Ubers Ho-Oh


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Ho-Oh @ Choice Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Atk / 52 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Toxic

Choice Band Ho-Oh burns the battlefield with its powerful Sacred Fires and Brave Birds! Choice Band trades in some of its solid defensive utility to make it a potent wallbreaker, denting switch-ins with its powerful STAB moves while still having some longevity thanks to Regenerator, which makes up for its susceptibility to Stealth Rock. Earthquake provides a midground option that lets Ho-Oh hit both Eternatus and Necrozma-DM hard, as well as discouraging Zekrom from switching in. Toxic is chosen last to punish Zygarde-C and wear it down quickly. As Ho-Oh forfeits most of its defensive utility when using this set, teammates such as specially defensive Necrozma-DM and Xerneas are extremely useful. The latter can also remove Stealth Rock for Ho-Oh with Defog, and it lures in opposing Necrozma-DM for Ho-Oh to take advantage of. Yveltal is another solid Defogger. Groudon is a notable partner, as its sun bolsters Sacred Fire's damage output to devastating levels. The given EV spread allows Ho-Oh to outspeed paralyzed Calyrex-S while also surviving a +2 Thunder from Xerneas, letting it retaliate.
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I'd mention Groudon as a partner because lol sun. Mention its crippling weakness to Stealth Rock (very important!) by bringing up another Defog user, most likely Yveltal. If you have trouble with characters lmk and I'll workshop what can be cut with you.
Oh also you wrote "taken advantaged" :smogduck:

QC 1/1 once implemented. Good job!
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Ho-Oh @ Choice Band
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 192 Atk / 52 SpD / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Toxic

Choice Band Ho-Oh burns the battlefield with its powerful Sacred Fires and Brave Birds! When equipped with a Choice Band, Ho-Oh Choice Band trades in some of its solid defensive utility in order to become to make it a potent wallbreaker, denting switch-ins with its powerful STAB combination, moves while still having some longevity thanks to Regenerator making Regenerator, which makes up for its susceptibility to Stealth Rock. Earthquake provides a midground option that lets Ho-Oh hit both Eternatus and Necrozma-DM hard, while as well as discouraging Zekrom from switching in. Toxic is chosen last as a way to punish Zygarde-C and wear it down quickly. As Ho-Oh forfeits most of its defensive utility when using this set, teammates such as Specially Defensive specially defensive Necrozma-DM and Xerneas are extremely useful. The latter is also able to Defog away Stealth Rocks for Ho-Oh, while also luring in opposing Necrozma-DM which can be taken advantage of by Ho-Oh. Yveltal is a solid partner as its Defog can help with Ho-Oh's crippling Stealth Rock weakness. can also remove Stealth Rock for Ho-Oh with Defog, and it lures in opposing Necrozma-DM for Ho-Oh to take advantage of. Yveltal is another solid Defogger. Groudon is a notable partner, (AC) as its Drought sun bolsters Flare Blitz's damage output to devastating levels. The given EV spread allows Ho-Oh to outspeed Paralysed Calyrex-S, while also being able to live paralyzed Calyrex-S while also surviving a +2 Thunder from Xerneas, letting it retaliate back.

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