wowza guys i have th e originsal accoun anwyas we gonna do the funny sub
Name: Iron Citadel
Type: Steel / Fighting
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 98 / 44 / 180 / 106 / 80 / 62
Paradox: Future
Weight: 680.8 kg
New Moves: Doom Desire, Spiky Shield, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Autotomize, Focus Blast, Bulk Up, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Superpower, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Electric Terrain
Removed Moves: no
Explanation: Forretress commits fortress. anyways hes the ironpress funny guy, or just physdef utility wall, the bulk is through the roof and he has a great support movepool with pivoting n stuff to be just a solid mon all around. While it lacks recovery, lefties, protect, bulk setup, and even giga drain if you’re crazy enough give it good survivability. Also Doom Desire is a funny lil move.
Name: Big Chomp
Type: Ground / Bug
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 81 / 147 / 81 / 69 / 101 / 91
Paradox: Past
Weight: 42 kg
New Moves: U-turn,
Pit Maul, Lunge, Fire Fang, Scale Shot, Sunny Day, Pin Missile, Rock Blast, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: none
Pit Maul
(Ground Type Pursuit)
Explanation: so ya know how scizor's pinsirs look like a trapinch mouth? now imagine a trapinch having the bite of an msciz. regardless, this is a nuclear bug breaker, its kinda slow but has a huge fimp to threaten on switch, as well as a really strong form of trapping. unfortunately it has a middling defensive typing, and middling speed, and is completely walled by flyings, but nah this thing is a hella threat and fulfils a niche similar to old gens ttar in a lot of ways.
Name: Iron Incarnate
Type: Flying / Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Stats: 98 / 112 / 80 / 112 / 82 / 106
Paradox: Future
Weight: 69.0 kg
New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Wild Charge, Spark, Volt Switch, Supercell Slam, Earth Power, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Spikes, Swords Dance, Moonblast, Play Rough, Fairy Wind, Windbolt Storm, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Steel Beam, Sandsear Storm, Springtide Storm, Electric Surge,
Leadlink Storm
Leadlink Storm
100 BP, Special, Steel
80% Acc, Hits both Opponents, Can’t miss in rain
30% Chance to drop opponents Defense by 1
Removed Moves: U-Turn, Foul Play, All Fighting Moves,
If I had a nickel for every Tornadus paradox I’ve subbed to a pet mod: a mechanical mesh of all four genies, mankind’s attempt to seize control of the weather once and for all. A true titan of post-modern engineering. Anyways this guy is a much more offensive take on the typical steel/flying, with coverage from all four genies movepool, spikes, pivoting and setup, it’s a nice Jack of all trades it’d also function rlly well on rain with Thunder, Hurricane, Sandsear and Springtide all being 100% accurate. Ofc it has the downside compared to the other steel/flyings of less bulk, pivoting blocked by grounds, and no longevity, but overall it fills a unique role and gives more nuance to the choice of “you want spikes or pivoting?” That people make when deciding on their big metal bird.
Name: Dusken Deputy
Type: Fighting / Dark
Ability: Protosynthesis
Stats: 127 / 127 / 89 / 65 / 73 / 89
Paradox: Past
Weight: 42 kg
New Moves: Swords Dance, Close Combat, Slack Off, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Curse, Spite, Power Whip, Night Shade, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Sunny Day, Fire Lash
Removed Moves: All grass moves
Explanation: old timey sheriff in an abandoned town, protector of the spirits and whomever remains in his domain, silent and stoic, lying in wait until the time is ripe, much like a rattlesnake.
uh yeah sherrify guy with some snake elements and overall just lean even harder into the far western theme, hes cool gameplaywise basically just strange shifu-s but not broke or a wicked blow bot