(Approved by joey and Circus Maximus staff)
Come one, come all, and welcome to the first Pokemon TCG Pocket tournament held here on Smogon! (Watch there have been another one that I have no idea about). This game has seen lots of popularity recently, so it seemed fitting, given this site's competitive nature, to have our own tournament(s).
Because this is the first iteration of such a tournament, I would ask that you give the host(s) a bit of leeway and understanding as we get underway.
I have made a discord server for this tournament, and for TCG Pocket stuff in general (Friend Code exchanges, trading, pulls!), and it can be found here.
Tournament Rules:
(Shout-out to random player noahs828 for unwillingly volunteering for this example)
Come one, come all, and welcome to the first Pokemon TCG Pocket tournament held here on Smogon! (Watch there have been another one that I have no idea about). This game has seen lots of popularity recently, so it seemed fitting, given this site's competitive nature, to have our own tournament(s).
Because this is the first iteration of such a tournament, I would ask that you give the host(s) a bit of leeway and understanding as we get underway.
I have made a discord server for this tournament, and for TCG Pocket stuff in general (Friend Code exchanges, trading, pulls!), and it can be found here.
Tournament Rules:
- To sign up, please post your TCG Pocket Username (If very distinct from your forums username) and Friend Code in this thread. ONLY matches using the username that you signed up with will be valid. Expect signups to last one week. (I.e. close at noon EST Sunday, Jan 26.) I may decide to extend this, but don't count on it.
- This is a 5-round Swiss tournament. Brackets will be randomly seeded.
- This is an open decklist tournament. You MUST DM me with up to three decks that you will be using throughout this tournament. Switching decks during your best of three set is not allowed. You must play all games in a set with deck that you selected initially. However, you MAY swap decks between sets (i.e. when you play your next opponent)
- All CURRENT cards are allowed. In the interest of not incentivizing whaling, cards from the upcoming expansion are NOT allowed. You may agree to do gentleman's/woman's/persons's agreements to use / not use certain cards, but be warned: these will not be enforced by the host, and your opponent will face no tournament repercussions for breaking said agreements.
- Scheduling should take place on your opponent's Smogon wall or via discord. I expect rounds to last five days. I will try to be understanding with extensions, but please refrain from making them a common occurrence. The host reserves the right to coinflip if needed.
- Don't disconnect during your game. Hopefully, this isn't an issue, but if it comes up the host will approach each instance on a case-by-case basis with a general default rule being to credit the non-DC'ing player with a game (not match) win. Screenshot proof of an opponent disconnect is needed.
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: To receive credit for your wins, you MUST post screenshots of each victory in this thread. An example of what I am looking for can be found below. Failure to do so may result in you having to replay your game(s) / match(es).
- The host(s) (basically me right now) reserve the right to change any of these rules at any time. I obviously won't rig the tournament or anything, but I need this flexibility to account for the inevitable edge cases. Generally, I will try to keep with the broader Smogon tournament guidelines found here.
(Shout-out to random player noahs828 for unwillingly volunteering for this example)
(Modified from Tournaments page):
If Player A and Player B agreed on a time, and Player B failed to show up, Player A must have checked in via the same medium used to schedule, giving their TCG Pocket name, if different from forum username. They must have waited for at least 30 minutes before leaving. If Player B communicated their delay, this period may be extended to up to 1 hour.
If Player A and Player B agreed on a time, and Player B failed to show up, Player A must have checked in via the same medium used to schedule, giving their TCG Pocket name, if different from forum username. They must have waited for at least 30 minutes before leaving. If Player B communicated their delay, this period may be extended to up to 1 hour.
- Pokemon Zone (Good for seeing meta decks as well as general gameplay guides)
- Limitless TCG (Good for seeing recent tournament decklists)
- If you have other good resources, let me know, and I will add them here!
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