Challenge Kingdomlocke Challenge!

Hey there! I’ve been trying to come up with my own Nuzlocke challenge for a while now, and I’ve finally come up with the Kingdomlocke.

Note: I’m aware the terminology has some similarities to the Chesslocke, but I assure you it is different.

Synopsis: Your Pokémon are a royal court, and they must fight their way to the top, claiming their place as the rightful head of the “kingdom”. It is in a time of turmoil, and the region needs a new political force to aid it — who better than your court? They may be small now, but with the right work and sacrifices, they’ll be the champions and rulers they aim to be.

Normal Rules:

  1. When a Pokémon faints, it counts as dead and must be released or put in a PC Box forever.
  2. You can only catch the first Pokémon you find on each route/dungeon/city/etc.
  3. All pokemon must be nicknamed so as to create stronger emotional bonds between Pokémon and trainer.
  4. Dupes/Shiny Clause.

  1. You must have a King/Queen, a Knight, a Priest, a Squire, a Jester, and an Armorer. The King or Queen is your starter, based on gender. The Knight must be a Pokémon that excels in Attack, the Priest in SpAtk, the Squire in Speed, the Jester in SpDef, and the Armorer in Defense. This stat must be their final evolution’s highest base stat.
  2. You must use the king or queen to catch new Pokémon — sort of as a recruitment system.
  3. When you catch a Pokémon in new areas, based on its evolution’s best stat, assign it to a named box (named for what slot they’d replace).
  4. If you do not possess a ready replacement for a slot and the member dies, your kingdom is considered to be in peril. At this time you may not purchase items, and you may only use two items per battle until your replacement is at a good enough level to take the former member’s place. Outside of battle you cannot use any items. This does not count before you have six Pokémon.
  5. When replacing the King or Queen, the new Pokémon does not follow the stat rules, but it must be of the same type as its predecessor.
  6. Some Pokémon have certain move laws. Priests are the only ones that may learn healing moves, the Squires are the only ones that can learn priority moves, and the Armorers are the only Pokémon that can learn team-boosting moves (such as Protect, Reflect, Light Screen, etc.).
  7. All your Pokémon must be evolved before you fight the champion, lest they be booted from the court.
  8. Your party must follow an order: first slot King/Queen, second slot Knight, third slot Priest, fourth slot Squire, fifth slot Jester, and sixth slot Armorer. Your King or Queen always leads the charge! This rule only comes into play if you have enough Pokémon to follow it.
EXTREME (each is optional, you can pick and choose):
  1. All Pokémon — besides the King and Queen — must be a certain type. Knights may only be Steel and/or Fighting, Priests may only be Fairy and/or Psychic, Squires may only be Flying, Normal, and/or Dragon, Jesters may only be Normal, Ghost, and/or Poison, and Armorers may only be Steel or Rock. Dual-types are allowed, as long as one of the types follows this rule.
  2. Stealing from Chesslocke here, if the King/Queen dies, the court falls apart and your Kingdomlocke is over.
  3. If you want to take rule 6 further, only Jesters can learn status-inflicting moves, and Knights can only learn attacking moves.
  1. You may, by choice, replace your King/Queen with Gallade’s, Gardevoir’s, Aegislash’s, or Serperior’s pre-evolution. No IV breeding, and no special held items. If you do so, however, it must be your King or Queen forever. No matter if it’s the extreme mode or not, if your chosen King or Queen faints, your court disassembles, since said chosen one was considered to be truly “chosen”.
If you decide to do this challenge, let me know! Also, constructive criticism is always welcome. Please share any ideas freely!
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