Remember that RU team I posted that got top 10 a bit over eighteen months ago? Well, I literally copy pasted it for SS NU to get top 10, and repeated the same to get top 10 in SS PU. All of that happened rather close to each other, so there was a huge time gap between those 3 teams and the one I'm about to show you now. How do they fare now in this "Tier Shift" meta? Very good. Almost as if nothing changed in the time I was gone. It has held the #1 spot for this month's ladder, and it was a hard fought spot, contesting with someone else and their alt account for about 8 rounds.
The team:
Scolipede @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Att / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Poison Jab
- Endeavor
New Stats: 60 / 110 / 99 / 65 / 79 / 122
Although only getting +10 to each stat, Scolipede still gets its job done like no other. Spikes allow the team to whittle down threats better and toxic spikes pay long term dividends. Poison Jab so I'm not taunt/magic bounce bait and Endeavor means that Scolipede will almost always carry its weight and do a 1 for 1 trade. Megahorn could be an option since it hits magic bouncers and common SR setters better. But I prefer poison jab's accuracy, chance for poison chip, and fairy killing ability. Adamant to maximize Poison Jab's power. Jolly can be used if you want more opportunity to spike up turn 1, however you are still outsped by Adamant Scyther, Archeops, and Cincinno, all of which can OHKO through sash.
How to use: Lead with it and pick a spike. If there are dangerous sweepers that will likely need priority to be beaten, then tspikes is the way to go. If there are poison types, maybe spikes is better. Be wary of magic bouncers, prankster taunts, and magic coat users that may come out, so poison jab in that case. Once you've taken damage, endeavor to equalize the pain. If you endeavor+jab for the KO, sac Scolipede by using endeavor again. If they try to revenge with priority, you may want to consider switching to preserve Scolipede's endeavor, tspike absorption, or to save it as a sac if there are hazards on your side.
Malamar @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
New stats: 86 / 132 / 128 / 108 / 115 / 113
So much trials of finding the perfect defog punisher and this is what I came up with. Every defog punisher is just too slow or lacks powerful stab (the genies). Articuno-G gets walled infinitely by steels and slowking, and Braviary gets outsped and faces too much 50/50s. While this is far from a perfect mon, I have finally decided to pick a defog punisher that doesn't rely on a scarf. Malamar becomes bootleg powderchomp when hit with Defog. I used to run Lax Incense but it seems that item has been banned... Knock off allows me to remove boots, eviolite, and lefties, and superpower turns it into my dedicated setup sweeper. It doesn't nearly provide the immediate power as all the other options, but its longevity allowed it to take advantage of boosts much longer than any other candidate. Speed EVs allow me to creep max base 130s if I step on webs. Most notably Pikachu.
How to use: Superpower is setup and Knock off is your actual power move. Malamar doubles as a support due to its special bulk, utility in knock off, and ability to absorb status. Prankster defog isn't popular, but be aware Malamar can block that. Don't forget contrary can be used to take advantage of strength sap and parting shot. Malamar can also be a wincon in trick room provided their special nuke is dealt with. Malamar is the only mon that has trouble picking off where Scolipede left, but a weakened slow mon is an amazing opportunity to setup. Just make sure no fairy types are around.
Piloswine @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 128 Atk / 116 Def / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Stealth Rock
New stats: 100 / 140 / 120 / 100 / 100 / 90
Piloswine makes a great all-rounder for the team by providing decent bulk, good damage, priority, and stealth rock. Its STAB combination is hard to switch into and electric immunity is to once again keep Xurkitree at bay. Speed EVs creep max base 50s, most notably Copperajah, and defense EVs bring Piloswine an inch above it's eviolite bulk levels. I suppose you could move all the defense into attack, but the extra insurance against dual wingbeat and U-turn feels nice to have.
How to use: Optional 2nd lead if you are predicting Scyther/Archeops. He can be used to challenge most Rock, Steels, and Dragons. If Xurkitree is alive and very healthy, you'd also want to keep Piloswine healthy to make sure he can't go on a dazzling gleam/thunderbolt sweep. Note that rocks are not a priority for this team and mostly used as back up. I would much rather fire off a powerful stab but if there are mons that are hard to scratch with it such as Weezing-G, Araquanid, Golisopod, and Bronzong, you can consider looking for a chance to getup rocks.
Jellicent @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt
- Strength Sap
New stats: 100 / 100 / 110 / 125 / 145 / 100
Every mon on the team has their moments, but Jellicent has got to be the star of the show. Timid over modest allows him to outspeed Excadrill, and Landorus-T, but most notably, max investment allows him to outspeed uninvested speedy walls such as Articuno, Altaria, Silvally, and Uxie. This is incredibly important to deny them of their Defog, Roost, or Toxic via Taunt. This mon has been singlehandedly dismantling stall teams due to their only form of damage being toxic, scald, seismic toss, or Quagsire Earthquake. You can opt for recover to last longer against stall, but strength sap synergizes well with colbur berry, ensuring that the 2nd or even third knock off won't KO. On a side note, I've reached #2 on the ladder with my alt account as well. The team had a different version of hyper offense, but Jellicent was the only carbon copy.
How to use: As Jellicent is your resident ghost type, switch into him at all costs to block rapid spin, even if it is from Tsareena or Eldegoss. There will be rare occasions where letting the spin happen is worthwhile, so use your best judgement. Taunt should be used to prevent bulky mons from healing or firing off toxic, and to stop the other form of hazard control, Defog. Thanks to it's typing and stats, Jellicent is excellent late game vs trick room, weather, and of course, stall.
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Moonblast
- Substitute
- Encore
New stats: 60 / 107 / 125 / 117 / 115 / 156
Holy shoot this set is aggravating. It appears that fairies are a key component to this meta. Mono Moonblast confirms this statement, as it deals good damage to almost every non-resist, thanks to max investment + modest nature. Leech seed whittles down walls and can lead to serious chip with tspikes. Sub stalls for more chip. 'Scott's low health and lefties means that he usually has access to infinite subs on a seeded target. Encore still needs to be kept to stop sweepers, reverse trick room, and buy a free turn to sub. You would think that this set gives the opponent ample time to spin/defog but so far the pressure of 252 +SpA behind a sub with spikes is too much to ignore. Modest still outspeeds up to max positive base 137s (Haunter, Pikachu, Raboot, Silvally, Artic-G, and Morpeko), but you will need Timid if you want to get the jump on Sneasel, Scyther, Archeops, and Cincinno.
How to use: Whimsicott has a bunch of resistances to switch into. You should also consider switching into him on a setup sweeper to deny the sweep with encore. This move also allows you to revenge kill Meteor Beam sets. Subseed sets are typically beaten through careful switches/doubles so look out for positions where the opponent can stare down a subless 'Scott without being seeded beforehand. Prankster Sub is also amazing at stalling out trick room, screens, or weather turns. This mon is 2nd mvp due to its ability to whittle down threats. This allowed me to make comebacks even when I misplay and lose my hazards early. Most of my replays you search up are about Whimsicott pestering the opposition.
Entei @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Howl
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge
New Stats: 115 / 135 / 105 / 110 / 95 / 120
Kind of a filler mon but not really. Entei completes the FWG core as the setup sweeper with priority. A powerful Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed is a great blessing but I got the most mileage out of Entei's durability, being able to switch into most common fairies, Vanilluxe, Centiskorch, and Copperajah. Flare Blitz over Sacred Fire because of the higher damage(self-ko by recoil is also a valid spin/defog block option), Espeed gives me a 2nd priority option, Stone edge deals with other low tier fire types, and Howl is barely used. Iron head or Stomping tantrum could be slashed over to deal with rock types, but the chance to beef up Flare Blitz and Espeed is too good to pass up. Inner focus over Pressure for immunity to intimidate.
How to use: Spam Flare Blitz and pick off with Espeed. Thanks to boots, you can switch in Entei on all the hits a fire type wouldn't mind taking. You may also want to save Entei as a wincon vs webs teams. You should really hold back on using howl, but if you must, it is best used on target's encore locked into a bad move, or a passive mon wanting to get rid of hazards really badly. Entei does poorly vs water types and stall mons such as Pyuku, Quag, and Vaporeon, so (provided that eldegoss is gone) he may be used as fodder to get Whimsicott or Jellicent in safely.
Endeavor Workarounds - Dual Wingbeat or Skill Link from the likes of Archeops, Scyther, and Cincinno can stop Scolipede from getting anything done.
Spinners with Super Effective STAB - Tsareena, Eldegoss, and Morpeko can sometimes get the spin off vs this team. That's because Jellicent can't stay around for long vs them. It will require some mind-boggling doubles to keep up your hazards vs them.
Fast toxic users - Sableye or Defensive Zard are one of the few stall mons that can shut down Jellicent's hold on stall teams. Zard can also pull off a defog. Articuno and Altaria are in the same boat, but requires way more speed investment than zard.
Powerful ghost/flying attacks - No switchins. Articuno-G on paper should wreak havoc. I'm pretty sure one of my losses were from Scyther demoralizing me.
Speed demons - In addition to the endeavor work arounds, Dugtrio-A on paper seems incredibly hard to deal with it. The only saving grace vs these mons is that there isn't much opportunity to safely switch in, or I usually have Whimsicott behind a sub before facing them.
That's all there is. Set hazards, then nonstop pressure. Feel free to use this team, as well as any variation of it within the lower tiers. Try find a solution to the Scyther problem because I honestly don't remember how I survived all of those Scyther teams. If only there was a way to count my w:l ratio without adding on my w:l from last year. I feel like I'm 31:3, but can't be sure. Definitely on a current 13+ win streak though. I guess my favorite aspect of this hyper offense is the ability to actually switch into moves, both powerful and setup, while not falling apart. Unlike most HO, this team also doesn't bank on choiced mons or hail-mary setup sweeps. Below are tier shift replays as well as the previous iterations of the team in different tiers just to show you that filling in similar roles netted me similar results.
SS RU version:
SS NU version:
SS PU version:
Alt acct Tier Shift:
Vs Hail, Whimsicott MVP -
Vs Balance, Malamar MVP -
Vs Bulky Balance, Piloswine MVP -
Vs Scarf Lurantis runback, Piloswine MVP -
Vs Ditto match(opp had outdated slower Piloswine), Scolipede MVP -
Vs Rain?, Whimsicott MVP -
Alt account vs Stall, Jellicent MVP -
Edit: forgot about private matches. Updated the replay section
The team:
Scolipede @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Att / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Poison Jab
- Endeavor
New Stats: 60 / 110 / 99 / 65 / 79 / 122
Although only getting +10 to each stat, Scolipede still gets its job done like no other. Spikes allow the team to whittle down threats better and toxic spikes pay long term dividends. Poison Jab so I'm not taunt/magic bounce bait and Endeavor means that Scolipede will almost always carry its weight and do a 1 for 1 trade. Megahorn could be an option since it hits magic bouncers and common SR setters better. But I prefer poison jab's accuracy, chance for poison chip, and fairy killing ability. Adamant to maximize Poison Jab's power. Jolly can be used if you want more opportunity to spike up turn 1, however you are still outsped by Adamant Scyther, Archeops, and Cincinno, all of which can OHKO through sash.
How to use: Lead with it and pick a spike. If there are dangerous sweepers that will likely need priority to be beaten, then tspikes is the way to go. If there are poison types, maybe spikes is better. Be wary of magic bouncers, prankster taunts, and magic coat users that may come out, so poison jab in that case. Once you've taken damage, endeavor to equalize the pain. If you endeavor+jab for the KO, sac Scolipede by using endeavor again. If they try to revenge with priority, you may want to consider switching to preserve Scolipede's endeavor, tspike absorption, or to save it as a sac if there are hazards on your side.
Malamar @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
New stats: 86 / 132 / 128 / 108 / 115 / 113
So much trials of finding the perfect defog punisher and this is what I came up with. Every defog punisher is just too slow or lacks powerful stab (the genies). Articuno-G gets walled infinitely by steels and slowking, and Braviary gets outsped and faces too much 50/50s. While this is far from a perfect mon, I have finally decided to pick a defog punisher that doesn't rely on a scarf. Malamar becomes bootleg powderchomp when hit with Defog. I used to run Lax Incense but it seems that item has been banned... Knock off allows me to remove boots, eviolite, and lefties, and superpower turns it into my dedicated setup sweeper. It doesn't nearly provide the immediate power as all the other options, but its longevity allowed it to take advantage of boosts much longer than any other candidate. Speed EVs allow me to creep max base 130s if I step on webs. Most notably Pikachu.
How to use: Superpower is setup and Knock off is your actual power move. Malamar doubles as a support due to its special bulk, utility in knock off, and ability to absorb status. Prankster defog isn't popular, but be aware Malamar can block that. Don't forget contrary can be used to take advantage of strength sap and parting shot. Malamar can also be a wincon in trick room provided their special nuke is dealt with. Malamar is the only mon that has trouble picking off where Scolipede left, but a weakened slow mon is an amazing opportunity to setup. Just make sure no fairy types are around.
Piloswine @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 128 Atk / 116 Def / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Stealth Rock
New stats: 100 / 140 / 120 / 100 / 100 / 90
Piloswine makes a great all-rounder for the team by providing decent bulk, good damage, priority, and stealth rock. Its STAB combination is hard to switch into and electric immunity is to once again keep Xurkitree at bay. Speed EVs creep max base 50s, most notably Copperajah, and defense EVs bring Piloswine an inch above it's eviolite bulk levels. I suppose you could move all the defense into attack, but the extra insurance against dual wingbeat and U-turn feels nice to have.
How to use: Optional 2nd lead if you are predicting Scyther/Archeops. He can be used to challenge most Rock, Steels, and Dragons. If Xurkitree is alive and very healthy, you'd also want to keep Piloswine healthy to make sure he can't go on a dazzling gleam/thunderbolt sweep. Note that rocks are not a priority for this team and mostly used as back up. I would much rather fire off a powerful stab but if there are mons that are hard to scratch with it such as Weezing-G, Araquanid, Golisopod, and Bronzong, you can consider looking for a chance to getup rocks.
Jellicent @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
- Taunt
- Strength Sap
New stats: 100 / 100 / 110 / 125 / 145 / 100
Every mon on the team has their moments, but Jellicent has got to be the star of the show. Timid over modest allows him to outspeed Excadrill, and Landorus-T, but most notably, max investment allows him to outspeed uninvested speedy walls such as Articuno, Altaria, Silvally, and Uxie. This is incredibly important to deny them of their Defog, Roost, or Toxic via Taunt. This mon has been singlehandedly dismantling stall teams due to their only form of damage being toxic, scald, seismic toss, or Quagsire Earthquake. You can opt for recover to last longer against stall, but strength sap synergizes well with colbur berry, ensuring that the 2nd or even third knock off won't KO. On a side note, I've reached #2 on the ladder with my alt account as well. The team had a different version of hyper offense, but Jellicent was the only carbon copy.
How to use: As Jellicent is your resident ghost type, switch into him at all costs to block rapid spin, even if it is from Tsareena or Eldegoss. There will be rare occasions where letting the spin happen is worthwhile, so use your best judgement. Taunt should be used to prevent bulky mons from healing or firing off toxic, and to stop the other form of hazard control, Defog. Thanks to it's typing and stats, Jellicent is excellent late game vs trick room, weather, and of course, stall.
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Moonblast
- Substitute
- Encore
New stats: 60 / 107 / 125 / 117 / 115 / 156
Holy shoot this set is aggravating. It appears that fairies are a key component to this meta. Mono Moonblast confirms this statement, as it deals good damage to almost every non-resist, thanks to max investment + modest nature. Leech seed whittles down walls and can lead to serious chip with tspikes. Sub stalls for more chip. 'Scott's low health and lefties means that he usually has access to infinite subs on a seeded target. Encore still needs to be kept to stop sweepers, reverse trick room, and buy a free turn to sub. You would think that this set gives the opponent ample time to spin/defog but so far the pressure of 252 +SpA behind a sub with spikes is too much to ignore. Modest still outspeeds up to max positive base 137s (Haunter, Pikachu, Raboot, Silvally, Artic-G, and Morpeko), but you will need Timid if you want to get the jump on Sneasel, Scyther, Archeops, and Cincinno.
How to use: Whimsicott has a bunch of resistances to switch into. You should also consider switching into him on a setup sweeper to deny the sweep with encore. This move also allows you to revenge kill Meteor Beam sets. Subseed sets are typically beaten through careful switches/doubles so look out for positions where the opponent can stare down a subless 'Scott without being seeded beforehand. Prankster Sub is also amazing at stalling out trick room, screens, or weather turns. This mon is 2nd mvp due to its ability to whittle down threats. This allowed me to make comebacks even when I misplay and lose my hazards early. Most of my replays you search up are about Whimsicott pestering the opposition.
Entei @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Howl
- Extreme Speed
- Stone Edge
New Stats: 115 / 135 / 105 / 110 / 95 / 120
Kind of a filler mon but not really. Entei completes the FWG core as the setup sweeper with priority. A powerful Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed is a great blessing but I got the most mileage out of Entei's durability, being able to switch into most common fairies, Vanilluxe, Centiskorch, and Copperajah. Flare Blitz over Sacred Fire because of the higher damage(self-ko by recoil is also a valid spin/defog block option), Espeed gives me a 2nd priority option, Stone edge deals with other low tier fire types, and Howl is barely used. Iron head or Stomping tantrum could be slashed over to deal with rock types, but the chance to beef up Flare Blitz and Espeed is too good to pass up. Inner focus over Pressure for immunity to intimidate.
How to use: Spam Flare Blitz and pick off with Espeed. Thanks to boots, you can switch in Entei on all the hits a fire type wouldn't mind taking. You may also want to save Entei as a wincon vs webs teams. You should really hold back on using howl, but if you must, it is best used on target's encore locked into a bad move, or a passive mon wanting to get rid of hazards really badly. Entei does poorly vs water types and stall mons such as Pyuku, Quag, and Vaporeon, so (provided that eldegoss is gone) he may be used as fodder to get Whimsicott or Jellicent in safely.
Endeavor Workarounds - Dual Wingbeat or Skill Link from the likes of Archeops, Scyther, and Cincinno can stop Scolipede from getting anything done.
Spinners with Super Effective STAB - Tsareena, Eldegoss, and Morpeko can sometimes get the spin off vs this team. That's because Jellicent can't stay around for long vs them. It will require some mind-boggling doubles to keep up your hazards vs them.
Fast toxic users - Sableye or Defensive Zard are one of the few stall mons that can shut down Jellicent's hold on stall teams. Zard can also pull off a defog. Articuno and Altaria are in the same boat, but requires way more speed investment than zard.
Powerful ghost/flying attacks - No switchins. Articuno-G on paper should wreak havoc. I'm pretty sure one of my losses were from Scyther demoralizing me.
Speed demons - In addition to the endeavor work arounds, Dugtrio-A on paper seems incredibly hard to deal with it. The only saving grace vs these mons is that there isn't much opportunity to safely switch in, or I usually have Whimsicott behind a sub before facing them.
That's all there is. Set hazards, then nonstop pressure. Feel free to use this team, as well as any variation of it within the lower tiers. Try find a solution to the Scyther problem because I honestly don't remember how I survived all of those Scyther teams. If only there was a way to count my w:l ratio without adding on my w:l from last year. I feel like I'm 31:3, but can't be sure. Definitely on a current 13+ win streak though. I guess my favorite aspect of this hyper offense is the ability to actually switch into moves, both powerful and setup, while not falling apart. Unlike most HO, this team also doesn't bank on choiced mons or hail-mary setup sweeps. Below are tier shift replays as well as the previous iterations of the team in different tiers just to show you that filling in similar roles netted me similar results.
SS RU version:
SS NU version:
SS PU version:
Alt acct Tier Shift:
Vs Hail, Whimsicott MVP -
Vs Balance, Malamar MVP -
Vs Bulky Balance, Piloswine MVP -
Vs Scarf Lurantis runback, Piloswine MVP -
Vs Ditto match(opp had outdated slower Piloswine), Scolipede MVP -
Vs Rain?, Whimsicott MVP -
Alt account vs Stall, Jellicent MVP -
Edit: forgot about private matches. Updated the replay section
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