Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]


Makin' PK Love
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Is anyone here in the closed beta? I got my key about a week ago and I am having an absolute BLAST. I haven't spent a single dime on the game but I've already got a ton of cards (you can get about a pack an hour if you're good, and if you're good at arena like me you basically get free packs every run). I just finished an arena run and finally got the elusive 9-2


If anyone else is in the beta you should add me, my battle.net tag is LonelyNess #1678
More like Keyblade.

And I bet your real battle.net tag is Lonelysora.
Oh man I really want this game my friend has a key and I'm pestering her for it every hour XD

I've been watching a lot of streams and it seems quite interesting. I think I'm just going to stick with arena so I don't get put at a huge disadvantage against everyone else XD

Found this because of TotalBiscuit.
Oh man I really want this game my friend has a key and I'm pestering her for it every hour XD

I've been watching a lot of streams and it seems quite interesting. I think I'm just going to stick with arena so I don't get put at a huge disadvantage against everyone else XD

Found this because of TotalBiscuit.

Arena is a ridiculous amount of fun. If you can get 5+ wins every time then the rewards pay for another arena run. 7+ wins and you usually get about 50 BONUS gold on top of a refund of the 150 you invested. (this bonus gold is nice for those 3-3 runs where you get shafted by the draft). Personally my total record in arenas is 22-11 so I'm averaging 6 wins so basically I can just chain them one after another for what are essentially free packs. If you can just get to 4+ wins though you're guaranteed at least 50 gold plus some dust and a pack (a pack is worth 100 gold) so if you're even the least bit competent, the arena is the best way to spend your gold instead of just straight buying booster packs.

If anyone wants to talk hearthstone, I'm gonna make an IRC channel #hearthpwn for us to talk in since people in #pokemon got a little pissy that I was chatting about it.
I've gotten 12 wins about 6 times in my ~50 arena matches. It's super fun actually. The other ~44 games I range between 0 and 7 wins. I'm having a ton of fun with the game overall. Just waiting till I get the necessary legendaries I need to complete the play deck that I want to. (though I could probably just craft it now, oh well).
This game is too much fun, I cannot stop myself playing it

My friend code/tag thing is JoeyboyGames#1920

Lemme know yours!
do murloc swarm decks work

From what I see, it's like a 6 pool from Starcraft(2). If you are able to swarm your opponent by, say turn 5, and they do not have any board clear, you win. If they do, you lose. I think murloc decks are more effective in lower level games as they're not as prepared for murlocs. I don't hear much talk about it at higher levels (though I think it'd work time to time because of the luck factor).

I play this game almost daily! I'm Florie #1560 if anyone feels like adding lol! I have a decent amount of cards, but not quite a lot. My only legendary is Alexstrasza and crafted a few of the good cards for myself (Argent Commander x2, Defender of Argus, Sunwalker, etc) so I can actually be a little competitive. I really hate fighting against people with Ragnaros/Ysera/Tirion though; they put them down and I really have to topdeck the right card or I lose. :(
do murloc swarm decks work
They did up until one patch ago. Blood Imp essentially made them immune to AoE's so they could freely swarm and not give any fucks. Blood Imp got nerfed though so Murlocs might as well not be playable anymore. If you want to play a swarm deck, non-Murloc Warlock aggro is still viable.
I play this game almost daily! I'm Florie #1560 if anyone feels like adding lol! I have a decent amount of cards, but not quite a lot. My only legendary is Alexstrasza and crafted a few of the good cards for myself (Argent Commander x2, Defender of Argus, Sunwalker, etc) so I can actually be a little competitive. I really hate fighting against people with Ragnaros/Ysera/Tirion though; they put them down and I really have to topdeck the right card or I lose. :(

My thoughts too. Turn after turn I saw: Cairne, Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Ysera. :(

My only legendary is Leeroy XD
From what I see, it's like a 6 pool from Starcraft(2). If you are able to swarm your opponent by, say turn 5, and they do not have any board clear, you win. If they do, you lose. I think murloc decks are more effective in lower level games as they're not as prepared for murlocs. I don't hear much talk about it at higher levels (though I think it'd work time to time because of the luck factor).

I play this game almost daily! I'm Florie #1560 if anyone feels like adding lol! I have a decent amount of cards, but not quite a lot. My only legendary is Alexstrasza and crafted a few of the good cards for myself (Argent Commander x2, Defender of Argus, Sunwalker, etc) so I can actually be a little competitive. I really hate fighting against people with Ragnaros/Ysera/Tirion though; they put them down and I really have to topdeck the right card or I lose. :(

my code is #1771. So all of you guys add me if you want.
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Ive been playing hearthstone for a month now, really fun game when im not playing league. Figured id try to be active in here now since open beta is here. Im meh at arena, so far rank 7 in constructed with my mage deck (pyro nerf didnt effect my deck much)

Trying to save up dust for tinkmaster and cairne so I can finally play more than one deck in constructed at a high level
Damn I haven't been seeing too much mage after the pyro nerf, whats your deck like? Just got tinkmaster and cairne myself not too recently, definitely great cards
Damn I haven't been seeing too much mage after the pyro nerf, whats your deck like? Just got tinkmaster and cairne myself not too recently, definitely great cards

Frost giants, i have a pretty good match up against most stuff, hunters are a bit annoying if i cant draw ice block. Though I want to move on to rogue since it's my favorite class. Got the dust for tinker so I should start playing rogue a lot more.