is it just me or is priest impossible to beat if you're not playing Mage shaman or hunter
is it just me or is priest impossible to beat if you're not playing Mage shaman or hunter
If I don't draw a high damage card or a clearing card every turn he doubles a cards health and inner fires leaving me against a 15/15 something. I also can't play any high mana cards because they either get mind controlled or shadow worded. I listed Hunter, Mage and Shaman as counters because they can go agro and they all have good clear.I havent seen too many priests lately, what list is giving you trouble?
Could you guys suggest some improvments to my deck? The main focus is clearing things with weapons while pumping up my Frothing Breserkers
Execute x1
Upgrade x1
Whirlwind x1
Firey War Axe x2
Battle Rage x2
Cleave x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Armani Breserker x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Frothing Breserker x2
Shattered Sun Cleric x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dread Corsair x2
Kor'kon Elite x2
Arcanite Reaper x1
Spiteful Smith x2
Black Knight x1
Gorehowl x1
Gormmash Hellscream x1
I'm not sure what I'm really looking for with improvements, I've tweaked it a bit. I used to run 2 executes but it just got silly. Maybe I could fit a Drake in my deck to help with the Whirlwind and Cleave but other than that it just doesn't feel complete yet. Also running two Ooze is a mistake and I would not suggest it ever.
Could you guys suggest some improvments to my deck? The main focus is clearing things with weapons while pumping up my Frothing Breserkers
Execute x1
Upgrade x1
Whirlwind x1
Firey War Axe x2
Battle Rage x2
Cleave x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Armani Breserker x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Frothing Breserker x2
Shattered Sun Cleric x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dread Corsair x2
Kor'kon Elite x2
Arcanite Reaper x1
Spiteful Smith x2
Black Knight x1
Gorehowl x1
Gormmash Hellscream x1
I'm not sure what I'm really looking for with improvements, I've tweaked it a bit. I used to run 2 executes but it just got silly. Maybe I could fit a Drake in my deck to help with the Whirlwind and Cleave but other than that it just doesn't feel complete yet. Also running two Ooze is a mistake and I would not suggest it ever.
What the fuck is with all the Nat Pagle in constructed? that does not seem like a good card to me in any way, shape, or form.
Also fuck Ragnaros.
I've not really a big fan of Battle Rage, try two Acolyte of Pain in that spot since Warrior has a lot of tech to draw multiple cards from them, they also pair really well with Defender of Argus. Two Cleave is probably also one too many, I find they can be dead cards a lot of the time. Also Harvest Golem would probably work a lot better over the Shattered Sun Clerics and def Yetis over the Dread Corsairs.
It looks like a solid deck, how do you tend to play it?
Early Nats can just totally swing a game in your favor if he can get a couple fish. Turn One coin Nat is so hard to handle.
Drawing cards is always good. Since Novice Engineer got nerfed Nat Pagle is the best way to do it (and he's a lot tankier than NE so on average he will draw more cards)