Tournaments GSC PL V - Signups [Use the form linked below]

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Art by Kolohe

Hosted by Murm, Zcarlett, and Akai
Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines
GSCPL V Commencement Thread
GSCPL V Administrative Decisions Thread
Spreadsheet (coming soon)

Player Signups Sheet

This is the Player Signups thread for GSC PL V. There will be 6 teams and 8 slots per team. Each team will have a minimum of 10 players (8 starters + 2 substitutes).
  • GSC OU
  • GSC OU
  • GSC OU
  • GSC OU
  • GSC Ubers
  • GSC UU
  • GSC NU
  • GSC PU
Beware that for the entire regular season of GSCPL, you may NOT play the tiers you listed in Tiers NOT Played. You can use Tiers Played as a way to express your preferences to the managers.

After a lot of discourse, the following pairs are the managers of this edition of GSC PL:

:wobbuffet: Wobbuffet Village - BeeOrSomething and Mashing
:cloyster: Crooked Cloysters - DAWNBUSTER and OmBrArch
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints - MrSoup and Earthworm
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars - vani and susciety
:jolteon: Shunko Jolteons - ziloXX and Raichy
:raikou: Royal Raikous - Estarossa and Mystras
  • Do not sign up if you cannot commit to the entire tournament.
  • There will be no retains!
  • Reminder that following this decision, each team will only be allowed one manager self buy costing 20k. Managers must let us know if they plan to buy themselves before the Players Signups close! We will also be using the Belgian Pro League format.
  • Winners of GSCPL V will receive a custom avatar!
This year we will be doing signups through a form. Click here to sign up!

Player Signups close Saturday, 4 PM GMT -4. The time of the Auction is Sunday, 4 PM GMT -4.
Last edited:
Username: AhmedxWaleed

Tiers Preferred (not binding): UU, NU, PU

Tiers NOT Played (binding): Ubers, OU

Time Zone: GMT+5

Forseeable inactivity: College
Username: Funkybeangamer

Tiers Preferred (not binding): Ubers, OU, UU, NU, PU

Tiers NOT Played (binding): (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Time Zone: GMT-4

Forseeable inactivity:
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