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Player Name: Inder
Timezone: +2
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct):
Is Hindi Speaker: नमस्ते (it’s a trap I don’t speak Hindi)
Player Name: silver grace
Timezone: gmt+5.5
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): none
Tiers Played: ss monotype, ss lc, ss random battles
Is Hindi Speaker: yes
Player Name: Neko
Timezone: GMT+8
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): Not much, only uni
Tiers Played: SS Mono, SS Random Battles
Is Hindi Speaker: No :(
Player Name: 7 Flowers
Timezone: +5:30
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): not really
Tiers Played: Prefer natdex ag, i would try to play anything else if u want me to
Is Hindi Speaker: Yes
Player Name: JY Rule
Timezone: +5:30
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): no
Tiers Played: Monotype, OU, Random battle, Nat Dex AG
Is Hindi Speaker: Yes
Player name:AGCL2 Ragib
Time zone:gmt+6
Significant activity missed(from aug to oct): might be busy due to studies
Tiers played :ss ou, ss rands, ndag, ss ag
Is hindi speaker: yes
Player Name: pqs
Timezone: gmt-4
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): 8-6 weekdays
Tiers Played: 1v1,random battles
Is Hindi Speaker: jai hind
Player Name: AtraX Madara
Timezone: GMT +2
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): None
Tiers Played: All (mainly SS Mono and SS OU)
Is Hindi Speaker: YNo
Player Name: Delusion of Mind
Timezone: +5.5
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct): maybe in early/mid sep
Tiers Played: mono, lc, 1v1 (with support)
Is Hindi Speaker: Yes
Player Name:Holymolycrabby
Significant Activity Missed (From Aug to Oct):college exams but i will manage.
Tiers Played:SS Uber
Is Hindi Speaker: yes (Jai Hind).