Hoenn Gaiden UU Tournament #2 - Won by pokology

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your toast is burned
is a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Approved by DuoM2

Gen 3 Hoenn Gaiden UU Tournament #2
Hosts: ViZar

Servus! Welcome to the second tournament of Hoenn Gaiden UU. Last time we held a tour on this tier was during its discovery phase. Well, we have similar situation here. After PMPL, there was a VR Update for OU, which resulted in a Tier Shift for UU. There are significant shits, one ban and a freed UUBL Pokemon.

For un-initiated, Hoenn Gaiden is a Pet Mod based on the 3rd generation. Its purpose is to expand on the ADV OU metagame by adding Moves, Items, Abilities and, most importantly, Pokemon from later generation, as well as providing reworks and/or buffs for already existing Pokemon. The goal is to add more options to ADV OU, without making it feel like it isn't ADV OU anymore.

  • Main Thread - Main updates will be announced there.
  • Discord - Feel free to join the Discord server, if you have any further questions or if you just want to be part of the mod!
  • Changelog - Check this out, to get an idea of the changes that were made.

Tournament Rules:
  • All general rules apply. Click here for guidelines about scheduling matches.
  • Matches are Best of 3, which means that the first person to win two games wins the set and moves on in the tournament.
  • Matches are to be played in the Dragon Heaven Showdown Server. It is very highly recommended that you use the Dragon Heaven client, which makes teambuilding and battling much easier. Said client is linked above.
  • Replays are mandatory. It's highly recommended that you both upload AND download the replay, to ensure that if the replay gets overwritten, we still have it for the purposes of usage stats.
  • This is a single elimination tournament.
About playing on alts: It is entirely allowed to play on an alt other than your own main forum name, though if your opponent wishes to confirm your identity, you must log on to your main alt to show them you are who you claim to be. This is to prevent people from pretending to be who they're not.

On scouting opponents: Going through your opponents replays of tournament and ladder games is entirely allowed, as long as a game is public there is nothing preventing you from watching it. An exception to this is abusing powers granted to you by being staff on Smogon or PS! to gain access to information a normal user wouldn't have access to, which is strictly forbidden.
On leaking teams: Divulging private information about someone's planned team to their opponent is never allowed, and will be heavily sanctioned. Requesting that such information be divulged is also grounds for punishment. Keep your scouting to publicly available information and you'll be fine.

Timer Clause / Disconnections
On Timeout losses: A player that loses by having all his time run out loses the game. This is only not the case if the player that received the timeout loss can be verified to have suffered a True Disconnection. Rematches are only allowed if there was a True Disconnection.
On True Disconnection: The TD team has a secret threshold of seconds that your timer must be at or above, from the moment you disconnect, for a timeout loss to be considered a True disconnection.

Banned Pokemon:

Items: :air-balloon:

Abilities: Snow Warning
Items: :babiri-berry::charti-berry::chilan-berry::chople-berry::coba-berry::colbur-berry::haban-berry::kasib-berry::kebia-berry::occa-berry::passho-berry::payapa-berry::rindo-berry::shuca-berry::tanga-berry::wacan-berry::yache-berry:

Challenge Code
/chall [user], hoenngaidenuu@@@+Scizor, -Sylveon+ Heal Bell, -Glaceon+ Heal Bell, -Leafeon+ Heal Bell, -Dunsparce+ Heal Bell, -Uxie + Heal Bell

Sign-Ups will be open for about a week, then the tournament will start. You can join by simply replying to this thread with "in" or some variation. Sign-Ups are also possible in the Discord server, in case you don't have a smogon account.
Have fun everyone!

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Sorry for the delay, but here we are!

Round 1

pokology vs. Mr.Bossaru
Gekokeso vs. DkKoba
Chmem vs. SgtPingwen
UDM 31 vs. Paulluxx
Rezzo vs. Steam Buns
Poyourt_ vs. Totally_Odette

Here's the challenge code
/chall [user], gen3hoenngaidenuu@@@+Scizor, -Sylveon+ Heal Bell, -Glaceon+ Heal Bell, -Leafeon+ Heal Bell, -Dunsparce+ Heal Bell, -Uxie + Heal Bell

Also remember, Replays have to be downloaded and uploaded the Hoenn Gaiden Discord server!

The deadline for the matches is Tuesday, 15th August.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
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Sorry for the delay, but here is Round 2!

Round 2

Chmem vs. Poyourt_
pokology vs. Rezzo
DkKoba vs. UDM 31

Here's the challenge code
/chall [user], gen3hoenngaidenuu@@@+Scizor, -Sylveon+Heal Bell, -Glaceon+Heal Bell, -Leafeon+Heal Bell, -Dunsparce+Heal Bell, -Uxie+Heal Bell

Also remember, Replays have to be downloaded and uploaded the Hoenn Gaiden Discord server!

The deadline for the matches is Saturday, 26th August.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
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Here are the finals! Since there are 3 people left, therefore everyone plays against eachother.

Round 3

pokology vs. Poyourt_
UDM 31 vs. Poyourt_
pokology vs. UDM 31

Here's the challenge code
/chall [user], gen3hoenngaidenuu@@@+Scizor, -Sylveon+Heal Bell, -Glaceon+Heal Bell, -Leafeon+Heal Bell, -Dunsparce+Heal Bell, -Uxie+Heal Bell

Also remember, Replays have to be downloaded and uploaded the Hoenn Gaiden Discord server!

There's no deadline for this round, but please get your games as soon as possible.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
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And, we got a winner!
Congrats to pokology for winning the 2nd iteration of the Hoenn Gaiden UU Tournament!
I hope that everyone had fun while playing the tier. I will get Usage stats together and try working out a VR for the tier, so stay tuned!
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