Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]

Is it just me, or is card advantage a little more important in this game than in Magic or YGO? I've only dabbled in those games, I just don't remember nearly as many times where I knew I had lost just by comparing late hand sizes.
handsize doesn't really matter at all, just need that tempo.

btw i got legendary over the weekend with tempo rogue, pretty proud of it considering it was my goal since season reset. I had a few games of watcher druid around ranks 6-5... use tempo rogue from 5 to legendary, I had a lot of good luck and high winning percentage. mostly always top decking black knight when i needed it most like 5 games in a row at ranks 1-2
I find it to be spell cards.
hand size means nothing when you need 1 card to win.. and that 1 card comes.

had some good games on my mage tonight, played 4 won 4. and not stupid facerolls, actual decent games.
I swore hand size/card advantage used to be a big thing during closed beta. Maybe I'm wrong? In any case, in this current meta, it's all about tempo.

Thought I could sneak some more wins in today and rank up to 5, but it didn't happen. Just before I could hit rank 6, I got popped by Zoo and Aggro Priest. I've seen it around the community, but this was the first time I actually faced one. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it though. Mage does it better IMO. Still rank 7 and Legend is looking pretty grim, but I keep getting better at this. I've beaten my previous best ranks every season (20, 13, 11, now 7 atm). I just have to keep at it and it will only be a matter of time.

Are you guys hoarding gold for Curse of Naxxramas? I am lol. I wish Blizzard would go ahead and announce pricing for the wings already. I've almost completely stopped Arena grinding because of this since I'm still not at the point where I make money in Arena. I usually break even, so it'd be to farm packs if anything.
From my limited 72 hour experience with the game hand size matters more and more in the late game.Notch up the tempo too high? and you risk running dry by move 8 or something.
This is actually the first TCG game I've played with zero focus on the discard pile, and I'm usually a big fan of recycle strategies, and aggro stuff where you force your opponent to discard from his hand and shit.
From my limited 72 hour experience with the game hand size matters more and more in the late game.Notch up the tempo too high? and you risk running dry by move 8 or something.
This is actually the first TCG game I've played with zero focus on the discard pile, and I'm usually a big fan of recycle strategies, and aggro stuff where you force your opponent to discard from his hand and shit.

You need to keep adding fuel (by running things like Drake or whatever your class specific cycle/draw is) but otherwise having a huge hand and nothing on the field means you lose. Zoo decks are a prime example of that.
handsize doesn't really matter at all, just need that tempo.

btw i got legendary over the weekend with tempo rogue, pretty proud of it considering it was my goal since season reset. I had a few games of watcher druid around ranks 6-5... use tempo rogue from 5 to legendary, I had a lot of good luck and high winning percentage. mostly always top decking black knight when i needed it most like 5 games in a row at ranks 1-2
I don't suppose you can give a basic list of what a deck like this would look like? I'm playing rogue, but have no clue what would go into a tempo build, and now that I'm finally DEing a few cards and gathering dust, kinda wondering what I should craft first and such.

What is Miracle Rogue for that matter, seen it mentioned a few times?
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Yeah sorry for being a noob bother but I really don't have anywhere else to share this. Hope you guys don't mind.

So yeah I'm kind of finally mastering mage. Switched over from semi-turtle to Aggressive board control with a lot of draw potential and cheap spells and bypass shields and straight up nuking endgame with Arcane+Pyro. Straightfowrward patent mage usage as far as I can see...
I only use like 2 taunt minions now from the earlier 6 (3x2).

Warriors still suck cock, fuck enrage+inner rage+whirlwind.
I don't suppose you can give a basic list of what a deck like this would look like? I'm playing rogue, but have no clue what would go into a tempo build, and now that I'm finally DEing a few cards and gathering dust, kinda wondering what I should craft first and such.

What is Miracle Rogue for that matter, seen it mentioned a few times?
Miracle Rogue revolves around Auctioneer and spells to draw the majority of your deck in one turn so on turn 8 you can do a Leeroy + Shadowstep + Leeroy + Shadowstep + Leeroy + Cold Blood + Cold Blood for 26 damage (at 10 mana you can do 30 with an Eviserate
That is pretty slick assuming your opponent doesn't have some lame Taunt minion on their side. Though I don't have Leeroy, so not something I'm gonna be able to do for a while, though I assume it works with any cheaper Charge monster, just not with as much damage potential.

So is it better to just save up dust to eventually craft a legendary first or just whatever you need? And what's Tempo rogue basically then?
Miracle doesn't typically do 26-30 damage in a single turn. They'll chip at you with their dagger, SI:7 Agent, throws Shivs at your face and whatnot earlygame while biding their time for Auctioneer shenanigans. That way they need to do less burst damage to end the game and have mana to spare for, say, Sap to remove said taunts when they go for the kill. Tempo... I'm no expert but it just seems like a standard aggressive build to me. Kinda like Zoo (Aggro) Warlock, except your card advantage is in the form of facetanking shit with your dagger rather than outright drawing more cards and the tempo comes from the cheap spells (Backstab 0, Deadly Poison 1) and Combo mechanic (SI:7 Agent has a Backstab attached, Defias Ringleader is two creatures) rather than just splooging out one-drops.

The more Arena you do, the more cards and dust you can build up. Of course the more cards you can get first the better, since you may just end up crafting things you pick up in packs later anyway. That said, you might want to craft some of the universally good Rares/Epics first (Azure Drake, Defender of Argus, any class cards for your preferred class[ses]) and then go for a choice legendary or two. Leeroy tends to be a good choice because most Legendaries are control-oriented (being high-powered but very mana heavy), where Leeroy is aggressive. He's frequently the only legend in lists that include him.

I hit Legend too but a couple hours after Rem, after being stuck in the 1-4 range for more than a week. >:( I played Ramp Druid before it was cool.
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Miracle doesn't typically do 26-30 damage in a single turn. They typically try to chip at you with their dagger, SI:7 Agent, throws Shivs at your face and whatnot earlygame while biding their time for Auctioneer shenanigans. That way they need to do less burst damage to end the game and have mana to spare for, say, Sap to remove said taunts when they go for the kill. Tempo... I'm no expert but it just seems like a standard aggressive build to me. Kinda like Zoo (Aggro) Warlock, except your card advantage is in the form of facetanking shit with your dagger rather than outright drawing more cards and the tempo comes from the cheap spells (Backstab 0, Deadly Poison 1) and Combo mechanic (SI:7 Agent has a Backstab attached, Defias Ringleader is two creatures) rather than just splooging out one-drops.

Tell that to me yesterday :C
Maybe someone can explain Auctioneer usage better, I get you draw a card when you play a spell, but you aren't like hoarding them to play at once right? I know rogues get backstab and other cheap spells, but you kind of use them throughout and not only when you get the 5 mana auctioneer out right?

I've been trying arena...but I suck at it in addition to lame draws I'm guessing. Haven't win more than 2 games yet lol.
Maybe someone can explain Auctioneer usage better, I get you draw a card when you play a spell, but you aren't like hoarding them to play at once right? I know rogues get backstab and other cheap spells, but you kind of use them throughout and not only when you get the 5 mana auctioneer out right?

I've been trying arena...but I suck at it in addition to lame draws I'm guessing. Haven't win more than 2 games yet lol.

Ideally you play the Aunctioneer at turn 6 followed by a Conceal. Then turn 7, given you have enough Preparations, you can cycle through 10-15 cards of your deck until you have the necessary cards to destroy your opponent on turn 8
I'm guessing Miracle Rogue tends to be more of a "come from behind to win" sort of a deck? Lot of time before t6-8 rolls around.
I'm guessing Miracle Rogue tends to be more of a "come from behind to win" sort of a deck? Lot of time before t6-8 rolls around.

Most times you're fine before turn 6 due to the way Rogues can often handle the board and keep things off it. It's a control deck, by-in-large.
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got paired with Mr.E in arena just now, was super tight game. very first smogoner pairing in arena so far :s

edit: ok apparently it's some other guy going by MrE as his name O-O lameeee
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oh okay I missed you on IRC no that is not me I go by RisingChaos (#1549), a handle I frequently use elsewhere when Mr.E is taken or otherwise not allowed for reasons

I only go no-period on IRC where that shit isn't allowed in nicknames you (BAN ME PLEASE)
Not sure what is happening on ladder tonight but there's some really fucking cool and unique decks around rank 5.
hi, I am bad at this game. Can you guys please take a look at my deck and offer any improvements/suggestions ? I've been trying ranked since season 2 and I tend to hover around 12-13 (peaked at 11 this season :<). what do??
hi, I am bad at this game. Can you guys please take a look at my deck and offer any improvements/suggestions ? I've been trying ranked since season 2 and I tend to hover around 12-13 (peaked at 11 this season :<). what do??

this deck ain't bad, I think shaman is just caught in the middle
your deck looks like a pseudo tempo rogue, which is ok

i don't think you need BGH tho, shaman is one of the two classes able to remove a minion with a little cost in terms of cards/mana (along with mage)
so afaik, shamans rarely run BGH
I'm not a fan of the abomination, I guess that's to beat hunters (or zoos) but that's not even that good against the current versions that can boar + command kill or even worse, boar + mark

I don't like having 2 manatide and 2 flametongue, usually one for each is enough

with all the free room, you can definitely run another defender of argus
as for the other cards, I'd say that it depends on how you feel, you could gear your deck for more burst (I really like the leeroy windfury+rockbiter threat, that's what I play myself on shaman) or better bodies with yeties/3 mana golems and probably a stronger finisher like a big legendary for 8 (rag basically)
I like to run actioneer, and if i'm not wrong, a lot of shamans do run one

EDIT : forgot to mention the injured blademaster + ancestral healing or some ancient watcher shit, that's cool too if you plan to go for something a bit like druid
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