; however, it allows any Pokémon combination, which makes it unpredictable, due to this, Team 1 is perfect for beginning players.

Team 2

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: No Ability
Level: 18
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 18
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

This team has the same Pokémon of Team 1; however, the Aces are at Level 18, which makes them stronger. It could be said that Team 2 trades versatility for power.

Team 3

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:arcanine: :alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: none
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 16
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Lovely Kiss
- Rest

Ability: none
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 4

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :gengar: :chansey: :tangela: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Faust (Gengar)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Night Shade
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

CRINKLES (Tangela)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Double-Edge
- Substitute
- Swords Dance

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 5

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :mr. mime: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

MARCEL (Mr. Mime)
Ability: None
Level: 16
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 6

Beelzemon 2003

:nidoking: :alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 16
- Earthquake
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Thunderbolt

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 7

Beelzemon 2003

:ninetales: :alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: No Ability
Level: 20
- Fire Blast
- Body Slam
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: No Ability
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 8

Beelzemon 2003

:kadabra: :alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 16
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 9

Beelzemon 2003

:dugtrio: :alakazam: :cloyster: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

GURIO (Dugtrio)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 16
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 10

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :exeggutor: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Coconut (Exeggutor)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Strength
- Explosion
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 11

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :tentacruel: :rhydon: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Kraken (Tentacruel)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Double-Edge
- Wrap

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 12

Beelzemon 2003

:arcanine: :alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 13

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras: :dragonair:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Team 14

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :gyarados: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 15

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :slowbro: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Psychic
- Blizzard
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 16

Beelzemon 2003

:raichu: :alakazam: :rhydon: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 16
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 17

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :rhydon: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 18

Beelzemon 2003

:clefable: :alakazam: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Plushie (Clefable)
Ability: None
Level: 16
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 19

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :exeggutor: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: none
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Coconut (Exeggutor)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Mega Drain
- Psychic
- Strength
- Rest

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: none
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: none
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: none
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 20

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :rhydon: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 20
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

BUFFY (Rhydon)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Lovely Kiss
- Rest

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 20
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 21

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :electrode: :chansey: :jynx: :lapras: :dragonair:

Ability: No Ability
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

DORIS (Electrode)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 16
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Soft-Boiled

LOLA (Jynx)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Ability: No Ability
Level: 15
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage
- Thunder Wave

These teams feature Golem, Muk and Kangaskhan, the three Pokémon that are exclusive of the Japanese version of the format.

Team 22

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :muk: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Betabo (Muk)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Mega Drain
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Masako (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 16
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 23

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :chansey: :kangaskhan: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 16
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Rodan (Kangaskhan)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Surf
- Rock Slide

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Masako (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Team 24

Beelzemon 2003

:alakazam: :golem: :chansey: :starmie: :jynx: :lapras:

Ability: None
Level: 19
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Rest

Saburo (Golem)
Ability: None
Level: 16
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Soft-Boiled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Masako (Jynx)
Ability: None
Level: 15
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Lovely Kiss

Nessie (Lapras)
Ability: None
Level: 19
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Rage

Pika Cup Individual Movesets

If you're angry because Pokémon like Metapod or Nidoqueen were not included in the samples, then you can use these movesets to build your own teams.

Ponyta, Seel and Koffing

If you play in the Free Battle mode or in the Stadium mode of Pokémon Stadium 1, you can also use Ponyta, Seel and Koffing in your team. These three pokémon are only available as Rentals, which means that their levels, moves and stats cannot be modified in any way, still, it is a nice option if you’re a fan of them. Below are the movesets of those Rentals:

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Swift
- Horn Drill
- Reflect

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Headbutt
- Horn Drill

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Self-Destruct
- Toxic

Ponyta and Seel have Horn Drill, so if One Hit KO moves are banned, you have to decide if both pokémon should be banned or if they should be allowed as long as they don't use Horn Drill.

Special pokémon that are only available as Rentals

If you play Pika Cup in the Free Battle mode or in the Stadium mode of Pokémon Stadium 1, there are 24 special pokémon that you can add to your team. These pokémon are special because some are underleveled, while others have moves that are impossible to get at Level 15. Since these pokémon are Rentals, you can’t change their levels nor their moves. Below is the list of the special pokémon:

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Solar Beam
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Swords Dance

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ember
- Mega Kick
- Swords Dance
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Bide
- Reflect

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Fly
- Peck
- Double Team
- Mimic

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Take Down
- Horn Drill
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Double Kick
- Fissure
- Reflect

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Ice Beam
- Horn Attack
- Double Kick
- Horn Drill

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Poison Sting
- Earthquake
- Bubble Beam
- Double Kick

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Surf
- Double Slap
- Hypnosis
- Metronome

Note: This special Poliwrath has Double Slap, a move that it normally learns until level 25.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Double Team
- Metronome

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Mega Punch
- Psywave
- Metronome
- Thunder Wave

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Wrap
- Supersonic
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Swift
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Aurora Beam
- Hyper Beam
- Clamp
- Supersonic

Note: This special Cloyster has Aurora Beam, Clamp and Supersonic, three moves that it normally couldn't have at level 15. Normally Cloyster learns Supersonic at level 18, Clamp at level 23 and Aurora Beam at level 30.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Psychic
- Night Shade
- Explosion
- Confuse Ray

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Thunderbolt
- Night Shade
- Self-Destruct
- Confuse Ray

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Night Shade
- Confuse Ray
- Metronome

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Psychic
- Egg Bomb
- Double Team
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Mega Drain
- Barrage
- Psywave
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Blizzard
- Strength
- Tail Whip

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Horn Attack
- Substitute

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Bubble Beam
- Ice Beam
- Mimic
- Smokescreen

Note: Underleveled

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Hydro Pump
- Bite
- Leer
- Rest

Note: This special Gyarados has three moves that it can’t learn at level 15: Hydro Pump, Bite and Leer. You may say that Gyarados learns those moves at level 1 in Pokémon Red and Blue; however, it is impossible to get a Gyarados before level 20 in said games and when you evolve a pokémon in Gen 1 it doesn’t learn its level 1 moves again.

Ability: None
Level: 15
- Tri Attack
- Psychic
- Conversion
- Sharpen

Note: Underleveled

In our opinion, these pokémon should be allowed because they are given by the game itself.

Note: Fearow, Kadabra and Exeggcute have Evasion Moves, while Nidorina, Nidoqueen and Nidorino have One Hit KO Moves. If Evasion and One Hit KO Moves are banned, you have to decide if those pokémon should be banned or if they should be allowed as long as they don't used their banned moves.

Pika Cup Individual Learnsets

Go to this link if you want to know which moves each pokémon learns.

If you want to organize battles of this format, you can use the following commands:

/Challenge Gen1StadiumOU@@@ Min Team Size=6, Picked Team Size=3, Min Level=15, Max Level=20, Max Total Level=50, -Golem, -Kangaskhan, -Muk

/Challenge Gen1StadiumOU@@@ Min Team Size=6, Picked Team Size=3, Min Level=15, Max Level=20, Max Total Level=50

Finally, I want to thank these players for helping me to test the teams:

Alpha Male Psyduck
Beelzemon 2003
Bug Catcher Aydon
Friend of Mr. Golem 120
Kid Nelson
Learning this
Lux 233
Plague von Karma
Renegade Victini
Revival Maya
Sevi 7

pika cup.jpg
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Petit Cup Sample Teams for Pokémon Stadium 1 (Beta Versions)

FOMG and I built some teams for the Petit Cup, the fanciest format of Pokémon.

Team 1

Beelzemon 2003

:pikachu: :diglett: :poliwag: :abra: :exeggcute: :dratini:

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Body Slam

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Gusanito (Dratini)
Ability: None
Level: 26
- Surf
- Wrap
- Dragon Rage
- Agility

Team 2

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:diglett: :meowth: :gastly: :voltorb: :exeggcute: :omanyte:

Ability: None
Level: 25
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 25
- Body Slam
- Thunderbolt
- Bubble Beam
- Substitute

Faust (Gastly)
Ability: None
Level: 25
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Night Shade
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 25
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 25
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 30
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Team 3

Beelzemon 2003

:pikachu: :clefairy: :diglett: :growlithe: :abra: :exeggcute:

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Body Slam
- Thunder Wave

Plushie (Clefairy)
Ability: None
Level: 26
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Fire Blast
- Body Slam
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Team 4

Beelzemon 2003 and Friend of Mr. Golem 120

:bulbasaur: :diglett: :psyduck: :abra: :gastly: :exeggcute:

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Swords Dance

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Amnesia
- Rest

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Faust (Gastly)
Ability: None
Level: 26
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Mega Drain
- Explosion

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Team 5

Beelzemon 2003

:clefairy: :diglett: :abra: :voltorb: :exeggcute: :dratini:

Plushie (Clefairy)
Ability: None
Level: 26
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 27
- Thunderbolt
- Sonic Boom
- Explosion
- Thunder Wave

Ability: None
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Rest

Gusanito (Dratini)
Ability: None
Level: 26
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Dragon Rage
- Thunder Wave

Team 6

Beelzemon 2003

:charmander: :clefairy: :diglett: :poliwag: :abra: :exeggcute:

Hamilton (Charmander)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 26
- Fire Blast
- Dig
- Dragon Rage
- Substitute

Plushie (Clefairy)
Ability: No Ability
Level: 26
- Body Slam
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 27
- Earthquake
- Body Slam
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Ability: No Ability
Level: 26
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Psychic
- Body Slam

Ability: No Ability
Level: 27
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave

Ability: No Ability
Level: 26
- Psychic
- Double-Edge
- Substitute
- Rest

A Special pokémon that is only available as a Rental

In Pokémon Stadium 1 you can also use one “special” pokémon if you play Petit Cup in the Free Battle mode or in the Stadium mode. This pokémon is special because it is underleveled, here it is:


Ability: None
Level: 25
- Smog
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Toxic

Note: Underleveled.

Since this pokémon is a Rental, you can’t change its level nor moves, also, in our opinion, this pokémon should be allowed because it is given by the game itself.

Petit Cup Individual Movesets

If you're mad because pokémon like Weedle or Sandshrew were not included in the sample teams you can use the individual movesets to build your own team. You can find the movesets in this link.

Petit Cup Individual Learnsets

Go to this link if you want to know which moves each pokémon learns.

petit cup 1.png
petit cup postcard 2.png
petit cup 2.png
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