Issue #18 Feedback Poll!

Which articles did you enjoy the most?

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Hi everyone! We at The Smog are always looking for some feedback, so here's another polling thread. Post some feedback here and we'll take it into consideration for future issues.

Some questions to keep in mind:
  • What are your favorite articles? Why?
  • What can we do to improve for future issues?
  • What kind of articles would you like to see that we don't currently cover?

If you have any more questions or things you'd like to address, please feel free, but remember to justify your opinions! In addition, please try to keep everything civil. Keep all criticism constructive and not disparaging! Thanks.
I was just checking Alakazam on the strategy pokedex for B/W and he is listed under OU and not UU. Other then that it was a really great issue! I was considering using Alakazam on my team after reading his article
I was just checking Alakazam on the strategy pokedex for B/W and he is listed under OU and not UU. Other then that it was a really great issue! I was considering using Alakazam on my team after reading his article

Article was written before the January tier shift, and it was UU at the time.
Well, when it falls back down, it'll be relevant. (120 speed + MG = not gonna happen anytime soon)

As always, loved the JAP section. Starmie and Cloyster a la Chou Toshio had me in stitches. I'll probably be looking at the stallbreaker section very closely, though, as I tend to freak out if an enemy stays on the field for more than five turns.
I always have a lot of fun reading the interviews and JAP sections. As I haven't been active in the community, it is nice to learn about the people who have made this what it is. The LC articles were very cool as I normally only spend time reading up on OU and Uber, but always thought it would be a lot of fun to try it out. Please keep up the good work.
Just something I've noticed through reading the Pokemon analyses:
Every synergy section talks about entry hazards, and that's about it. Some of them differentiate a little, like how Kyogre's added a bit to Tentacruel, but otherwise it seems somewhat repetitive--I think it's fairly obvious that entry hazards help a sweep, and there is no need to mention it so often and put so much focus on it, unless the Pokemon is one whose common counters are all weak to Stealth Rock or something, or if the Pokemon is Volcarona. And even then it doesn't need to be mentioned with as much emphasis as it has.

Still reading through, might say more later. I like these, they have quite a bit of personality in them. It's nice to know you guys aren't all hyper-competitive robots sometimes. XD
For the next article, could there be some crazy, hardcore VGC analysis and examples of commonly used Pokemon? I was hoping that issue 18 wuold have covered some of it, seeing that its a new-ish set of Pokemon and whatnot.
I love articles that deal with the OU metagame and strategy. I would enjoy seeing an article on effective team building process in the future.
entertainment articles are always the best imo, disappointed we didn't have any this issue.

I also miss mop's musings and power rankings. I know battling and pokemon are important but to be honest a ton of people on this site already know pokemon really well, so maybe there could be a greater focus on creating entertainment articles? (as in a greater focus then there currently is, not a greater focus on entertainment than pokemon articles)
entertainment articles are always the best imo, disappointed we didn't have any this issue.

I also miss mop's musings and power rankings. I know battling and pokemon are important but to be honest a ton of people on this site already know pokemon really well, so maybe there could be a greater focus on creating entertainment articles? (as in a greater focus then there currently is, not a greater focus on entertainment than pokemon articles)

Couldnt really agree more with panamaxis. Having no entertainment article this time made the Smog feel really quite nerdy and also a bit boring.
entertainment articles are always the best imo, disappointed we didn't have any this issue.

I also miss mop's musings and power rankings. I know battling and pokemon are important but to be honest a ton of people on this site already know pokemon really well, so maybe there could be a greater focus on creating entertainment articles? (as in a greater focus then there currently is, not a greater focus on entertainment than pokemon articles)

Go harass MoP; he was supposed to write an article but johned. :p (PS we will keep the feedback in mind, that's what it's there for, I just wanna point out that one is MoP's fault!)
Too bad there were no entertainment articles. I did like the LC articles though, I've always liked LC, and it seems to be picking up in popularity.
This is with no doubt one of the best Issues! Bold things are damn good
  • Featured UU Pokémon: Alakazam
  • Type Analysis: Steel
  • The Role of the Bulky Psychic
  • A Guide to Stallbreakers
  • Weather in Ubers
  • BW OU Metagame Analysis
  • DPP OU Metagame Analysis
  • Featured LC RMT
  • Fallen Stars
  • inb4nintendo
  • Check Like the Prose: Vol. II
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