So August's CoroCoro is suppose to give us information about the Alola region itself, do you think that will also be the topic of the website's update?
Because honestly, I'm kind of getting tired of new Pokemon. We know a ton of new Pokemon but very little about the Alola region itself. We only know the name of the first island... and that's it. We don't know any of the other island names (though there's a pretty good theory about what they could be which I'll go into later), any town/city names (not even the home town or the big city they keep showing), or any other significant location (heck, we don't even know if routes will be called "Route #").
Anyway, back to the possible other island names, the theory stems from
this article. To summarize, one translation result for "MeleMele" is "yellow", and with there being four islands and this being Pokemon (where nostalgia and tradition are tied tightly together; especially being the 20th Anniversary) it's possible the other islands will be named after the other Gen I colors: UlaUla (red), Polu (blue), and OmaOma (green).
So going off that I tried assigning the other colors to the other islands and came to certain problems. Mainly, I tried going by the main feature of the island and some stuff just doesn't match. I first made the volcano island UlaUla and the mountain island Polu... but that would leave the desert island as OmaOma. Now there is an element of green to OmaOma, but that's off in a small part. So then I thought what about MeleMele Island is yellow, and the only thing I could think of was Tapu Koko. So if this theory is correct would the islands be named after the main color of their protective deity and does this maybe reveal the type of their deity (UlaUla being Fire, Polu being Water, and OmaOma being Grass; of course Blue could also be Ice and Green can be loosely linked to Ground)? It still sorta fits the Alchemy theory, Tapu Koko is a flying, avian Pokemon (and in certain works lightning is associated with the element of air) so OmaOma's deity would be Earth's (and my assignment would go along with what element would go to what island now that we know MeleMele is the air one).