Jukebox Hero

Dr Ciel

Banned deucer.
Jukebox Hero


Hello once again, Smogon Community, this is Dr Ciel wishing you a happy Memorial Day! Anyway, I have come here to present to you my 8th RMT on these forums, as you know, most of my RMTs here are really popular, especially my The Dawn Of Kyurem one (Check it out of you would like to). I do indeed hope that this team will exceed the success of that team. This team is built around one of the most criminally underused Pokemon in the current metaganme, better known as the Mixed Meloetta set. Now, I have absolutely no clue why people don't use this set more, with excellent coverage, typing, & the ability to switch formes over the course of a battle, you'd think it'd be used a lot more, however, this is not the case. This team didn't peak very high on the ladder, but ladder rankings mean next to nothing to me, as I want to showcase the power of Mixed Meloetta to you people. The team is called Jukebox Hero, a song by one of my favourite bands of all time, Foreigner, (You can look them up on Youtube when you're done reading this). Just like my last RMT, this team is a bulky offense one, based around the famous Volt-Turn core of Rotom-W & Scizor along with Gyarados to allow Meloetta to sweep late game. Anyways, that's enough chatter from me, so grab your cup of coffee, tea, or whatever beverage you have & read carefully, because as most good RMTs do, this one will have a lot of detail. Anyways, let's get started! I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one!

Team At A Glance


In Depth Look


Say You Will
Say You Will (Politoed) @ Water Gem
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Perish Song​

Up first on my team, is everyones favourite little frog, the famous & infamous Pokemon, our best friend, my Bulky Attacker Politoed. You can't have a rain team without Rain, & obviously, Politoed is the only Pokemon that can summon permanant rain, which my team relies on oh so very much. The EV spread is relatively simple, with maximum investment in HP for it to survive some hard hits, while the maximum investment in Special Attack is obvious, to do tonnes of damage to opposing threats. Water Gem is an excellent item for Politoed, as it can easily bluff a choiced set & obliterate something with a Water Gem, STAB Rain boosted Hydro Pump, which absolutely shocks the opponent. Anyways, let's move on to the moveset. Hydro Pump, obviously is the STAB move on Politoed, boosted by Water Gem & Rain, doing ridiculous amounts of damage to the opponent. Next up in the moveset, Ice Beam, is used to KO Dragonite, Hydreigon & practically any Dragon type that thinks it can setup on Politoed. Up next on this set is Hidden Power Grass, which provides coverage against both Gastrodon & Rotom-W, if they dare switch into this frog. Finally on the set, Perish Song is used to shut down every single setup sweeper in the metagame.​


Urgent (Forretress) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Volt Switch
- Gyro Ball​

Up next on my team, is arguably one of the most important members of the team, ladies & gentlemen, meet the best defensive Rapid Spinner for generations to come, Forretress. Like I've said before, Forretress is my Rapid Spinner, clearing the field of hazards, which my Volt-Turn core, Gyarados & Meloetta all appreciate so so much. This is your standard set, with maximum investment in HP & Defense, making it as physically bulky as possible in order to take some extremely hard hits, meanwhile the 0 Speed IVs is for powering up Gyro Ball. Now, allow me to explain the moveset of this bagworm. First on the moveset is the obvious move, Rapid Spin, which clears the field of hazards, which the rest of my team really appreciates. The next move on the set is Stealth Rock, as every team needs it, & this team is no difference. Stealth Rock also helps making Meloettas sweeping job a whole lot more easier. Next on the set, Volt Switch is used to make Forretress a pivot of sorts to help Rotom-W or Scizor come in easily. Finally, we have Gyro Ball, makes for an excellent STAB move, that has excellent coverage & hits most threats hard to to STAB & the 0 Speed IV.​


Double Vision
Double Vision (Rotom-Wash) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Trick​

Up next on my team & the first part of the most famous Volt-Turn core in this current metagame, everyone's favourite washing machine, Choice Scarf Rotom-W. Rotom-W is my first revenge killer for this team, as with it's excellent speed, STAB moves, & access to an absolutely crippling move in Trick. The EV spread is no surprise to anyone, which is the standard 4 / 252 / 252 spread, with maximum Special Attack investment for doing crazy amounts of damage to the opponent, meanwhile, 252 Speed EVs are standard for a revenge killer like Rotom-W, which needs the Speed to outspeed and KO after one of my Pokemon has fallen victim to the opponents Pokemon. The first move in the moveset is obviously Volt Switch, which not only provides momentum for the rest of my team, it also racks up hazard damage, & gives me a switch in advantage on Pokemon that Rotom-W scares out. Up next on the moveset, Hydro Pump is the obvious STAB move, which is also boosted by rain, doing crazy amounts of damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Next up on the set, Hidden Power Ice, which nails Gliscor & almost every Dragon type that thinks that they can switch in. Finally, we have Trick, an excellent move to cripple the likes of many walls, most notably Chansey & Blissey, also Ferrothorn.​


Hot Blooded
Hot Blooded (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Pursuit​

Up next on my team, the secont part of the most infamous Volt-Turn core in thee current metagame, everyone's favourite metallic Bug, the devastating Choice Band Scizor. Scizor is the backup revenge killer on this team, as with it's excellent STAB moves, access to strong moves in U-Turn & Technician & sky high Attack stat, it's no surprise that Scizor found it's way onto my team. I went with 248 HP EVs, which gives me an extra opportunity to switch into Stealth Rock, meanwhile the 252 Attack EVs are for absolute destruction of the opposition. The first move on the set, is obvious, U-Turn, grabbing the momentum, racking up entry hazard damage & also getting a favourable matchup, much like Rotom-W does the same. The next move on the set is Bullet Punch, Scizors most powerful STAB move, which allows it to revenge kill Pokemon that Rotom-W can't such as Terrakion, Latios, & many other Pokemon that may be a threat to my team. Superpower is used for nailing Heatran, Magnezone, & Ferrothorn, especially if the former 2 dare to switch in to this absolute monster of a Pokemon. The final moveslot goes to Pursuit, which nails Pokemon trying to switch out of Scizor.​


Head Games
Head Games (Gyarados) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Atk / 4 Def / 168 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce​

Up next on my team is one of the most devastating rain setup sweepers of all time, ladies & gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my Bulky Taunt DD Gyarados. Like I previously mentioned, Gyarados is my setup sweeper, punching holes in the opposing team in order for Meloetta to sweep late game. The EV spread may be a bit odd, but allow me to explain. The 168 Speed EVs allow Gyarados to outspeed Jolteon at +1, meanwhile, the 88 HP EVs are to ensure that Jirachi & Ferrothorn will not break the Sub with a Body Slam or a Power Whip, respectively. The first move on this set, Taunt, completely shuts down anything that tries to setup on Gyarados, such as Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Hippowdon, & many others that love to setup hazards & then phaze, as is the case with the latter two. Dragon Dance is an excellent move to boost Gyarados' Attack & Speed to make it near unwallable. Waterfall is the obvious STAB move that is used to do crazy amounts of damage after a Dragon Dance, as nobody likes taking a +1 STAB Rain Boosted Waterfall from this absolute monster. Finally, we have Bounce, which nails bulky Grass types, like Ferrothorn, Celebi, as well as to get an OHKO on opposing Breloom.​


Jukebox Hero
Jukebox Hero (Meloetta) @ Life Orb
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 56 Atk / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
Naive Nature
- Relic Song
- Close Combat
- Thunder
- Psychic​

We have finally come to the star of the show, one of the most criminally underused Pokemon in the current metagame, the legendary Mixed Meloetta. Now, as I said before, Meloetta is my late game sweeper, & is used to get a step ahead my constantly switching between Aria & Pirouette formes. The EV spread is a little odd, but as usual, I'll explain it in the best way I can. The Speed EVs are to outspeed Adamant Landorus-T in Aria forme, while the rest of the EVs are pretty self-explanitory. Now, allow me to describe the moveset of one of the most criminally underused Pokemon in the current metagame. First up, Relic Song is used to switch back & forth beteween formes, while also providing a shockingly solid STAB move. The next move on the set, Close Combat, nails Blissey, Chansey, Ferrothorn, Tyranitar, & a whole lot of other threats while in the Pirouette formes. The third move on the set, Thunder, is used for nailing the bulky Water types in the OU metagame, such as Politoed, Vaporeon, Jellicent & many many others that dare switch in to this monster. The final move on this set, Psychic is a good STAB move for the Aria forme, nailing Gengar & the majority of fighting types in the tier.​

(Please keep the nicknames when using the team)​
[LEFT]Say You Will (Politoed) @ Water Gem
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 Spd
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Perish Song[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Urgent (Forretress) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Volt Switch
- Gyro Ball[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Double Vision (Rotom-Wash) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Trick[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Hot Blooded (Scizor) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Pursuit[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Head Games (Gyarados) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Atk / 4 Def / 168 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Jukebox Hero (Meloetta) @ Life Orb
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 56 Atk / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
Naive Nature
- Relic Song
- Close Combat
- Thunder
- Psychic[/LEFT]

Well guys, this is the end of my 8th RMT on the Smogon Community forums. Shoutouts to all you OU players out there, I hope you use Meloetta more, I really want to see it rise in usage. Shoutouts to all my friends for supporting me along the way. Also, shoutout to you guys for reading this RMT. I hope you liked it, so please feel free to rate and please leave a Luvdisc

Final Glance




@Choice Specs
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
You lose vs Lati@s :) Oh and Thundurus claps its ass and Thunders you while you cry because nothing can take it besides a full HP Forre hanging on with sturdy.
This is the rate of the century. But actually Thundurus-T (which I think is what he meant) does do work to this team once it gets up an Agility, something it shouldn't have a hard time doing against Forretress, Scizor, or Rotom locked into Volt Switch. Timid with Thunder or Modest with Thunderbolt can OHKO everything at +2. Meloetta has a 50% chance to live one Timid Thunder, but only if it's at full health, and it can't OHKO 100% of the time unless Thundurus-T has taken prior damage. To remedy this, you could change Politoed to a Scarf set and then switch Rotom-W for SDef Baton Pass Celebi. Celebi helps keep your Volt Turn core in tact by using BP instead, and if you opt for the Nasty Plot BP set, you can even pass to Politoed or Meloetta, both of which would definitely appreciate the boost. Though Gyarados would appreciate the paralysis support from Thunder Wave as well, so the choice is yours. If you do go for T-Wave, you might like to try Sub on Gyarados, who can set up on Paralyzed foes and fish for the full paralysis. Good team Dr. Ciel! Luvdisc'd!
Hey ciel, some time ago you help me with a sand, and now I will try to help you too :) , I am right with halcyon, if you wrong a predict, thundy-t can easily beat your team (but thudurus low hp and def, make it much vulnerable, after SR even scizor can 2HKO him with bpunch) , yep celebi can help you much, you can use a bulky offensive set? I think it can resist good and hit hard, U can use even u-turn for no lose the volturn combo, or use an nasty plot baton pass set. I think the bulky offensive is better. Maybe this :
Celebi @ leftovers
Nature : modest
Trait : natural cure
Evs : 252 spatk / 252 hp / 4 Sdef
Moveset :
- Giga drain / leaf storm
- u-turn
- hidden power (ice) / thunder wave
- recover
I think this one can work well to deal with thundurus. Giga or leafstorm is the main stab, recover for an recoverying move, hp ice for hit dragons and flying harder or twave for troll some scarf. I think that the subDD set for gyara would work better, but is just a personal preference. This is a really cool and solid team, nothing else to say, good job :) , luvdisc'd ;)


lurks in the shadows
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
How do you deal with Baton Pass SpD Celebi and NP Celebi, or even a combination of both? SpD Celebi walls 4/6 of your team while Gyarados can't switch into it in fear of Thunder Wave or repeated STAB attacks, and it can easily avoid Scizor's Pursuit with Baton Pass too. SpD NP Celebi sets up an NP against 4/6 of your team and your only safe switch-in to it, Scizor, is an invite for Celebi to Baton Pass the boosts to Scarf Keldeo and OHKO everything in your team after SR with Hydro Pump. Finally, NP Celebi with Giga Drain, Psychic, and Earth Power OHKOes everything in your team at +2 after SR, (Scizor has a 50% chance to get OHKOed by +2 EP after SR, and always dies after 2 SR switch-ins).

To help with the huge Celebi weakness i suggest you change Forretress with physically defensive Skarmory, which shits on every Celebi set in rain and deals much better with most physical attackers than Forretress, due to reliable recovery and Whirlwind. Then, replace Rotom-W with offensive LO Analytic Starmie with a moveset of Hydro Pump / Thunder / Ice Beam / Rapid Spin. With Skarmory and Scizor most Dragon-types are covered well enough and i can't really think of a speedy threat that is left unchecked right now that Scarf Rotom-W could help with, meaning that you don't really need a Choice Scarfer. Analytic allows Starmie to OHKO 252 HP Jellicent after SR with Thunder, making Starmie's rapid spinning duties much easier and also allows it to deal almost 50% damage to Ferrothorn on the switch, weakening it for Gyarados to clean up. Starmie also provides you with a check to any speedy threat that your team would have problem with otherwise, such as Latios, Terrakion, and Keldeo.


Forretress ---> Skarmory
Rotom-W ---> Starmie


Skarmory @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Brave Bird
- Roost
- Whirlwind

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam / Recover (if you find that you don't really have problem against Dragon-types and Celebi)
- Rapid Spin

Good luck, hope i helped!


don't forget
Hello, interesting team Dr Ciel. I don't have much time so I'll do a quick rate. As other people have pointed out, you're pretty weak to Latios, Latias and Thundurus-T, but you're also really weak to Ferrothorn (like most Gyarados Rain teams), who walls the majority of your team, and I find it a bit odd that you're still weak to Ferrothorn when you started teambuilding with Politoed / Gyarados. Jellicent is also a problem, as it walls a majority of your team as well. Something I would consider is to replace Scizor by a SubCM Jirachi. It helps you a lot against Latios and Latias in addition to allowing you to beat Ferrothorn and you can set-up pretty easily against stall teams and Celebi, Latias, making Jirachi a win condition. You could also go with a Bulky Politoed with Toxic to help against Jellicent; I don't really think you need an offensive water-type in Politoed since you have a Scarf Rotom-W already and they have similar targets. I'd also try a Special Defensive Celebi instead of Meloetta to make your team more solid against Thundurus-T, Rock Polish Landorus, but since this is a Meloetta team take my advice with a pinch of salt. Anyways, good luck, hope this helps.


SubCM Jirachi > Scizor
Defensive Politoed
Specially Defensive Celebi > Meloetta


I'm a ramblin gamblin dude!
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
Man, this just looks like such a fun team! Water Gem Politoed is some clever thinking, it can bluff and it also packs the power of Specs in a pinch, so that's a great call. Gyarados is also an underrated call these days, as it beats up the Keldeo core which has slowly been taking over the top spots in the metagame.

As far as my rate goes, I do have to say that Electric types looks like a big problem here. Magnezone was the first one who came to mind, as it can get a free Substitute against your Forretress during the turn you might need to set up Stealth Rocks or use Rapid Spin, and then after that its just a really big deal. On top of that, Zapdos and Thundurus-T are dangerous threats that pack a huge wallop and can do some serious damage without really being threatened.

To fix this, I have to suggest trying out Latias in place of Rotom-W. The addition of Latias will give your team a much needed Special Defense tank who has an easy time dealing with the Electric types and additionally enemy Water types who might manage to get away with spamming boosted Hydro Pumps at you. My recommended set:

Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate

EVs: 132 HP / 124 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Calm Mind
- Refresh / Roar
- Recover

This Latias will work to stop all Zapdos, Thundurus-T and Magnezone variants cold. Refresh will diminish the threat of a random Thunder paralysis as well as random Zapdos with Toxic, while Roar is a valid option that forces out Pokemon behind a Substitute and can prevent set up sweeping by Thundurus-T. The rest of the moves are pretty self explanatory, as they will help you set up for a sweep in the late game if that option becomes viable.

For my next suggestion, I would say swap the Choice Band on your Scizor for a Choice Scarf. The moveset would pretty much remain the same, although you would need to change the EV's to cater a bit more towards speed. As others in this topic have stated, incoming Lati's will also be a threat, and the addition of Choice Scarf Scizor can give you a better immediate answer to those threats. This also fills the void left by the replacement of your Choice Scarf Rotom-W somewhat.

My last suggestion here is to make a simple move trade on your Forretress. I would add Spikes to this set, possibly in place of Rapid Spin or Gyro Ball. The choice is definitely yours to make, however I can see Spikes being incredibly relevant if you take my other advice to heart and add Latias and Choice Scarf Scizor. You have many Pokemon capable of forcing switches, such as Bounce Gyarados, Scizor, and potentially Roar Latias, which could be a real headache for the opponent to play around if they are being punished on each switch. Spikes support would also aid you in bringing down Ferrothorn, who could otherwise be difficult to get rid of. I hope my advice works out for you if you decide to go with it, and it has been my pleasure to help you out on this cool team!

Dr Ciel

Banned deucer.
Thanks for all the rates guys, I certainly have a lot of Pokemon to try out, so I'll do some test battles & see how it goes. I'll post back here with all my results.
Can I ASK why you use 88 HP in Gyarados explaining it is for Rachi etc. not to break its sub but then run Taunt over Substitute instead ^^

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