Illumise [Revamp] (QC 3/3)[GP 2/2]


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My Tail doesn't glow :'(



<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy as he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her and hogs all the glory in everything they do. She is a decent weather support Pokemon with Prankster, as it grants her priority when using her weather moves. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are also notable moves that she can use to a great effect. A slow U-turn safely brings her teammates into the battlefield. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority thanks to Prankster and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, as locking your opponent into a support move or a resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering a Pokemon holding a Choice item. It is also effective against naturally fast Pokemon that don't set up. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since Illumise's typing provides it with resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, which are generally physically oriented. A Bold nature helps with her physical bulk, but Relaxed can do this while also lowering Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one that takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You might also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 with a Relaxed nature in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon, specifically Alomomola. You can also lower her Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that she can underspeed. There are very few other move options that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply distracting Illumise from her real goal: supporting her team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather inducers are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the burden of setting up weather alone. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain inducers, Regirock and Gardevoir are good at setting up sun, and Liepard can set up either weather. Volbeat, ironically, makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite a difficult weather inducing duo to take down. Other Pokemon that can take advantage of weather are also good teammates. Jynx and Articuno appreciate rain, for Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove entry hazards is very useful, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for rain teams, as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If you feel like a Rapid Spin user is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon such as Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of her health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but Illumise has very few moves to pass because Growth is illegal with Baton Pass. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but because Illumise lacks Foul Play, it is all dependent on luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch often, so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Charm is an option to weaken opponents before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage that Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem, as they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can cripple Illumise with its disruptive moves. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users, such as Altaria and Grumpig, can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon or force an incoming weather sweeper out, preventing them from doing anything if Illumise used U-turn. Haze users, most notably Weezing, can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, as it isn't affected by Encore or Thunder Wave. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit how often she sets up. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards limit her usefulness, and any relatively strong neutral or super effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on her own; you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>
poor Illumise :[

[Other Options]

  • Clarify why Toxic isn't the best option: when playing with weather, forcing switches happens a lot, and Toxic damage doesn't really add up due to this

This is a fantastic skeleton. Great work.

Double posting to say this has been written up. If the Overview puts Illumise in too negative a light, tell me and I'll rewrite it.
id mention that using illumise alongside volbeat works well. 2 pure weather supporters can be quite annoying to take down.



<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy since he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her, and hogs all the glory in everything they do. SLike Volbeat however, she is a decent weather support Pokemon, with Prankster granting her use of Rain Dance and Sunny Day techniques a higher priority. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are allso notable moves that she can use to great effect. A slow U-turn lets her teammates enter battle safely. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has thea weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her even on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, since locking your opponent into a support move or resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Choiced Pokemon who don't care about Encore and naturally fast Pokemon who don't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefully.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since its typing provides it with resistances to Fighting and Ground moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed both help with its physical bulk, but Relaxed also lowers Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one who takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You may also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon like Alomomola if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower its Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that you can underspeed. There are very few other moves that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply taking time away from Illumise supporting the team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather setters are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the brunt of setting up weather. Rotom-S and Musharna are a couple of good Rrains setters, Regirock and Gardevoir are some good Ssun setters, and Liepard is good at setting up either oneweather. Ironically, Volbeat makes an excellent partner to set up Rrain as well, becoming quite an difficult weather setting duo to take down. Other weather abusers can also be viable teammates. Jynx and Articuno can abuse Rain with Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of Sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove hazards is very useful, since Toxic Spikes reduces a Rrain teams lifespan and Stealth Rocks does the same to Ssun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for Rain teams since it recieeives a useful Speed boost in the Rain; likewise Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinner for Sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the Ssun. If a Rapid Spinner feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon like Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of its health when hit with most decently powered netuutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but it can only pass Charge Beam boosts and Substitutes since Growth is illegal with Prankster. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but without Foul Play it is all a matter of luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch around a lot so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Fake Tears and Charm are options to weaken the opponent befor ee they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage which Illumise cannout usually heal awayrecover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise froms setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemiesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super-effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem, since they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can Encore Illumise, Taunt it, or use Swagger to make all of Illumise's endeaveors a matter of luck. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users like Golem and Gigalith are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users like Altaria and Grumpig can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon, or else force an incoming weather sweeper out without being able to do anything if Illumise uses U-turn. Haze users like Weezing can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, since it doesn't care about Encore or Thunder Wave at all. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit the amount of times she can set up. Stealth Rock and other hazards devastate her HPlimit here usefulness, while any decently powered neutral or super-effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on its own, so you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>


<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy since he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her, and hogs all the glory in everything they do. Like Volbeat however, she is a decent weather support Pokemon, with Prankster granting her use of Rain Dance and Sunny Day a higher priority. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are also notable moves that she can use to great effect. A slow U-turn lets her teammates enter battle safely. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her even on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, since locking your opponent into a support move or resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering Choiced Pokemon who don't care about Encore and naturally fast Pokemon who don't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefully.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since its typing provides it with resistances to Fighting and Ground moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed both help with its physical bulk, but Relaxed also lowers Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one who takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You may also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon like Alomomola if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower its Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that you can underspeed. There are very few other moves that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply taking time away from Illumise supporting the team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather setters are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the brunt of setting up weather. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain setters, Regirock and Gardevoir are some good sun setters, and Liepard is good at setting up either weather. Ironically, Volbeat makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite an difficult weather setting duo to take down. Other weather abusers can also be viable teammates. Jynx and Articuno can abuse Rain with Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of Sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove hazards is very useful, since Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for Rain teams since it receives a useful Speed boost in the Rain; likewise Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinner for Sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If a Rapid Spinner feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon like Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of its health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but it can only pass Charge Beam boosts and Substitutes since Growth is illegal with Prankster. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but without Foul Play it is all a matter of luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch around a lot so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Fake Tears and Charm are options to weaken the opponent before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage which Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super-effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem, since they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can Encore Illumise, Taunt it, or use Swagger to make all of Illumise's endeavors a matter of luck. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users like Golem and Gigalith are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users like Altaria and Grumpig can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon, or else force an incoming weather sweeper out without being able to do anything if Illumise uses U-turn. Haze users like Weezing can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, since it doesn't care about Encore or Thunder Wave at all. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit the amount of times she can set up. Stealth Rock and other hazards limit here usefulness, while any decently powered neutral or super-effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on its own, so you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>
Minor thing.

It says "A Baton Pass set is viable, but it can only pass Charge Beam boosts and Substitutes since Growth is illegal with Prankster".

What is illegal is the combination of Growth and Baton Pass. Not the combination of Growth and Prankster.
Thanks guys, I made most of the changes. I may wait for someone else to agree with you CBT before I add in another mention of Volbeat in the overview.
Hihi, second amcheck! ( There were a number if things that weren't addressed in the first amcheck, sorry cbt! :( )

EDIT: Lol, I put this amcheck in Volbeat by accident xD Sorry about that

There were a lot of errors in here, but since they are A.) Very small and B.) Self explanatory, I won't have any commentary in the check. The most common thing is just simple grammar / prose errors. I don't need to go more in-depth, as they are mostly commas and wording errors, but other than that, nice work! :)


WhiteDMist said:

<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy, (AC) asince he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her, (RC) and hogs all the glory in everything they do. She is a decent weather support Pokemon, (RC) with Prankster, (AC) as it grantings her Rain Dance and Sunny Day techniques higher prioritypriority when using status moves. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are allso notable moves that she can use to great effect. A slow U-turn lets her teammates enter the battlefield safely. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her, (AC) even on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority due to Prankster, (RC) and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, asince locking your opponent into a support move or resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering a Pokemon holding a Choiced Pok itemon who doesn't care about Encore and naturally fa. It is also effective against Pokemon who are naturally fast and doesn't set up at all. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are still helpful at any time if you play carefuluse it correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since itIllumise's typing provides it with resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed both help with itsher physical bulk, but Relaxed also lowers Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one who takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You may also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon like, (AC) specifically Alomomola, (AC) if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower itsher Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that youshe can underspeed. There are very few other movemove options that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly,; however, (AC) her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply takdistracting time away from Illumise supporting the teamfrom her goal.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather setters are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the brunturden of setting up weather. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain setinducters, Regirock and Gardevoir are some good sunat settersing up sun, and Liepard is goodcapable at setting up either weather. Volbeat, ironically, makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite an difficult weather setinducting duo to take down. Other weather abusPokemon that can take advantage of weathers can also be viable teammates. Jynx and Articuno can abusappreciate rain withfor Dry Skin and Hurricane, (AC) respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove entry hazards is very useful, asince Toxic Spikes reduces a rain team's lifespan, (AC) and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinn user for rain teams asince it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, (AC) Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spinn user for sun teams asince its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If a Rapid Spinn user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon likesuch as Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of itsher health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but it can only pass Charge Beam boosts and Substitutes sinceIllumise has very few moves to pass to a partner, (AC) and Growth is illegal with Baton Pass. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but withoutbecause Illumise lacks Foul Play, (AC) it is all a matter ofsolely dependent on luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch around a lotoften, (AC) so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Fake Tears and Charm are options to weaken the opponent before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage whichthat Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super- effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem, asince they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can Encoripple Illumise, Taunt wit, or use Swagger toh status moves that make all ofs it difficult for Illumise's endeavors a matter of luck to set up. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's workefforts. Rock Blast users like, (AC) such as Golem and Gigalith, (AC) are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users like, (AC) such as Altaria and Grumpig, (AC) can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon, (RC) or else force an incoming weather sweeper out without be, (AC) preventing able tothem from doing anything if Illumise usesd U-turn. Haze users like, (AC) specifically Weezing, (AC) can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, asince it doeisn't careaffected about Encore or Thunder Wave at all. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit the amounthow of timesten she can set up. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards limit her usefulness, whileand any decentrelatively poweredstrong neutral or super- effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on itsher own, so; you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>
OK, thanks Governess. I've added most of your corrections. It's inducers, not inducters though. Also, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, and Encore aren't status moves. XD
OK, thanks Governess. I've added most of your corrections. It's inducers, not inducters though. Also, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, and Encore aren't status moves. XD
I totally knew that <.<... Idk, there are affected by Prankser; non-attacking moves (or something of that nature) would probably be an alternative to it, then.
That is fine, but that first line will still emphasize weather since the other non-attacking moves are mentioned in the rest of the Overview anyways.

<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy as he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her and hogs all the glory in everything they do. She is a decent weather support Pokemon with Prankster, as it grants her priority when using her weather moves. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are also notable moves that she can use to a great effect. A slow U-turn safely enters her teammates enterinto the battlefield safely. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority duethanks to Prankster and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, as locking your opponent into a support move or a resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering a Pokemon holding a Choice item. It is also effective against naturally fast Pokemon whothat don't set up. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since Illumise's typing provides it with resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed both help with her physical bulk, but Relaxed also lowers Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one whothat takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You mayight also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon, specifically Alomomola, if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower her Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that she can underspeed. There are very few other move options that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply distracting Illumise from her real goal: supporting her team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather inducers are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the burden of setting up weather alone. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain inducers, Regirock and Gardevoir are good at setting up sun, and Liepard can set up either weather. Volbeat, ironically, makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite a difficult weather inducing duo to take down. Other Pokemon that can take advantage of weather are also good teammates. Jynx and Articuno appreciate rain, for Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove entry hazards is very useful, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for rain teams as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If a Rapid Spin user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon such as Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of her health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but Illumise has very few moves to pass sincbecause Growth is illegal with Baton Pass. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but because Illumise lacks Foul Play, it is all dependent on luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch often, so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Fake Tears and Charm are options to weaken the opponent before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage that Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super-effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem as they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can cripple Illumise with its disruptive moves. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users, such as Altaria and Grumpig, can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon or force an incoming weather sweeper out, preventing them from doing anything if Illumise used U-turn. Haze users, most notably Weezing, can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, as it isn't affected by Encore or Thunder Wave. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit how often she can sets up. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards limit her usefulness, and any relatively strong neutral or super-effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on her own; you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>


<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy as he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her and hogs all the glory in everything they do. She is a decent weather support Pokemon with Prankster, as it grants her priority when using her weather moves. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are also notable moves that she can use to a great effect. A slow U-turn safely enters her teammates into the battlefield. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority thanks to Prankster and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, as locking your opponent into a support move or a resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering a Pokemon holding a Choice item. It is also effective against naturally fast Pokemon that don't set up. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since Illumise's typing provides it with resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed both help with her physical bulk, but Relaxed also lowers Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one that takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You might also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon, specifically Alomomola, if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower her Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that she can underspeed. There are very few other move options that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply distracting Illumise from her real goal: supporting her team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather inducers are highly recommended so Illumise isn't bearing the burden of setting up weather alone. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain inducers, Regirock and Gardevoir are good at setting up sun, and Liepard can set up either weather. Volbeat, ironically, makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite a difficult weather inducing duo to take down. Other Pokemon that can take advantage of weather are also good teammates. Jynx and Articuno appreciate rain, for Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove entry hazards is very useful, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for rain teams as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If a Rapid Spin user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon such as Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of her health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but Illumise has very few moves to pass because Growth is illegal with Baton Pass. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but because Illumise lacks Foul Play, it is all dependent on luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch often, so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. Fake Tears and Charm are options to weaken the opponent before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage that Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super-effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem as they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can cripple Illumise with its disruptive moves. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users, such as Altaria and Grumpig, can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon or force an incoming weather sweeper out, preventing them from doing anything if Illumise used U-turn. Haze users, most notably Weezing, can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, as it isn't affected by Encore or Thunder Wave. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit how often she sets up. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards limit her usefulness, and any relatively strong neutral or super effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on her own; you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>


GP 1/2


<p>Illumise looks at her brother, Volbeat, with jealousy as he refuses to pass on Tail Glow to her and hogs all the glory in everything they do. She is a decent weather support Pokemon with Prankster, as it grants her priority when using her weather moves. Encore, Thunder Wave, and Baton Pass are also notable moves that she can use to a great effect. A slow U-turn safely enterbrings her teammates ionto the battlefield. However, few can overlook her mediocre bulk and Stealth Rock weakness, both which restricts the number of times she can set up. She also lacks anything worthwhile to Baton Pass, making Volbeat the better option with his ability to pass Tail Glow boosts. Illumise even has a weaker U-turn on the weather support set, letting Volbeat outshine her on an otherwise exact same set.</p>

name: Weather Supporter
move 1: Rain Dance / Sunny Day
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Encore
move 4: Thunder Wave
item: Damp Rock / Heat Rock
ability: Prankster
nature: Bold / Relaxed
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD


<p>Illumise's best role is to support her teammates as best as she can with her priority moves, courtesy of Prankster. Rain Dance and Sunny Day are given priority thanks to Prankster and are guaranteed to be set up if Illumise switches in safely. U-turn is usually the best move to use after setting up your selected weather to provide a safe switch-in for your sweepers while wasting as few turns of weather as possible. Encore forces quite a few switches, as locking your opponent into a support move or a resisted attack can give Illumise and her teammates a couple of turns to set up and possibly sweep. Thunder Wave is not quite as useful, but it is excellent for hindering a Pokemon holding a Choice item. It is also effective against naturally fast Pokemon that don't set up. Both Encore and Thunder Wave are best used before setting up weather in order to prevent the loss of too many weather turns, but they are helpful at any time if you use them correctly.</p>


<p>Damp Rock and Heat Rock are the best choices for items, each with their respective weathers. The EVs are set to maximize Illumise's physical bulk, since Illumise's typing provides it with resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves, which are generally physically oriented. Bold and Relaxed bothnature helps with her physical bulk, but Relaxed can do this while also lowersing Speed. This is notable for anyone who wishes to have the slowest U-turn possible in order to guarantee that Illumise is the one that takes the opposing attack rather than a teammate. You might also choose to lower Illumise's Speed IVs to 11 with a Relaxed nature in order to be slower than most attackers while still outspeeding minimum base 65 Speed Pokemon, specifically Alomomola (sounded awkward), if Illumise also uses a Relaxed nature. You can also lower her Speed IVs further, but there are very few Pokemon that she can underspeed. There are very few other move options that can be considered for this set, but Roost is the most notable one. Roost extends Illumise's longevity significantly, however her main goal is to support the team. A recovery move is simply distracting Illumise from her real goal: supporting her team.</p>

<p>The best teammates for Illumise are weather sweepers that have their abilities activated under their respective weather. Ludicolo, Seismitoad, Floatzel, and Gorebyss are some excellent teammates with Rain Dance, while Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, and Sawsbuck are great options with Sunny Day. Other bulky weather inducers are highly recommended so that Illumise isn't bearing the burden of setting up weather alone. Rotom-S and Musharna are good rain inducers, Regirock and Gardevoir are good at setting up sun, and Liepard can set up either weather. Volbeat, ironically, makes an excellent partner to set up rain as well, becoming quite a difficult weather inducing duo to take down. Other Pokemon that can take advantage of weather are also good teammates. Jynx and Articuno appreciate rain, for Dry Skin and Hurricane respectively, while Solar Power Charizard and other Fire-types can take advantage of sun's boost to Fire-type moves. Something to remove entry hazards is very useful, as Toxic Spikes reduces a rain teams lifespan, and Stealth Rock does the same to sun teams. Swift Swim Armaldo is a good Rapid Spinner for rain teams,(AC) as it receives a useful Speed boost in the rain; likewise, Shell Smash Torkoal is a good Rapid Spin user for sun teams since its Fire-type moves are enhanced in the sun. If you feel like a Rapid Spin user feels like it is limiting your offensive pressure, having a Poison-type Pokemon such as Scolipede can help remove Toxic Spikes, while Mold Breaker Sawk can stop most Stealth Rock setters before they can set up.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Like Roost, Moonlight is a viable option with Sunny Day in order to extend Illumise's longevity. However, Illumise will still lose over 50% of her health when hit with most decently powered neutral attacks, making the recovery turn less useful in retrospect. A Baton Pass set is viable, but Illumise has very few moves to pass because Growth is illegal with Baton Pass. A Swagger and Thunder Wave set is somewhat usable to inflict the dreaded parafusion, but because Illumise lacks Foul Play, it is all dependent on luck. Psych Up can also work with such a set to acquire the Attack boosts in order to Baton Pass them, but it is an unreliable way to do so. Toxic has priority due to Prankster, but weather teams like to switch often, so it would have to Toxic the entire opposing team to truly have a significant effect. (Fake Tears lowers SpDef)Fake Tears and Charm is aren options to weaken the opponents before they can attack, but most attacks are still able to inflict significant damage that Illumise cannot usually recover from. Tailwind has priority and can support your team outside of weather, but Thunder Wave generally lasts longer and has more utility.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While it isn't easy to stop Illumise from setting up, there are still some significant Pokemon that counter this lady firefly. Murkrow is Illumise's greatest nemesis due to its own priority Taunt, higher base Speed, and a super- (remove hyphen) effective Brave Bird. Encore users are also a problem,(AC) as they can lock Illumise into a move and force it to waste valuable turns switching out. Liepard is also a significant counter because it can cripple Illumise with its disruptive moves. It can even set up the opposing weather and waste Illumise's work. Rock Blast users, such as Golem and Gigalith, are able to take out Illumise even if it has a Substitute up. Roar and Whirlwind users, such as Altaria and Grumpig, can force Illumise out into a possibly undesirable Pokemon or force an incoming weather sweeper out, preventing them from doing anything if Illumise used U-turn. Haze users, most notably Weezing, can also negate the effectiveness of Baton Pass sets. Choice Band Golurk is another Pokemon that Illumise can't touch, as it isn't affected by Encore or Thunder Wave. If all else fails, simply wearing Illumise down can limit how often she sets up. Stealth Rock and other entry hazards limit her usefulness, and any relatively strong neutral or super effective attack can cripple Illumise permanently. Illumise isn't that threatening on her own; you are usually better off trying to handle the weather sweepers that usually follow after her.</p>

GP 2/2