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Tapu Lele @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Gravity
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
- Moonblast
This team is builded around Gravity. Lele is one of the setter, solid mon great stabs theres no need to explain it further. Setup Gravity, drop some 100% acc blast and go to the next mon. The fairy mon of the team + terrain control is always nice. Wine glasses can be replaced with boots, lefties, spoon or even sash.
Blacephalon @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 56 HP / 180 Def / 20 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Hypnosis
Now here comes the clown. Speed boosting spread with Hypnosis its a menace and unexpected since every set on this ting is choiced, can lure a large list on switch ins like heatran, pex, fini, and any other water type. Once you land the hypnosis its just cm spam, unprepared teams may have a lot on trouble dealing with this set, sacrificing some checks for the rest of our mons in the process and condeming them into a bad position.
Why Colbur berry?
This team its gimmicky, certain mons may be problematic. Colbur Berry can take a kill on mons trying to koff on blaceph. Mons such as scarf kart, boots vile, clef, etc. Mons that couldnt look problematic since we have a mscizor on the team, but sometimes scizor will need full health to check another mons. Scizor can be punish on the switch with hazards, hazards are problematic cuz of the lack on cleaning that the team have. Colbur Berry kinda solve that issue to make sure Scizor is healty enough on endgame.
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Groundium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Gravity
Papi lando another user of gravity, sd Z ground its a powerful wallbreaker that can 6-0 stall and bulky teams, against other type of teams its just a suicide lead. Notice how our only attack is eq so we need to predict a bit if we want to make this lando to do a good job. Rocks are mandatory.
Excadrill (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- High Horsepower
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
This thing is disgusting. Unexpected scarfer and abuser of Gravity, spin on some problematic situations. The main speed control on the team and counter of electric types, eq becomes the more spameable move ever on some matchups, horsepower if theres grassy on the field and Ihead just overall neutral good stab. This mon has so many funny interations and its flexible. Dont mess with el topo.
Ryan Toxling (Toxapex) (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 108 Def / 152 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Recover
- Toxic Spikes
- Haze
Theres no secret we need some defensive backup. Mixed pex is always cool, Tspikes can have a funny interactions on gravity to poision mons like lando or Mlati so keep it in mind, its also a great lead vs balance. Pex deals with volcarona, pivots on rain teams, force progress and looks good doing it (its literally me).
Scizor-Mega (F) @ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
EVs: 248 HP / 52 Def / 208 SpD
Impish Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Roost
This is the wincon, this is what is gonna reverse sweep once the rest of the team lure and beats some mons, shes gonna be the endgame protagonist most of the time so be careful on those scald burns. Priority its needed on this type of teams so no one does better that msciz. If the matchup on sciz dont look to good means that gravity eq spam its amazing, thats some sinergy that made me pick this mon as the glue on the team. You can replace koff with bug bite or even safeguard (yes im not kidding).
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy lets revive ndss!
This was an easy 6 to formulate, inspired by my venturing in SM and ORAS. MDias ability to stave off rocks combined with Serp's access to hazard control and Cresselia's Lunar Dance giving a second chance to offensive power houses like the three allow them to unleash themselves once, or even twice, while fearing their weakness to hazards less. Galartres + Dnite is a potent breaking core. While both share nasty common weaknesses to fairy and ice, their bulk allows them to overwhelm shared checks in Koko, Lele, Clef, Weavile and Kyurem. Sublefties Volc has become my favorite set of all time, and it fits pretty nicely here with all the anti hazards stuff going on. It's sad healing wish moves activate before hazard damage is applied, but it's cool nonetheless to give them a 2nd chance. The song name translates to "My lucky day" which fits nicely for these 6, since they need wayyy too much things to go right in order to be successful. But it's a fun build regardless.
- stndrd moveset with a lil spicy evs allowing it to outspeed jolly pert in rain, and rest in some hp and def to skew rolls. nothing much specials going on w this guy since its already perfect as it is.
- lead of choice for the squad. i alrdy mentioned its good vs most rockers since they dont wanna contest vs it. standard stuff as well, not much going on either.
- lum berry a la g5 cuz negating status twice is funny af. it provides some nice defensive util, being able to somewhat check tran, volc and tini, which otherwise annoy the hell out of the team.
- the best thing we have as a washtom and fini answer. provides fog and taunt, which negates and gets rid of hazards. helmet for punishing contact, mainly bliss/chanse, and priority from mmedi and sciz.
- pretty nice (and only) reasonable lele, mmedi, and lopu s/i. spreading twave, crippling walls with trick and icebeam to dent lando/chomp is pretty nice, but lunar dance is the main reason cress is here.
- as i alrdy mentioned, sub lefties is absolutely, incredibly fun. subbing on a ferro/sciz/pexes (since u win the 1v1 with cress) sometimes spells GGs.
Stealth Rocks - if they get up, u will most likely lose.
& - click click click
- only volc can switch into it. u gotta outplay the hell out of it.
lead and win.
- nothing but dragonite can immediatly break it, and thats super exploitable.
- bruh
- Standard Nplot set
Functions as a wallbreaker and set up sweeper.
- Sets up Stealth Rocks and is responsible for hazard removal to prevent molt from taking chip damage upon entering the field.
- Bulky setup sweeper. Also functions as a safe switch in for moltres during encounters molt may face with fairy types. Strong priority user useful for sweeping, etc.
- Sets Misty Terrain to prevent allied pokemon from falling victim to status such as toxic. Functions as a bulky special sweeper while providing terrain for Hawlucha.
- Fast physical sweeper that utilises terrain effectively to get a speed boost while swords dance allows it to get a much needed atk boost enabling it to sweep.
- Another strong priority user useful for cleaning up pokemon. Acts as a counter to offensive mons such as garchomp, etc.
This was an easy 6 to formulate, inspired by my venturing in SM and ORAS. MDias ability to stave off rocks combined with Serp's access to hazard control and Cresselia's Lunar Dance giving a second chance to offensive power houses like the three allow them to unleash themselves once, or even twice, while fearing their weakness to hazards less. Galartres + Dnite is a potent breaking core. While both share nasty common weaknesses to fairy and ice, their bulk allows them to overwhelm shared checks in Koko, Lele, Clef, Weavile and Kyurem. Sublefties Volc has become my favorite set of all time, and it fits pretty nicely here with all the anti hazards stuff going on. It's sad healing wish moves activate before hazard damage is applied, but it's cool nonetheless to give them a 2nd chance. The song name translates to "My lucky day" which fits nicely for these 6, since they need wayyy too much things to go right in order to be successful. But it's a fun build regardless.
- stndrd moveset with a lil spicy evs allowing it to outspeed jolly pert in rain, and rest in some hp and def to skew rolls. nothing much specials going on w this guy since its already perfect as it is.
- lead of choice for the squad. i alrdy mentioned its good vs most rockers since they dont wanna contest vs it. standard stuff as well, not much going on either.
- lum berry a la g5 cuz negating status twice is funny af. it provides some nice defensive util, being able to somewhat check tran, volc and tini, which otherwise annoy the hell out of the team.
- the best thing we have as a washtom and fini answer. provides fog and taunt, which negates and gets rid of hazards. helmet for punishing contact, mainly bliss/chanse, and priority from mmedi and sciz.
- pretty nice (and only) reasonable lele, mmedi, and lopu s/i. spreading twave, crippling walls with trick and icebeam to dent lando/chomp is pretty nice, but lunar dance is the main reason cress is here.
- as i alrdy mentioned, sub lefties is absolutely, incredibly fun. subbing on a ferro/sciz/pexes (since u win the 1v1 with cress) sometimes spells GGs.
Stealth Rocks - if they get up, u will most likely lose.
& - click click click
- only volc can switch into it. u gotta outplay the hell out of it.
lead and win.
- nothing but dragonite can immediatly break it, and thats super exploitable.
- bruh
u have dragonium but no dragon moves on dnite btwTeambuilding is a little hobby of mine building this one was just thinking outside the box and let the rest cook itself. when building you have to think about which mons can cover which. which can sometimes be a pain but tons of fun. its easy excadrill and koko make sure the field is clean while also being able to attack. heatran is a special wall and ferrothorn is a pshycial wall. dragonite can easily come on the field and sweep and of course clefable is there for fairy type coverage and a last resort with its tank and calm mind spam. i hope you guys find the team exciting
this fat main set-up sweeper with its multiscale intact and its priority is good for dishing out priority damages
this cutie here is a status supporter and tank it gives utility as a fat fairy type and act as a calm mind troll it supports dragonite by checking dragon types
this bad boy here is like a hazard setter and special wall and can back up dragonite and can also absorb fire type attacks
this guy here is a rapid spinner and physical attacker, it keeps the field clean from those pesky spikes and rocks keeping multiscale under control and of course its ability mold breaker makes it hit levitating mons
This menace is a pivot and used for speed control, it can also remove hazards with defog if excadrill cant handle it
this little devil here is a psyical wall and hazard setter it can set up spikes to cut down opponents hp, It pairs well with heatran defensively and helps in long games by weakening foes for dragonite to clean up
oh shit ty lolu have dragonium but no dragon moves on dnite btw
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Expert BeltHosted by Djwaot & 2020 IDM Boomer
Big thanks to Hidin, as I referenced his teambuilding competition project.
Hi everyone, welcome to the Generation 8 National Dex OU Teambuilding Competition. In this project, a Pokémon will be presented each week for participants to build teams around and submit here! Teams will be taken into voting, and the team with the most votes will be the winner!
Sprites: Please use the sprite option below!
- Entry Submission: Post your team in this thread with the import paste and explanation in hide tags. When you're submitting a team, please refrain from slashing move sets / items in the importable. If you want to give your Pokémon options regarding moves or items, note it in the explanation instead. Make sure the teams you post revolve around the Pokémon, core or theme of the week. Your team will be disqualified if it doesn't meet this criteria. Joke teams will also be disqualified.
- Dispute / Copying: There is potential for disputes over copying builds, or people making similar entries. Whether this was intentional or not, if your import has the same cores of Pokémon with similar move sets to an earlier entry, it will be disqualified. Taking advantage of this rule by reserving an early post in this thread will also lead to disqualification.
- Discussion and Team Changes: Part of this teambuilding competition is to have discussions regarding the teams and Pokémon. Suggestions of improvements to entered teams are allowed, but I'd ask for any suggestions to not involve anything more major than move set changes. If you've already submitted a team, please do not make changes to it. Basically, make sure you're happy with the team before you make your submission.
- Voting: The voting system used is the Ranked Pairs format. Assuming there are 4 team options (A, B, C and D), you would order your options like this: A > B > C > D. If you think that two teams hold equal value, you can order your options like this: A > B = C > D. You can also choose to not vote for all teams like this: A > D. The teams that you have not voted for will be assumed to be last and valued equally if more than one got left out. If you have any questions about this voting system, please contact me via Smogon or Discord. Users who made a teambuilding submission may NOT vote for their team in the cycle.
- Clean & Tidy: Please keep this thread as clean and uniform as possible, this means consistency of format, using provided links for sprites, and avoiding one liners as posts during the submission phase.
If you'd like to submit an idea for a Pokémon, theme, or core, please PM me through Smogon or Discord. Have fun building everyone!
- Pokémon Showdown Sprites
- You can also use the :Pokémon: format to get your sprites. For example,
will get and:ss/bulbasaur:
will get you .