Gen 3 Howl Mightyena ADV [GP 1/1]


morbidly a beast
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Ryo Private Affairs: Favorite Pokemon

name: Stallbreaker
move 1: Return / Double-Edge
move 2: Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Howl
move 4: Heal Bell / Rest / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 132 Spe

Mightyena can function exceptionally well in an offensive-defensive role by combining its defensive utility and excellent base Attack. Return trades the recoil drawback from Double-Edge in exchange for a loss in power. This significantly increases Mightyena's longevity and gives it more opportunities to use Heal Bell. Alternatively, if Mightyena chooses to use Rest over Heal Bell, Double-Edge becomes the better alternative, allowing Mightyena to focus offensively. Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage option, allowing Mightyena to OHKO Flaaffy after a Howl. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to threaten Castform. It also enables Mightyena to threaten Lileep with a 2HKO at +2. Howl allows Mightyena to set up on and threaten passive targets like Drowzee, Dustox, Lileep, and opposing Mightyena. With one Howl boost, Mightyena can threaten a 2HKO on Corsola, Castform, and Seaking. Heal Bell is used to maintain some defensive utility by supporting its teammates and itself as it tries to set up. Rest can often be used with Double-Edge to extend Mightyena's longevity and focus more heavily on wallbreaking with Howl. Roar is an option for setup sweepers such as Anorith, Beedrill, and Tropius that can threaten to set up on a damaged Mightyena. Mightyena's Speed investment allows it to outspeed bulky Castform, while maximum Attack investment helps solidify Mightyena's offensive presence. The remainder is invested in HP.

Mightyena fits exceptionally well with balance and offense teams due to the excellent role compression it provides. Wallbreakers vulnerable to status such as Aipom, Seaking, and Volbeat all appreciate Heal Bell support from Mightyena. In return, they can weaken physical walls like Corsola, Koffing, Lileep, and Tropius, enabling Mightyena to use Howl and Return more freely. Volbeat is worth noting, as it can threaten opposing defensive Mightyena sets, which otherwise prove to be a nuisance if Mightyena lacks Hidden Power Fighting. Wish support from Drowzee or Delcatty on more balanced teams is greatly appreciated. However, this requires Mightyena to focus more on Heal Bell usage rather than its offensive capabilities. Thus, Mightyena prefers to use Rest and Double-Edge on more balanced builds, meaning Heal Bell support from Flaaffy or Delcatty is required. Flaaffy in particular makes for a fantastic partner, as it threatens Corsola and can spread paralysis. On more offensive teams, Mightyena greatly appreciates paralysis support from Elekid, Chinchou, and Voltorb. These Electric-types can threaten the bulky Water-types that an unboosted Mightyena can otherwise struggle into, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Corsola. Ariados can use a slow Baton Pass to enable Mightyena to make use of Intimidate and provide it with more opportunities to use Howl or Heal Bell. Moreover, it can counter and threaten Koffing with Psychic, and in return, Mightyena removes the burn from Will-O-Wisp. Mightyena can set up against Pokemon like Lileep, Delcatty, defensive Ariados, and Dustox if it lacks Whirlwind.

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Good work, QC 1/2 when implemented

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name: Stall Breaker
move 1: Return / Double-Edge
move 2: Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Howl
move 4: Heal Bell / Rest / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 132 Spe

Mightyena can function exceptionally well in a hybrid role combining its defensive utility and excellent base Attack. Return trades the recoil drawback from Double-Edge in exchange for a minor loss in power. This significantly increases Mightyena's longevity and gives it more opportunities to use Heal Bell. Alternatively, if Mightyena chooses to use Rest over Heal Bell, Double-Edge becomes the better alternative, allowing Mightyena to focus offensively. Any XHKO thresholds that get better by this? Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage option, allowing Mightyena to OHKO Flaaffy at +1 with Howl. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to threaten Castform. It also enables Mightyena to threaten Lileep with a 2HKO at +2. Howl allows Mightyena to set up on and threaten passive targets like Drowzee, Dustox, Lileep, and opposing Mightyena. With one Howl boost Mightyena can threaten a 2HKO on Corsola, Castform, and Seaking. Heal Bell is used to maintain some defensive utility providing support to its teammates as well as itself as it tries to set up. Rest can be used, most often in conjunction with Double-Edge, to extend Mightyena's longevity and focus more heavily on wallbreaking with Howl. Roar is an option, particularly for setup sweepers that can threaten a damaged Mightyena such as Anorith, Beedrill, and Tropius. Specify that they can use it to set up. Even if Mighty isn't full on setup fodder, they can set up on it and win in some gamestates, like your aforementioned Mighty being weakened Mightyena's Speed investment allows it to outspeed bulky Castform while the rest is invested in HP. Mention that Attack is maxxed out and HP is a dump

Mightyena fits exceptionally well with balance and offense teams due to the excellent role compression it provides. Wallbreakers that are vulnerable to statuses such as Aipom, Seaking, and Volbeat all appreciate Heal Bell support from Mightyena. In return, they're able to weaken physical walls like Corsola, Koffing, Lileep, and Tropius enabling Mightyena to use Howl and Return more freely. Volbeat is worth noting, as it can threaten opposing defensive Mightyena sets, which otherwise prove to be a nuisance if Mightyena lacks Hidden Power Fighting. On more balanced teams, Wish support from the likes of Drowzee or Delcatty is greatly appreciated. However, this requires Mightyena to focus more on Heal Bell usage rather than its offensive capabilities. Thus, Mightyena prefers to use Rest and Double-Edge on more balanced builds which means Heal Bell support from the likes of Flaaffy or Delcatty is required. Flaaffy, in particular, makes for a fantastic partner as it threatens Corsola and can spread paralysis. On more offensive teams Mightyena greatly appreciates paralysis support from the likes of Elekid, Chinchou, and Voltorb. These Electric-types can threaten the bulky Water-types that an unboosted Mightyena can otherwise struggle into such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Corsola. Ariados makes for an excellent partner as it can use a slow Baton Pass to enable Mightyena to make use of Intimidate and provide it with more opportunities to use Howl or Heal Bell. Moreover, it can counter and threaten Koffing with Psychic and in return, Mightyena remove the burn from Will-O-Wisp.

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good stuff
name: Stall Breaker
move 1: Return / Double-Edge
move 2: Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Howl
move 4: Heal Bell / Rest / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 132 Spe

Mightyena can function exceptionally well in a hybrid role by combining its defensive utility and excellent base Attack. Return trades the recoil drawback from Double-Edge in exchange for a minor loss in power (idt this is that minor difference in damage cuz it's like 95 vs 120 bp unless you can name some 2hkos that it still gets with Return or smth). This significantly increases Mightyena's longevity and gives it more opportunities to use Heal Bell. Alternatively, if Mightyena chooses to use Rest over Heal Bell, Double-Edge becomes the better alternative, allowing Mightyena to focus offensively. Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage option, allowing Mightyena to OHKO Flaaffy at +1 with Howl. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to threaten Castform. It also enables Mightyena to threaten Lileep with a 2HKO at +2. Howl allows Mightyena to set up on and threaten passive targets like Drowzee, Dustox, Lileep, and opposing Mightyena. With one Howl boost, Mightyena can threaten a 2HKO on Corsola, Castform, and Seaking. Heal Bell is used to maintain some defensive utility by supporting its teammates and itself as it tries to set up. Rest can often be used with Double-Edge to extend Mightyena's longevity and focus more heavily on wallbreaking with Howl. Roar is an option for setup sweepers such as Anorith, Beedrill, and Tropius that can threaten to set up on a damaged Mightyena. Mightyena's Speed investment allows it to outspeed bulky Castform, while a maximum Attack investment helps solidify Mightyena's offensive presence. The remainder is invested in HP.

Mightyena fits exceptionally well with balance and offense teams due to the excellent role compression it provides. Wallbreakers vulnerable to status such as Aipom, Seaking, and Volbeat all appreciate Heal Bell support from Mightyena. In return, they can weaken physical walls like Corsola, Koffing, Lileep, and Tropius, enabling Mightyena to use Howl and Return more freely. Volbeat is worth noting, as it can threaten opposing defensive Mightyena sets, which otherwise prove to be a nuisance if Mightyena lacks Hidden Power Fighting. Wish support from Drowzee or Delcatty on more balanced teams is greatly appreciated. However, this requires Mightyena to focus more on Heal Bell usage rather than its offensive capabilities. Thus, Mightyena prefers to use Rest and Double-Edge on more balanced builds, meaning Heal Bell support from Flaaffy or Delcatty is required. Flaaffy, in particular, makes for a fantastic partner as it threatens Corsola and can spread paralysis. On more offensive teams, Mightyena greatly appreciates paralysis support from Elekid, Chinchou, and Voltorb. These Electric-types can threaten the bulky Water-types that an unboosted Mightyena can otherwise struggle into, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Corsola. Ariados makes for an excellent partner as it can use a slow Baton Pass to enable Mightyena to make use of Intimidate and provide it with more opportunities to use Howl or Heal Bell. Moreover, it can counter and threaten Koffing with Psychic, and in return, Mightyena removes the burn from Will-O-Wisp. maybe mention a couple key mons this set can do well vs defensively since you've touched well on the offensive side of things

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Ryo Private Affairs: Favorite Pokemon

name: Stall Breaker Stallbreaker
move 1: Return / Double-Edge
move 2: Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fighting
move 3: Howl
move 4: Heal Bell / Rest / Roar
item: Leftovers
ability: Intimidate
nature: Adamant
evs: 124 HP / 252 Atk / 132 Spe

Mightyena can function exceptionally well in a hybrid an offensive-defensive role by combining its defensive utility and excellent base Attack. Return trades the recoil drawback from Double-Edge in exchange for a loss in power. This significantly increases Mightyena's longevity and gives it more opportunities to use Heal Bell. Alternatively, if Mightyena chooses to use Rest over Heal Bell, Double-Edge becomes the better alternative, allowing Mightyena to focus offensively. Hidden Power Ground is the most common coverage option, allowing Mightyena to OHKO Flaaffy at +1 with after a Howl. Hidden Power Fighting is an option to threaten Castform. It also enables Mightyena to threaten Lileep with a 2HKO at +2. Howl allows Mightyena to set up on and threaten passive targets like Drowzee, Dustox, Lileep, and opposing Mightyena. With one Howl boost, Mightyena can threaten a 2HKO on Corsola, Castform, and Seaking. Heal Bell is used to maintain some defensive utility by supporting its teammates and itself as it tries to set up. Rest can often be used with Double-Edge to extend Mightyena's longevity and focus more heavily on wallbreaking with Howl. Roar is an option for setup sweepers such as Anorith, Beedrill, and Tropius that can threaten to set up on a damaged Mightyena. Mightyena's Speed investment allows it to outspeed bulky Castform, while a maximum Attack investment helps solidify Mightyena's offensive presence. The remainder is invested in HP.

Mightyena fits exceptionally well with balance and offense teams due to the excellent role compression it provides. Wallbreakers vulnerable to status such as Aipom, Seaking, and Volbeat all appreciate Heal Bell support from Mightyena. In return, they can weaken physical walls like Corsola, Koffing, Lileep, and Tropius, enabling Mightyena to use Howl and Return more freely. Volbeat is worth noting, as it can threaten opposing defensive Mightyena sets, which otherwise prove to be a nuisance if Mightyena lacks Hidden Power Fighting. Wish support from Drowzee or Delcatty on more balanced teams is greatly appreciated. However, this requires Mightyena to focus more on Heal Bell usage rather than its offensive capabilities. Thus, Mightyena prefers to use Rest and Double-Edge on more balanced builds, meaning Heal Bell support from Flaaffy or Delcatty is required. Flaaffy (RC) in particular (RC) makes for a fantastic partner, (AC) as it threatens Corsola and can spread paralysis. On more offensive teams, Mightyena greatly appreciates paralysis support from Elekid, Chinchou, and Voltorb. These Electric-types can threaten the bulky Water-types that an unboosted Mightyena can otherwise struggle into, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Corsola. Ariados makes for an excellent partner as it can use a slow Baton Pass to enable Mightyena to make use of Intimidate and provide it with more opportunities to use Howl or Heal Bell. Moreover, it can counter and threaten Koffing with Psychic, and in return, Mightyena removes the burn from Will-O-Wisp. Mightyena can set up against Pokemon like Lileep, Delcatty, defensive Ariados, and Dustox if it lacks Whirlwind.

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GP Team done, sorry missangelic!