Help!!! Alolan Starters In All The Balls!!! ~ Inkblot's RNG abuse & Past Gen shop (It's about time)

Why not just use ditto's as the secondary parent :o

Because all the dittos I have are from foreign regions, and in order to do PID rng abuse, I can't use them as it can't be Masuda method breeding. I might end up rng abusing some dittos but for now, I need non-foreign parents, and I am not sure If I have pokemon I can use. It would be better if you supply me with them. however, If you have dittos that are of the same region as the parents you give me, then I can use those.
Kinda an update, added 2 current RNG's to my shop, but they currently aren't for trade. More so adding them to gauge intrest. Not sure if i'll offer them as they are kinda personal, but we will have to see what I end up deciding.

Inkblot's Amplulex
(Currently NFT)



TID: 47018
SID: 40972
OT: Anthony

252 SP ATK, 252 SPD, 6 HP

Inkblot's Chrysaora
(Currently NFT)



TID: 65026
SID: 59822
OT: Anthony

252 SP ATK, 252 SPD, 6 HP

EDIT: I should say that if you are interested in these, let me know. I am a bit hesitant giving away mons i have taken the time to ribbon/train/grind as I like to keep my personal mons somewhat unique, but IDK. If people show interest in having mons with my own personal touch, i might be inclined to offer them for trade.​
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What kind of Groudon are you aiming for just out of curiosity, or have you not gotten that far yet?
I was gonna go for a beast ball one, with either an adamant or jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread. Since I could get an appricon ball on in HGSS I was gonna go beast ball. But I recently started a new US & UM as I wanna redo some of the legends I have already gone for, so I might be able to go for a different groundon on my original save and go for the beast ball one on these new saves
I was gonna go for a beast ball one, with either an adamant or jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread. Since I could get an appricon ball on in HGSS I was gonna go beast ball. But I recently started a new US & UM as I wanna redo some of the legends I have already gone for, so I might be able to go for a different groundon on my original save and go for the beast ball one on these new saves
Could you possibly go for a Quiet/Brave with a spread of 31/31/31/31/31/x since they're very common?
Could you possibly go for a Quiet/Brave with a spread of 31/31/31/31/31/x since they're very common?

Yeah i could try and go for it! Is there any specific pokeball you'd like it in? While Beast ball is the default I would be willing to go for another type (though i might need you to supply me some if you want an appricorn ball as I have a limited amount).
Yeah i could try and go for it! Is there any specific pokeball you'd like it in? While Beast ball is the default I would be willing to go for another type (though i might need you to supply me some if you want an appricorn ball as I have a limited amount).
I don't know. Are you going for a Shiny or non Shiny?
shiny. I'd prefer to go for it in a non-normal, but i guess i could go for one if its a decent ball. I'd just like to keep it to something unique.
Well what I used with mine is an Ultra Ball because the color scheme completely fits its primal form's coloring.

Speaking of mine, I can clone it and give it to you with a Fast Ball as a trade if you want. Mine is Jolly.
Well what I used with mine is an Ultra Ball because the color scheme completely fits its primal form's coloring.
View attachment 132797
Speaking of mine, I can clone it and give it to you with a Fast Ball as a trade if you want. Mine is Jolly.

personally If i had to do a normal ball, i would have done luxry. the colors match its shiny and the sparkles that happen when its sent out look nice. though an appricorn or beast ball would be what i perfer to get it with. Heavy might be nice, and would make it easy to catch.
personally If i had to do a normal ball, i would have done luxry. the colors match its shiny and the sparkles that happen when its sent out look nice. though an appricorn or beast ball would be what i perfer to get it with. Heavy might be nice, and would make it easy to catch.
Heavy sounds good. It is your catch in the end though so go with whatever you'd like.
Pokemon: Azumarill.
Nature: Bold.
IVs: Any, I have Gold Caps.
GEN: 2.
Shiny: Yes.
Gender: Female.
- Whirlpool
- Perish Song

Nicknamed Corona, if that's possible. ^^; I can offer either a Friend Ball or a Heavy Ball in exchange.

EDIT: Totally forgot that Perish Song's an egg move. Derp.
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Pokemon: Azumarill.
Nature: Bold.
IVs: Any, I have Gold Caps.
GEN: 2.
Shiny: Yes.
Gender: Female.
- Whirlpool
- Perish Song

Nicknamed Corona, if that's possible. ^^; I can offer either a Friend Ball or a Heavy Ball in exchange.

EDIT: Totally forgot that Perish Song's an egg move. Derp.
yeah, i can do this!
Hey Ink.
Wondering if you could breed me this (when you're not to busy, of course):

Pokémon: Dhelmise
Nature: Quiet
IVs:31/30/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
Shiny: Yes
Ball: Love ball

I can give you a 31/31/31/31/31/x parent. I have tons of new mons in Apricorn balls so, just let me know what you would like in exchange.
Hey Ink.
Wondering if you could breed me this (when you're not to busy, of course):

Pokémon: Dhelmise
Nature: Quiet
IVs:31/30/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
Shiny: Yes
Ball: Love ball

I can give you a 31/31/31/31/31/x parent. I have tons of new mons in Apricorn balls so, just let me know what you would like in exchange.
yes, i should be able to get that for you very soon!
Hello! I am intererest in these pokes

Tonys shiny mewtwo jolly with self destruck (big want)
and shadow jolly delcatty (it is easy to have sucker punch instaid of iron tail?)

I can offer 2 un-cloned appricorn balls (lure ball and fast ball) or 2 self bred shinies with 4 egg moves and proof :)
Hello. Id like to know what I could trade for the Jolly Shiny Event Silvally and maybe the Timid nicknameable Arceus (I doubt it would be possible, but just in case). I have a big list with over 800 Pokémon on it. I also have a thread, but since it's uncompleted, I suggest you to check my trade shop if you're interested. PM me if you want to trade. I can't post my trade shop here, so if you want to contact me back, there's Smogon forums but I also have a discord, so we can contact easily. :)
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Hey buddy I'm looking for someone to breed a shiny Eevee and Beldum for me, I can get you some Gen 6 parents if you still need them. Let me know and I'll get you the Eevee and Beldum parents to use bred.
Hey buddy I'm looking for someone to breed a shiny Eevee and Beldum for me, I can get you some Gen 6 parents if you still need them. Let me know and I'll get you the Eevee and Beldum parents to use bred.

Yes, i can breed those for you! Do you have parents? It would make things a lot easier for me that way! And yeah, I can give you some pokemon i'd like to get egg moves on!
Yes, i can breed those for you! Do you have parents? It would make things a lot easier for me that way! And yeah, I can give you some pokemon i'd like to get egg moves on!
Yeah I'll get you a male and female Eevee and a Beldum tomorrow! Not sure if I have a English Ditto but I'll look.
Yeah I'll get you a male and female Eevee and a Beldum tomorrow! Not sure if I have a English Ditto but I'll look.

If its in gen 7 I have an english ditto I can use. its a trick room HP fire spread but 3 perfect ivs is good enough for breeding. and yeah, 2 eevee's would help, especially if you can get them with a good amount of ivs.
New Update to payment methods!

Apricorn Balls As Payment
I Am willing to take Apricorn Balls as payment for pokemon. However, I am only interested in trading for them IF THEY ARE UNCLONED/NOT HACKED INTO THE GAME. I ONLY WANT LEGIT APRICORN BALLS! Since In gen 7, you can only get 1 or 2 of each per game, a 1 to 1 trade is usually fine (2 for 1 if you want semi rights).

Apricorn Ball Exchange Program
I am now offering a new program that I hope will help not just me, but others on this forum as well. I don't like cloning apricorn balls as I want to try and not cheat as much as possible. Because of this, I need to collect a lot of apricorn balls if I wish to catch legendaries in them. Because apricorn balls are hard to come by, I do trades to acquire more. However, I will now be adding a policy where if you donate Apricorn balls to me, I will give you a clone of the legendary I caught with said ball, regardless if I actually used your ball or not. If 10 people give me moon balls, but I only use 5, All 10 will get a clone of the pokemon once I catch it. Same goes if it takes more balls than I was offered for that Legendary. I will list below which legendary I am going for. Balls donated will only apply for the legendary listed, so It would be best to only donate as many balls you are willing to exchange for the current legendary. This program works along with the "Apricorn balls as payment" clause above. If you want something else for your ball, or don't want to wait for me to catch the legendary, you can still use that method.

Next Legendary I am going for:


