AAA ironpress zama [qc: 1/2]


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IronPress (Zamazenta) @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Stone Edge / Crunch / Roar
- Substitute / Heavy Slam

IronPress Zamazenta serves as a deadly wincon that provides great defensive utility to its team, leveraging its high bulk and typing to switch into dangerous threats like Kingambit and Roaring Moon, using these opportunities to set up and potentially steal a game. Stone Edge 2HKOes Zapdos, Iron Moth, and Moltres while OHKOing Volcarona, Crunch chips Pecharunt, and Roar allows it to repeatedly phase out its counters like Pecharunt and Moltres. Substitute allows it to evade status like Burns from Moltres and Manaphy and Poison from Toxapex and Pecharunt, while allowing Zamazenta to stall Pecharunt's Malignant Chain's PP, while Heavy Slam 2HKOes Scream Tail. 252 Defense EVs can be opted for over 252 HP EVs for more power on Body Press at the cost of lower special bulk, preventing Zamazenta's susbstitute from potentially living a Malignant Chain.

IronPress Zamazenta best fits on offensive teams who are in need of a teammate that provides great defensive utility. As such, offensive teammates that can lure in setup fodder for Zamazenta like Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, and Swampert pair well with it, making Roaring Moon, Zapdos, and Azelf great teammates. Pecharunt, Primarina, and Physically Defensive Manaphy are Zamazenta's biggest roadblocks; thus, teammates who can deal with them pair well with Zamazenta, making Magic Guard Roaring Moon, Kingambit, and Sandy Shocks good teammates. Zamazenta is forced out by faster threats that can threaten it, like Deoxys-S, Choice Scarf Azelf, and Choice Scarf Scream Tail, with Scream Tail notably bypassing Zamazenta's Substitute; thus, teammates who can deal with them like RegenVest Roaring Moon, Swampert, and Manaphy are greatly appreciated. Zamazenta suffers greatly from 4-moveslot syndrome, so teammates who can deal with Zapdos if not using Stone Edge and Scream Tail if not using Heavy Slam pair well with it, making RegenVest Roaring Moon, Swampert, and Heatran good partners.

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IronPress (Zamazenta) @ Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Stone Edge / Crunch / Roar
- Substitute / Heavy Slam

IronPress Zamazenta serves as a deadly wincon that provides great defensive utility to its team, leveraging its high bulk and typing to switch into dangerous threats like Chien-Pao, crash is a bit too strong Kingambit, and Roaring Moon, using these opportunities to set up and potentially steal a game. Stone Edge 2HKOes Zapdos, Iron Moth, and Moltres and OHKOes Volcarona, Crunch chips Pecharunt, and Roar allows it to repeatedly phase out its counters like Pecharunt and Moltres. Substitute allows it to evade status like Burns from Moltres and Poison from Toxapex Iron Moth not real and Pecharunt, while allowing Zamazenta to stall Pecharunt's Malignant Chain's PP, while Heavy Slam 2HKOes Scream Tail. 252 Defense EVs can be opted for over 252 HP EVs for more power on Body Press at the cost of lower bulk specially. mention that the HP spread lets zama usually keep its sub up after a malignant chain, which max def spread cant do

IronPress Zamazenta best fits on offensive teams who are in need of a teammate that provides great defensive utility. As such, offensive teammates that can lure in setup fodder for Zamazenta like Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, and Swampert pair well with it, making Roaring Moon, Zapdos, and Azelf great teammates. Pecharunt and Primarina mention mana here too cause it can chip zama down with alluring voice while threatening confusion if it tries to setup are Zamazenta's biggest roadblocks; thus, teammates who can deal with them pair well with Zamazenta, making Magic Guard Roaring Moon, Kingambit, and Sandy Shocks good teammates. Zamazenta is forced out by faster threats that can threaten it, like Deoxys-S, Choice Scarf Azelf, and Latios, especially Choice Scarf Scream Tail, which can hit it behind Substitute; thus, teammates who can deal with them like RegenVest Roaring Moon, Swampert, and Manaphy are greatly appreciated. Zamazenta suffers greatly from 4-moveslot syndrome, so teammates who can deal with Zapdos if not using Stone Edge and Scream Tail if not using Heavy Slam pair well with it, making RegenVest Roaring Moon, Swampert, and Heatran good partners.

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