Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]

is it just me or is priest impossible to beat if you're not playing Mage shaman or hunter

I've done well vs Priest as Rogue. Make sure you have some minions with 4 Attack (Dark Iron Dwarf, Azure Drake, Cairne Bloodhoof, and even the Chillwind Yeti) and be able to burst him down. Generally speaking I use Leeroy + Shadowstep/Cold Blood and make sure I keep my Eviscerates. Before the last patch I OTK'd one with Warrior :3
dumb question but where do you see patch changes of cards? every now and then I log in and notified that cards are changed but I have no idea to what values
patch notes usually come out on the hearthstone forums, but websites such as hearthpwn also probably have changes on them.
I havent played for a while but I really like my scumbag murloc rushdeck, mostly on warlock/shaman (although arguably shaman has the better cards to support them imo)
I did it I started playing. RisingChaos#1549

I am still learning and shit but hey I play mons and Magic and WoW I think I will be able to figure this shit out.

Edit: Figured I would play Arena for drafting fun and to level up my doods. Played thrice thus far, loss-loss-win-win-win-loss all three times. ;[
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I havent seen too many priests lately, what list is giving you trouble?
If I don't draw a high damage card or a clearing card every turn he doubles a cards health and inner fires leaving me against a 15/15 something. I also can't play any high mana cards because they either get mind controlled or shadow worded. I listed Hunter, Mage and Shaman as counters because they can go agro and they all have good clear.
Where'd everyone go, did I miss the boat on everyone playing and they quit on me already? D:

I like Priests but they have a problem with four-power shit because neither Shadow Word hits them and ugh so many of the best creatures are four power, a lot of the shit at 4-5 mana and stupid Ysera. Hero Power is solid because you can heal minions but it's tough going against a Paladin because you don't have a way to clear out the chumps from their own Hero Power in lategame scenarios if you're playing Topdeck Wars. :[
I play at 1:00-4:00 AM because that's when the new quest comes. But I may play earlier if I'm close to 100 or 150. I just don't have the cards for ranked yet and grinding out 100 gold from the 3 wins is a bit tedious for me. BLIZZARD PLS DONT MAKE ME SPEND MONEY

My last seven packs have been really bad cards or cards that I already have. :( I mean, I already got 4 Doomguards... I DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE. GRRR
There's stuff out there of hitting #1 with no legends, not that it isn't an intentional handicap TBH but it goes to show that playing well is more important than $$$. A really good player with a well-built deck, even without the best cards, will still regularly beat worse players with worse decks just jam-packed with legends for the hell of it and you can probably climb pretty high.

I'm a big fan of the Arena, always been more of a Draft lover playing Magic: the Gathering myself anyway so I actually enjoy it as much if not more than constructed play. (A lot of that is the $$$ aspect though.) Hit seven and eight wins my last couple runs, also got my 300g from the 100 Wins one-time quest, so I'm good to go on that front for a while. 8)
You can do well in constructed with a cheap aggro deck. Hunter or warrior versions are both worthy of getting legendary and cheap. That being said I find them really boring to play, your play is pretty one dimensional (just go for the face). Also the downside to having to use budget decks is you cant switch up your deck to counter what people are playing at the time. Hunters have been dying off slowly because people are just starting to hard counter them, mostly druid who is the most popular class in constructed atm.
Yeah I'd say cheap hunter&warrior is the best way to start out, you can also make a pretty cheap mage deck that should take you pretty far. Also when starting out, after I got the basics, I played a lot of arena to build my collection. Also just focus on one class to begin with, DEing all your other cards to get one solid deck(imo)
Could you guys suggest some improvments to my deck? The main focus is clearing things with weapons while pumping up my Frothing Breserkers

Execute x1
Upgrade x1
Whirlwind x1
Firey War Axe x2
Battle Rage x2
Cleave x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Armani Breserker x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Frothing Breserker x2
Shattered Sun Cleric x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dread Corsair x2
Kor'kon Elite x2
Arcanite Reaper x1
Spiteful Smith x2
Black Knight x1
Gorehowl x1
Gormmash Hellscream x1

I'm not sure what I'm really looking for with improvements, I've tweaked it a bit. I used to run 2 executes but it just got silly. Maybe I could fit a Drake in my deck to help with the Whirlwind and Cleave but other than that it just doesn't feel complete yet. Also running two Ooze is a mistake and I would not suggest it ever.
Could you guys suggest some improvments to my deck? The main focus is clearing things with weapons while pumping up my Frothing Breserkers

Execute x1
Upgrade x1
Whirlwind x1
Firey War Axe x2
Battle Rage x2
Cleave x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Armani Breserker x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Frothing Breserker x2
Shattered Sun Cleric x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dread Corsair x2
Kor'kon Elite x2
Arcanite Reaper x1
Spiteful Smith x2
Black Knight x1
Gorehowl x1
Gormmash Hellscream x1

I'm not sure what I'm really looking for with improvements, I've tweaked it a bit. I used to run 2 executes but it just got silly. Maybe I could fit a Drake in my deck to help with the Whirlwind and Cleave but other than that it just doesn't feel complete yet. Also running two Ooze is a mistake and I would not suggest it ever.

Maybe 2 Arathi Weaponsmiths might come in handy? I also don't like Upgrade. If you have the dust, maybe alexstrazsa over the battle rage. Gadgetzan Auctioneer could also work, in addition to having inner rages over the taskmasters. I also found having Worgen the 3/3 not the 2/1 with Warsong to still be pretty good but maybe that's just me. I really don't like Shattered Sun (in constructed) and it seems as if your deck doesn't have enough card draw as well.
yeah I've been thinking about ditching Upgrade! for something else. Though it can come in handy with the Fiery War Axe. Worgen isn't a very good card. I wouldn't run it in almost all circumstances, plus I'm pretty solid early game. I think I need more late game, so ditching the Shattered Sun Cleric for a couple Chillwind Yetis or Tigers might be useful. HM
just faced priest myself, lots of flaming taunt cards, was playing my mage, and tahanks to spell cards, i got the win, starting to get the hang of the game now, if the matchups seem a little unfair sometimes (hardly got any cards of note really).
I built a deck to focus on late game, although one guy quit after 3 turns because I got 2 mirror Images up lol (quite fun when you get raid leader too ;))
not dipped into the decks themselves, just threw one together with what i had.
how come Arena costs money... I would rather play that and see cards i may wish to try.
What the fuck is with all the Nat Pagle in constructed? that does not seem like a good card to me in any way, shape, or form.

Also fuck Ragnaros.
Could you guys suggest some improvments to my deck? The main focus is clearing things with weapons while pumping up my Frothing Breserkers

Execute x1
Upgrade x1
Whirlwind x1
Firey War Axe x2
Battle Rage x2
Cleave x2
Acidic Swamp Ooze x1
Armani Breserker x2
Cruel Taskmaster x2
Frothing Breserker x2
Shattered Sun Cleric x2
Defender of Argus x2
Dread Corsair x2
Kor'kon Elite x2
Arcanite Reaper x1
Spiteful Smith x2
Black Knight x1
Gorehowl x1
Gormmash Hellscream x1

I'm not sure what I'm really looking for with improvements, I've tweaked it a bit. I used to run 2 executes but it just got silly. Maybe I could fit a Drake in my deck to help with the Whirlwind and Cleave but other than that it just doesn't feel complete yet. Also running two Ooze is a mistake and I would not suggest it ever.

I've not really a big fan of Battle Rage, try two Acolyte of Pain in that spot since Warrior has a lot of tech to draw multiple cards from them, they also pair really well with Defender of Argus. Two Cleave is probably also one too many, I find they can be dead cards a lot of the time. Also Harvest Golem would probably work a lot better over the Shattered Sun Clerics and def Yetis over the Dread Corsairs.

It looks like a solid deck, how do you tend to play it?

What the fuck is with all the Nat Pagle in constructed? that does not seem like a good card to me in any way, shape, or form.

Also fuck Ragnaros.

Early Nats can just totally swing a game in your favor if he can get a couple fish. Turn One coin Nat is so hard to handle.
Drawing cards is always good. Since Novice Engineer got nerfed Nat Pagle is the best way to do it (and he's a lot tankier than NE so on average he will draw more cards)
I've not really a big fan of Battle Rage, try two Acolyte of Pain in that spot since Warrior has a lot of tech to draw multiple cards from them, they also pair really well with Defender of Argus. Two Cleave is probably also one too many, I find they can be dead cards a lot of the time. Also Harvest Golem would probably work a lot better over the Shattered Sun Clerics and def Yetis over the Dread Corsairs.

It looks like a solid deck, how do you tend to play it?

Early Nats can just totally swing a game in your favor if he can get a couple fish. Turn One coin Nat is so hard to handle.

I've changed the deck a lot since yesterday with the suggestions of getting rid of Cleric and Battle Rage, those were useless to me at least 90% of the time (like fuck I want to waste the battlecry but I have nothing else to do noooooo). The updated deck is this:
Inner Rage x 2
Fiery War Axe x 2
Heroic Strike x 2
Amani Berseker x 2
Cruel Taskmaster x 2
Faerie Dragon x 2
Flesheating Ghoul x 2
Frothing Berserker x 2
Harvest Golem x 2
Warsong Commander x 2
Arathi Weaponsmith x 2
Kor'kron Elite x 2
Spell Breaker x 2
Spiteful Smith x 2
Sunwalker x 1
Gorehowl x 1

It's fairly decent. A lot more aggro board control than I entended but I feel that 2 drops are the best way to win games more often than going for the late game. Plus with all the weapons, Heroic Strikes, and Spiteful Smiths I have it's not like I'm really lacking removal. It also really feels good to coin out Armani into a Cruel Taskmaster and swing for seven on turn two. I would probably run one Spell Breaker if I had any other way to get past taunts or generally big creatures that have been buffed (looking at you Blessing of Kings) but otherwise I play the deck how I intend it. I get my Ghoul or Frothing out as fast as possible and then start to build them. If you play this deck right (with the right hand) you can have a 9/4 and a 7/4 on the field on turn 5 and your opponent is really fucking worried... unless it's a Druid or Shaman which seem to be absolutely controlling the metagame right now (and that Warmurlock deck but not so much).

Anyway with the changes I got to 11 with it. Seems pretty steady at rank 11 without legendaries, I win a game, then I lose one. Not really going anywhere but still proud of it. Maybe with a bit better play I can crank it to below 10.

Drawing cards is always good. Since Novice Engineer got nerfed Nat Pagle is the best way to do it (and he's a lot tankier than NE so on average he will draw more cards)

Yeah but it's unreliable. It might be because I play Warrior with a fast start that I don't respect Nat, but I can't imagine that a Druid or Shaman really cares about Nat when you have literally the two strongest decks in the metagame right now. The only class I see having problems with Nat is Priest and that's due to lack of really strong early game.


Anyway what do you guys think the best opening in the game is, I'm torn between three:

Priest: Young Priestess -> Power Word: Shield
Paladin: Coin-> any good two drop -> Divine Shield Man
Druid: Coin-> Innervate-> Chillwind

I've lost games to all of these and God damn are they annoying.
Nat Pagle at worst is a 0/4 Taunt because of all the cards that it can potentially draw. It demands attention otherwise it can potentially snowball out of control. People began putting it in every deck after the Novice Engineer nerf because all that Engineer's used for now is deck thinning. If people want card draw for a 2 drop now, they use Nat, Thalnos, or Loot Hoarder.

As for best opening turn 1, it's still Coin -> Defias or Mana Wyrm + Coin + 1 spell card (Mirror Entity or Arcane Missiles).
"This is our town, scrub!"
"Yeah, beat it!"
(Mana Wyrm start is better though if you have another spell to protect it from 3/2 two-drops attempting to immediately trade.)

Early Nat Pagle is somewhat tough to deal with because most stuff doesn't swing for 4 on Turn 2. ;/ You absolutely need a one-drop (or Coin in a two-drop) and a direct damage source (weapon or burn spell) to take him out or he lives a turn and makes his expected value back. If he can then be protected beyond that point, his card draw can spiral out of control in a hurry. If anything, Priest has the easiest time dealing with him because Shadow Word: Pain is the only one-card answer on T2 you wouldn't feel bad running otherwise (e.g. THE OWL). Rogue works too since Backstab is free and one Hero Power use lets you ping the other two damage with her weapon, which is tougher to protect against than other minions.

I'd really like to try playing Control Warrior but all the good cards are Rare so it's like 1200 dust to startup. :[ Been mostly sticking to Mage for constructed whenever I need a little more fuel for Arena runs (I sustain pretty well but I had a couple bad runs in a row earlier and needed to do my quests for $$$) just because Antonidas is the one Legendary I've pulled out of a pack thus far. Don't know if popular opinion has changed yet on him but he is really good, you've all but won if he sticks a turn and you have a spell to get the (fire)ball rolling.
getting fed up of random matchups, keep getting stupid priest decks with kill a minion, double health heal everything rubbish.

want a quick game, every stupid game is priests.
Crazed Alchemist is also a direct counter to good ol' Nat :]

I also think Aggro Warlocks(though a rare breed) are the best turn one. Flame Imp turn one is really hard to deal with on par. It usually takes your coin and your two drop spell like Wrath otherwise the Warlock is going to have tons of tempo. Mana Wraiths are really scary in the right situation but Mages just aren't terribly strong in the meta at the moment.
While I think that Defias is a good card you have to have it be second otherwise it's just a 2/2 on turn 2 which is actually really horrible. Which makes it a very big risk in constructed. I would almost prefer any two drop I have to a Defias given that it's so conditional just to get the combo.