Media itt: movie/film discussion - Beware Spoilers

I saw Parasite (2019) by Bong Joon-ho yesterday and it is excellent. I went in completely blind and it was one of the best film experiences I've ever had. I highly recommend going out and seeing this masterpiece while it's in theaters; it's an opportunity you don't want to miss.

The first "act" compellingly builds up suspense from different angles, and while the mood is fairly light-hearted, the framing, shot composition, and score hint at darker fare. As the film progresses, unexpected twists pit 2 working-class groups against each other, both fighting for the "support" of the upper-class.

Themes of class are deep-seeded throughout the film as scenes juxtapose the living conditions, work habits, and lifestyles between the lower and upper echelons of society. Parasite doesn't abjectly go after the rich, but at a minimum, it certainly suggests they are out of touch, and definitely asks the viewer to consider their relationship with the class system.

Extremely unique film, can't recommend it enough.
parasite is an all time great movie already, probably in my top 40-ish. i saw it many months ago at this point but i still think about it a lot
1. Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels
2. Inception
3. Mad max: fury road
4. Blade runner 2049
5. Ghostbusters
6. Hunt for red October
7. The matrix reloaded
8. Blade runner
9. Casino royale
10. Casino
11. Trading places
12. Dark Knight rises
13. dark Knight
14. goldeneye
15. The departed
16. kingsman
17. John wick 3
18. The incredibles
19. The matrix
20. Batman v superman
21. The martian
22. Steve Jobs (2015)
23. Annihilation
24. Spiderman homecoming
25. Rogue one

Changes from this post:

Boy I overrated BvS at the time
Red October, matrix, br2049 are in my top 10 probably for good
Ghostbusters moves up
Casino is better than the departed
Homecoming is my favorite and only marvel film
Do I really like annihilation that much?
Lol, Steve jobs
Me and Hulavuta have been watching all 6 terminator movies the past few weeks. Here's my thoughts

T1: imo, an ok horror film. Yeah it started the franchise but I'm really not that attached to it. The first act is my favorite and after the police station shootout it all seems downhill. I like the mythos around the film a lot more than the film itself (the future war, laser guns everywhere, etc)

T2: the obvious "best one" in the series. Robert Patrick is probably the best terminator, not because of his abilities but because of how he is used. The anticipation before he strikes is amazing, mostly because of the subtle theme that plays whenever he moves around. He's still very machine-like, which I'll contrast later. Unfortunately as good as the cgi is, I don't think it holds up today. There are several moments that the film very clearly says "heyyy, check out how good our cgi is!" They deserve their confidence, but watching the moments a few times they lose their magic. Unlike t1, I think the film properly builds tension throughout and I can't think of anything I really DON'T like about the film.

T3: legitimately in my top 5 worst films ever made. Every actor is either complete garbage or directed badly. Arnold's acting is the worst. "Talk to the hand", said completely seriously, is not funny unlike his lines from t2. The terminator is liquid metal with an endoskeleton, which it make its boobs bigger and nothing else. Unlike robert patrick who likes to act human and stab people, the t-x just saws them in half. Scary!!!!!!! The film is just awful. Awful awful awful. It all takes place within like, 3 hours, and manages to somehow not build ANY tension because it blows its terminator fight load in act 1.

T4: another extremely bad movie, but because it's too damn boring. I don't accept the "it's the apocalypse! " as justification for applying a grey filter on the whole movie. And uhh....motorcycle terminators. They must have actually had christian Bale act like batman on purpose. I don't really understand why the movie was made, because its contribution to the entire universe is actually almost nothing.

T5: I actually enjoyed this one a lot after the previous two. It's honestly a self aware parody of the entire franchise, where t3 was the same but played seriously. Almost all the actors do a great job, the action is good, it's funny, and I think the villain's plan (join skynet in a nanomachine-induced hivemind rather than just killing everybody) is a great twist on the formula.

T6: in my opinion either the strongest or second strongest film. An action fan's essential viewing of the year! I can't fathom why people can find reasons to hate on it. Something about sjws invading Hollywood...? Or the fact that they "ruined their childhood" by not having john connor in the movie? John connor has been a cursed character ever since 1991. There is zero "feminisms"in the movie unless you count having short hair as the sjw invasion. The new terminator is a contender for my favorite, because it actually fights like an animal, not like a robot at all. It's different to everything else, because it didn't come from the same future. Arnold's character is extremely excellent an a fantastic idea (what does a robot do when it finished its job, and it's not given any more orders?). Mackenzie davis is great. Linda Hamilton is great. The extra cast is great. There's nothing wrong with it! The entire third act is a constant build of tension, not because it is a constant chase per se but more that all the characters know they'll encounter the terminator multiple more times instead of being...surprised that it shows up like in previous films. It's a worthy successor and it's really sad that we'll probably never get another film, or worse, another reboot. See it!
vonFiedler I'd like to request a review of Nic Cage's new thriller Primal when you get the opportunity to see it. No rush, I can wait until it comes out on dvd. I just wanted to get your take on it since you're a Cage connoisseur.
vonFiedler I'd like to request a review of Nic Cage's new thriller Primal when you get the opportunity to see it. No rush, I can wait until it comes out on dvd. I just wanted to get your take on it since you're a Cage connoisseur.
Just like The Colour out of Space, Primal was one of Cage's more hyped films this year and is uncharacteristically not video on demand. But they're not at many theaters either, so I'm playing the waiting game myself.

Of the recent VOD movies he has dumped onto the internet all of a sudden I have only seen A Score to Settle, which I underrated at first but I think it's actually refreshingly okay. Has some okay twists, a great scene or two, surprisingly understated but somewhat competently made. Will impress nobody but the bar for Cage movies was so so so low only two years back and this is a different tier. Will be watching Kill Chain and Running with the Devil soon.
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While I'm at it, I might as well make a top 25. No particular order, since ranking them would probably result in a three or four-way tie for #1.

  1. The Grand Budapest Hotel
  2. Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road
  4. The Princess Bride
  5. The Twelve Chairs
  6. High Anxiety
  7. Robin Hood: Men in Tights
  8. Princess Mononoke
  9. Hail, Caesar!
  10. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
  11. Roxanne
  12. Kingsman series (lumping them into a single entry so I don't go over 25)
  13. Brazil
  14. The Fall
  15. Serenity
  16. Little Shop of Horrors
  17. 1776
  18. RENT
  19. District 9
  20. Kill Me Three Times (Simon Pegg needs to play more villain roles)
  21. Spiderman: Homecoming
  22. Thor: Ragnarock
  23. Slither
  24. The Big Lebowski
  25. Raising Arizona
It's snowing here in Vermont and it's put my wife and I in a Christmas mood (I know it's November, but this state turned into a Christmas card overnight.) So, we picked our first holiday movie of the season and we wanted to watch a dumb one to start: "Christmas with the Kranks". Wow... I knew this movie would be stupid. I didn't think it would be THIS stupid.

Let me explain the plot: Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis wanna go on this cruise for the holiday season instead of celebrating Christmas at home like they always do. But thier entire neighborhood led by Dan Aykroyd is apparently vehemently against this. So much so that everyone is harassing them for not doing any of the traditional holiday stuff. This is a "comedy", but with some tweaks it'd make s great horror film.

Where do I begin? How about not one character is likeable. Tim Allen's a dick, his wife is more like a cartoon character, and everyone in this town I swear in in this Yuletide Cult. It's like they've never seen a Jewish person before. They don't act human at all until the Kranks eventually cave into thier demands in the end and celebrate a traditional Christmas the way that they do. They even put up the same ceramic snowman decoration on thier roofs. All of them do. It's creepy. Not to mention Tim Allen's in one scene has its eyes glowed red and it seemingly tries to kill him on the roof like it's been possessed by a demon.

For a comedy, not one joke made me laugh. It came out in the mid 2000's, but it's humor seems like it came out of a bad 1950's sitcom. It's tone is more akin to a horror film. Seriously, with some slight tweaking it could be something a la "Get Out". Then it tries to come off as sweet by the end, but I was too busy thinking about how awful all of these people have been throughout the entire film.

This is a bad, bad, BAD movie. Especially for a Christmas film. One of the WORST I've ever seen in this genre. It's way too mean spirited, unlikeable, and flat out dumb but not in a charming way. This made me angry by the end of it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna try and find something better to watch.
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alice in wonderland
lotr (grouped, i always watch in one session)
donnie darko
the dark knight
treasure planet
the phantom menace
american psycho
inglorious basterds
monty python and the holy grail
mean girls

will add if i think of any more
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Just like The Colour out of Space, Primal was one of Cage's more hyped films this year and is uncharacteristically not video on demand. But they're not at many theaters either, so I'm playing the waiting game myself.

Of the recent VOD movies he has dumped onto the internet all of a sudden I have only seen A Score to Settle, which I underrated at first but I think it's actually refreshingly okay. Has some okay twists, a great scene or two, surprisingly understated but somewhat competently made. Will impress nobody but the bar for Cage movies was so so so low only two years back and this is a different tier. Will be watching Kill Chain and Running with the Devil soon.
speaking of nic cage i dont recall if you ever finished your review of his stuff
im a list fiend post your fav movies from 2010 to 2019

2010: black swan
2011: drive
2012: the place beyond the pines
2013: why dont you play in hell
2014: godzilla (2014) (hon. mention - nightcrawler)
2015: mad max fury road
2016: the nice guys
2017: i, tonya
2018: spiderman into the spider verse
2019: parasite (hon. mention - once upon a time in hollywood)
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2010: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
2011: Horrible Bosses
2012: Django Unchained
2013: This Is the End
2014: Whiplash / Captain America: The Winter Soldier
2015: Mad Max: Fury Road
2016: Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
2017: Logan
2018: Mid90s
2019: Joker (though I'm still yet to see Parasite as well as The Lighthouse)

Unrelated but I watched In Bruges last night and was utterly enamored, wonderful film
I watched Marie Antoinette again a few days ago and realised that it should of been in my top 25 originally, and it now is, at rank 6 even. As a huge Sofia Coppola fan, this may be her magnum opus. It is a truly beautiful and aesthetic movie. Its stunning costume design, its set literally being Versailles Palace, and its eclectic musical score make for a profoundly enjoyable viewing experience.

Kirsten Dunst is excellent in the title role. In every performance of hers, she is a consummate pro, and this one is no exception. She portrays the young queen and her experience as an outsider in the royal court fantastically with charm and grace. Jason Schwartzmann offers some entertainment as Louis XVI, and Rose Byrne does what she always does and plays Rose Byrne, just in 18th century France.

The narrative combines comedic and heartfelt moments alike. It really doesn't feel like a typical period piece, just characters living in the now which happens to also be in the past. Finally, this film also contains the single most iconic patisserie montage scene in cinema history.

Please watch this movie because I want you to have a good experience.
I've been on a biographical/biopic film streak this month. For years I thought I hated these movies, but they seem to just always be good movies. Why is that?
I've been on a biographical/biopic film streak this month. For years I thought I hated these movies, but they seem to just always be good movies. Why is that?
I think the apt question is why did you change your mind?

Biopics are usually made to try to win oscars, so you can expect good actors acting well and for a film that is technically proficient. Unfortunately, these films tend to be really deceitful about history and have really stupid plots for the sake of drama. It's not an uncommon trope to make a bad guy out of someone who was in no way antagonistic in real life, forever ruining their reputation (Imitation Game is a prime example of this). No matter how much I like a particular biopic at first, I eventually find it very difficult to justify those feelings. A Beautiful Mind is a great example of that. Powerful film when you don't know anything going in, but making a big twist out of a guy's mental illness, and leaving out a huge chunk of asshole things he did to let him be a hero at the end, well it's really kind of fucking goofy isn't it?
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i saw dolemite or tried, couldnt get past the first hour it was too weird and horrible and I wanted to preserve my idea of eddie murphy as the goat so i just turned it off.
Call me a plebian but the only ones I've seen are steve jobs, the big short, the social network, and vice. I can't stand the blatant oscar bait but they usually are just plain funny and well shot
The King's Speech and The Iron Lady are also both pretty good, tho there still is no way iron lady should have won an oscar for makeup that year