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Victory RoAd: (1, 2, 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7) | Indigo Plateau (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5)
Welcome to the fifth Indigo Plateau Conference.
Finals: Round-robin
Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: Ranshiin ‹3-3› Kaisser
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: Kaisser «3-3» fatty
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: fatty ‹3-3› Ranshiin
Ranshiin (1-1): 6-6 | Kaisser (1-1): 6-6 | fatty (1-1): 6-6
Play each opponent in each old gen OU tier once, report wins/ties/losses, and post replays.
The player with the most points (1 point for a win, ½ for a tie) out of 12 earns the right to display the
Indigo Plateau trophy in their signature.
The deadline for completing the Finals is September 23rd 08:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST
3-way Tiebreaker
Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)
Gen [4|4|1] Replays: Ranshiin ‹2-1-0›Kaisser
Gen [4|1|3] Replays:Kaisser ‹1-2› fatty
Gen [4|1|3] Replays:fatty ‹1-2› Ranshiin
Ranshiin (2-0): 4-1-1 | fatty (1-1): 3-3 | Kaisser (0-2): 1-4-1
The tiebreaker will translate the Victory RoAd 7 win/loss ratios to seeds. fatty will be 1st seed, Ranshiin 2nd seed and Kaisser 3rd seed. The 1st seed will pick a tier that corresponds to the first tier played in a first-to-2-win match, the second seed will pick the second tier to play and the third seed will pick the final tier to play. All 3 matches will play in this order. Any tie in the first 4 gens (or indeed the latter two in an endless situation) will mean that tier will be repeated until a winner is determined. The player who wins 2 matches will be declared the winner of Indigo Plateau. If a player wins 1 match each, and not all the results are 2-1 (in terms of wins), the 3rd tier will be played out to see if a winner can be declared from winning the most battles out of their two matches. If there's still a tie, the tiebreaker will repeat.
Tier order is: DPP, RBY, ADV
The deadline for completing the tiebreaker is October 10th 08:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST

Victory RoAd: (1, 2, 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7) | Indigo Plateau (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5)
Welcome to the fifth Indigo Plateau Conference.
Finals: Round-robin
Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: Ranshiin ‹3-3› Kaisser
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: Kaisser «3-3» fatty
Gen [1|2|3|4|5|6] Replays: fatty ‹3-3› Ranshiin
Ranshiin (1-1): 6-6 | Kaisser (1-1): 6-6 | fatty (1-1): 6-6
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹1-*W2› Kaisser
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹*W4-4›Kaisser
[Replay]Ranshiin ‹0-3› Kaisser
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹2-0›Kaisser
[Replay]Ranshiin ‹0-1› Kaisser
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹*W6-6›Kaisser
[Replay]Kaisser «0-3» fatty
[Replay] Kaisser «2-0»fatty
[Replay]Kaisser «0-3» fatty
[Replay] Kaisser «3-0»fatty
[Replay]Kaisser «0-2» fatty
[Replay] Kaisser «2-0»fatty
[Replay]fatty ‹0-2› Ranshiin
[Replay]fatty ‹3-*W5› Ranshiin
[Replay]fatty ‹0-3› Ranshiin
[Replay] fatty ‹2-0›Ranshiin
[Replay] fatty ‹1-0›Ranshiin
[Replay] fatty ‹5-0›Ranshiin
Ranshiin (6-6): 23-27 | Kaisser (6-6): 23-21 | fatty (6-6): 19-17
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹*W4-4›
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹2-0›
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹*W6-6›
[Replay] Kaisser «2-0»
[Replay] Kaisser «3-0»
[Replay] Kaisser «2-0»
[Replay] fatty ‹2-0›
[Replay] fatty ‹1-0›
[Replay] fatty ‹5-0›
Ranshiin (6-6): 23-27 | Kaisser (6-6): 23-21 | fatty (6-6): 19-17
The player with the most points (1 point for a win, ½ for a tie) out of 12 earns the right to display the

The deadline for completing the Finals is September 23rd 08:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST
3-way Tiebreaker
Matches Completed: 3/3 (100%)
Gen [4|4|1] Replays: Ranshiin ‹2-1-0›
Gen [4|1|3] Replays:
Gen [4|1|3] Replays:
Ranshiin (2-0): 4-1-1 | fatty (1-1): 3-3 | Kaisser (0-2): 1-4-1
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹0-0› Kaisser
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹1-0›Kaisser
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹2-0›Kaisser
[Replay]Kaisser ‹0-2› fatty
[Replay] Kaisser ‹*W5-2›fatty
[Replay]Kaisser ‹0-2› fatty
[Replay] fatty ‹*W3-1›Ranshiin
[Replay]fatty (4-*W5› Ranshiin
[Replay]fatty ‹0-2› Ranshiin
Ranshiin (4-1-1): 11-7 | fatty (3-3): 13-13 | Kaisser (1-4-1): 5-9
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹1-0›
[Replay] Ranshiin ‹2-0›
[Replay] Kaisser ‹*W5-2›
[Replay] fatty ‹*W3-1›
Ranshiin (4-1-1): 11-7 | fatty (3-3): 13-13 | Kaisser (1-4-1): 5-9
Tier order is: DPP, RBY, ADV
The deadline for completing the tiebreaker is October 10th 08:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM CEST
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