Kannon vs Engineer Pikachu (1v1) ref Lupusater/ Won by Kannon

looking for a 1v1, preferably against a similar-staged pokemon for a fair fight (I'm using electabuzz fyi).
2 day dq
0 recovers, 5 chills
indigo plateau

Accepting the above; I don't have any fully-evolved Pokemon, so it should be more fair.

Forgot the rules:

All Abilities
No Items

Ok guys, the battle will go as follows:
Kannon sends out his pokemon
Engineer Pikachu sends out pokemon and actions
Kannon gives actions
Engineer Pikachu
and so on

Kannon, send out your mon!

Let's do this Thunderpunch!


OK Rebel, you're up against a pretty strong enemy with pretty strong attacks.

Most of your Thunderpunch's attacks are physical, which means he's going to have to get close to hit you. Start things off with an Earth Power aimed at the ground in front of him to deal damage and create a rift in the ground, which will hopefully obstruct his way to you. Next, send out a grating Metal Sound. Finish the round off with another Earth Power, again aiming it just in front of Thunderpunch to knock it back and impede his progress. If at any point in the round Thunderpunch manages to get close to you and use Cross Chop, replace your next action with Disable.

Bolderdash (Rebel) (U)
Nature: Mild (Sp.A increased by *, Def decreased by *)

Type: Rock
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm, Earth Power, Earthquake and Magnitude have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Stats: 60 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 55 / 110

HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: * (-)
SpA: ***** (+)
SpD: **
Spe: 110

Evolution Counter: 4 / 9
Move Counter: 1
Dream Counter: 1 / 5

Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Technician: (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2).
Mold Breaker (DW Locked): (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)

Defense Curl
Rock Blast
Mud Shot
Power Gem
Metal Sound
Earth Power
Vacuum Wave

Fire Blast
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball


Electabuzz [Thunderpunch] (M)
Nature: Lonely (+1 * Attack, -1 * Def, )

Type: Electric
Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.

Static: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this Pokemon.
Vital Spirit (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action.

HP: 100
Atk: **** (+)
Def: ** (-)
SpA: ***
SpD: ***
Spe: 105

EC: 5/9
MC: 2
DC: 4/5

Quick Attack (*)
Leer (*)
Thunderpunch (*)
Thundershock (*)
Low Kick (*)
Swift (*)
Shock Wave (*)
Light Screen (*)
Cross Chop (*)
Meditate (*)
Ice Punch (*)
Hidden Power (Grass, 7) (*)
Protect (*)
Wild Charge (*)
Charge Beam

The Indigo Plateau. A place where legends are born, where hopes are crushed, but, most importantly, where a battle is being fought right now!

The two trainers square each other, and out come the pokèmon!

Rebel the Bolderdash wastes no time, and, as soon as it's sent out, it renders the Earth in front of Thunderpunch the Electabuzz with its Power, creating a chasm between the two pokemon! Thunderpunch decides that the trick hurt too much, and eliges to arise a Light Screen!

Rebel then decides to show his heavy metal soul, letting out a Metal Sound, that doesn't hinder Thunderpunch's attempts to Meditate in peace, but does lower his special defense.

Rebel keeps up the pressure, and tries to capitalize on the lowered special defense of its opponent with another Earth Power, that deepens the chasm even more, and the exposure to so much raw power lowers Thunderpunch's special defense even more! The aforementioned striped beast has apparently decided that the time for action has come, as he leaps over the chasm and delivers Rebel a powerful Thunderpunch, paralyzing him!


83 HP
78% energy


-2 Sp.def
+1 Atk
Light screen (3 actions)
73 HP
79% energy

Kannon, it's your turn!

83 HP
78% energy


-2 Sp.def
+1 Atk
Light screen (3 actions)
73 HP
79% energy
Another round starts, and Thunderpunch shows no signs of letting back! He hits the stunned Rebel with a powerful Cross Chop, but the Bolderdash responds with yet another Earth Power, that sends Thunderpunch in the chasm created in the previous run!
He doesn't stay there for long, and with great effort manages to climb out and Thunderpunch Rebel as he emits another riff of Metal Sound! Rebel is pummeled by another Thunderpunch before deciding he doesn't like it, and Disabling it with a pulse of white light.


30 HP
58% energy


-3 Sp.def
+1 Atk
57 HP
50% energy
Woops, meant to reverse two actions.

Earth Power > AncientPower > Earth Power

If he uses any fighting attack, replace the action with a Vacuum Wave to get away.

30 HP
58% energy


-3 Sp.def
+1 Atk
57 HP
50% energy

The fight goes on, and Thunderpunch charges at Rebel with a devastating Cross Chop, but the Bolderdash is quick to escape with a Vacuum Wave. Angry at the miss, Thunderpunch gets into a frenzy, and Charges Wildly at Rebel, hurting himself in the process. Rebel gets on the offensive summoning an Ancient Power, to hit its opponent, and then tries to escape, it is bloked into place by his paralysis, allowing Thunderpunch to hit it with a Cross Chop!


5 HP
51% energy


-2 Sp.def
+1 Atk
36 HP
29% energy
YES! Thunderpunch remains disabled until the end of this round :p

Earth Power > AncientPower > Earth Power

also sorry if this battle turned pretty stale.
Thunderpunch, understanding that he has to hurt the floaty rocky cluster in front of him, but unable to remember for the life of him what is this Thunderpunch his trainer is babbling about, Struggles to hit Rebel, and pounds him with a sloppy tackle.
What? It appears that this last weak hit was the proverbial straw that broke the Bolderdash's back, since Rebel falls exausted to the ground!


0 HP
51% energy


-2 Sp.def
+1 Atk
31 HP
24% energy

Battle ended guys! Here the rewards:

3 TC for Kannon, 2 for Engineer Pikachu
1 EC, MC & DC for Rebel and Thunderpunch. Thunderpunch gets also a KO counter.
1 RC for me.
struggle finiiiiiiiiiiiiiish woo.

Nice battle, good to know *** spdef can stand up with the hard-hitters with a little application of light screen
Without light screen Thunderpunch would've been toast, since his Sp.Def never went above -2 in the whole battle. I dunno about the extra TC, but I've done a little research in completed match and it seems like the winner gets an extra one. Hey, if the incentive to win was only an extra KO counter, it wouldn't be so significant, no?