Tournaments GSCPL IV - Commencement & Administrative Decisions

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Art by Kolohe

Hosted by roxie and Hiro'
Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines

Player Signups

This is the Administrative Decisions and Commencement thread for GSC PL IV. This thread will handle all the information that players and teams would need for the tournament. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of the hosts. The reward for winning this tournament is a custom avatar to be used on Pokemon Showdown.
There will be 8 teams in this tournament. Each team will have a manager and a co-manager. There are six slots for each team every week, and each team must have at least 8 players picked from the auction, which will be held in the GSCPL groupchat on Pokemon Showdown. The live auction will be in Snake order in regards to how teams nominate players. Each team will be given 80,000 credits with which to conduct their auction. The auction will be held when there can be representative from every team present. The Player Signups thread will be locked 24 hours before the auction.

Reminder that following this decision, each team will be allowed up to two manager self buys, with the first self buy having a price of 15k and the second self buy having a price of 30k. Managers must let us know if they plan to buy themselves before the Players Signups close!

There is no retains since we have two more teams than last year!

Every team will be playing every other team for the first 7 weeks of the tournament. For each win, a team is awarded two points. For each tie, a team is awarded one point. For each loss, a team is awarded no points. The top 4 teams after 7 weeks will move onto the playoffs.

Managers should DM one of the hosts (which host will be made clear before the deadline) to submit their lineups each week. The deadline to DM hosts with a lineup will be at the same time as the deadline for the previous round. However, DMing a host early is allowed and encouraged; the earlier the hosts get all the lineups in, the earlier they can release the next round!

At any point in the week, a team can substitute out a player from a game if they are inactive or cannot play the game due to IRL issues or a schedule that does not match up at all with their opponent. In order to make a substitution, the manager must post the substitution in the week thread, tagging the hosts, the opposing managers, and the opposing player, stating which player is being subbed out and who the substituting player is. However, a player who has been substituted out for a week cannot be substituted back into a slot in the same week. In addition, the hosts can veto any substitution if they believe the reason for substitution is to gain a 'favourable' player matchup in the OU slots, where player order matters.

There will be no trades allowed. If a bought player is inactive/cancers, they can be reported and replaced with a player from the undrafted pool of players. Hosts will have final discretion on what constitutes inactivity or cancering, and all situations will be treated on a case-by-case basis. After week 3 of the tournament, managers can still report inactive or cancering players, but they will not be allowed to pick a replacement player.

Reminder that following this decision, each team is allowed up to two manager self buys, with the first self buy having a price of 15k and the second self buy having a price of 30k. Managers must let us know if they plan to buy themselves before the Players Signups close!

:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes - BeeOrSomething and Mashing
:marowak: Bone Crushers - FNH and Siatam
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints - MrSoup and BigFatMantis
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos - Staxi and Rubyblood
:raikou: Royal Raikous - Fantos13 and Estarossa
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars - vani and Isa
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons - Raichy and ziloXX
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons - Nalorium and Justamente

Week 1
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 2
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:

Week 3
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 4
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:

Week 5
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:

Week 6
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 7
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:

GSC Ubers
GSC UU + Aero
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Auction Results


Conflict 27000
hellpowna 24000
Amaranth 23000
RealJester 23000
dawnbuster 19000
BlazingDark 19000
susciety 19000
Kenix 18000
Torchic 18000
shiloh 16500
Real FV13 14500
Monai 14500
pp's splash town 13500
Thor 12000
Oathkeeper 11000
Chiles Habaneros 10000
avarice 9500
Leru 9500
feen 9000
Gondra 8000
GLFGno7 7500
Jhonx~ 7500
John Madden 7000
corvere 6500
phosphor 6000
Mystras 6000
chub 6000
Skyrio 5500
Inder 5000
romanji 5000
innovamania 5000
Surfy 4500
agentkeval 4000
choolio 4000
Celebiii 4000
Medeia 4000
airfare 3500
Manaphy 3500
Thepatatedouce 3500
Raahel 3500
Feaniix 3000
Akaru Kokuyo 3000
SaDiSTiCNarwhal 3000
Piyush25 3000
spellcaster 3000
alive 3000
cherryb0ng 3000
Fakee 3000
Zerkas 3000
Iguana 3000
Micciu 3000
OmBrArch 3000
Sunlight Laughs 3000
decis 3000
skimmythegod 3000
TLTK 3000
DugZa 3000
Leftwingbo 3000
Colteor 3000
TyCarter 3000
Fluore 3000
Lialiabeast 3000
Estuardo19 3000
TibarnWasTaken 3000
Herv 3000
Mizuhime 3000

Shunkō Jolteons
Conflict 27000
dawnbuster 19000
Real FV13 14500
agentkeval 4000
airfare 3500
Feaniix 3000
Akaru Kokuyo 3000
SaDiSTiCNarwhal 3000
Piyush25 3000

Royal Raikous
Amaranth 23000
Thor 12000
avarice 9500
Inder 5000
choolio 4000
Celebiii 4000
spellcaster 3000
alive 3000

Vaporized Vaporeons
hellpowna 24000
Kenix 18000
Monai 14500
Oathkeeper 11000
cherryb0ng 3000
Fakee 3000
Zerkas 3000
Iguana 3000

Amp Plains Zapdos
BlazingDark 19000
Torchic 18000
Leru 9500
feen 9000
Skyrio 5500
Medeia 4000
Micciu 3000
OmBrArch 3000
Sunlight Laughs 3000
decis 3000
skimmythegod 3000

Sleepy Snorlaxes
RealJester 23000
susciety 19000
Gondra 8000
TLTK 3000
DugZa 3000
Leftwingbo 3000
Colteor 3000
TyCarter 3000

Bone Crushers
shiloh 16500
pp's splash town 13500
Chiles Habaneros 10000
GLFGno7 7500
romanji 5000
Manaphy 3500
Fluore 3000
Lialiabeast 3000
Estuardo19 3000

Cursed Tyranitars
John Madden 7000
phosphor 6000
Mystras 6000
innovamania 5000
Surfy 4500
Thepatatedouce 3500
TibarnWasTaken 3000

Ladder-Bayleef Saints
Jhonx~ 7500
corvere 6500
chub 6000
Raahel 3500
Herv 3000
Mizuhime 3000


Week 1

:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 2
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:

Week 3
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 4
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:

Week 5
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:

Week 6
:tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars vs Royal Raikous :raikou:
:zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos vs Bone Crushers :marowak:
:snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes vs Shunkō Jolteons :jolteon:
:bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints vs Vaporized Vaporeons :vaporeon:

Week 7
:jolteon: Shunkō Jolteons vs Ladder-Bayleef Saints :bayleef:
:marowak: Bone Crushers vs Cursed Tyranitars :tyranitar:
:raikou: Royal Raikous vs Sleepy Snorlaxes :snorlax:
:vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons vs Amp Plains Zapdos :zapdos:
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Hello all you prospective gsc newbies and crusty old mainers. Unless you're a crusty old mainer, you won't get noticed by managers if you don't reach out to them. So if you are interested in playing for the Crushers, feel free to message myself or Siatam on the forums or discord. #fnh2253 and Siatam is siatam on discord

Edit: if you're trying to send replays to showcase your skillz, siatam is your guy
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Re: GSC UU slot vote

A survey has been run among managers to decide whether GSC UU slot should become an Aerodactyl suspect slot. Here are the results:


A simple majority vote was required to select GSC UU + Aero. Therefore, the GSC UU slot will be used to suspect Aerodactyl.
Please use the following command to challenge your opponents in that slot: /challenge gen2uu @@@ +Aerodactyl

Quick Personal Ranking of Teams (pls dont be mad)

1. :marowak: The Bone Crushers
To be honest none of the drafted teams (besides mine) is perfect, but the Crushers edge out as best IMO. Their OU starters are extremely strong between siatam/chiles/GLFG/Shiloh and they have one of the best UU with pp. Their Ubers/NU falls off slightly, where it looks like people like manaphy/romanji/fluore/the other OU might get off-roled to an unfamiliar tier. Aside from their heavy-hitters it also feel like theres a lack of gsc sub support, and I imagine FNH will have to do a lot of heavy lifting in NU to have this team prove consistent.

2. :zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos
This team fell into a similar trap as the crushers, drafting an amazing OU LU with and a great UU/Ubers in Torchic. Filling out whichever he doesn't play and NU may be a little tougher. One of ombrarch/decis/leru will likely have to play uu/ubers, so it will be interesting to see how fast they can adapt. Medeia is coming off a great GSC NU Cup preformance, but their lack of familiarity with the tier (and the fact they don't like it) may be an issue unless they become an nu-lover over night. They, and the whole team, certainly have the tools to make a great showing.

3. :snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes
Another great ou core and with a great nu to boot. Uu could be either or dugza tltk, which leave ou3 very up in the air in my opinion, and will likely have to learn quick from sus and jester. Gondra is not an expert of gsc Ubers for sure, but with mashings help this slot could pick up the wins. What I see is a lot of great players, but a general lack of gsc knowledge across the board.

4. :Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars
The Vani and Isa double buy is incredibly strong, but this draft shows the weakness of the 45k manager buys (crying). Their low tiers between isa/vani/surfy/innova/mystras should be rock solid but not perfect, but the OU slots will have some catching up to do. The Ouers have a lot of potential -- phosphor, Tibarn, and John Madden are all quite acquainted with GSC, but just lack the accolades of many staples of the gen. I am, however, quite confident they can show up (mostly because I was highly considering many of them myself).

5. :Vaporeon: Vaporized Vapreons
At first I hated this draft but on second glance it’s not that bad. Looks like Cherrys gonna UU and their ou is solid. I’m curious to see who the third ou is and what the plan was behind a Monai oath double buy. Ubers could be anyone. A lot of question marks but the quality is there.

6. :Raikou: Royal Raikous
This is a team with a lot of potential but I think will be incredibly hard to tie together. Theres a distinct lack of OU Star Power and an excess of UU and Ubers strength. Deciding who goes where will be difficult, but it's likely Esta will hold down NU to a tee. Seeing who of Amaranth/Avarice/Thor/Inder/Celebiii goes OU will be very interesting to see.

7. :jolteon: Shunko Jolteons
This draft started strong but started to fizzle out. Both of Dawn and FV are great UUers, but i see a slight waste in drafting both, despite the fact they're both also good in NU. After them and Conflict, however, I see a lot of familiar names but none who shout out to me as GSC players, nonetheless a specialty in OU/Ubers. This won't be a case of lacking talent, but finding the resources in GSC to properly support these great players. Very doable, but I think they put themselves in a tougher situation by not drafting some more GSC names.
My personal power rankings for this GSCPL (excluding my own team), remember these are all just my personal takes, I mean no disrespect.
MrSoup thank you for letting me steal your idea telepathically (we haven't dmed in over a week
  1. Crushers :marowak:
    Best OU means a lot. 2nd best UU, very capable Ubers with Chiles and maybe Manaphy, and while their NU is the weakest relatively, Romanji may still be able to snag a couple wins there.

  2. Tyranitars :tyranitar:
    Best Ubers if Conflict isn't starting, still 2nd best if he is. Vani + Patate + Phosphor/Madden is a solid (though maybe shaky) OU core, Surfy + Mystras is a decent UU, and Innovamania may reveal himself to be a strong NU.

  3. Vaporeons :vaporeon:
    Kenix and Coco make for an amazing 1-2 punch and Oathkeeper is a great NU player. Cherryb0ng has talent but I'm not sure how well he will be able to put it together especially with some rust. Iguana is an unknown to me and their OU 3 seems to be either Monai or Fakee, and while I'm confident in Monai as an overall player, I think he will be relying a lot on getting the right support.

  4. Saints :bayleef:
    Saints have across the board a really really good lower tier loadout, but I think their OU roster is pretty subpar. Chub is good but I'm not sure if he has the proper support, and I'm not very confident in Herv or Jhonx to consistently provide wins.

  5. Jolteons :jolteon:
    I have a feeling the Jolteons will be relying very very heavily on their UU/NU slots being fairly consistent wins as well as Conflict carrying support. Very very top heavy lineup, which in a 6 slot tour is usually fine, but I think there's a very sharp fall off here. I'm interested to see how they do.

  6. Zapdos :zapdos:
    They have 5 good players (BD, Leru, Torchic, Medeia, Ombrarch), but I don't think any of them are top 3 in their respective tiers and honestly Torchic is the only one who's top 5. The rest of the lineup is pretty dire, but I do think they'll be able to scrape together a decent OU with the players they have and Rubyblood captaining.

  7. Raikous :raikou:
    Amaranth is the only player on this team who is top 3 in their respective tier IMO. Estarossa is the only other who is top 5. This is better than the Zapdos, but unlike the Zapdos, I don't think the Raikous have a very good OU. I also think their UU slot will be very inconsistent.
Quick Personal Ranking of Teams (pls dont be mad)

1. :marowak: The Bone Crushers
To be honest none of the drafted teams (besides mine) is perfect, but the Crushers edge out as best IMO. Their OU starters are extremely strong between siatam/chiles/GLFG/Shiloh and they have one of the best UU with pp. Their Ubers/NU falls off slightly, where it looks like people like manaphy/romanji/fluore/the other OU might get off-roled to an unfamiliar tier. Aside from their heavy-hitters it also feel like theres a lack of gsc sub support, and I imagine FNH will have to do a lot of heavy lifting in NU to have this team prove consistent.

2. :zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos
This team fell into a similar trap as the crushers, drafting an amazing OU LU with and a great UU/Ubers in Torchic. Filling out whichever he doesn't play and NU may be a little tougher. One of ombrarch/decis/leru will likely have to play uu/ubers, so it will be interesting to see how fast they can adapt. Medeia is coming off a great GSC NU Cup preformance, but their lack of familiarity with the tier (and the fact they don't like it) may be an issue unless they become an nu-lover over night. They, and the whole team, certainly have the tools to make a great showing.

3. :snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes
Another great ou core and with a great nu to boot. Uu could be either or dugza tltk, which leave ou3 very up in the air in my opinion, and will likely have to learn quick from sus and jester. Gondra is not an expert of gsc Ubers for sure, but with mashings help this slot could pick up the wins. What I see is a lot of great players, but a general lack of gsc knowledge across the board.

4. :Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars
The Vani and Isa double buy is incredibly strong, but this draft shows the weakness of the 45k manager buys (crying). Their low tiers between isa/vani/surfy/innova/mystras should be rock solid but not perfect, but the OU slots will have some catching up to do. The Ouers have a lot of potential -- phosphor, Tibarn, and John Madden are all quite acquainted with GSC, but just lack the accolades of many staples of the gen. I am, however, quite confident they can show up (mostly because I was highly considering many of them myself).

5. :Vaporeon: Vaporized Vapreons
At first I hated this draft but on second glance it’s not that bad. Looks like Cherrys gonna UU and their ou is solid. I’m curious to see who the third ou is and what the plan was behind a Monai oath double buy. Ubers could be anyone. A lot of question marks but the quality is there.

6. :Raikou: Royal Raikous
This is a team with a lot of potential but I think will be incredibly hard to tie together. Theres a distinct lack of OU Star Power and an excess of UU and Ubers strength. Deciding who goes where will be difficult, but it's likely Esta will hold down NU to a tee. Seeing who of Amaranth/Avarice/Thor/Inder/Celebiii goes OU will be very interesting to see.

7. :jolteon: Shunko Jolteons
This draft started strong but started to fizzle out. Both of Dawn and FV are great UUers, but i see a slight waste in drafting both, despite the fact they're both also good in NU. After them and Conflict, however, I see a lot of familiar names but none who shout out to me as GSC players, nonetheless a specialty in OU/Ubers. This won't be a case of lacking talent, but finding the resources in GSC to properly support these great players. Very doable, but I think they put themselves in a tougher situation by not drafting some more GSC names.
8. :Bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints

Finished your pr for. Youre welcome <3
My personal rankings for GSC NU (yeah I don’t have sufficient knowledge about the other tiers to speak on them xd so just for gsc nu it is)

1. MrSoup - Bayleef
NU open winner. I mean yeah who knows they might put chub or raahel or whoever in this slot so soup could play other tiers but yeah…. Has very good knowledge of the tier and definitely one of the top skilled players in this pool.

2. Medeia - Zapdos
Got to the recent GSC NU Cup finals and reached top 8 before losing to soup in their quarter match-up in GSC NU Open. I’d rank Medeia this high coz of these recent achievements and I played Medeia in many other tiers (I remember the gsc homefield where we had gsc ou gsc pu and gsc zu, then like rby uu, dpp nu, to name a few) so I got a grasp on what it feels like playing vs Medeia in-battle.

3. Oathkeeper - Vaporeons
Recent showings of oath in gsc nu scene is the GSC NU Cup where he got to the quarterfinals. Has been consistent in GSCPL since the first iteration of this tour. His experience will definitely be useful in tours as high caliber as this one.

4. Estarossa - Raikous
I lost to Estarossa in GSC NU Cup round 2 where he eventually got to Final 4 before losing to Medeia in the semi-finals. He also played this tier last gscpl iii and has played in nusd too. As long as he give decent time prepping, I don’t think he’ll go negative this gscpl.

5. dawnbuster - Jolteons
It’s been a while….so I’ll just put her in the middle of the pack here I guess. For some that might not know, she goes by the name “holly” before changing name which had a great nusd ii run iirc only lost once in that tour and played in the previous gscpl tours too. Let’s see how she’ll perform in her first team tour since her account got reactivated.

6. BeeOrSomething - Snorlaxes
I know Bee has been studying this tier intensively recently. He also played this tier in altpl so this is his second team tour playing gsc nu afaik. Time to face the big names in a serious game with the gscpl achievement at stake. Tbh I don’t think he’ll have a negative record this tour but maybe 3-4 would be the least expectation for him.

7. innovamania - Tyranitars
He didn’t signed up for GSC NU Cup ig but I saw him got to quarterfinals in GSC NU Open before losing to juoean. Another solid player and he’s on vani’s team so he could exchange ideas with vani on how to play out this tier versus the known players in gsc nu this gscpl.

8. romanji - Crushers
Ngl I don’t know who will play GSC NU for the Crushers. Fluore could play in here too. Recent showing of romanji is getting to Round 3 in GSC NU Cup (lost to Medeia so just a tough match-up and could have gone deeper in this tour ig). The support is solid though with FNH definitely focusing in supporting this tier.

That's it for my thoughts! Looking forward to the great NU games y'all show
:gs/Suicune: The OFFICIAL GSC PL Power Rankings! :gs/Ho-oh:
(disclaimer - these are not official)

Good evening - I surveyed several high ranking GSC PL Managers, scouts, CEOs, and presidents of GSC operations, and compiled the results of a vote to rank all of the teams in their individual tiers and also overall. Also s/o to BeeOrSomething for doing most of the work on these writeups for the tiers. So let's begin with the Team Tier Rankings:

#1 :gs/Marowak: Bone Crushers: Siatam has assembled an OU squad so powerful that he didn't even need to slot himself into the lineup Week 1. Between GLFGNo, shiloh, and Chiles Habaneros they have a stupendous squad that has potential to rotate, allowing for optimal load management as the season progresses. Not much to say here, these boys are stacked.
#2 :gs/Vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons: The Vaporeons had such a great OU draft plan that the managers didn't even need to be present at the draft to lock in the second overall rank here. Kenix and hellpowna are definitely two of the best that can beat anyone in the pool and easily are the best 1-2 punch overall. However their third slot is more questionable, with cherryb0ng filling in Week 1 and other options like Fakee playing other tiers for now. But all you need to do is win 2 out of 3 to have a good chance to take the win each week.
#3 :gs/Snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes: The Snorlaxes may be sleepy, but RealJester is not as he plays probably 50 GSC OU ladder games per day and is a clear SPL level talent. Couple that with GSC Global Champ Susciety and you have an extremely strong OU core here. There's a bit of hodgepodge of talent for the third slot, but players like TLTK, TyCarter, Colteor, and LeftWingBo are all capable of putting up wins when needed.
#4 :gs/zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos: For those that are unaware, Amp Plains is a dungeon in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series of spinoff games. Now that you have that information, prepare to enter the mysterious dungeons of BlazingDark who is coming off a very good recent string of tours and is in contention for one of the best in the OU pool. Add on to that Leru who is always solid, and Ombrarch who knows the tier well, and you have a top tier squad. And for fun we can add in Sunlight Laughs who has 1 Smogon post but is starting Week 1 - definitely a real terror that none know what to expect from. Oh yeah and btw Rubyblood is quite good for support.
#5 :gs/Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars: The TTars have some question marks for sure, but vani is not one of them as he is a top level GSC talent overall that keeps improving tour to tour and should put up a strong performance here. John Madden also knows the tier well, and phosphor/thepatatedouce are solid enough as starters. It certainly lacks big star power like the teams above them, but they are more than capable of getting wins in each slot.
#6 :gs/Raikou: Royal Raikous: This team is not very well stacked in OU. Their best option is likely Thor, who struggled a bit in RoA PL. After that they don't really have anyone that stands out. Inder is great at Ubers and UU but we haven't seen a lot of OU in big tours so this will be a bit of an experiment. Spellcaster probably knows how to play the tier fine, but likewise hasn't really seen any high level tour play here for OU. Celebiii and choolio can probably play GSC OU well enough, but to put up wins against the players on the teams above them is going to prove a real challenge. Not impossible though.
#7 :gs/Jolteon: Shunko Jolteons: Truthfully, I had no idea who any of their OU slots were going to be, since Conflict was clearly going to play Ubers. As it turns out they went with Feaniix, agentkeval, and Piyush25. Piyush and Feaniix are good mons players for sure, with Piyush being able to pick up random wins in tiers you weren't sure they played or not, but neither is really a GSC OU name. You also have names like airfare and sadisticnarwhal who can play if necessary, but those players likewise probably don't have much GSC OU experience in tours. It will be interesting to see how it turns out - they are not bad players by any means but it's unquestionable a big question mark as to how they will perform.
#8 :gs/Bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints: Jhonx~ had a great recent GSC Cup run and is eager to make a splash in the GSC OU scene. But he is a raw talent that, hopefully for the Bayleefs, will mature into a top tier option as the season goes on. And with that, the rest is a giant leap of faith (no pun intended): Mizhume is a fantastic Doubles player but hasn't played GSC OU in probably several years. Chub is a great GSC player who knows the gen well, but typically plays lower tiers and not OU. Raahel likewise can play OU, but usually is seen in the lower tiers like UU and NU. Herv is a great overall mons player who wants to get into the tier, but, well, it better happen fast if the Bayleefs are going to have some magic here. But anything if possible if you believe...


#1 :gs/Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars: While not unanimously #1 in Ubers in the ranks, they were pretty close to it. And with vani + Isa it's easy to see why. Isa is one of the greatest to ever do it in GSC Ubers, and vani is not far behind. With both managers self-purchasing, they will rarely ever have any problems in this tier whatsoever. Very little to say here beyond that.
#2 :gs/Jolteon: Shunko Jolteons: While the Jolteons were not #1 in the Ubers rankings, Conflict is undoubtedly #1 overall himself there. After nearly going undefeated in UPL, he's looking to continue his dominance in the tier and maybe try for a second time to reach the undefeated record here. If not for the combination of vani + Isa, the Jolteons would for sure be #1 just because of Conflict alone. Remember these are TEAM power rankings per tier, not player rankings.
#3 :gs/Raikou: Royal Raikous: The wizard Amaranth makes a return here to play GSC Ubers, a tier which he has had great recent success in both UPL and ALT PL. Couple that with Inder being able to support him and you have a great recipe for success, as the Raikous can surely compete with anyone in this tier. And let's not forget Amaranth was the only person to beat Conflict in this past UPL.
#4 :gs/Bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints: BigFatMantis stormed onto the GSC Ubers scene with an impressive 5-2 record in UPL, and he did it with excellent corvere support. Well, guess who's on the Bayleef's for this tour? The same duo - and corvere is more than capable of picking up wins while BigFatMantis plays other tiers as well. A very solid Ubers core for sure with a proven track record.
#5 :gs/Marowak: Bone Crushers: The Crushers are not quite on the same level as the other top 4 teams in Ubers, but Chiles Habaneros has played it in the past decently, and Manaphy did play it in previous GSC PL iterations and is solid overall as an Ubers mons player. If they can get some decent support, it's very possible that these players can pull up with good teams and get a few surprising wins against the bigger names for sure.
#6 :gs/Zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos: Torchic has won a lot of tours that involve him playing GSC Ubers, including ALT PL and this past Ubers Retro Cup. He can handle the tier just fine and can win against any top tier player for sure. But he doesn't have much support here and will likely be figuring out his teams on his own. Seems a bit criminal to rank the team 6th here but it's just where the dominos fell.
#7 :gs/Snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes: I don't think Gondra has really played much GSC Ubers at all. Mashing will be able to support, but it's definitely going to take a few games for us to really see how this will work out. Luckily Gondra is a very capable mons player that can learn on the fly most tiers. But if it does not work out, they don't really have other options other than gutting their strong OU core and moving Jester or Susciety into here - not an optimal solution for sure.
#8 :gs/Vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons: I think Iguana is ok, definitely not bad, but this GSC PL has a pretty good Ubers pool and they just don't quite stack up here. There also isn't much support unless there are secret helpers within the teamcord. I think this team is going to struggle here but I truthfully don't know enough about Iguana to say that for sure - it's possible the run the table and go 7-0 who knows. But this is where they fall into on the PRs.


Stay tuned for UU, NU, and overall rankings tomorrow! (I'm too tired rn sorry)
:gs/Houndoom: The OFFICIAL GSC PL Power Rankings! :gs/Celebi:
(disclaimer - these are not official)
(continued from post above)

#1 :gs/Jolteon: Shunko Jolteons: Dawnbuster is finally back, and about time too. And this time, she's supporting Real FV13 who just recently won the GSC UU Classic Cup, which is a follow up to winning the GSC UU Open (with Aerodactyl) during Slam, and generally posting very positive showings in GSC UU all around. It's possible Real FV13 by himself is alone at the top of the rankings, but the dawnbuster support amplifies this to another level. This is a clear #1 team for UU and it's frankly not that close.
#2 :gs/Marowak: Bone Crushers: Few players are able to say they have earned the coveted "Best GSC UU Player" from the historical UUFPL tournament, but pp's splash town is one of the few that has accomplished this. PP actually held off on playing in UUSD this year so that he could focus exclusively on GSC PL, and he has plenty of experience already in the Aero meta. He doesn't really need any support, but he nonetheless has romanji and lialiabeast in the backdrop to help when needed, and there's no reason why he shouldn't put up yet another strong tour performance here.
#3 :gs/Bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints: MrSoup and BigFatMantis are both very solid GSC UU players, and they drafted a decent support crew of chub, corvere, raahel, and sanke karp to solidify the slot. Though not as prolific in accolades like Real FV13, BigFatMantis still has had major tour success in GSC UU, making GSC UU Cup Finals or semis for two years in a row and making GSC UU Open finals during slam. While not as top-heavy as the Jolteons, they are more than capable of beating anyone in the pool in a game of GSC UU.
#4 :gs/Raikou: Royal Raikous: Estarossa has historically drafted very good UU teams, sometimes having 5+ UU players, and this year is no exception as he has picked up Inder, Celebii, Alive, and avarice, in addition to Estarossa himself being a solid UU option. All of these players have UU Starting capabilities, and with this many cooks in the kitchen they will likely always have a solid team prepared and never be short of help.
#5 :gs/Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars: A lot of the potential for the Tyranitars here depends on who is playing UU really. Surfy put up an above average showing in UUFPL, while Mystras has a lot of UU knowledge though hasn't had a breakout tour yet really. Vani is easily the best option to slot in UU but he is better off playing OU most weeks, and he will likely end up supporting whoever is there. Overally it's a bit clunky, but it works out well enough to allow the Tyranitars to put up a solid showing in UU on a week to week basis.
#6 :gs/Vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons: cherryb0ng has a multitude of UU knowledge and is able to easily support whoever the Vaporeons slot here, which is Fakee in Week 1. He can also play the tier himself if needed and put up a solid performance. After this they don't really have other options though as the support beyond cherryb0ng and Fakee is weak. This is a bit of a step down from the other teams above that have multiple support options. It's not a bad UU squad for sure, but it isn't really knocking anyone's socks off either.
#7 :gs/Snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes: DugZa is fine really, as is TLTK. But neither are really stalwarts of GSC UU and both are going to need support in the Aero meta. Bee is well acquainted with the Aero GSC UU meta and had a strong performance in the past GSC UU Open, but Bee is likely sticking to NU meaning they will be support only for UU. Whether or not that is enough support for either of these players is a question that remains to be answered, but they are certainly not bad and can end up with some surprising wins.
#8 :gs/Zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos: The best two UU players on this team are Leru and Torchic, who are both very good. But in reality neither of them are going to be playing UU, and instead it's a bit of a mystery who will be slotted in here on a week to week basis. For Week 1 it will be Micciu, who is a good player, but doesn't have any real GSC UU tour success of note, and has probably never played an Aero meta either. And... that's about all they have for options really, as nobody else on the bench really is a UU player at all. It may be a long season ahead here.



#1 :gs/Jolteon: Shunko Jolteons: The CEO of GSC NU dawnbuster is back in action, and the break may have done them well as who knows what kind of mysteries and wonders will be brought to the tier this season. Real FV13 is also decent at the tier and fill in as needed, and they could even both just swap tiers entirely any given week as they're both very good in both UU and NU. The other teams below are also good, but the Jolteons just eke out the top spot in a close vote.
#2 :gs/Raikou: Royal Raikous: Estarossa has always been a solid presence in GSC NU, and always seems to consistently put up good results in these tours. While there is not that much NU support here, Estarossa is one of the most self sufficient NU players that GSC has to offer, and as such he should be just fine cooking on his own. It's hard to argue with consistency, and Esta has won out NU tour games as consistently as anyone else and rightfully deserves to be ranked here as such.
#3 :gs/Bayleef: Ladder-Bayleef Saints: MrSoup is easily a Top 3 GSC NU player in today's GSC NU, and he should be able to anchor the Bayleefs in the tier and pull together wins almost every week here. He can win against any of the other top players in the pool for sure, and the Bayleefs have pretty good support in chub, Raahel, and sanke as well. It's very possible the Bayleefs end up with the best performance here, but either way they are most likely to end up near the top of the NU standings end of season.
#4 :gs/Vaporeon: Vaporized Vaporeons: The Vaporeons drafted two very good GSC NU players in Oathkeeper and Monai. Why they would do that is a mystery for sure, but it has them at #4 in the NU rankings and gives them superb flexibility in their lower tiers slots. While these two don't really have the same pedigree as the players above them in these rankings, they are still both extremely solid and can easily win against even the best on any given day. Don't count these vaporeons out for sure.
#5 :gs/Tyranitar: Cursed Tyranitars: Their best GSC NU is, once again, probably vani, who is definitely not playing NU unless there's an emergency. But innovamania is just fine at the tier, and vani should be able to provide enough support to put him in a position to win most matchups. There's not really anyone else that stands out for NU on the squad, so they'll need to hope this combination can be consistent throughout the season lest they get creative with their lineup.
#6 :gs/Snorlax: Sleepy Snorlaxes: Bee is a great GSC NU player, definitely no slouch, but doesn't quite stack up the same against the top tier players in the pool. There's also not really that much NU support on the squad other than maybe TLTK, so they will mostly be doing this on their own with maybe some outside help. But Bee is just fine, so this is far from a bad situation - they can put up wins when needed and the Snorlaxes will probably be ok, just don't expect them to run the table here or anything.
#7 :gs/Marowak: Bone Crushers: No team can be perfect across all tiers, and that holds true for the Bone Crushers here as their NU falls short compared to most of the other squads. FNH is very good support here, but FNH is not playing and they still need NU players to get wins for them. Romanji is not really a proven player in NU, and even with FNH support he's going to have a hard time matching up to everyone else in the pool. If it doesn't work out there's not many other options, unless Siatam just slots himself here in an emergency. Which, given their strong OU core and the fact that he benched himself Week 1, could be where this situation ends up end of season.
#8 :gs/Zapdos: Amp Plains Zapdos: Well, they were last in UU, and their NU situation is not much better. They have Medeia who is decent for sure, making it to finals in GSC NU cup. But beyond that there's really nobody here to support, and Medeia's teams during that cup run were... unique to say the least (and some might say Medeia doesn't really like playing the tier). If they can garner some outside support and Medeia stays motivated they might be ok here. But it isn't looking great for Amp Plains in GSC NU.



#1: :sv/Marowak:Bone Crushers

#2: :sv/Jolteon:Shunko Jolteons
#3 (T): :sv/Raikou:Royal Raikous
#3 (T): :sv/Tyranitar:Cursed Tyranitars
#5: :sv/Vaporeon:Vaporized Vaporeons
#6: :sv/Snorlax:Sleepy Snorlaxes
#7: :sv/Bayleef:Ladder-Bayleef Saints
#8::sv/Zapdos:Amp Plains Zapdos


:gs/Scyther: Thank you for reading! :gs/Scizor:
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Re: agentkeval vs Leru

agentkeval didn't show up for the scheduled time against Leru for Week 1. Amp Plains Zapdos followed the precedent in notifying the Shunkō Jolteons of this nonattendance. However, the Shunkō Jolteons didn't provide a substitute within an appropriate timeframe. Leru will be granted an activity win for this series.

The Sleepy Snorlaxes have decided to sellback TLTK due to reasons unrelated to the tournament. The player replacing TLTK will be wafflle.

Re: TLTK (Part 2)

Hiro' and I agreed not to issue an punishments to TLTK due to the circumstances surrounding the inactivity.
Re: TLTK (part 3) / wafflle

wafflle has shown no sign of activity whatsoever, hasn't joined the Sleepy Snorlaxes' teamcord and hasn't been online for basically two weeks. They will be removed from the tournament without further punishment and the Sleepy Snorlaxes will be allowed to pick a replacement from the undrafted players pool.

The Sleepy Snorlaxes have decided to pick Egor as a replacement.
Re: Micciu vs Mystras (Week 4)

Micciu became unavailable to play a few hours before scheduled time (11:30PM GMT+1 on Sunday), so Cursed Tyranitars' managers Isa and vani tagged the Amp Plains Zapdos' managers at 10:00PM (90 minutes ahead of the game) to see if there was any possibility to get a substitute in; they even considered a double substitute to get the game done. None of the Amp Plains Zapdos' managers replied to the inquiry. Cursed Tyranitars' managers tagged their opponent's whole team at scheduled time, but they were told repeatedly the Amp Plains Zapdos had no intention to get a substitute in and get the game done. Although Mystras waited for more than 30 minutes, the Amp Plains Zapdos have failed to retrieve a suitable substitute.

Therefore, Mystras will be granted an activity win over Micciu.
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