Gen III Battle Frontier Discussion and Records

Welcome to the future of banking

Bank of Hoenn.png

I'm very proud to announce that thanks to the notable contributions of various members from the RNG community we are now able to provide users on the Gen 3 Frontier forums a database of +100 RNG'd Pokemons from Generation III for the purpose of Frontier streaking available for the public.

Due to the limitations of the GBA hardware which makes it impossible to trade online, even with exploits, the Bank of Hoenn will provide a database of downloadable .pk files that you can dump either into your emulator save files or your cartridge save files assuming that you possess the required external tools to dump these Pokemons. Thanks to Lego, Thomaz, Valentino23, Captain Santana and Regiultima115 we have RNG'd more than +100 Pokemon from various games such as FR/LG/E and even Colosseum/XD for exclusive usage for the members who are active on the Gen 3 Frontier forum. All the Pokemon that have been collected so far in our database will be provided as UT Pokemon that you can dump into your save files and EV Train as you see it fit. We will see later if we see it fit to provide already EV trained Pokemon, but for the moment being, users will have to customize their EVs.

All these Pokemon have been RNG abused on emulators to ease the workload on us and lua scripts have been used to assist us on the RNG. For the Gamecube RNGs, Dolphin and RAM Watches were used.

I will be providing a link later once I figure out how I will be distributing these Pokemon since I want to limit its usage for exclusive use of Gen 3 Frontier purposes and not just for collection. For the moment being, I will provide a visualization of what we have so far.




  • Please take into account that this may not be the final product upon release as we may add/remove more Pokemon.​
  • Individual pokemon files will be provided and not save files.​
  • We will not be adding shinyness upon request as this will be completely dependant on the contributor who performs the RNG on a Pokemon.​
  • Pokemon from Gale of Darkness have Nature Locks which means that the availability of IV spreads are significantly impacted, so please do not ask for flawless Pokemon in Gales.​
  • We will consider suggestions, but only if the Pokemon in question has a niche in Gen 3. We will not add more Pokemon if it only has a purpose for future generations. We reserve ourselves the right to reject any proposal that does not fit our criteria.​

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Yes you are right, I just saw this on Werster’s FAQ recently and this must have been why I encountered the status room so frequently. According to that FAQ, you also can’t get a double battle with only 1 Pokémon alive.

A complete tangent but there's actually a potentially quite deadly glitch associated with this; if you're presented with a room where a double battle is possible but one or more of your active Pokemon is poisoned, if they faint before you enter the double battle room (so as to leave you with just one active Pokemon) the game will still try to initiate a double battle and you'll send out the same Pokemon twice before the game eventually crashes. It's happened to me twice but luckily never in a serious streak since the circumstances are pretty uncommon.

Welcome to the future of banking

This rules
A complete tangent but there's actually a potentially quite deadly glitch associated with this; if you're presented with a room where a double battle is possible but one or more of your active Pokemon is poisoned, if they faint before you enter the double battle room (so as to leave you with just one active Pokemon) the game will still try to initiate a double battle and you'll send out the same Pokemon twice before the game eventually crashes. It's happened to me twice but luckily never in a serious streak since the circumstances are pretty uncommon.
I never knew this; what a horror situation haha
A complete tangent but there's actually a potentially quite deadly glitch associated with this; if you're presented with a room where a double battle is possible but one or more of your active Pokemon is poisoned, if they faint before you enter the double battle room (so as to leave you with just one active Pokemon) the game will still try to initiate a double battle and you'll send out the same Pokemon twice before the game eventually crashes. It's happened to me twice but luckily never in a serious streak since the circumstances are pretty uncommon.

This rules

Actually, you won't always send out the same Pokemon twice. You got unlucky (or lucky in a different circumstance, read below). Most of the time, you send out your one alive Pokemon and the other dead one at 0 HP, but entering and exiting the "Pokemon" screen removes the 0 HP Pokemon, and the Double Battle plays out as intended alebit you only have 1 Pokemon.

I never knew this; what a horror situation haha

Actaeon, you might remember some of us discussing a "Sketch glitch" a few days ago in the Discord. Actually, this Pike glitch is the very basis for the Sketch glitch, which allows you to get Sketch on nearly any Pokemon (I have a level 5 Chansey with 3 Sketches, for example). Essentially, you do the Pike Glitch to send out two Pokemon, enter the Pokemon status screen, and then exit it. You'll have your two invisible Pokemon with a criss cross of names (the name of the KO'd Pokemon but the stats and moveset of the alive Pokemon). If you are able to win the battle at this point, then you will lose the streak and be kicked out of the challenge. However, the Pokemon in the second slot during your challenge will have been duplicated into your first slot and whatever was in the first slot will be gone. Additionally, the cloned second slot Pokemon will have "Sketch" on any of its moveslots that previously contained a move that wasn't shared with the Pokemon in the first slot.

This is glitch is pretty interesting but very time consuming since it's not always a guarantee that you'll get the invisible Pokemon in the Double Battle (which is why I said you'd be lucky in different circumstances Green Typhlosion). It's also fairly useless unless you want to make some OP Pokemon (Spore Blissey, anyone?) or want to give legitimate moves to Pokemon with no other way to do so (it was the only way I could give my Blissey Aromatherapy).

Moral of the story? Clone your Pokemon that you use in Pike via the Tower Glitch, so that if you encounter this invisible Pokemon Double Battle Glitch in Pike, you can use it to your advantage (remember the slot 1 Pokemon gets deleted).
Actually, you won't always send out the same Pokemon twice. You got unlucky (or lucky in a different circumstance, read below). Most of the time, you send out your one alive Pokemon and the other dead one at 0 HP, but entering and exiting the "Pokemon" screen removes the 0 HP Pokemon, and the Double Battle plays out as intended alebit you only have 1 Pokemon.

Actaeon, you might remember some of us discussing a "Sketch glitch" a few days ago in the Discord. Actually, this Pike glitch is the very basis for the Sketch glitch, which allows you to get Sketch on nearly any Pokemon (I have a level 5 Chansey with 3 Sketches, for example). Essentially, you do the Pike Glitch to send out two Pokemon, enter the Pokemon status screen, and then exit it. You'll have your two invisible Pokemon with a criss cross of names (the name of the KO'd Pokemon but the stats and moveset of the alive Pokemon). If you are able to win the battle at this point, then you will lose the streak and be kicked out of the challenge. However, the Pokemon in the second slot during your challenge will have been duplicated into your first slot and whatever was in the first slot will be gone. Additionally, the cloned second slot Pokemon will have "Sketch" on any of its moveslots that previously contained a move that wasn't shared with the Pokemon in the first slot.

This is glitch is pretty interesting but very time consuming since it's not always a guarantee that you'll get the invisible Pokemon in the Double Battle (which is why I said you'd be lucky in different circumstances Green Typhlosion). It's also fairly useless unless you want to make some OP Pokemon (Spore Blissey, anyone?) or want to give legitimate moves to Pokemon with no other way to do so (it was the only way I could give my Blissey Aromatherapy).

Moral of the story? Clone your Pokemon that you use in Pike via the Tower Glitch, so that if you encounter this invisible Pokemon Double Battle Glitch in Pike, you can use it to your advantage (remember the slot 1 Pokemon gets deleted).

I did not know this. Very interesting!
Actually, you won't always send out the same Pokemon twice. You got unlucky (or lucky in a different circumstance, read below). Most of the time, you send out your one alive Pokemon and the other dead one at 0 HP, but entering and exiting the "Pokemon" screen removes the 0 HP Pokemon, and the Double Battle plays out as intended alebit you only have 1 Pokemon.

Actaeon, you might remember some of us discussing a "Sketch glitch" a few days ago in the Discord. Actually, this Pike glitch is the very basis for the Sketch glitch, which allows you to get Sketch on nearly any Pokemon (I have a level 5 Chansey with 3 Sketches, for example). Essentially, you do the Pike Glitch to send out two Pokemon, enter the Pokemon status screen, and then exit it. You'll have your two invisible Pokemon with a criss cross of names (the name of the KO'd Pokemon but the stats and moveset of the alive Pokemon). If you are able to win the battle at this point, then you will lose the streak and be kicked out of the challenge. However, the Pokemon in the second slot during your challenge will have been duplicated into your first slot and whatever was in the first slot will be gone. Additionally, the cloned second slot Pokemon will have "Sketch" on any of its moveslots that previously contained a move that wasn't shared with the Pokemon in the first slot.

This is glitch is pretty interesting but very time consuming since it's not always a guarantee that you'll get the invisible Pokemon in the Double Battle (which is why I said you'd be lucky in different circumstances Green Typhlosion). It's also fairly useless unless you want to make some OP Pokemon (Spore Blissey, anyone?) or want to give legitimate moves to Pokemon with no other way to do so (it was the only way I could give my Blissey Aromatherapy).

Moral of the story? Clone your Pokemon that you use in Pike via the Tower Glitch, so that if you encounter this invisible Pokemon Double Battle Glitch in Pike, you can use it to your advantage (remember the slot 1 Pokemon gets deleted).
Thanks for explaining!
Still been working off and on for gold symbols, but given I've yet to get any outside the Factory, I'm seeing if I should rethink my team. Problem is, I've gotten close enough once or twice that I'm not ready to give up on bringing my favourites (aggron and skarmory) yet despite aggron probably being the weak link at present. Figure I might as well get some opinions before going through the effort of getting a good nature and not terrible IVs

(note: I'm on a cartridge with no available trades and a dead battery, which incedentally means I cannot get a Lum Berry. I am willing to use the item duplication glitch)
Raw stats because I don't remember the exact EVs and IVs
gardevoir lvl 50@cheri berry
141 HP/63 atk/81 def/190 SpA/134 SpD/130 Spe
Destiny Bond
Calm Mind/Ice Punch

Aggron lvl 50@choice band
162 HP/176 Atk/196 Def/69 SpA/73 SpD/67 Spe
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Brick Break

Swampert lvl 50 Leftovers
177 HP/159 Atk/105 Def/111 SpA/96 SpD/79 Spe
ice beam
protect/rock slide

Option 1 is to replace Gardevoir with Latios, following the speedrun team more closely. My latios has a quirky nature, and IVs of 3-4/8-9/3-4/5-7/20-22/0-2.

Same aggron as current

Aggron lvl 50@choice band
162 HP/176 Atk/196 Def/69 SpA/73 SpD/67 Spe
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Brick Break

Starmie @ leftovers
natural cure
recover/ice beam

Salemence @ cheri berry/rawst berry
dragon dance
aerial ace
rock slide/dragon claw/flamethrower

Skarmory @ leftovers
keen eye
aerial ace/steel wing

flygon@ choice band
dragon claw
rock slide/flamethrower/crunch
rock slide/flamethrower/crunch

Tentacruel@ sitrus berry
(unsure of which is better here)
swords dance
sludge bomb
giga drain/return/mirror coat

One team doesn't need to be able to beat all of the facilities (I'm pretty sure skarmory stands no chance in Arena). What direction should I be going in?
Still been working off and on for gold symbols, but given I've yet to get any outside the Factory, I'm seeing if I should rethink my team. Problem is, I've gotten close enough once or twice that I'm not ready to give up on bringing my favourites (aggron and skarmory) yet despite aggron probably being the weak link at present. Figure I might as well get some opinions before going through the effort of getting a good nature and not terrible IVs

(note: I'm on a cartridge with no available trades and a dead battery, which incedentally means I cannot get a Lum Berry. I am willing to use the item duplication glitch)
Raw stats because I don't remember the exact EVs and IVs
gardevoir lvl 50@cheri berry
141 HP/63 atk/81 def/190 SpA/134 SpD/130 Spe
Destiny Bond
Calm Mind/Ice Punch

Aggron lvl 50@choice band
162 HP/176 Atk/196 Def/69 SpA/73 SpD/67 Spe
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Brick Break

Swampert lvl 50 Leftovers
177 HP/159 Atk/105 Def/111 SpA/96 SpD/79 Spe
ice beam
protect/rock slide

Option 1 is to replace Gardevoir with Latios, following the speedrun team more closely. My latios has a quirky nature, and IVs of 3-4/8-9/3-4/5-7/20-22/0-2.

I wouldn't use Aggron on this team although if you insist on using it, you'll need to get one with better IVs because those stats are incredibly subpar and it will be hard to reach Gold with an underwhelming Pokemon with inefficient stats. Gardevoir is not a really good choice as an offensive Psychic type due to its lower base Speed and the Latios you have sucks. I wouldn't bother on remaking this team and bin it to the trash can unless you are willing to soft-reset your whole game and hunt for a better Latios.

Same aggron as current

Aggron lvl 50@choice band
162 HP/176 Atk/196 Def/69 SpA/73 SpD/67 Spe
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Brick Break

Starmie @ leftovers
natural cure
recover/ice beam

Salemence @ cheri berry/rawst berry
dragon dance
aerial ace
rock slide/dragon claw/flamethrower

A much more better team in here. Don't ever consider using Recover on Starmie and keep the Ice Beam coverage. You desperately need this move for Dragons and Grass types and it's not like Starmie will be expected to survive most attacks anyways due to its frailty. Use a Modest nature in here and don't use Leftovers. A Cheri Berry will suffice in here or you can use Mystic Water to make your STAB Surf slightly more powerful.

On Salamence's case, if you still have not used your Substitute move tutor (Ceiling floor of Lilycove City Department Store, talk to a woman NPC just below the entrance) it should become your Leftovers user since Substitute does an incredible job on exploiting the AI's mechanics and protects it from status ailments. Drop Rock Slide in case you haven't used this move tutor yet. Use Substitute in case you still have the tutor available.

Skarmory @ leftovers
keen eye
aerial ace/steel wing

flygon@ choice band
dragon claw
rock slide/flamethrower/crunch
rock slide/flamethrower/crunch

Tentacruel@ sitrus berry
(unsure of which is better here)
swords dance
sludge bomb
giga drain/return/mirror coat

One team doesn't need to be able to beat all of the facilities (I'm pretty sure skarmory stands no chance in Arena). What direction should I be going in?

I don't know why would you consider a mixed Tentacruel on this team. Just use Starmie instead and please take into account that Dragon Claw does special damage on this generation and therefore, it will be a weak move to use when Flygon is locked into. Flamethrower is fine for the occasional Forretress/Scizor but consider breeding a new one and maybe get Quick Attack for the occasional Reversal shenanigan. You can get Quick Attack on Trapinch by breeding a male Gligar with a female Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon.

Seriously consider breeding a new Skarmory until you get one with Sturdy.
It's ability to nullify OHKO moves is too good to pass up and you don't really want to use Sand Attack since this third team lacks a set-up sweeper that can take advantage of the opportunities you can get from the accuracy drops. You can pretty much replace that move with Rest and equip a Chesto Berry.
A much more better team in here. Don't ever consider using Recover on Starmie and keep the Ice Beam coverage. You desperately need this move for Dragons and Grass types and it's not like Starmie will be expected to survive most attacks anyways due to its frailty. Use a Modest nature in here and don't use Leftovers. A Cheri Berry will suffice in here or you can use Mystic Water to make your STAB Surf slightly more powerful.

On Salamence's case, if you still have not used your Substitute move tutor (Ceiling floor of Lilycove City Department Store, talk to a woman NPC just below the entrance) it should become your Leftovers user since Substitute does an incredible job on exploiting the AI's mechanics and protects it from status ailments. Drop Rock Slide in case you haven't used this move tutor yet. Use Substitute in case you still have the tutor available.
I was going back and forth as to where to allocate offense/defense moves between Starmie and Salamence, with the original sets having the more defensive starmie and offensive mence. I didn't list substitute as I was worried about overcommiting to a bad idea, but Mence does seem to be generally good enough to be worth it.

I don't know why would you consider a mixed Tentacruel on this team. Just use Starmie instead and please take into account that Dragon Claw does special damage on this generation and therefore, it will be a weak move to use when Flygon is locked into. Flamethrower is fine for the occasional Forretress/Scizor but consider breeding a new one and maybe get Quick Attack for the occasional Reversal shenanigan. You can get Quick Attack on Trapinch by breeding a male Gligar with a female Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon.

Seriously consider breeding a new Skarmory until you get one with Sturdy. It's ability to nullify OHKO moves is too good to pass up and you don't really want to use Sand Attack since this third team lacks a set-up sweeper that can take advantage of the opportunities you can get from the accuracy drops. You can pretty much replace that move with Rest and equip a Chesto Berry.
Tentacruel was considered as a setup mon (to pair with skarm) that could also bait earthquakes for the Ground-immune teammates to switch into. It was based on the competitive set but with giga drain over substitute. If it's being replaced, would the same starmie as the other team work well? Thanks for the tips on quick attack and sturdy. I haven't committed to breeding anything specific yet (not sure I've even caught a trapinch at all), so it helps to know now.
I wouldn't use Aggron on this team although if you insist on using it, you'll need to get one with better IVs because those stats are incredibly subpar and it will be hard to reach Gold with an underwhelming Pokemon with inefficient stats. Gardevoir is not a really good choice as an offensive Psychic type due to its lower base Speed and the Latios you have sucks. I wouldn't bother on remaking this team and bin it to the trash can unless you are willing to soft-reset your whole game and hunt for a better Latios.

A much more better team in here. Don't ever consider using Recover on Starmie and keep the Ice Beam coverage. You desperately need this move for Dragons and Grass types and it's not like Starmie will be expected to survive most attacks anyways due to its frailty. Use a Modest nature in here and don't use Leftovers. A Cheri Berry will suffice in here or you can use Mystic Water to make your STAB Surf slightly more powerful.

On Salamence's case, if you still have not used your Substitute move tutor (Ceiling floor of Lilycove City Department Store, talk to a woman NPC just below the entrance) it should become your Leftovers user since Substitute does an incredible job on exploiting the AI's mechanics and protects it from status ailments. Drop Rock Slide in case you haven't used this move tutor yet. Use Substitute in case you still have the tutor available.

I don't know why would you consider a mixed Tentacruel on this team. Just use Starmie instead and please take into account that Dragon Claw does special damage on this generation and therefore, it will be a weak move to use when Flygon is locked into. Flamethrower is fine for the occasional Forretress/Scizor but consider breeding a new one and maybe get Quick Attack for the occasional Reversal shenanigan. You can get Quick Attack on Trapinch by breeding a male Gligar with a female Trapinch/Vibrava/Flygon.

Seriously consider breeding a new Skarmory until you get one with Sturdy. It's ability to nullify OHKO moves is too good to pass up and you don't really want to use Sand Attack since this third team lacks a set-up sweeper that can take advantage of the opportunities you can get from the accuracy drops. You can pretty much replace that move with Rest and equip a Chesto Berry.
Kommo, didn't you make a post a while ago about a team along these lines with Flygon/Starmie/Forretress? I think that kind of team fits his requirements pretty well and it's quite easy to make as well.
I was going back and forth as to where to allocate offense/defense moves between Starmie and Salamence, with the original sets having the more defensive starmie and offensive mence. I didn't list substitute as I was worried about overcommiting to a bad idea, but Mence does seem to be generally good enough to be worth it.

Defensive Starmie is only good on PvP but not in Frontier play. What exactly are you going to wall even if you use defensive EVs? If you need a bulky Water type, you can just use Milotic who has higher bulk, the same base special attack and Recover. If you commit to Starmie, you have to use for its decent traits in Speed and its incredible coverage.

Tentacruel was considered as a setup mon (to pair with skarm) that could also bait earthquakes for the Ground-immune teammates to switch into. It was based on the competitive set but with giga drain over substitute. If it's being replaced, would the same starmie as the other team work well? Thanks for the tips on quick attack and sturdy. I haven't committed to breeding anything specific yet (not sure I've even caught a trapinch at all), so it helps to know now.

What about the faster Pokemon than Tentacruel? A +2 Sludge Bomb with Adamant nature and Max IVs has a 30% chance to OHKO 0 HP / 0 Def Latios and it will OHKO back with Psychic. Your Tentacruel also fails to beat the Steel types with Earthquake coverage such as Metagross since the only move that gains the Attack boost is Sludge Bomb. Starmie will do well since Flygon will cover its Electric weakness and while weak to Grass, Psychic will nail the Grass/Poison types that litter Frontier.
Kommo, didn't you make a post a while ago about a team along these lines with Flygon/Starmie/Forretress? I think that kind of team fits his requirements pretty well and it's quite easy to make as well.

I did, but he did mentioned on his first post that he wanted to keep Aggron and Skarmory since they are his favorites. I don't think Aggron is a good fit as a Forry replacement since it has that awful x4 weakness to Ground/Fight. Skarmory might do well, hence why I still suggested Skarm as slot 3.
I am currently trying out this new challenge I made, inspired by pokemon natures in the battle palace- the berry challenge, where your pokemon's nature determines which berry it holds and it can only use a different item (opponents) when the berry has been consumed/knocked off and you have knocked off an opponents item. E.g. my jolly salamence likes sweet, thus holds pecha berry until battle #14 where a QC Roselia poisoned it with sludge bomb. Now that its pecha berry has been consumed it has access to the kings rock my Hariyama has knocked off an opponent. Rules below.

I reached streak 40 in doubles, using my team of:
Salamence, jolly, pecha berry (later choice band)
Alakazam, modest, chesto berry (later sitrus berry)
Kingdra, lonely, cheri berry
Hariyama, impish, aspear berry

I lost to a DT, Curse, double edge Umbreon after dealing with a Milotic and Starmie. How can I ev Kindra to check Milotic and Starmie? I always thought it was a good check with its one weakness of dragon, but it only seems to work only sometimes.
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I am currently trying out this new challenge I made, inspired by pokemon natures in the battle palace- the berry challenge, where your pokemon's nature determines which berry it holds and it can only use a different item (opponents) when the berry has been consumed/knocked off and you have knocked off an opponents item. E.g. my jolly salamence likes sweet, thus holds pecha berry until battle #14 where a QC Roselia poisoned it with sludge bomb. Now that its pecha berry has been consumed it has access to the kings rock my Hariyama has knocked off an opponent. Rules below.

I am passing streak 14 in doubles, using my team of:
Salamence, jolly, pecha berry (now kings rock)
Alakazam, modest, chesto berry (now sitrus berry)
Kingdra, lonely, cheri berry
Hariyama, impish, aspear berry
I'll continue to post streaks tonight. If anyone was looking for an extra challenge in Emerald Battle Frontier, similar to the Battle Palace, I hope you like this challenge.
As if Palace wasn't hard enough already! Very creative.
I lost to a DT, Curse, double edge Umbreon after dealing with a Milotic and Starmie. How can I ev Kindra to check Milotic and Starmie? I always thought it was a good check with its one weakness of dragon, but it only seems to work only sometimes.
With Lum Berry and a sufficient SpD/HP combination to avoid getting 2HKOed by Starmie's Psychic most of the time, a Rain Dance / HP[Elc] set seems pretty safe to me. Milotic will always be a pest without Toxic, as it isn't 2HKOed by Hidden Power by a long shot.
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With Lum Berry and a sufficient SpD/HP combination to avoid getting 2HKOed by Starmie's Psychic most of the time, a Rain Dance / HP[Elc] set seems pretty safe to me. Milotic will always be a pest without Toxic, as it isn't 2HKOed by Hidden Power by a long shot.

Thanks for the advice. I'll RNG a HP electric modest or calm Horsea next, that will help. In the meantime, I'll try out my previous fav counter: calm Lanturn.
Actaeon, I read your mono ground update and was wondering whether you thought sand veil could with setting up those accuracy lowering strats? Something like:
Sandslash or Dugtrio or Cacturn, lax incense, sand viel, sandstorm, sand attack, etc
I haven't tried either of these mons in tower before, but I am training a Tyranitar as a win condition mon, with 2 support mons, either lowering pp, atk or accuracy. Is sand viel worth it or should I stick with other team mates? Maybe Skarmary or Swampert or Zapodos are safer choices since those sand veil users have bad type synergy with Ttar.
Thanks for the advice. I'll RNG a HP electric modest or calm Horsea next, that will help. In the meantime, I'll try out my previous fav counter: calm Lanturn.
Actaeon, I read your mono ground update and was wondering whether you thought sand veil could with setting up those accuracy lowering strats? Something like:
Sandslash or Dugtrio or Cacturn, lax incense, sand viel, sandstorm, sand attack, etc
I haven't tried either of these mons in tower before, but I am training a Tyranitar as a win condition mon, with 2 support mons, either lowering pp, atk or accuracy. Is sand viel worth it or should I stick with other team mates? Maybe Skarmary or Swampert or Zapodos are safer choices since those sand veil users have bad type synergy with Ttar.
I'd definitely recommend Modest Kingdra for nearly all purposes I can think of (unless you want to use it as a Substitute/Smokescreen crippler against Mementoed foes like on my mono Dragon team), especially in double battles.

I played around with Sand Veil, but it's only moderately attractive if Sandstorm is permanent. The strategy would be Thunder Wave physically bulky Tyranitar lead (not a win condition, but EV-ed to survive common Earthquakes / Surfs / non-STAB Brick Breaks for example) + SubTect Sand-Attack Gligar in order to setup a sweeper (note Gligar luckily resists Fighting), and this has a really good probability of working against nearly everything that doesn't one-shot Tyranitar, since the Pokemon that can't be Thunder Waved are usually outsped by Gligar (save Flygon and Dugtrio, but you could even Scary Face / Ice Beam those or use a sweeper that takes care of them).

Gligar needs an attacking move (most probably Earthquake or Dig, which is surprisingly good in my experience because it also dodges Sub-breaking Explosions) because some opponent will simply fall to Sandstorm damage while crippled.

Note that the sweeper has to withstand Sandstorm as well since it needs to be able to stall with Substitute against misses and can't have Leftovers because Gligar needs it, severely reducing your options to stuff like Salac Sandslash, Scizor, or maybe even Calm Mind Golduck as some kind of a mini Suicune. A Recover-using physically bulky Lati@s might work as well. Will add an example team soon!

On Mono Ground it sadly isn't possible since Tyranitar is not around.

I also tried last-resort Sandstorm on my lead before sending in Gligar (Gyarados @ Salac Twave lead on Mono Flying, for example), but in that case you might just as well use Flash/Sand-Attack in general, because that's permanent. If Sandstorm is not permanent, you either risk losing a lot of HP using Substitute repeatedly, or waste Sandstorm turns with Protect.
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I'm proud to announce that the BANK OF HOENN is finally open!! You don't have perfect Pokemon to beat the Frontier Brains or you don't have the parents needed to RNG your own perfect breeds? We provide you with the solution by letting you rent our database of +100 RNG'd Pokemon done by well known trusted users who performed RNG over the years. No interests, fees or anything to give us other than kicking those Frontier Brain butts for us ;)

You can join the Discord server on the link below and start right away on making a petition. No advice will be provided on how you can inject .pk files, so please take into account that if you agree to "rent and use" our Pokemon, you agree that you know how to handle external tools.

Please be sure to read the rules on the server before making a request
and hope to see you guys joining soon! (Please click the link below for a Discord invite!)



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2/7 symbols down, thanks for all the advice all.

Battle dome singles 14 wins (level 50, cartridge), ended in finals

IVs/Evs are approximate, but give the correct stats

Regina (Skarmory) (F) @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 20 HP / 19 Atk / 24 Def / 29 SpA / 26 SpD / 5 Spe
- Rest
- Aerial Ace
- Toxic
- Protect

Silica (Flygon) (F) @ Choice Band
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 24 Atk / 15 Def / 19 SpA / 29 SpD
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Flamethrower
- Quick Attack

Mirovia (Starmie) @ Mystic Water
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 21 HP / 10 Atk / 29 Def / 14 SpA / 25 SpD / 13 Spe
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

Tried a bunch in various events with a status-healing berry on starmie, but kept leaving opponents in the red too much. An offense-boosting item seems to have worked much better, this was only like my second attempt at the Dome after the change, and only the second time I've reached Tucker (first with any variation of this team). Unfortunately, I lost the rematch at 15, where I wasn't sure about my ability to beat his second with flygon if skarm was worn down by metagross (swampert because it carried ice beam, latias because I wasn't likely to be locked into Rock Slide if I needed to finish off metagross) so I switched to Flygon. I then took a SDef drop on the switch followed by an (assumed) quick claw activation to 2HKO. I forefited at that point rather than see what comes after PP stalling out metagross (what the skarm vs meta matchup came down to in the fight at 10)
First one to borrow from the Bank of Hoenn! Finally got a chance to use CM Entei. It's the middle brother of the legendary dog trio. Not the most powerful, or the most bulky, but it's a solid CM user. Mono fire has no other immunities besides fire types with flash fire.

I ran Skarm, Bliss and Entei. This team obviously has some difficulty with mixed attackers with fighting coverage like Blaziken, Golduck, Electabuzz. Growl and torment support help Entei set up. I'm running enough speed to outspeed Espeon, enough hp to create 101 hp substitutes, with the rest dumped into special attack.

The most annoying battle I've had to deal with so far is with DT entei and DT Moltres. You also have to pp stall Anabel's Raikou of thunderbolts and toxic ko the Latios.


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First one to borrow from the Bank of Hoenn! Finally got a chance to use CM Entei. It's the middle brother of the legendary dog trio. Not the most powerful, or the most bulky, but it's a solid CM user. Mono fire has no other immunities besides fire types with flash fire.

I ran Skarm, Bliss and Entei. This team obviously has some difficulty with mixed attackers with fighting coverage like Blaziken, Golduck, Electabuzz. Growl and torment support help Entei set up. I'm running enough speed to outspeed Espeon, enough hp to create 101 hp substitutes, with the rest dumped into special attack.

The most annoying battle I've had to deal with so far is with DT entei and DT Moltres. You also have to pp stall Anabel's Raikou of thunderbolts and toxic ko the Latios.
Nice to see an "Adedede setup" with Entei. I was wondering, do you use Protect a lot on Entei?

Also, is 101 HP (or rather 51 since it's level 50) Substitutes really necessary? Suicune sets don't seem to bother in favor of being more bulky, so the sub stays intact against more kind of moves during setup (e.g. more Defense to have the Substitute stand up to physical moves after a few Growls).
Nice to see an "Adedede setup" with Entei. I was wondering, do you use Protect a lot on Entei?

Also, is 101 HP (or rather 51 since it's level 50) Substitutes really necessary? Suicune sets don't seem to bother in favor of being more bulky, so the sub stays intact against more kind of moves during setup (e.g. more Defense to have the Substitute stand up to physical moves after a few Growls).

The 101 HP subs are to prevent Blissey 2 and Dusclops 1 from breaking the Substitute with Seismic Toss. Two very annoying sets that can be a pain if you let them set up on you.
Nice to see an "Adedede setup" with Entei. I was wondering, do you use Protect a lot on Entei?

Also, is 101 HP (or rather 51 since it's level 50) Substitutes really necessary? Suicune sets don't seem to bother in favor of being more bulky, so the sub stays intact against more kind of moves during setup (e.g. more Defense to have the Substitute stand up to physical moves after a few Growls).

I tried out your spread too. I found that I didn't really need the special defense investment as torment+ protect already allows me to stall out water moves. In addition, strong special moves still breaks the sub regardless unless Entei is heavily invested into bulk or has multiple CM boosts. 51 hp subs aren't essential, but I've even set up on Blastoise with Seismic toss. Once you stall out the hydro pump and you have torment support, you can protect on the Seismic toss and you can set up to +6.

Regarding protect, I use it a lot. With growl, torment and protect, I find Entei actually sets up pretty easily when given the opportunity. Suicune sets up even easier without any support, but Entei actually doesn't have that much difficulty when the conditions are met. Raikou on the other hand, is my least favourite. Even though it has the most offensive potential/power, it's too hard to set up and needs hp ice/grass.
Made my account today so hopefully this comment goes through ok. If I messed anything up feel free to say so.

I got my first gold symbol yesterday at the battle factory! LV. 50 singles on retail. Photo of my GBA for proof:

The way I completed this run was with RNG manipulation. The frames given by Werster's all gold symbols guide made getting to a 21 streak pretty consistent. Past that it usually came down to missing the frame window, very dumb strategic decisions, or extreme hax.

Rough frames/teams used on the 42 streak -
Set 1: Graveler, Houndour, Bayleaf (frame 1810)
Set 2: Hitmonlee, Dunsparce, Plusle (frame 1838/1839)
Set 3: Zangoose*, Grumpig, Seviper (frame ~1849, *had to swap for Zangoose since I was too early)
Set 4: Espeon, Heracross, Flareon (frame 1999-2001)
Set 5: Espeon, Heracross, Milotic (frame 1641-1646)
Set 6: Starmie, Flygon, Electrode (frame 1631/1632, may have swapped for Electrode)

(apologies for not including specific movesets)

I tried for a 7th set and faceplanted immediately. However I do think I have a route for set 7 and sets 8+. Starting with the eighth set (56 battles) the pool of pokemon is the exact same every set. That means that you can find a good frame window for set 8 and use it to get the same initial team every time until you lose the streak. So I went into an emulator and mapped out the frames to do that.
Frames 1928-1934 are pretty good. Recommended leads have (L) and remainder have *'s
1928 - Salamance (L), Electrode *, Altaria *, Xatu, Dodrio, Rhydon (can swap for Milotic after 1st battle)
1930 - Alakazam (L), Electrode*, Altaria*, Rhydon, Xatu, Dusclops (can swap for Milotic after 1st battle)
1931 - Alakazam (L), Metagross, Milotic (best frame IMO)
1932 - Alakazam (L), Milotic *, Dusclops, Xatu, Golem, Lanturn (not sure who third should be)
1934 - Alakazam (L), Milotic *, Dusclops, Xatu, Golem, Vaporeon (also not sure)

For a buffer you could extend this backwards to about frame 1922. Good options, but worse than my listed frames.
This one has a lot of potential for anyone willing to find their perfect window. You can sort of hand-pick a team if you dig through the frames and then use that team over and over.

Frame 1507-1510 - Latios (L), Milotic, Tauros
This is the best frame window I found after a lot of searching through 1600-2700. I'm sure there are many other passable ones. But note that a Psychic/BoltBeam/Dragon Claw Lati@s just bulldozes trainers if it's your lead.

At some point I'd like to work back up to a 42 streak and see if I can use these strats on retail. I'll probably also go through set 8's frames with fresh eyes. RNG manipulation made the battle factory so much more fun overall for me and I recommend it to anyone who's struggling to get the gold symbol.
Made my account today so hopefully this comment goes through ok. If I messed anything up feel free to say so.

I got my first gold symbol yesterday at the battle factory! LV. 50 singles on retail. Photo of my GBA for proof:

The way I completed this run was with RNG manipulation. The frames given by Werster's all gold symbols guide made getting to a 21 streak pretty consistent. Past that it usually came down to missing the frame window, very dumb strategic decisions, or extreme hax.

Rough frames/teams used on the 42 streak -
Set 1: Graveler, Houndour, Bayleaf (frame 1810)
Set 2: Hitmonlee, Dunsparce, Plusle (frame 1838/1839)
Set 3: Zangoose*, Grumpig, Seviper (frame ~1849, *had to swap for Zangoose since I was too early)
Set 4: Espeon, Heracross, Flareon (frame 1999-2001)
Set 5: Espeon, Heracross, Milotic (frame 1641-1646)
Set 6: Starmie, Flygon, Electrode (frame 1631/1632, may have swapped for Electrode)

(apologies for not including specific movesets)

I tried for a 7th set and faceplanted immediately. However I do think I have a route for set 7 and sets 8+. Starting with the eighth set (56 battles) the pool of pokemon is the exact same every set. That means that you can find a good frame window for set 8 and use it to get the same initial team every time until you lose the streak. So I went into an emulator and mapped out the frames to do that.
Frames 1928-1934 are pretty good. Recommended leads have (L) and remainder have *'s
1928 - Salamance (L), Electrode *, Altaria *, Xatu, Dodrio, Rhydon (can swap for Milotic after 1st battle)
1930 - Alakazam (L), Electrode*, Altaria*, Rhydon, Xatu, Dusclops (can swap for Milotic after 1st battle)
1931 - Alakazam (L), Metagross, Milotic (best frame IMO)
1932 - Alakazam (L), Milotic *, Dusclops, Xatu, Golem, Lanturn (not sure who third should be)
1934 - Alakazam (L), Milotic *, Dusclops, Xatu, Golem, Vaporeon (also not sure)

For a buffer you could extend this backwards to about frame 1922. Good options, but worse than my listed frames.
This one has a lot of potential for anyone willing to find their perfect window. You can sort of hand-pick a team if you dig through the frames and then use that team over and over.

Frame 1507-1510 - Latios (L), Milotic, Tauros
This is the best frame window I found after a lot of searching through 1600-2700. I'm sure there are many other passable ones. But note that a Psychic/BoltBeam/Dragon Claw Lati@s just bulldozes trainers if it's your lead.

At some point I'd like to work back up to a 42 streak and see if I can use these strats on retail. I'll probably also go through set 8's frames with fresh eyes. RNG manipulation made the battle factory so much more fun overall for me and I recommend it to anyone who's struggling to get the gold symbol.

Damn it's finally happened. I personally don't RNG manipulate, so I feel a certain type of way about manipulating the starting drafts in the Factory. Especially when as of today, I have an ongoing Open level streak at 63 (again). Sure any decent player could smash through with a good team, but it seems like a different beast than the normal factory. Is it still the same game if you never swap? It would be sad to see the discussion grow stale from congruent teams being used by hitting the same frame. It just seems less like the same record I embarked on originally. specifies if manipulations were used, but I doubt anyone would support the idea of a separate leaderboard for "manipulaters", so I worry my point is moot.

To keep me from sounding like a total sourpuss, I thought I'd contribute some fun replays. The second replay is Battle one of Set 9 (after one of my most meager starting drafts yet) and features a Vaporeon4 with a 1IV in Sp.Attack.
