japanese earthquake and tsunami

A 6.1 is more than a hundred times weaker than a 8.6, just so you know

Yeah I know that, but
a) Mt. Fuji must have been weakened in the original 8.9, and
b) this one was RIGHT UNDERNEATH Mt. Fuji - I'm focusing on the actual mountain, not the damage it will do to civilians (except through an eruption, which is getting more and more likely imo).
I moved to Osaka a couple days ago, but now I'm thinking that I will probably return to the US. It's really unfortunate, as I planned and saved for a long time to be able to work here for a while, but the situation with the Fukushima plant is getting worse and worse, and no one seems to know whether or not we can believe what Tepco and the Japanese government are telling us about it.

Thousands of foreigners and increasing numbers of Japanese are leaving the region, if not the country, and as Dylan said, you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.
CNN.com, been watching videos on there.. and it just fucking hits you hard over and over. Especially ones with actual citizens discussing and searching.

I wish I could be there to help, and just and just be another pair of hands or extra set of eyes..
That person is an absolute drongo.

What I am worried about more is the failure of the Japanese government's efforts to tackle the radiation. Even their water spraying efforts have gone futile. I pray that the radiation levels do not increase.