Name: Guard Split
Power: --
Accuracy: 100
Type: Psychic
Category: Status
PP: 10 (max. 16)
Targets: Any 1 Pokemon adjacent to the user
Effect: Averages out Def. and Sp. Def of user and target, then distributes them evenly. Note that this does not combine Def + Sp. Def, and calculates them individually. This attack is unaffected by stat modifiers.
Pokemon that learn Power Split:
Pokemon | Type | Method
Shuckle | Bug / Rock | Level (55)
Baltoy | Ground / Psychic |Level (48)
Claydol | Ground / Psychic |Level (54)
Latias | Dragon / Psychic | Level (75)
Yanmask | Ghost | Level (33)
Cofagrigus | Ghost | Level (33)
Elgyem | Psychic | Level (50)
Beheeyem | Psychic | Level (56)
Abra | Psychic | Breeding
Shelmet | Bug | Breeding
Competitive Value:
This move would have the greatest value if either you're using a frail sweeper (such as Alakazam), and want it to become more durable (although I don't really see that happening) by using it on an opponent's wall, or switching in to a predicted Guard Split with a frail sweeper (such as Deoxys-A) and getting a massive defensive boost.
E.G. Alakazam vs. Special Wall
(Zam has 252 Sp. Atk Modest in each calculation, and is at Lv. 100)
(Everything has 31 IVs)
Zam vs. 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def Bold Blissey: Def: 128 (a difference of... 2!!) Sp. Def: 257
Zam vs. 252 Def, 252 Sp. Def Impish Shuckle: Def: 370, Sp. Def: 383.
A possible Alakazam set for this could be:
Alakazam @Life Orb
Magic Guard
Modest / Timid, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Guard Split
Focus Blast
Shadow Ball
This gets basic coverage, and gives Alakazam a chance to boost its crap defences enough (hopefully) that it can take a hit or two. Magic Guard means it doesn't have to worry about status or LO recoil, so that's good.
Anything faster that has a (preferably Physical) strong STAB or Super-Effective attack. CB Scizor w/ BP would be perfect, as it would most likely hit on it's horribly low base 45 Def and base 55 HP.
Doubles / Triples viability:
I think that this is more viable in Doubles/Triples than not. In Ubers, one could have a frail sweeper such as Deoxys-A and a defensive wall such as Shuckle and give Deo-A super-high defences w/o the need for setup from Cosmic Power, etc. (like it has the time for that anyways).
Overall, Guard Split is a neat move that can potentially save you, or ruin you. Compared to its counterpart, Power Split, it has less uses, as most users are more commonly walls, but has an advantage over it, being that it can make "glass cannons" durable. Would that make them "metal cannons" instead?