Geodude6 and shinyfairymon battle.


The Rules said:
1v1 NFE Singles
1 Day DQ
2 Substitutions
All Abilities
Items: Training
Arena: ASB Arena

Shiny Fairymon

Growlithe [Flannery] (F)

Nature: Hasty (+15% Speed, +11% Accuracy, -1 Def)

Type: Fire.
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.

Intimidate: (Can Be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing their Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again as an Action, and will affect all opponents.
Flash Fire: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any opposing fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack’s Base Attack Power by two (2). Self-targeted attacks do not give the boost.
Justified (DW): This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way by another Pokemon's attack will be maintained at the end of each round. Self-targeted attacks do not maintain boosts.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

EC: 3/6
MC: 0
AC: 4/5


Odor Sleuth.
Helping Hand.
Flame Wheel.
Fire Fang.
Take Down.
Heat Wave.

Sunny Day.
Wild Charge.

Flare Blitz.
Morning Sun.
Body Slam.

Move Tutor:


Soldier [Kirlia] (M)
Nature: Quiet (+1 SpA, -15% Spe, -10% Acc)
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Abilities: Synchronize, Trace, Telepathy

"<If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!>"

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43-
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 8/9
MC: 9
AC: 5/5

Double Team
Lucky Chant
Calm Mind
Magical Leaf
Heal Pulse
Future Sight
Stored Power

Confuse Ray
Destiny Bond
Shadow Sneak

Light Screen
Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave
Grass Knot
Dazzling Gleam

Turn order:
Geodude6 orders and equips item
Shiny Fairymon orders and equips item
I ref
Last edited:
Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 90
EN: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 90
EN: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [unused]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent)

Round 1

Pre Round:
Growlithe used Intimidate!
-1 Attack Kirlia

Speed Order:

d2 for true speed ties
d16 for crits
d100 for everything else unless specified

Action One:
Growlithe used Snarl
To Hit: Guaranteed due to: Nature
To Crit: [1=yes]=3=No
Damage: {6 [BP] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}=7.5
-1 Special Attack Kirlia (2R)
[7.5 Damage Kirlia] [-5 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit: [1=yes]=15=No
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=13.5
[13.5 Damage Growlithe] [-5 Energy Kirlia]

Action Two:
Growlithe used Heat Wave
To Hit: Guaranteed due to: Nature
To Burn: [10>=Yes]=47=No
To Crit: [1=yes]=12=No
Damage: {10 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}=14.5
[14.5 Damage Kirlia] [-6 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Future Sight
It prepared an attack!
[-7 Energy Kirlia]

Action Three:
Growlithe used Fire Fang
To Hit: Guaranteed due to: Nature
To Crit: [1=yes]=9=No
To Burn: [10>= Yes]=48=No
To Flinch: [10>= Yes]=59=No
Damage: {7 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}=11.5
[11.5 Damage Kirlia] [-4 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit; [1=yes]=13=No
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=13.5
[13.5 Damage Growlithe] [-5 Energy Kirlia]

Growlithe: 27 Damage, -15 Energy
Kirlia: 34 Damage, -17 Energy

Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 63
EN: 85
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: Future Sight Incoming (1A)

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 56
EN: 83
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [unused]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), -1 Special Attack (1R)

Turn order:
Shiny Fairymon orders
Geodude6 orders
I ref
Heat Wave~Fire Fang~Heat Wave

IF Kirlia used Light Screen, THEN change Heat Wave to Flare Blitz.
IF Kirlia uses a status move AND you are statused, THEN use Facade.
Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 63
EN: 85
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: Future Sight Incoming (1A)

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 56
EN: 83
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [unused]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), -1 Special Attack (1R)

Round 2:

Action One:
Growlithe used Heat Wave
To Hit: Guaranteed due to: Nature
To Crit: [1=yes]=10=No
To Burn: [10>= Yes]=29=No
Damage: {10 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}=14.5
[14.5 Damage Kirlia] [-6 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Trace
Flash Fire was Traced for 6 Actions!
[-5 Energy Kirlia]

Kirlia's Future Sight hit Growlithe!
To Crit: [1=Yes]=9=No
Damage: {12 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 3 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=16
[16 Damage Growlithe]

Action Two:
Growlithe used Fire Fang
But it was absorbed by Flash Fire!
+2 BP Kirlia Fire Attacks
[-4 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit: [1=yes]=6=No
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=13.5
[13.5 Damage Growlithe] [-5 Energy Kirlia]

Action Three:
Growlithe used Heat Wave
But it was absorbed by Flash Fire!
+2 BP Kirlia Fire Attacks
[-6 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psychic
To Crit: [1=yes]=15=No
Damage: {(6 + 2) [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 3 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=12
[12 Damage Growlithe] [-5 Energy Kirlia]

Growlithe: 42 Damage, -16 Energy
Kirlia: 15 Damage, -15 Energy

Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 21
EN: 69
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 41
EN: 68
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [Flash Fire (3A)]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), +4 BP Fire Attacks

Turn order:
Geodude6 orders
Shiny Fairymon orders
I ref
Ugh... this was my first battle against an opponent with trace. I'll have to learn from this battle to be more careful about it in the future.

Endure~Snarl~Heat Wave*Heat Wave

Edit:Endure~Snarl~Heat Wave
Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 21
EN: 69
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 41
EN: 68
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [Flash Fire (3A)]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), +4 BP Fire Attacks

Round 3:

Eh, I think you forgot something shinyfairymon.

Action One:
Growlithe used Endure
It endured hits!
[-15 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit: [1=Yes]=2=No
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff]}=15.5
[15.5 Damage Growlithe] [-5 Energy Kirlia]

Action Two:
Growlithe used Snarl
To Crit: [1=yes]=8=No
Damage: {6 [BP] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}=7.5
-1 Special Attack Kirlia (2R)
[7.5 Damage Kirlia] [-5 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit: [1=yes]=1=Yes
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff] + 3 [Critical Hit]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=16.5
Growlithe Endured the hit!
[16.5 Damage Growlithe] [-9 Energy Kirlia]

Action Three:
Growlithe used Heat Wave
But it was absorbed by Flash Fire!
+2 BP Kirlia Fire Attacks
[-6 Energy Growlithe]

Kirlia used Psyshock
To Crit: Irrelevant due to: Endure
Damage: {8 [BP] + 3 [STAB] + 4.5 [Stat Diff]} - 2 [Stat Drop]=13.5
Growlithe Endured the hit!
[15.5 Damage Growlithe] [-13 Energy Kirlia]

Growlithe: 20 Damage, -26 Energy
Kirlia: 8 Damage, -27 Energy

Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 1
EN: 43
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 33
EN: 41
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [None]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), +6 BP Fire Attacks

Turn order:
Shiny Fairymon orders
Geodude6 orders
I ref
You're right. I forgot something major, and am officially a huge idiot.

Body Slam~Body Slam~Body Slam

IF my opponent plays in a way even slightly less stupid than I have, THEN my opponent wins the match.
Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
HP: 1
EN: 43
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 33
EN: 41
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Trace [None]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), +6 BP Fire Attacks

Final Round

Kirlia used Shadow Sneak
To Crit: Irrelevant due to: 1 hp
Damage: {4 [BP] + 1.5 [Stat Diff]}-2 [Stat Drop]=3.5
[3.5 Damage Growlithe] [-4 Energy Kirlia]
Growlithe is knocked out!
Geodude is the winner!

Team Shiny Fairymon

Flannery (Growlithe)
EN: 43
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69 (60*1.15) (+11%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14
Item: Amulet Coin (+1 CC)
Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Other: None

Team Geodude

Soldier (Kirlia)
HP: 33
EN: 37
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4+
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43- (-10%)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13
Item: Exp. Share (+1 MC)
Abilities: Trace [None]/Synchronize/Telepathy
Other: -1 Attack (Permanent), +6 BP Fire Attacks


  • 3 Universal Counters
Shiny Fairymon:
  • 2 Currency Counters
  • Growlithe: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 AC, Justified unlocked
  • 1 Currency Counter
  • Kirlia: 1 EC, 3 MC, 1 KOC
Thanks for playing!