
(This is my first thread, so please bear with me)


Color Change


Hp: 60
Atk: 90
Def: 70
Sp.Atk: 60
Sp.Def: 120
Spe: 40

Level Up Moves:
Lv1: Thief, Lv1: Tail Whip, Lv1: Astonish, Lv1: Lick, Lv1: Scratch, Lv4: Bind, Lv7: Faint Attack, Lv10: Fury Swipes, Lv14: Feint, Lv18: Psybeam, Lv22: Shadow Sneak, Lv27: Slash, Lv32: Screech, Lv37: Substitute, Lv43: Sucker Punch, Lv49: Shadow Claw, Lv55: Ancient Power, Lv58: Synchro Noise

Egg Moves:
Dizzy Punch
Fake Out
Foul Play
Magic Coat
Nasty Plot
Skill Swap

Other Important Moves:
Focus Punch (Gen 4 TM)

Okay, so I've noticed that no one else has posted anything about this yet, but Kecleon became much more useful in Gen 5. Magic Coat got a boost and can now reflect hazards like spikes, and this allows Kecleon to become the most potent anti-lead in Gen 5 provided you're willing to do a little predicting.​

Potential Sets:

Anti Lead
Kecleon @ Brick Mail
144 Hp / 148 Atk / 216 Def -- Brave
~Magic Coat
~Sucker Punch
~Focus Punch

Essentially, with this set your goal is to be the biggest annoyance possible. Send him out as a lead and the fun begins:

- Can reflect all entry hazards, status effects, and taunt with Magic Coat. It can frequently give you free stealth rocks if used correctly.

- Can steal opponents boosting moves with Snatch, improving Kecleons stats and wasting your opponents turn.

This set requires immense amounts of predictions, (it really helps to have some knowledge about common movesets), but it also has immense pay off if used correctly. Use Magic Coat and Snatch when prudent, and if you expect a switch just fire off a Focus Punch.
Yeah guys, the mail is there to stop trick, (It doesn't just give the trick user nothing, it actually CAN NOT be tricked off of him, leaving you a trick user choiced into trick). I ran into some trick users once, and they completely cripple this set. I also just couldn't find another practical item to use.

Since Magic Coat, Snatch and Sucker Punch have increased priority, and Focus Punch has negative one, why not just hold Iron Ball?

Since Magic Coat, Snatch and Sucker Punch have increased priority, and Focus Punch has negative one, why not just hold Iron Ball?
Iron Ball doesn't block Trick from working. You'd still receive a Choice item. The purpose is not to screw up the Trick user, but to prevent their move from even working, which Mail does.

And Focus Punch's priority is -3, not -1.
What would that do? Like I said, it's not that mail isn't useless, it cannot be tricked or switcherooed. It will stay attached to kecleon after the trick user tries to cripple him. Then the trick user is crippled, not kecleon.

Posted at the same time as the guy above me...
i just faced this set (fell to my Ranky Antilead, but still).

It has potential, i must say. Only thing I'd change is maybe Skill Swap over Snatch to mess up Ability-reliant pokes (Ranky counter, anyone?). though not snatching is a loss, it all depends on what your team needs.
Yeah guys, the mail is there to stop trick, (It doesn't just give the trick user nothing, it actually CAN NOT be tricked off of him, leaving you a trick user choiced into trick). I ran into some trick users once, and they completely cripple this set. I also just couldn't find another practical item to use.
Trick works differently now. If you're choiced and trick your choice item onto a choice wielding Poke, you are not locked into trick and can instead switch to a different move.
Yes, but if their item never switched then I'm pretty sure they are still locked into trick.

What if they just... attack? Non-stabbed Sucker Punch off of 90 Attack won't hurt much.
Yes, this is one of the times where he doesn't do as well. If you see in the team preview what appears to be an attacking lead (read: Kojondo), then put something else up front.

i just faced this set (fell to my Ranky Antilead, but still).

It has potential, i must say. Only thing I'd change is maybe Skill Swap over Snatch to mess up Ability-reliant pokes (Ranky counter, anyone?). though not snatching is a loss, it all depends on what your team needs.
Probably me... I haven't seen anyone else running this...

Yeah, skill swap is a possibility, but ability reliant sweepers are less common (at least the ones that matter, not tyranitar for example). If you really want to, go for it, but it's usually better if you can take their boosting move than their ability.
I have found that Skill Swap just doesn't work. Simply switching out resets a pokemon's ability, and whatever ability you have usually doesn't matter in the end anyway.
I personally had more success with this Kecleon set.

Kecleon@Chople Berry
-Drain Punch
-Claw Sharpen
-Trick Room
-Shadow Claw/Sucker Punch

Claw Sharpen when you can, TR when hit by a fighting move Chople Berry helping with easing the damage and gain STAB on a recovery attack at the same time. Sucker Punch is pretty decent but Shadow Claw lets you hit Psychics normally.
It works even better 5th gen. Free hazards anyone? I actually remember one of my battles with it. It went something like this:

Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat

Aerodactyl used Taunt
Taunt was bounced back by Magic Coat

Kecleon is tightening its focus.
Foe pulled out Aerodactyl and sent in Tyranitar.
Kecleon used Focus Punch.
Foe's Tyranitar took 100% damage.
Foe's Tyranitar fainted.

I also used sucker punch to OHKO both Deoxys-S and Latios... I'm really glad no-one else is using it 5th gen yet.

Why shouldn't Kecleon use Trick himself?

Kecleon doesn't have the speed even with Choice scarf to get off a trick before his opponent can get in a good hit. He is really reliant on the priority in this set.
Well well well, it's Kecleon. Don't forget it learns Stealth Rock and all the elemental punches via fourth gen!

On the lead set, you might want to run Stealth Rock over Snatch as a back up, if only because Snatch is too situational (you can also Focus Punch many of those who boost).

I haven't been brave enough to use Kecleon in OU yet, but the Trick option Chieliee mentioned sounds useful as a lead. Kecleon is almost made for trick because once you lock your opponent into a move, it's likely to be not very effective the next turn (or just lock them into SR or something). Even better, since they're locked, Sucker Punch becomes more reliable, Focus Punch can be used if they have to switch, or you can get a free SR or T-wave out. Please excuse the theorymon.

Kecleon is truly unique, between its amazing movepool, physical attack but special defense, and ability. You just can't replace it!
.....? No one has mentioned recover....I...I'm shocked!

252hp and some form of defensive evs(Idk if which u should invest more in)
-Return/sucker punch
-toxic/thunder wave/
-stealth rocks/thunder wave/another attacking move

Hell,even the sub punch sets could use recover!
I'm using this guy non-stop in OU. While he does get trashed some times, so will other leads. I like running snatch to deal with boosters, because many people get really annoyed when you waste their turns like that. Stealth rock is possible, but too many times the opponent uses it and you get free rocks because you use magic coat.
Anti Lead
Kecleon @ Brick Mail
144 Hp / 248 Atk / 116 Def -- Relaxed
~Magic Coat
~Sucker Punch
~Focus Punch

Essentially, with this set your goal is to be the biggest annoyance possible. Send him out as a lead and the fun begins:

- Can reflect all entry hazards, status effects, and taunt with Magic Coat. It can frequently give you free stealth rocks if used correctly.

- Can steal opponents boosting moves with Snatch, improving Kecleons stats and wasting your opponents turn.

This set requires immense amounts of predictions, (it really helps to have some knowledge about common movesets), but it also has immense pay off if used correctly. Use Magic Coat and Snatch when prudent, and if you expect a switch just fire off a Focus Punch.

I have used this moveset, and it is CRAZY usefull. The only problem is, you don't really have a way to damage your foe....well you do, but they probably won't be OHKOs, and they can still set up rocks on you.

If keckleon had earthquake, things would be different (DIE FLAMING MONKEYS AND OVERCOOKED CHICKENS!).
I have used this moveset, and it is CRAZY usefull. The only problem is, you don't really have a way to damage your foe....well you do, but they probably won't be OHKOs, and they can still set up rocks on you.

If keckleon had earthquake, things would be different (DIE FLAMING MONKEYS AND OVERCOOKED CHICKENS!).

Magic Coat reflects hazards and Kecleon has the near same Aqua Tail.