SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion

I mostly just played the same except for 3 things:
-skeledirge & dudunsparce lets me spam boomburst. Having a bulky normal type is funny because no one really bothers attacking it like they do other types, too.
-i taught ogerpon grassy glide so it could take advantage of arboliva's seed sower better (this rarely came up, sadly)
-i had to teach Clodsire Poison Jab (why did i have Sludge Wave on it anyway its special attack is very bad....) and Stomping Tantrum over Earthquake. Mostly because I forgot it could lear nHigh Horsepower. I got to use the special effect of Tantrum exactly once.

Honestly it was a good reminder that no making everything double battles doesn't really teach you anything. It certainly opens up more options, but you really just have to look out for your own spread moves. Otherwise it's just always going to be path of least resistance, which is just Hit Them Better.
This is not a bad thing, just an observation about conversations about this series over the years.

Still, there were enough battles where the added IVs/EVs and their high levels gave a lot of nice friction and it meant i had to see a few combos for longer or deal with a rough match up longer. Several matches went on for a while, even despite m ylevel advantage. It was enjoyable.
When you invite Coaches to the clubhouse, make sure to do something with them while they're there. If you leave the clubhouse they also leave and yo uhave to spend another 200 BP to bring them back.

Brought to you by the "invited Larry then got side tracked" gang

Anyway I'm loving all the dialog. There's a surprising amount of it; the paired conversations ar enice too. Larry/Ryme talks about how he handled reconstruction of Monterverna's gym after Tyme retired (and also how it was the only contract he had that year lol) and the banter between the two is cute.
Also! The leader you selected as your favorite will be remembered and they have special dialog for it.




By the way Ryme's battle is still a double battle! I assume that whe nI can unlock battles with the BB E4 they will also be doubles, so if you need to use Smeargle Sketch on a team member these rematches probably the bes tshot.
Are the IVs for Terapagos, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt pre-set? I know Ogerpon's are pre-set, but what about these new Pokemon?
my terapagos has best in all stats except for attack so it is possible that they are but not 20 Ivs in every stat like i heard people say it would be, might just be terapagos though

Compared to the stingy rates of Patches from the base game, seeing the machine just throw these at you is downright cathartic. Like every resource issue I've had from the base game, this single feature has addressed it with near overkill. Money shortage? Have all the sellable goods. Want a apriball/dream ball? Yeah you actually get them unlike a certain toy from the Isle of Armor. The fact the prices get cheaper as you upgrade just makes this more silly.
Bastiodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Def / 184 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press
- Stealth Rock
- Foul Play
- Whirlwind

252+ Def Bastiodon Body Press vs. 236 HP / 0 Def Kingambit: 400-472 (100 - 118%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Def Bastiodon Body Press vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 460-542 (70.5 - 83.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


None of you are ready for the hellspawn I'm about to unleash on OU. Giving Bastiodon Body Press is on another level.

On another note though, this DLC gave a lot of returning Pokemon some great tools, and I'm excited for the general meta variety. As for the DLC itself, so far I think it's leagues above Teal Mask. Great new mons, great returning mons, great decisions all around. The graphics look a little nicer too (might just be me though), and I really appreciate all the double battles. Almost feels like I'm playing XD Gale of Darkness again at times (I LOVE that game).
How Snacksworth works:

For every 10 solo quests/1 group quest, you can get a random legendary snack from the solo/group pool. He will count all quests already done retroactively before you reach him so you can talk to him repeatedly for more snacks.

The solo quest pool for both games includes Kubfu, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.
The group quest pool for both games includes Rayquaza, Kyurem, and Necrozma.

The rest of the split version legendaries are divided into each pool based on the game.
Scarlet gets Ho-Oh/Latios/Glastrier/Groudon/Reshiram/Solgaleo/Entei/Raikou/Suicune natively in solo.
Violet gets Lugia/Latias/Spectrier/Kyogre/Zekrom/Lunala/Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion natively in solo.
The other version's legendaries are put into your game's group pool, so technically they are not version exclusive, but you do still need to play multiplayer for them.

Overall you need 130 solo BBQs and 12 group BBQs done to get all the legendaries.

I'm not sure about how solo quests are counted as cleared when playing multiplayer, if it counts all solo quests cleared as a group, or only quests you personally completed, or the quests cleared that have your name on them. I could see it being only your own personal completions, but the latter is the criteria counted to increase your personal 10-point meter.
Is there any actual faster way to get Stellar Tera Shards other than flying around Terarium and fighting all the Teralized pokemon hoping they're Stellar tera?
The amount of precision some of the parts of the Hard & Super Hard flying time trials ask for you is really weird and make sme feel like I'm missing a mechanic that doesnt exist for sharp turns
Man, more annoyances I have with the Area Zero specific part of the story
At the end of Part 1, Briar & the kids have to headback to Blueberry right away .There was an emergency in Area Zero that necessitated their attention back in Blueberry

This is never followed up on or acknowledged at all.

In Part 1, Briar never meets Ko/Miraidon. She has the Book where they are not only emblazoned on the cover, they're named and have write ups in there. She never actually comments on them, nor do we get an ymore insight into the things so important to Heath that they got to be on the cover.

I don't actually mind if mysterious things want to remain mysterious, but I think the thing that gets me the most is if the new Area Zero stuff wasn't in the DLC at all, wasn't naming the entire DLC after it, and if Briar was someone else this wouldn't bug me nearly as much. It'd just be a bunch of lingering mysteries and oddities to chew on, that can be fun on its own and the various story arcs don't truly need it or anything. But we did go back to Area Zero (the trailer even showing all the pages including the ones pointing out the geoglyphs and mysterious plates), with a character with the full unedited copy of the book and direct connection to an important character and we're effectively left with what we had before except also an implication that maybe its pulling from AUs (possibly).
What a bummer...at least let us read all of Heath's observations on the paradoxes, that'd be cool. Maybe in Gen 14's Legends Terapagos where we are Heath going on the expedition.
View attachment 579626
Skeledirge @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Unaware
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Slack Off
- Torch Song
- Scorching Sands
- Alluring Voice

He already terrorized Zacian, now it's Koraidon's turn to get completely shut down by him.
Really excited for OU too, now that he basically has WoW and Earth Power in one move, Garg, Cinderace, Moth and especially Heatran will have to respect him immediately.
you really need the Ability Shield to not get removed from the battle by Excadrill and Ogerpon.
you really need the Ability Shield to not get removed from the battle by Excadrill and Ogerpon.
Okay Excadrill I get but what does Ogerpon have to do with the Tera match-up? Hearthflame is the only one with Mold Breaker to ignore abilities and it's banned from OU already while not being very notable in Ubers.
Meloetta has been found.

You have to play Castelia City music in the clubroom(?), spin (for some time?) at the location with a breeze, and load up the camera (with sepia filter) and hold the same direction you spun in until you see Meloetta.

View attachment 580398
And yes, the sepia is canon.
I can confirm that you DO NOT need the music.

Here are the steps needed:

Talk to Blue Uniform NPC in Classroom 3-2 on the far left (night only; might not be a requirement)
Travel to Terrarium, Fly to Coastal Classroom on the hill
Go to the wind cyclone, and stand in the circle Spin for 30+ seconds clockwise
Open camera
Swap to Sepia filter

The only step that is iffy is the talking. I cannot confirm if you need to actually talk or not since I had already talked to the guy before I found out about this. Also make sure you are standing in the exact spot. You should see leaves blowing in a circle around you.
I can confirm that you DO NOT need the music.

Here are the steps needed:

Talk to Blue Uniform NPC in Classroom 3-2 on the far left (night only; might not be a requirement)
Travel to Terrarium, Fly to Coastal Classroom on the hill
Go to the wind cyclone, and stand in the circle Spin for 30+ seconds clockwise
Open camera
Swap to Sepia filter

The only step that is iffy is the talking. I cannot confirm if you need to actually talk or not since I had already talked to the guy before I found out about this. Also make sure you are standing in the exact spot. You should see leaves blowing in a circle around you.
I don't think I talked to that NPC (neither the one who mentions spinning in the wind or the one who hears singing) and I got it. I also did not spin for 30 seconds. You also don't need to have beaten the DLC itself as well which is the case for me.