Iron Defense + Calm Mind (Arceus-Fairy) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Poison / Water
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 124 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Iron Defense
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Judgment
Leveraging its great bulk and typing, Arceus-Fairy can utilize Iron Defense and Calm Mind to become an excellent late game wincon and act as a defensive anchor on bulkier teams and defensive cores to take on the dangerous Koraidon. Iron Defense allows it to set up in front of threats such as Koraidon and physical Arceus formes lacking Taunt, while Calm Mind helps Arceus-Fairy to OHKO or 2HKO foes with Judgment and become nigh-unstoppable when paired with Defense boosts. Tera Poison stops Eternatus from crippling Arceus-Fairy it with Toxic, removes its weakness to Zacian-C's Behemoth Blade, gives it a resistance to offensive Eternatus's Sludge Bomb, and lets it act as a Toxic Spikes absorber later on in the game if Arceus-Fairy's partner Eternatus has been knocked out. Tera Water allows Arceus-Fairy to resist Koraidon's Flare Blitz, Kyogre's Water Spout and Origin Pulse, Zacian-C's Behemoth Blade, and Necrozma-DM's Sunsteel Strike. However, it makes Arceus-Fairy weak to Zacian-C's Wild Charge and Kyogre's Thunder. The Speed EVs allow Arceus-Fairy to outpace maximum investment base 90 Speed Pokemon, such as Kyogre, Zekrom, and Groudon, while the rest are dumped into physical bulk.
Iron Defense + Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy is incredibly potent in late-game scenarios where it is the last Pokemon standing, which prevents it from being phazed by Whirlwind or Dragon Tail if it has Terastallized. However, due to the limited 8 PP of Recover, Arceus-Fairy should refrain from taking too much damage early on to preserve its ability for a late-game sweep. Eternatus can absorb Toxic Spikes for Arceus-Fairy in late-game scenarios, letting it set up more easily. Eternatus can also switch into Ho-Oh, which frequently forces Arceus-Fairy to switch out, and cripple it with Toxic. Kyogre also pairs nicely with Arceus-Fairy, letting it can take on Koraidon for Arceus-Fairy much more comfortably by deactivating Orichalcum Pulse and weakening Flare Blitz with Drizzle. Landorus-T could provide entry hazard support with Stealth Rock, since this Arceus-Fairy set is not running it, while also serving as a temporary check to the dangerous Zacian-C. Defensive Ho-Oh could also help check Steel-types such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM, which could pressure Arceus-Fairy, especially with hazards up. Ho-Oh can check opposing special Arceus formes and Eternatus, though Ho-Oh could also run offensive sets, and Arceus-Fairy and Kyogre could take on the task of checking Koraidon instead. As Arceus-Fairy is vulnerable to entry hazards, teammates that could help with hazard control, such as Giratina-O and Terapagos, should also be considered.
Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/pigbeeef.651906/
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Grammar checked by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/missangelic.452572/
Iron Defense + Calm Mind (Arceus-Fairy) @ Pixie Plate
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Poison / Water
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 124 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Iron Defense
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Judgment
Leveraging its great bulk and typing, Arceus-Fairy can utilize Iron Defense and Calm Mind to become an excellent late game wincon and act as a defensive anchor on bulkier teams and defensive cores to take on the dangerous Koraidon. Iron Defense allows it to set up in front of threats such as Koraidon and physical Arceus formes lacking Taunt, while Calm Mind helps Arceus-Fairy to OHKO or 2HKO foes with Judgment and become nigh-unstoppable when paired with Defense boosts. Tera Poison stops Eternatus from crippling Arceus-Fairy it with Toxic, removes its weakness to Zacian-C's Behemoth Blade, gives it a resistance to offensive Eternatus's Sludge Bomb, and lets it act as a Toxic Spikes absorber later on in the game if Arceus-Fairy's partner Eternatus has been knocked out. Tera Water allows Arceus-Fairy to resist Koraidon's Flare Blitz, Kyogre's Water Spout and Origin Pulse, Zacian-C's Behemoth Blade, and Necrozma-DM's Sunsteel Strike. However, it makes Arceus-Fairy weak to Zacian-C's Wild Charge and Kyogre's Thunder. The Speed EVs allow Arceus-Fairy to outpace maximum investment base 90 Speed Pokemon, such as Kyogre, Zekrom, and Groudon, while the rest are dumped into physical bulk.
Iron Defense + Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy is incredibly potent in late-game scenarios where it is the last Pokemon standing, which prevents it from being phazed by Whirlwind or Dragon Tail if it has Terastallized. However, due to the limited 8 PP of Recover, Arceus-Fairy should refrain from taking too much damage early on to preserve its ability for a late-game sweep. Eternatus can absorb Toxic Spikes for Arceus-Fairy in late-game scenarios, letting it set up more easily. Eternatus can also switch into Ho-Oh, which frequently forces Arceus-Fairy to switch out, and cripple it with Toxic. Kyogre also pairs nicely with Arceus-Fairy, letting it can take on Koraidon for Arceus-Fairy much more comfortably by deactivating Orichalcum Pulse and weakening Flare Blitz with Drizzle. Landorus-T could provide entry hazard support with Stealth Rock, since this Arceus-Fairy set is not running it, while also serving as a temporary check to the dangerous Zacian-C. Defensive Ho-Oh could also help check Steel-types such as Zacian-C and Necrozma-DM, which could pressure Arceus-Fairy, especially with hazards up. Ho-Oh can check opposing special Arceus formes and Eternatus, though Ho-Oh could also run offensive sets, and Arceus-Fairy and Kyogre could take on the task of checking Koraidon instead. As Arceus-Fairy is vulnerable to entry hazards, teammates that could help with hazard control, such as Giratina-O and Terapagos, should also be considered.
Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/pigbeeef.651906/
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Grammar checked by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/missangelic.452572/
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