goldenknight vs. cartoons! (ref: HD obv): puny_gk wins by DQ

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2v2 Singles
2 days
Two uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills
Deep in a dark forest with tall trees and a clearing with a good sized pond. 30x30 feet arena, 15 feet in on all sides starts the clearing, roughly in the center (about a foot from the center) is the pond,which is 4x4 feet. In the arena there are Oran, Lum, Rawst, Pecha, Cheri, Chesto, Aspear and Persim berry bushes. There is one of each type of berry bush. Underlined berries have been eliminated and can no longer be found in the arena.
All Abilities
Items: Enabled

Battle Order:
Goldenknight sends out his Pokemon.
Cartoons! sends out his Pokemon and issues his actions.
Goldenknight issues his actions.
I ref.
Passpartou the Zigzagoon is not intimidated by your actions. She's packin' a Cheri Berry and is ready to go now!

Pass, let's simplify matters for ourselves by launching a Simple Beam first. Growl, then, with all your itty might, and finish the round by throwing some Sand Attack into its nohface.
k so matt can use yawn before dashing around in the woods. while you have not clue where to growl i'll be sneaky and faint attack you. i'll finish things off with a meteor mash while still abusing the scary forest and whatnot

Nohface* [Matthew] [M]
Nature: Jolly

Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Bomb, can be magnetized.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks, Pain Split, Psychic, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Trick, and Will-o-Wisp have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Gengar line and pure Ghosts only: moving through walls.)

HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Levitate (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.


Shadow Sneak(*)
Faint Attack(*)
Odor Sleuth(*)
Iron Defense(*)
Meteor Mash(*)
Psycho Shift(*)


Zigzagoon [Passpartou] (Female) *
Nature: Jolly (Adds 15% to Speed, Subtracts * from Special Attack)

Type: Normal
Normal STAB; Bite, Claw Sharpen, Crunch, Dig, Double Kick, Hammer Arm, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day, Wild Charge have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Pick Up (Innate):
This Pokemon has a natural habit of collecting items. Whenever a hold item (it's own or an opponents) is used or knocked onto the ground with a move like Knock Off, this Pokemon will immediately pick up that item without using an action. It can also grab dropped or naturally occuring hold items in arenas.
Gluttony (Innate):
This Pokemon devours healing and stat increasing berries at 50% health (flat) instead of 25% health (flat).
Quick Feet (DW) (Innate):
This Pokemon feels a sense of anxiety when afflicted with a status condition and its speed increases by 50% (x1.5). Although it can still be fully paralyzed, it will not suffer the speed drop.


Tackle *
Growl *
Tail Whip *
Headbutt *
Sand Attack *
Odor Sleuth *
Mud Sport *
Pin Missile *

Tickle *
Mud Slap *
Simple Beam *

Natural Gift *
Hone Claws *
Captivate *

Passpartou the Zigzagoon and Matthew the Nohface square off against each other, eager to put new fuel in the flame that is the rivalry between their types. Passpartou fires off a rather simply constructed beam of energy towards Matthew, but the attack just goes through Matthew harmlessly thanks to his Ghost typing. In response to the raccoon's ineffective attack, the ghostly fox Yawns at her before disappearing into the woodwork surrounding the pond.

Passpartou, angry at being made a fool of, releases an angry Growl towards Matthew's general direction, reducing the fox's attack stage by one (1). In response, Matthew launches a Faint Attack at the tiny raccoon, knocking Passpartou into the pond but also revealing his position.

Passpartou, wet and angry, gets out of the pool and kicks sand into Matthew's eyes, reducing the fox's accuracy by one (1) stage. The iron fox, angry at the debris in his eyes, calls upon the power of meteors and smashes his appendage into the tiny raccoon.


Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 100
Energy: 83
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack, -1 Accuracy
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left


Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 74
Energy: 88
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has two (2) Cheri Berry uses left, Drowsy

Goldenknight you're up first this round, make the best of it!
k so matt can use iron defense before running into the forest again to launch a surprising meteor mash into the pond. the confusion that creates will let you hit a confused/wet/dazed zigzagoon with another meteor mash without too much trouble
Fine! Pass, if you're feeling drowsy, jump back into the water to stay awake. While the ghost is traipsing around the forest, Odor Sleuth to pick up its scent and dodge the incoming blow. Finally, give it an eco-friendly Natural Gift.
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 100
Energy: 83
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack, -1 Accuracy
Other: Still has two (2) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 74
Energy: 88
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has two (2) Cheri Berry uses left

Matthew, taking the initiative, infuses his skin with iron, strengthening his defenses. Passpartou, feeling the effects from the opposing fox's Yawn, leaps into the cool pond to refresh herself. With their weaknesses covered, they again face each other on the battlefield.

With his defenses increased, Matthew runs off into the forest, passing a bush filled with with Pecha Berries while readying himself for a swift Meteor Mash. Passpartou uses Oder Sleuth to identify Matthew's typing and ways to overcome it, as well as to follow Matthew through the jungle. However, the tiny raccoon is surprised as Matthew doubles back and smashes the pond's surface with a Meteor Mash.

Passpartou, slightly dazed from Matthew's Meteor Mash, can only stand helplessly as the iron fox uses another Meteor Mash on her. However, the raccoon gains its composure back quickly and launches a Nature Power against the malicious fox.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 96
Energy: 67
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: +1 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 62
Energy: 74
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has two (2) Cheri Berry uses left/four (4) for Natural Gift

Cartoons! - you're up
Okay...we're at a slight disadvantage...


Now Tickle it silly and give it another Nature Power. As you do make sure you back your way towards the center of the clearing..away from the trees.

If it tries to Yawn at you again, drown in out with Growl, and if decides to hit the woods again, stay where you are and Hone your Claws...but remember...whatever happens skip Tickle if you don't hit with the Simple Beam.
not bad

time to be sneaky again, run towards the forest and while it the racoon hones its claws, leap from the shadows and cripple it with will o wisp. after that you need to make sure it doesn't stay within striking distance of you, use faint attack to hit it without it hitting you and try to lead it into your turf, the forest.

to make things easy for hd???
forest -> wow -> faint attack
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 96
Energy: 67
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: +1 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 62
Energy: 74
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has two (2) Cheri Berry uses left/four (4) for Natural Gift

Passpartou starts off round three with a simply constructed beam aimed towards Matthew - a Simple Beam. Thanks to the cute raccoon's previous Odor Sleuth, the Simple Beam went off without a hitch. Matthew's ability is now Simple and will be for the next six (6) actions. The iron fox helplessly drops to the ground after the Simple Beam and runs into the forest to hopefully gain an advantage.

Passpartou begins his next action by Tickling Matthew. After searching through the forest a bit, the raccoon finds the iron fox and tickles him, making him drop his guard. Matthew manages to regain his composure momentarily and fires off a Will-o-Wisp. Due to Passpartou's close proximity, she was burned.

Angry at being burned, Passpartou fires off another Nature Power, and again thanks to the combatant's close proximity it hit without a hitch. In response, Matthew Faints right and then Attacks left, hitting the raccoon. The two Pokemon are in the forest, roughly 15 feet away from the clearing with the pond.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 88
Energy: 52
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Defense, -2 Attack
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 57
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has one (1) Cheri Berry uses left/three (3) for Natural Gift, is suffering Burn damage and has attack decreases

gk first
ok here's where we start killing racoons things a bit indirectly. to make up for your slow speed, shadow sneak over towards the rawst berries (and lum if there are any???). before the coon can eat any make sure to scratch as many as possible so the burn won't heal. after that we need to avoid him, so back deeper into the forest
Mud Slap that squirming worm as it reaches the berry bush.

You're faster than him, so Pick Up and gobble a Rawst berry before he can destroy them. Finish with another Natural Gift.

edit: clarifying procedure...
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 88
Energy: 52
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Defense, -2 Attack
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left, Ability is Simple for four (4) more actions

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 57
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has one (1) Cheri Berry uses left/three (3) for Natural Gift, is suffering Burn damage and has attack decreases

Matthew, wanting to stall out Passpartou's health thanks to the Burn status he inflicted last round, Shadow Sneaks over to a bush of Rawst Berries before the tiny raccoon can. However, the tiny raccoon had something up her sleeve - a swift Mud Slap was administered against Matthew, lowering his accuracy one (1) stage as well as damaging him.

Passpartou, taking advantage of the momentary advantage, races over to the Rawst bush and manages to eat a berry before Matthew can scratch it due to his decreased vision. However, the ghostly fox still manages to destroy the rest of the Rawst Berries - there are no more Rawst Berries in the arena!

Passpartou, now cured of her burn, uses Natural Gift against Matthew, abusing his weakness and her returning strength. Matthew, damaged and angered, scampers off deeper into the woods. Passpartou is about 16 feet from the pond, one (1) from the edge of the clearing. Matthew is deep in the forest, nearing the edge of the arena.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 71
Energy: 46
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left, Ability is Simple for one (1) more actions

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 46
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has one (1) Cheri Berry uses left/two (2) for Natural Gift

cartoons! is batting
Stay chuff, Pass. We're gonna play it safe for now.

Firstly, make your way back to the pond. Stay near the edge of the water, if Matt tries to Will O Wisp you again, jump in and try to avoid it.

Let out a Growl into the darkness and then lie down, dip your feet and chill.

If he tries any other attack, retaliate with Natural Power.

1. head back to edge of the pond
2. Growl
3. chill

(1) get to pond is first priority
(2) any and all WoW attempts, jump in to pond
(3) any and all attack attempts Natural Power
don't let that happen, shadow sneak behind the zigzagoon as she growls then let off a faint attack, finish by using iron defense and prepare to guard the pond at all costs
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 71
Energy: 46
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left, Ability is Simple for one (1) more actions

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 46
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: Still has one (1) Cheri Berry uses left/two (2) for Natural Gift

Passpartou dashes over to the pond, hoping to form a defensive position and rest a bit. Believing that the raccoon would beat him to the pool, Matthew dashes over, using a Shadow Sneak to boost his speed exponentially.

Passpartou reaches the pool first, and Growls at Matthew. Unperturbed, although a bit weakened, Matthew uses his increased speed and a window of time where you become briefly invisible during a Shadow Sneak, to get behind the common raccoon and use surprise to Faint Attack her.

Passpartou, hoping that she understood her trainer's command, retaliates with a swift Natural Gift. Angered, Matthew infuses his skin with iron, and squares off against Passpartou in front of the pond, a mirror image of the first move.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 61
Energy: 34
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack, +2 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 54
Energy: 35
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: one (1) Natural Gift use left for Cheri Berry
this is simple ish, use will o wisp and faint attack, aiming at the legs to trip the zigzagoon up before it can get around you. when that works(it will), scratch out its eyes
Now its your turn to run into the woods, Passpartou! Get behind them trees to avoid that Will O Wisp.

Next use Odor Sleuth to locate some Cheri Berries; they're kind of spicy I guess?

Once you've picked up an extra berry, counter Matt's attack with another Natural Gift. And with some Passpartoomph this time!
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 61
Energy: 34
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Attack, +2 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 54
Energy: 35
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: N/A
Other: one (1) Natural Gift use left for Cheri Berry

Matthew begins off the round with a swift Will-o-Wisp aimed at Passpartou. Seeing the floating ball of flame, the cute raccoon runs off to hide behind a tree, hoping to outrun the flame. Luckily for Passpartou, but not so much for the tree, this maneuver is successful - somewhat. The raccoon avoided the ball of flame, but the tree wasn't as agile and caught fire. Every three (3) actions, starting from the next one, another tree will catch on fire. Every five (5) actions, starting from the next one, a flaming branch will fall down and start a fire on the ground. If a Pokemon gets hit by a branch, they will take five (5) damage and be inflicted with Burn. If a Pokemon walks on flaming ground, they will take three (3) damage and be inflicted with Burn. How will a constantly changing battlefield affect the battle?

Passpartou, eager to leave the "safety" of the burning tree, uses Odor Sleuth to start looking for another Cheri Berry to replace her rapidly depleting. The raccoon is lucky in this endeavor and gets another berry. Matthew, angry at Passpartou's seemingly endless supply of Cheri Berries, attacks the raccoon with a Faint Attack, tripping Passpartou.

Passpartou, having an increased pissed off as fuck meter, attacks Matthew with a Natural Gift. In turn, the iron fox, also pissed off (but not as much as the raccoon), Scratches Passpartou right above the eyes, causing blood to drip down and cover the raccoon's eyes, temporarily decreasing her accuracy.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 22
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: +1 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 46
Energy: 22
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: -1 Accuracy
Other: two (2) uses of Cheri Berry/five (5) Natural Gift use left for Cheri Berry

Other: In one (1) action, another tree will catch fire, in three (3) actions a flaming branch will fall and catch fire to the ground

cartoons! is up
From destroying berry bushes to setting the forest on fire, GoldenKnight is turning the destruction knob up a notch.

Passpartou, Sand Attack then Sand Attack.

Cheri Berries, your kin will soon be burning, unleash your fury with more Natural Gift.

If Matt slips away at any point, take the time to chill out rather than give chase.
take both of the sand attacks like a boss and chill. Finish the round by using faint attack; if a branch isn't close to falling on you and the racoon. if there is danger of it, stay with it as long as possible and shadow sneak out of there rather than faint attack.

timing is everything here, but you're tricky to start with n.n
Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 57
Energy: 22
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: +1 Defense
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 46
Energy: 22
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Boosts: -1 Accuracy
Other: two (2) uses of Cheri Berry/five (5) Natural Gift use left for Cheri Berry

Other: In one (1) action, another tree will catch fire, in three (3) actions a flaming branch will fall and catch fire to the ground

Passpartou uses the distraction from the flaming tree to kick sand into Matthew's eyes. The metal fox, on the other hand, just chills out, restoring his energy for future attacks. Just as Matthew was chilling out to the point of falling asleep, another tree catches fire.

In an almost complete replay of the previous turn, Passpartou kicks sand into Matthew's eyes while the ghostly fox just relaxes, restoring energy.

Passpartou, eager for some action to break the repetition of the previous turns, leaps into the air, a Natural Gift in hand to use against Matthew. Seeing the raccoon readying for an attack, the ghastly fox also jumps into the air, a Faint Attack ready. The two meet in midair, however as luck *coughRNGcough* would have it, some of the fire from the burning trees jumps into Passpartou's hand, empowering the Natural Power. However in an attempt to control the unexpected, although not unwelcome, extra power, the raccoon used more energy to use it. However, the power was still too much, so it propelled Passpartou into a tree after striking Matthew. Amidst the chaos, a flaming tree branch falls, causing a fire to spread between the two flaming trees, However, a berry bush was in between the trees, causing it to catch fire. No more Chesto Berries! The Pokemon are 10 feet north of the fire, 15 feet from the pond, in the northeast section of the forest.

Matthew (Nohface) [M]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 50
Energy: 38
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 11 (10*1.15)
Boosts: -1 Accuracy
Other: Still has one (1) Oran berry uses left

Passpartou (Zigzagoon) [F]
Nature: Jolly
HP: 40
Energy: 6
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (+)
Other: two (2) uses of Cheri Berry/four (4) Natural Gift use left for Cheri Berry

Other: one (1) action till another tree catches fire, five (5) actions till the a flaming branch falls down
ok, so faint attack up to the zigzagoon and fire a close range meteor mash. If it chills, use another meteor mash, but if it doesn't, chill
Alright, Passpartou, this is going to be risky but things are desperate, the forest is going up in flames and you're exhausted.

Chill until the Nohface reaches you. Then wait a beat and meet its Meteor Mash with a Headbutt. It's a long shot, but either he'll have to dematerialize to avoid your attack, or, if he really wants to hurt you, will be material long enough for you to impact him too... or maybe some weird third thing will happen...who knows?

Chill for a little while longer after that. The flames may be scary, and the ghost scarier, but it'll all be over soon enough, one way or another
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