Wow Ibo = chou? Damn, gotta learn the alts of good players XD.
Good battle! I agree that Enzo was playing too conservatively, but at least there's a polished method to his conservatism (I can play pretty conservatively too a lot of times). Too bad chou saw through all that huh? :P
Overall, I was very impressed. I liked the creativity on the sets (CB gyara with taunt, scarfed swampert, special sub t-tar, BP on celebi over u-turn to beat pursuit) but I was even more impressed by the way you ochestrated the battle with strats. There would have been a few things I may have done differently (eg. just switching to scizor when faced with t-tar and u-turning straight off the bat rather than going to gyara first), but I guess that's just personal preferrance.
Definitely archieve material. Battle could have been slightly better, so I give this 4.5 stars.