PU Haunter (QC: 2/2) (GP: 1/1)


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Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker that opens holes for its teammates with a unique STAB combination that benefits from the tier's lack of common resistances to Ghost-types. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows Haunter to bypass pseudo-Ghost-type checks like itemless Togedemaru and Weezing. This allows teammates to run item removal,(AC) which makes it more flexible than Silvally-Ghost. Furthermore, the ability to choose its item, access to a secondary STAB to break past Normal-types more easily, and consistent super (add space) effective coverage for Scrafty gives Haunter a valuable niche over Trevenant. While Haunter’s secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to beat Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. A mix of good damage output, solid Speed tier, and Sludge Bomb, which poisons switch-ins, make it a unique special attacker over the likes of Vikavolt and Ribombee. Haunter outpaces several offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop. However, it is left lacking against faster threats such as Archeops and Charizard, both of which force Haunter out. It also has a Speed tie with offensive Silvally formes and Timid Galarian Articuno, which makes it inconsistent at threatening them, especially if both sides are at +1. Despite three immunities and a 4x resistance to U-turn, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk and thus only takes advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls (no comma) such as Gigalith, Lanturn, Audino, and Togedemaru.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set capitalizes on the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, which eases prediction and negates otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol, and dissuading faster Pokemon like Charizard from coming in. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the higher poison chance, which cripples switch-ins like Gigalith and Miltank. Disable takes advantage of Pokemon that have only one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute such as Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Choice Specs in tandem with Trick or Energy Ball instead of Substitute is an option that increases Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru. However, it is then more easily pressured by Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard and more reliant on prediction to succeed. Haunter struggles against Gigalith commonly running Rock Blast, so partners with a type advantage such as Sandaconda and Tsareena, are appreciated. Sandaconda also provides entry hazard support, while Tsareena brings Haunter in on checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both lure in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they check Normal- and Dark-type threats to Haunter like Audino and Absol.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various Choice Scarfers like Mesprit and Rotom, as well as various sweepers like +1 Tsareena and Adamant Sandslash in sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their switch-ins like Weezing and Quagsire in order to wallbreak. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down such as Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [Milah, 563643]
- Grammar checked by: [[antemortem, 192841]]
Last edited by a moderator:
QC would like for Haunter to have two sets: Substitute + 3 attacks and Choice Scarf.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick / Destiny Bond
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Update the analysis based on these sets so that I may officially check it.
I realize this analysis is still in development, but there are some things I'd like to say in the meantime:
  • It looks like the Overview is overselling Haunter as this threat where if there is no Ghost resist, the other team is completely broken apart. While that is probable in most non-Ghost resist matchups, it's important to emphasize one of its main shortcomings being that Gigalith is an extremely popular special tank that is not a Ghost resist, but still gatekeeps Haunter's offense.
  • The Overview also falls short of mentioning its defensive utility outside of it being limited. A defining feature about Haunter is that it's one of the few wallbreakers that completely come in safely against both Weezing and Aromatisse while heavily punishing them. Levitate serves as a Sandaconda set check also, letting it Sub up against Defensive sets with Glare after it secures a switch (U-turn Archeops, Passimian and Togedemaru as partners creates a great dynamic with this, as Sanda and Weezing often beats them)
  • Miltank is generally not an effective answer or switch-in to Haunter (252 SpA Life Orb Haunter Sludge Bomb vs. 248 HP / 240+ SpD Miltank: 161-191 (40.9 - 48.6%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery). I'm not sure if the QC team are open to sets like LO SubSplit or Disable (the latter is also nice for blocking coverage/single attacks from a lot of defensive Pokemon atm: i.e. Palossand, Druddigon, Defensive Jellicent, etc.) being mentioned, but those beat it even harder especially if Haunter gets Poison status.
  • On Scarf, I'd advise highlighting its unique revenge killing attributes, namely all of DD Scrafty (non Roselia Berry), other popular Scarf users (Rotom, Mesprit, Passimian), various Rapid Spin offensive users (Tsareena, Hitmontop -- Mach Punch immunity unlike Toge's weakness to it, Kabutops -- Base 80 Speed means it doesn't have to risk a tie unlike Mesprit and Passimian), and Adamant Sandslash under Sand.
  • On teammates, I'm not sure I follow with the idea of Ribombee or Charizard. If the plan is to try to Poison Gigalith with Sludge Bomb as the Set Comments section suggests, that would imply that Toxic Charizard would be redundant here, meanwhile Ribombee also struggles with breaking through Gigalith. I'd advise talking about my aforementioned U-turn partner suggestions, as they cover holes on defense and put a lot of pressure on those special tanks/walls, while appreciating Haunter pressuring physically defensive Pokemon. When talking about Scarf teammates, Haunter's inability to revenge kill a boosted Ribombee means that a secondary Fairy check like Aggron and Gigalith is important for its team's functional framework.
QC would like for Haunter to have two sets: Substitute + 3 attacks and Choice Scarf.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick / Destiny Bond
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Update the analysis based on these sets so that I may officially check it.
Changed the sets in accordance to QC team.

I realize this analysis is still in development, but there are some things I'd like to say in the meantime:
  • It looks like the Overview is overselling Haunter as this threat where if there is no Ghost resist, the other team is completely broken apart. While that is probable in most non-Ghost resist matchups, it's important to emphasize one of its main shortcomings being that Gigalith is an extremely popular special tank that is not a Ghost resist, but still gatekeeps Haunter's offense.
  • The Overview also falls short of mentioning its defensive utility outside of it being limited. A defining feature about Haunter is that it's one of the few wallbreakers that completely come in safely against both Weezing and Aromatisse while heavily punishing them. Levitate serves as a Sandaconda set check also, letting it Sub up against Defensive sets with Glare after it secures a switch (U-turn Archeops, Passimian and Togedemaru as partners creates a great dynamic with this, as Sanda and Weezing often beats them)
  • Miltank is generally not an effective answer or switch-in to Haunter (252 SpA Life Orb Haunter Sludge Bomb vs. 248 HP / 240+ SpD Miltank: 161-191 (40.9 - 48.6%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery). I'm not sure if the QC team are open to sets like LO SubSplit or Disable (the latter is also nice for blocking coverage/single attacks from a lot of defensive Pokemon atm: i.e. Palossand, Druddigon, Defensive Jellicent, etc.) being mentioned, but those beat it even harder especially if Haunter gets Poison status.
  • On Scarf, I'd advise highlighting its unique revenge killing attributes, namely all of DD Scrafty (non Roselia Berry), other popular Scarf users (Rotom, Mesprit, Passimian), various Rapid Spin offensive users (Tsareena, Hitmontop -- Mach Punch immunity unlike Toge's weakness to it, Kabutops -- Base 80 Speed means it doesn't have to risk a tie unlike Mesprit and Passimian), and Adamant Sandslash under Sand.
  • On teammates, I'm not sure I follow with the idea of Ribombee or Charizard. If the plan is to try to Poison Gigalith with Sludge Bomb as the Set Comments section suggests, that would imply that Toxic Charizard would be redundant here, meanwhile Ribombee also struggles with breaking through Gigalith. I'd advise talking about my aforementioned U-turn partner suggestions, as they cover holes on defense and put a lot of pressure on those special tanks/walls, while appreciating Haunter pressuring physically defensive Pokemon. When talking about Scarf teammates, Haunter's inability to revenge kill a boosted Ribombee means that a secondary Fairy check like Aggron and Gigalith is important for its team's functional framework.
Also used some of this stuff. Thanks for the comments!

In a tier with few Ghost resists, Haunter naturally finds its place as a solid wallbreaker, capable of abusing its strong STAB to tear through the tier this should be less hyped up on haunter, it's kinda mid. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows to it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Weezing that the former cannot beat, while having more initial power than the latter reads weird n not rly true on sball vs multi attack. While its secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to OHKO Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. Its speed tier is also solid, outpacing offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Absol (not relevant and can sucker), while being able to force a speed tie with all offensive Silvally formes and Galarian Articuno. However, despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, which limits the ability for it to get on the field, apart from passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse can be condensed. This, combined with a speed tier that leaves it outpaced by common Pokemon such as Charizard and Archeops, means that Haunter often gets forced out could prob sound smoother if you mention this con closer to what it speed tier does well. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, and Audino.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, letting it fire off powerful moves with little drawback should rephase this as sub easing prediction and note how fast haunter can wear itself down. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added poison chance, which can annoy switchins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Dark-types like Scrafty. Disable is a viable choice due the ability to take advantage of Pokemon that have have one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute like?, but it lacks the breaking power of Dazzling Gleam i mean not really, just specify how the coverage is important/what u miss. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Whimsicott, are appreciated. might as well include Sneasel somewhere here as a threat vs haunter Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Passimian can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Passimian and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal-types like Audino and Drampa.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarf Passimian and Mesprit, as well as various sweepers like Dragon Dance Scrafty and Adamant Sandslash in Sand. Dazzling Gleam hits Dark-types such as Scrafty you already say this in the other set, phrase by merging w the earlier dd scrafty point prob and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Choice Specs is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but it is easier to pressure offensively with Pokemon like Froslass ?. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their checks like Weezing and Palossand in order to break. In return, it appreciates them threatening out Whimsicott and Charizard, as well as bringing it on Glare Sandaconda, which it beats. Blanket special walls like Gigalith and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter no reason to not just include gigalith/lanturn w audino as special walls. Defensive support should include Pokemon that resist Dark and Psychic. Aromatisse is a sturdy Dark resist that can also force out Scrafty if Haunter predicts incorrectly, while Togedemaru resists Psychic and can bring Haunter in with a slow U-turn with how frail haunter is the typing part doesn't really matter and i think aroma isn't a great partner anyway, can just remove this last section and include togedemaru with the other pivots

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

In a tier with few Ghost resists, Haunter naturally finds its place as a solid wallbreaker, capable of abusing its strong STAB to tear through the tier this should be less hyped up on haunter, it's kinda mid. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows to it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Weezing that the former cannot beat, while having more initial power than the latter reads weird n not rly true on sball vs multi attack. While its secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to OHKO Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. Its speed tier is also solid, outpacing offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Absol (not relevant and can sucker), while being able to force a speed tie with all offensive Silvally formes and Galarian Articuno. However, despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, which limits the ability for it to get on the field, apart from passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse can be condensed. This, combined with a speed tier that leaves it outpaced by common Pokemon such as Charizard and Archeops, means that Haunter often gets forced out could prob sound smoother if you mention this con closer to what it speed tier does well. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, and Audino.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, letting it fire off powerful moves with little drawback should rephase this as sub easing prediction and note how fast haunter can wear itself down. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added poison chance, which can annoy switchins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Dark-types like Scrafty. Disable is a viable choice due the ability to take advantage of Pokemon that have have one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute like?, but it lacks the breaking power of Dazzling Gleam i mean not really, just specify how the coverage is important/what u miss. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Whimsicott, are appreciated. might as well include Sneasel somewhere here as a threat vs haunter Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Passimian can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Passimian and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal-types like Audino and Drampa.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarf Passimian and Mesprit, as well as various sweepers like Dragon Dance Scrafty and Adamant Sandslash in Sand. Dazzling Gleam hits Dark-types such as Scrafty you already say this in the other set, phrase by merging w the earlier dd scrafty point prob and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Choice Specs is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but it is easier to pressure offensively with Pokemon like Froslass ?. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their checks like Weezing and Palossand in order to break. In return, it appreciates them threatening out Whimsicott and Charizard, as well as bringing it on Glare Sandaconda, which it beats. Blanket special walls like Gigalith and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter no reason to not just include gigalith/lanturn w audino as special walls. Defensive support should include Pokemon that resist Dark and Psychic. Aromatisse is a sturdy Dark resist that can also force out Scrafty if Haunter predicts incorrectly, while Togedemaru resists Psychic and can bring Haunter in with a slow U-turn with how frail haunter is the typing part doesn't really matter and i think aroma isn't a great partner anyway, can just remove this last section and include togedemaru with the other pivots

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker with a unique STAB combination, abusing the tier's lack of common Ghost resists to open holes for teammates. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows to it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Weezing that the former cannot beat, and the ability to chose its item as well as access to a secondary STAB give it a niche over the latter. i get what you're going for but itemless weezing isn't a meta staple anymore and audino is; this point about haunter capitalising on the meta would've been great a few months ago but isn't good anymore. would prefer a focus on what haunter offers over other special breakers like ribombee or vikavolt, that being a reasonably fast speed tier, solid damage output, and sludge bomb poison chances. While its secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to OHKO Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. Its speed tier is also solid, outpacing offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop, while being able to force a speed tie with all offensive Silvally forms and Galarian Articuno. However, said speed tier also leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon like Archeops and Charizard, which can force it out. Despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, only being able to take advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, and Audino. don't forget to capitalise Speed if it's referring to the stat, e.g. Speed tier

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, easing prediction and avoiding otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added poison chance, which can annoy switchins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Dark-types like Scrafty. Disable is a viable choice due the ability to take advantage of Pokemon that have have one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute like Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Dark-types like Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Whimsicott, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Whimsicott can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal- and Dark-types like Drampa and Sneasel. don't forget to remove drampa mentions. sneasel is also a bad mention here; it's going to outspeed both of these pokemon and kill (or close to kill) with axel, particularly if CB.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarf Mesprit and Jolteon, as well as various sweepers like Belly Drum Poliwrath and Adamant Sandslash in Sand. jolteon isn't the example i'd immediately jump to (rotom?) and belly drum poliwrath isn't viable. even if it hypothetically was being used it'd be on rain where you can't outspeed it anyway. other more viable answers include garticuno, np mesprit, (no speed boost) silvally-ghost. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Choice Specs is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru specify defensive for these, but it is easier to pressure with Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their checks like Weezing and Palossand in order to break. In return, it appreciates them threatening out Whimsicott and Charizard, as well as bringing it on Glare Sandaconda, which it beats. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

small am check

Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker with a unique STAB combination, abusing the tier's lack of common Ghost resists to open holes for teammates. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows to it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Weezing that the former cannot beat, and the ability to chose its item as well as access to a secondary STAB give it a niche over the latter. i get what you're going for but itemless weezing isn't a meta staple anymore and audino is; this point about haunter capitalising on the meta would've been great a few months ago but isn't good anymore. would prefer a focus on what haunter offers over other special breakers like ribombee or vikavolt, that being a reasonably fast speed tier, solid damage output, and sludge bomb poison chances. While its secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to OHKO Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. Its speed tier is also solid, outpacing offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop, while being able to force a speed tie with all offensive Silvally forms and Galarian Articuno. However, said speed tier also leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon like Archeops and Charizard, which can force it out. Despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, only being able to take advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, and Audino. don't forget to capitalise Speed if it's referring to the stat, e.g. Speed tier

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, easing prediction and avoiding otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added poison chance, which can annoy switchins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Dark-types like Scrafty. Disable is a viable choice due the ability to take advantage of Pokemon that have have one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute like Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Dark-types like Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Whimsicott, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Whimsicott can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal- and Dark-types like Drampa and Sneasel. don't forget to remove drampa mentions. sneasel is also a bad mention here; it's going to outspeed both of these pokemon and kill (or close to kill) with axel, particularly if CB.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarf Mesprit and Jolteon, as well as various sweepers like Belly Drum Poliwrath and Adamant Sandslash in Sand. jolteon isn't the example i'd immediately jump to (rotom?) and belly drum poliwrath isn't viable. even if it hypothetically was being used it'd be on rain where you can't outspeed it anyway. other more viable answers include garticuno, np mesprit, (no speed boost) silvally-ghost. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Choice Specs is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru specify defensive for these, but it is easier to pressure with Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their checks like Weezing and Palossand in order to break. In return, it appreciates them threatening out Whimsicott and Charizard, as well as bringing it on Glare Sandaconda, which it beats. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

small am check

Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker with a unique STAB combination, abusing the tier's lack of common Ghost resists to open holes for teammates. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows to it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Weezing that the former cannot beat, and the ability to chose its item as well as access to a secondary STAB give it a niche over the latter (it's fine to mention what separates it from other ghosts since you normally wouldn't share slots with other ghosts, but examples like these only serve to downplay the others with traits that are insignificant in the big picture. unlike trev, haunter's offense isn't impeded by item removal support from its teams making it less restrictive to build with overall, while compared to ghostvally, it isn't as gatekept by normal-types due to its stab combination and can break through scrafty a lot easier). While its secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to OHKO beat (doesn't OHKO Clefairy) Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. Its speed tier is also solid, outpacing offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop, while being able to force a speed tie with all offensive Silvally forms and Galarian Articuno (the latter is framed as a good thing in this context which is not strictly the case. another flaw in haunter that should be emphasized is that it's such a crowded and important speed tier, and given its frailty, this is less than desirable. it also hurts the consistency of its scarf set since good speed control needs to adequately account for silvally). However, said speed tier also leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon like Archeops and Charizard, which can force it out. Despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, only being able to take advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, and Audino. (in the context of both being outsped and blanket checked, togedemaru is perhaps good to mention since it has sets that can be good against both featured sets for various reasons.)

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, easing prediction and avoiding otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol (Sub is also used to give it a chance to dissuade faster pokemon from coming in). Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added poison chance, which can annoy switchins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Dark-types like Scrafty (kinda disingenuous since it reads like it needs this move to generally hit dark-types, when in reality the damage output on Scrafty specifically is the reason Haunter runs it). Disable is a viable choice due the ability to take advantage of Pokemon that have have one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute like Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Dark-types like Scrafty (Same as previous comment about it. Just emphasize Scrafty). Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Whimsicott (I'd shy away from Whim since it's not a proactive Gigalith answer in the way that Tsareena is, while the latter is a much better partner for other reasons such as keeping rocks off and pressuring a lot of the spdef mons that haunter doesn't like with its kit while being Weezing's go-to switch), are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Whimsicott can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal- and Dark-types like Drampa and Sneasel.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarf Mesprit and Jolteon, as well as various sweepers like Belly Drum Poliwrath (agreed w/ graybaum on these, especially considering jolt is also more of a hit and run attacker and is somewhat specially bulky -- 252 SpA Haunter Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Jolteon: 141-166 (52 - 61.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. also, please mention haunter's unique ability to stop +1 tsareena, which is by far the set most important feature as a revenge killer. indifferent on guno mention since it's mostly modest anyway) and Adamant Sandslash in Sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Choice Specs is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but it is easier to pressure with Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard (this has no place to be mentioned in the scarf set. It's still a wallbreaker but with trade-offs, so i'd put it in the first set instead but w/ emphasis on trick and energy ball). Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their checks like Weezing and Palossand in order to break. In return, it appreciates them threatening out Whimsicott and Charizard (these are weird examples given that this set would outspeed them), as well as bringing it on Glare Sandaconda (not sure i'd use this example since at least the sub set can keep from getting itself para'd. i'd replace this with quagsire since you can pressur it with stab while always threatening with trick), which it beats. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

QC 2/2 once implemented


Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker with a unique STAB combination, abusing benefiting from the tier's lack of common Ghost resists and opening holes for its teammates. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Togedemaru and Weezing, allowing teammates to run item removal Knock Off(i assume?) which makes it more splashable than the former, and the ability to choose its item, access to a secondary STAB to break past Normal-types easier, and consistent super-(RH)effective coverage for Scrafty give gives it a niche over the latter. While its Haunter’s secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to beat Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. A mix of good damage output, solid Speed tier, and Sludge Bomb Poisoning poisoning switch-ins similarly make it a unique special attacker over Pokemon like Vikavolt and Ribombee. It Haunter can outpace offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop. However, said Speed tier also leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon like Archeops and Charizard, which can force it out. It also makes it speed tie with all offensive Silvally forms formes and Timid Galarian Articuno, which makes it inconsistent at forcing them out, especially if both sides are at +1. Despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, only being able to take advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, Audino, and Togedemaru.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses capitalizes on the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, easing prediction, avoiding otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol, and dissuading faster Pokemon like Charizard from coming in. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added higher poison chance, which can annoy switchins switch-ins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Scrafty super effectively. Disable is a viable choice due to taking advantage of Pokemon that have only one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute, like Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Choice Specs and Trick or Energy Ball over Substitute is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but it is easier to pressure with Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard and more reliant on prediction to succeed. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Tsareena, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Tsareena can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break(add space)through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal- and Dark-types like Audino and Absol.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarfers like Mesprit and Rotom, as well as various sweepers like +1 Tsareena and Adamant Sandslash in Sand sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their switch-ins like Weezing and Quagsire in order to break. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [Milah, 563643]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
good job! :blobthumbsup:


Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker with a unique STAB combination, abusing benefiting from the tier's lack of common Ghost resists and opening holes for its teammates. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows it to bypass pseudo-Ghost resists like itemless Togedemaru and Weezing, allowing teammates to run item removal Knock Off(i assume?) which makes it more splashable than the former, and the ability to choose its item, access to a secondary STAB to break past Normal-types easier, and consistent super-(RH)effective coverage for Scrafty give gives it a niche over the latter. While its Haunter’s secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to beat Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. A mix of good damage output, solid Speed tier, and Sludge Bomb Poisoning poisoning switch-ins similarly make it a unique special attacker over Pokemon like Vikavolt and Ribombee. It Haunter can outpace offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop. However, said Speed tier also leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon like Archeops and Charizard, which can force it out. It also makes it speed tie with all offensive Silvally forms formes and Timid Galarian Articuno, which makes it inconsistent at forcing them out, especially if both sides are at +1. Despite three immunities and a 4x U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, only being able to take advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, such as Gigalith, Lanturn, Audino, and Togedemaru.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set abuses capitalizes on the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, easing prediction, avoiding otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol, and dissuading faster Pokemon like Charizard from coming in. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the added higher poison chance, which can annoy switchins switch-ins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Scrafty super effectively. Disable is a viable choice due to taking advantage of Pokemon that have only one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute, like Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Choice Specs and Trick or Energy Ball over Substitute is an option to increase Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but it is easier to pressure with Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard and more reliant on prediction to succeed. Haunter dislikes Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon that can take advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Tsareena, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provide entry hazard support, while Tsareena can bring Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both bait in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break(add space)through. In return, they threaten annoying Normal- and Dark-types like Audino and Absol.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various forms of speed control like Choice Scarfers like Mesprit and Rotom, as well as various sweepers like +1 Tsareena and Adamant Sandslash in Sand sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their switch-ins like Weezing and Quagsire in order to break. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.

- Written by: [[Heracross2.0, 414072]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [Milah, 563643]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
good job! :blobthumbsup:
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Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker that opens holes for its teammates with a unique STAB combination, that benefitings from the tier's lack of common Ghost resistances resists and opening holes for its teammat to Ghost-types. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows itHaunter to bypass pseudo-Ghost resist-type checks like itemless Togedemaru and Weezing,. This allowings teammates to run item removal,(AC) which makes it more splashaflexible than Silvally-Ghost. Furthermore, and the ability to choose its item, access to a secondary STAB to break past Normal-types more easierly, and consistent super (add space) effective coverage for Scrafty gives itHaunter a valuable niche over the latterTrevenant. While Haunter’s secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to beat Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. A mix of good damage output, solid Speed tier, and Sludge Bomb, which poisonings switch-ins, make it a unique special attacker over Pokemonthe likes of Vikavolt and Ribombee. With a decent speed tier, Haunter can outpaces several offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop. However, said Speed tier alsoit is left leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon likefaster threats such as Archeops and Charizard, both of which force itHaunter out. It also makes it shas a Speed tie with all offensive Silvally formes and Timid Galarian Articuno, which makes it inconsistent at threatening them, especially if both sides are at +1. Despite three immunities and a 4x resistance to U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, and thus only being able to takes advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, (no comma) such as Gigalith, Lanturn, Audino, and Togedemaru.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set capitalizes on the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, which easing.eases prediction, avoiding and negates otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol, and dissuading faster Pokemon like Charizard from coming in. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the higher poison chance, which can annoycripples switch-ins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Scrafty super effectively.(Redundant) Disable is a viable choice due to takingtakes advantage of Pokemon that have only one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute, like such as Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Choice Specs in tandem with Trick or Energy Ball instead overf Substitute is an option tohat increases Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but. However, it is then more easy to easily pressure pressured by Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard and more reliant on prediction to succeed. Haunter dislikes struggles against Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon partners with a type advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Tsareena, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provides entry hazard support, while Tsareena can brings Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both baitlure in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoyingcheck Normal- and Dark-type threats to Haunter like Audino and Absol.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various Choice Scarfers like Mesprit and Rotom, as well as various sweepers like +1 Tsareena and Adamant Sandslash in sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their switch-ins like Weezing and Quagsire in order to wallbreak. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like such as Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.
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Haunter finds a niche as a wallbreaker that opens holes for its teammates with a unique STAB combination, that benefitings from the tier's lack of common Ghost resistances resists and opening holes for its teammat to Ghost-types. Unlike other Ghost-type wallbreakers such as Trevenant and Silvally-Ghost, Shadow Ball allows itHaunter to bypass pseudo-Ghost resist-type checks like itemless Togedemaru and Weezing,. This allowings teammates to run item removal,(AC) which makes it more splashaflexible than Silvally-Ghost. Furthermore, and the ability to choose its item, access to a secondary STAB to break past Normal-types more easierly, and consistent super (add space) effective coverage for Scrafty gives itHaunter a valuable niche over the latterTrevenant. While Haunter’s secondary STAB is less spammable, the ability to beat Fairy-types like Silvally-Fairy and Clefairy is useful. A mix of good damage output, solid Speed tier, and Sludge Bomb, which poisonings switch-ins, make it a unique special attacker over Pokemonthe likes of Vikavolt and Ribombee. With a decent speed tier, Haunter can outpaces several offensive threats such as Tsareena, Mesprit, and Hitmontop. However, said Speed tier alsoit is left leaves it lacking against popular Pokemon likefaster threats such as Archeops and Charizard, both of which force itHaunter out. It also makes it shas a Speed tie with all offensive Silvally formes and Timid Galarian Articuno, which makes it inconsistent at threatening them, especially if both sides are at +1. Despite three immunities and a 4x resistance to U-turn resist, Haunter lacks meaningful defensive utility due to its horrendous bulk, and thus only being able to takes advantage of passive Pokemon that it resists like Aromatisse. Haunter is also switched into easily by blanket special walls, (no comma) such as Gigalith, Lanturn, Audino, and Togedemaru.

name: Substitute + 3 Attacks
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Sludge Bomb
move 4: Dazzling Gleam
item: Life Orb
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

This set capitalizes on the switches Haunter forces by setting up a Substitute, which easing.eases prediction, avoiding and negates otherwise threatening priority from Pokemon like Absol, and dissuading faster Pokemon like Charizard from coming in. Sludge Bomb is chosen over Sludge Wave due to the higher poison chance, which can annoycripples switch-ins like Gigalith and Miltank. Dazzling Gleam allows Haunter to hit Scrafty super effectively.(Redundant) Disable is a viable choice due to takingtakes advantage of Pokemon that have only one attack that can break Haunter's Substitute, like such as Palossand and Flamethrower Weezing, but dropping Dazzling Gleam means Haunter struggles to break past Scrafty. Life Orb gives Haunter the most power while allowing it to switch moves. Choice Specs in tandem with Trick or Energy Ball instead overf Substitute is an option tohat increases Haunter's power, notably allowing it to OHKO Scrafty and 2HKO Togedemaru, but. However, it is then more easy to easily pressure pressured by Pokemon that can outspeed it like Charizard and more reliant on prediction to succeed. Haunter dislikes struggles against Gigalith due to it commonly running Rock Blast, so Pokemon partners with a type advantage of Gigalith, such as Sandaconda and Tsareena, are appreciated. Sandaconda can also provides entry hazard support, while Tsareena can brings Haunter in on its checks like Weezing and Togedemaru to wear them down. Fighting-types such as Sawk and Gallade make solid partners, as they both baitlure in Ghost-types like Palossand and Jellicent that Haunter can break through. In return, they threaten annoyingcheck Normal- and Dark-type threats to Haunter like Audino and Absol.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Dazzling Gleam
move 4: Trick
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Levitate
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

The advantage that Choice Scarf Haunter has over other sets is the ability to revenge kill various Choice Scarfers like Mesprit and Rotom, as well as various sweepers like +1 Tsareena and Adamant Sandslash in sand. Dazzling Gleam lets Haunter revenge kill fast Dark-types such as +1 Scrafty and Alolan Persian. Trick allows Haunter to cripple passive checks like Audino. Haunter is very frail, so it appreciates pivot support from the likes of Togedemaru and Archeops, which can bring Haunter in on their switch-ins like Weezing and Quagsire in order to wallbreak. Blanket special walls like Gigalith, Audino, and Lanturn can switch into Haunter multiple times during a match, so partners that can wear them down, like such as Ribombee and Charizard, are useful to Haunter.
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