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name: Shift Gear
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Gear Grind
move 3: Return / Wild Charge
move 4: Substitute / Magnet Rise
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Adamant
evs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
name: Mono-Attacker
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gear Grind
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Impish
EVs: 240 HP / 136 Def / 40 SpD / 92 Spe
[Other Options]
[Checks and Counters]
- Underused Steel-type Pokemon in NU
- Makes its mark with Gear Grind and Shift Gear; allowing Klang to sweep late-game
- Access to Eviolite, enhancing its defenses, which is paired with its good defensive typing and handy resistances
- Great counter to defensively weak Pokemon, such as Jynx, Gardevoir
- Can run a monoattacking RestTalk set because of those defenses
- Can outspeed the majority of the tier after a Shift Gear boost, including Scolipede
- Small movepool (that is viable)
- Lack of coverage moves
- No reliable recovery outside of Rest, so it can be weared down after a few Subs
- Cannot scar some of the bulkier Pokemon in NU unless multiple boosts are taken place (Alomomola), but is an excellent lame-game sweeper.
name: Shift Gear
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Gear Grind
move 3: Return / Wild Charge
move 4: Substitute / Magnet Rise
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Adamant
evs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
- Klang's signature set - excellent usage of its decent Attack, Eviolite, and resistances to common Grass-, Ice-, and Rock-type attacks in NU.
- Can usually guarantee a Sub up thanks to Eviolite, which will then begin the setup phase with Shift Gear.
- Since Klang doesn't have the raw Speed or Attack to attempt sweeps early or mid-game, it works best with cleaning the mess that fellow sweepers have left late-game.
- Shift Gear is the signature move of this set; raising Klang's Attack and Speed to viable - and sometimes dangerous heights.
- Gear Grind is the STAB move of this set, sporting a base 100 Attack and two hits, which is very useful against breaking opposing Substitute's, (such as Rotom-S) as well as hitting Jynx, Roselia, Cacturne, and Golurk for an OHKO or 2HKO after a Shift Gear boost.
- Return grants great overall coverage to almost every other type when paired with Gear Grind while hitting certain Pokemon, such as Rotom-S and Ludicolo, much harder than Gear Grind would. However, Wild Charge allows Klang to hit Pokemon such as Samurott and Carracosta for a larger portion of damage. However, the recoil damage and lack of recovery may make this option lackluster, especially if Substitute is used.
- Substitute is a great final option, allowing Klang to set up without fear of burn or paralysis from Pokemon such as Misdreavus and Murkrow. However, Magnet Rise allows Klang to set up on Ground-type Pokemon that it wasn't able to before, such as Golurk, Golem, and Piloswine. Wild Charge should be used with Magnet Rise, as the recoil won't affect Klang as much as it would if Klang used Substitute.
- 168 Speed EVs allow Klang to outspeed Scolipede at after a Shift Gear boost, along with any other Pokemon under base 110 Speed. 252 Attack EVs maximize Klang's attacks, and 88 HPs are invested so Klang has some bulk behind it.
- If more bulk is preferred, an EV spread of 140 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spe can be used, still outspeeding Pokemon at base 100 Speed or below.
- Adamant nature increases Klang's offensive prowess.
- Does Clear Body need an explanation; doesn't really do much, but it's only the only viable ability Klang has.
- Eviolite is the staple of this set, allowing Klang to set up without fear of being KOed easily.
- Leftovers can be used for that extra recovery, but Klang's defenses take a significant drop, so it's not advised.
- Not many move options for Klang that works well.
- Since Klang is a late-game sweeper, having sweepers to rid of Pokemon that walls and counter it (Alomomola, Eelektross) are useful. Exeggutor and Choice Band Sawk are prime examples of such; Exeggutor can take the Fighting- and Ground-type attacks aimed at Klang while defeating Alomomola, and CB can weaken the majority of the tier for Klang, as well as slowly weaken Eelektross.
- Entry hazard support a great way to weaken the adversary for Klang, making its job much easier. Garbador is a great example, as it can set up Spikes while taking Fighting-type attacks for Klang. Garbador can also set up Toxic Spikes, which Klang enjoys due to the fact that it cripples walls, such as Alomomola and Tangela, making it easier for it to set up. Regirock can also set Stealth Rock down while take the Fire-type attacks that Klang despises.
- Wish support is also appreciated, since Klang doesn't have a recovery move. Alomomola and Lickilicky are great options in that department, since both of them can heal a large portion of Klang with Wish. Alomomola can also cripple opponents with Toxic.
- If Substitute isn't used, Klang would be a dangerous risk to be hit by burn or paralysis, so having Heal Bell support is appreciated as well. Musharna in particular can also aid Klang by defeating Sawk and Gurdurr for it.
- Faster Taunt users, such as Misdreavus, can Taunt Klang before it gets a chance to set up. In Misdreavus's case, it can also use Will-O-Wisp to stop Klang in its tracks. Skuntank (while fearing WoW) can easily KO Misdreavus with Crunch or Sucker Punch.
name: Mono-Attacker
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gear Grind
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Impish
EVs: 240 HP / 136 Def / 40 SpD / 92 Spe
- Focuses on Klang's superb defenses, many resistances, and RestTalk to set up and sweep.
- Its a physically defensive wall, however, it can set up on a variety of Pokemon, including Misdreavus, Musharna, Skuntank, Jynx, and Serperior.
- While it only has one attack (and thus less coverage) but thanks to Klang's bulk, it can set up for much longer and power its way through many NU Pokemon.
- Status are no longer an issue with Rest, healing Klang to full HP in a pinch.
- Sleep Talk is also a very useful move in this set, allowing Klang to set up Shift Gear or attack even while it is sleeping.
- Shift Gear is Klang's setup move, which can now be used more efficiently due to Klang's enhanced defenses, which can lead to a more deadly sweep with Gear Grind, Klang's STAB move, and only attacking move to this set.
- 92 Speed EVs allow Klang to outspeed positive-natured base 95 Speed Pokemon after a Shift Gears boost. 136 Defense EVs with Impish hits 286 Defense before the Eviolite boost, allowing Klang to wall many Pokemon, including Kangaskhan's EQ (Can't even 2HKO Klang with entry hazards present) and Scolipede's EQ (3HKO). The remaining EVS help increase Klang's overall bulk.
- Eviolite is an absolute must to this set if Klang want to attain the defenses that allow it to wall many Pokemon in NU.
- Clear Body - same reason as previous set.
- Nothing can be replaced in this set; each move has a distinct purpose that can't be changed.
- Toxic Spikes users - excellent partners to Klang so that Klang has a much easier time against bulky Water-types (Alomomola). Garbador is a prime partner for Klang, dealing with Fighting-types Klang has difficulty setting up against. Scolipede is also a great option.
- Because of the lack of coverage to this set, many types, specifically Fire-types (Charizard), can take anything Klang has to offer and strike back. Carracosta and Samurott can handle almost all of the Fire-types with their STAB moves (Aqua Jet helps with the fast ones, aka Charizard). Carracosta with Hidden Power Grass is a bonus; it can lure Seismitoad and Alomomola, two Pokemon that Klang has troubles against, and can OHKO them after entry hazard damage and a Shell Smash boost with Life Orb.
- Taunt - Shuts Klang down; Liepard, FeatherDance Murkrow, and physically defensive Misdreavus can all Taunt Klang and and at the least be 2HKOed by it (granted that Klang hasn't begun to set up). Sawk, Rotom-F, and special Charizard can handle each of them, respectively. Sawk can deal with most of the opposing Steel- and Ground-types in the tier, and Rotom-F sports an immunity to Ground-types as well.
[Other Options]
- Pitiful movepool, very few options
- Special attacking set is possible with Charge Beam, but too many Pokemon in NU can wall it, and it gains a loss from not having Shift Gear
- Volt Switch - can be useful in certain situations, but since Klang will be setting up the majority of the time, it isn't recommended.
- Could run a support set with Toxic and Thunder Wave; too poor of a supportive movepool for it to be viable, however.
- Life Orb can increase Klang's offensive prowess, but Eviolite is unarguably the best item selection for Klang.
[Checks and Counters]
- Even with Eviolite and defenses, Klang can still be easily taken care of
- Fighting-types are the bane of Klang's existance, specifically Gurdurr and Sawk.
- Alomomola, Eelektross, Ludicolo, Torterra, and many other bulky Pokemon can take an attack or two from Klang before it can set up with Shift Gear, and proceed to set up or attack it.
- Can be worn down easily due to Klang's lack of recovery (outside of RestTalk set) so powerful, consistent attacks can slowly wear Klang down.
- Knock Off can make Klang significantly more easier to deal with, removing its Eviolite, thus lowering its defenses.
- Frillish and Lampent can wall Gear Grind, and is immune to Return, so they serve as good walls, though the former must be wary of Wild Charge.
- Taunting Klang before it sets up is an excellent way of weakening it; Liepard, Misdreavus, and Murkrow are great examples of Taunt users.
- Inflicting Klang with status (not including the RestTalk set) is a good way to silence Klang for a while; Misdreavus can burn with WoW, while Miltank and Musharna can use Thunder Wave on it.
- Fast Fire-types, such as Rapidash and Charizard, fare pretty well against Klang if it hasn't set up.
- Ground-types, such as Golurk and Golem, can take almost all of Klang's attacks, and KO it with their STAB Ground-type moves (unless Klang bears Magnet Rise).
- Choice Scarf users, such as Sawk and Gardevoir, are great to check Klang if it hasn't used Shift Gear yet.
- In a nutshell, if you can defeat Klang before it sets up, you will have a much easier time defeating it.
<p>Klang is often underused and ignored in the NU tier due to its small movepool and lack of coverage. However, it makes its mark with its signature moves: Shift Gear and Gear Grind. Those two moves represent the purpose of using Klang: to set up and perform a sweep. Klang is meant to function as a late-game sweeper, finishing off any opponent that hasn't been defeated by Klang's fellow teammates. Klang is one of the few Steel-types in the tier, and because of the offensive presence it can create with its signature moves, it stands out from the competition.</p>
name: Shift Gear
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Gear Grind
move 3: Return / Wild Charge
move 4: Substitute / Magnet Rise
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Adamant
evs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
<p>This is Klang's signature set; it displays excellent usage of its decent Attack, Eviolite, Shift Gear, and resistances to common Grass-, Ice-, and Rock-type attacks in the tier. Because of Eviolite, it can usually guarantee a Substitute to begin setting up with Shift Gear. Because Klang doesn't have the raw Speed or power to attempt sweeps early- or mid-game, it works best defeating any weakened foes late-game.</p>
<p>Shift Gear is the main aspect of this set, as it can raise Klang's Attack and Speed to viable—and sometimes dangerous—levels. Gear Grind is its STAB move, sporting a Base Power of 100 after two hits, which is very useful in breaking opposing Substitutes from Pokemon such as Serperior, as well as hitting Jynx, Roselia, Cacturne, and Golurk for an OHKO or 2HKO after a Shift Gear boost. Return offers nearly perfect coverage when paired with Gear Grind, while hitting Rotom-S and Ludicolo much harder than Gear Grind could. However, Wild Charge allows Klang to severely dent Water-types, such as Samurott and Carracosta. The recoil damage and lack of recovery might make this move a lackluster choice though, especially if Substitute is used. Substitute is the recommended final option, allowing Klang to set up without fear of being inflicted by status from the likes of Misdreavus. However, Magnet Rise allows Klang to set up on Ground-type Pokemon that it normally struggles against, such as Golurk, Golem, and Piloswine.</p>
<p>168 Speed EVs allow Klang to outspeed Scolipede and Pokemon at or below base 110 Speed after a Shift Gear boost. 252 Attack EVs and an Adamant nature maximizes the power of Klang's attacks, and 88 HP EVs are invested so Klang can tank more attacks. If more bulk is preferred, an EV spread of 140 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Spe can be utilized, and Klang still outspeeds Pokemon at base 100 Speed or below, such as Haunter and Jynx. Eviolite is the staple of this set, allowing Klang to set up without being easily KOed. Leftovers can be used for consistent recovery, but Klang's defenses suffer a significant drop, so it's not advised. There aren't any other viable move selections that Klang can utilize.</p>
<p>As Klang is a late-game sweeper, sweepers to get rid of Pokemon that wall Klang, such as Alomomola and Eelektross, are useful. Exeggutor is an prime example, as Exeggutor can take Fighting- and Ground-type attacks aimed at Klang while defeating Alomomola. Eelektross can also wall Klang quite well, so Mold Breaker Sawk is a great counter, as it can OHKO Eelektross. Entry hazard support a great way to weaken the adversary for Klang before it performs a sweep. Garbodor is a great partner, as it can set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes, crippling walls such as Alomomola and Tangela. Regirock can also set up Stealth Rock while taking Fire-type attacks that Klang despises. Wish support is also appreciated, as Klang doesn't have any reliable form of recovery. Alomomola and Lickilicky are great options in that department, as both of them can heal Klang significantly with Wish. Gothorita in particular can also aid Klang by trapping and defeating Alomomola and Gurdurr.</p>
name: Mono-Attacker
move 1: Shift Gear
move 2: Rest
move 3: Gear Grind
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Eviolite
ability: Clear Body
nature: Impish
EVs: 240 HP / 136 Def / 40 SpD / 92 Spe
<p>This set focuses on Klang's exceptional defenses, handy resistances, and access to RestTalk to set up and sweep. However, RestTalk is often unreliable and comes with a loss of momentum. While its primary role is that of a physically defensive wall, it can set up on a variety of Pokemon, such as Musharna, Skuntank, Jynx, and Serperior. Klang trades coverage for additional bulk: it can set up much more easily than its standard set, tank more attacks, and power its way through most of the NU tier. Its lack of recovery and vulnerability to status conditions are no longer an issue due to Rest, which heals Klang to full HP in a pinch. Sleep Talk is a very useful move in this set, allowing Klang to set up or attack while it's asleep. Shift Gear is Klang's setup move, which can now be used more efficiently due to Klang's enhanced defenses. Finally, Gear Grind is Klang's STAB move, hitting many Pokemon fairly hard after a Shift Gear boost.</p>
<p>92 Speed EVs allow Klang to outspeed positive-natured base 95 Speed Pokemon after a Shift Gear boost. 136 Defense EVs with an Impish nature brings Klang to an impressive 286 Defense before the Eviolite boost, allowing Klang to wall many Pokemon, including Kangaskhan and Scolipede, both of which cannot even 2HKO Klang with super effective attacks. The remaining EVs increase Klang's overall bulk. Eviolite is an absolute must to this set if Klang wants to attain the defenses that allow it to wall many Pokemon in NU. Clear Body is Klang's only viable ability for this set. None of Klang's moves can be replaced in this set; each move has a distinct purpose that can't be altered.</p>
<p>Toxic Spikes users are excellent partners to Klang; bulky Water-types, such as Alomomola, are much easier to handle. Garbodor is a prime partner for Klang, dealing with Fighting-types Klang has difficulty setting up against. Scolipede is also a great option as well, having a similar role as Garbodor along with a powerful STAB Megahorn. Because of the lack of coverage on this set, many Pokemon, specifically Fire-types, can tank all of Klang's attacks and strike back. Carracosta and Samurott can handle almost all of the Fire-types, such as Charizard, with their STAB moves. Carracosta with Hidden Power Grass can as a bonus also lure Seismitoad and Alomomola, two Pokemon that Klang has trouble against, and OHKO them after entry hazard damage and, for the former, one use of Shell Smash and one turn of Life Orb recoil. Taunt can nearly shut Klang down; Liepard, Murkrow, and physically defensive Misdreavus can all Taunt Klang and avoid a 2HKO from it, provided that it hasn't set up with Shift Gear. Sawk, Rotom-F, and specially offensive Charizard can handle each of them, respectively. Sawk can also deal with most of the opposing Steel- and Ground-types in the tier.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Because of Klang's pitiful movepool, its options are limited. A special attacking set with Charge Beam is possible, but many Pokemon in NU can easily wall Klang, and without Shift Gear, Klang loses its offensive presence. Volt Switch can be useful in certain conditions, but as Klang will be setting up the majority of the time, it isn't recommended. A set consisting of Toxic and Thunder Wave is plausible, but Klang has no supporting moves outside of these, and thus makes for a very poor support Pokemon. Finally, Life Orb can increase Klang's offensive prowess, but Eviolite is unarguably the best item for Klang because it allows Klang to better maintain its Substitutes.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Even with Eviolite and useful resistances, Klang can still be easily taken down. Fighting-types such as Choice Scarf Primeape and Gurdurr are excellent answers to Klang, overwhelming it with their powerful attacks; the former can only prey on a weakened Klang, as it cannot outright OHKO it, and the latter can easily switch into any of Klang's attacks. Unless Klang carries Magnet Rise, Ground-types, especially Golurk, can take almost all of Klang's attacks and KO it with their STAB Ground-type moves. Shift Gear Klang has no reliable recovery, so wearing it down with powerful, consistent attacks is a great way to defeat it. Status is a particularly good way to shut down Shift Gear Klang; Misdreavus can burn it with Will-O-Wisp, and Miltank and Musharna can hit it with Thunder Wave. However, these should be used only if Magnet Rise has been revealed, as Klang carrying Substitute can avoid status.</p>
<p>While there are not many Pokemon that can outright KO Klang, many Pokemon can sponge an attack or two from it, then proceed to set up on it. Alomomola, Eelektross, Ludicolo, Torterra, and many other bulky Pokemon can either set up on Klang or outright attack it for decent damage. Frillish and Lampent can wall Klang's STAB move and are immune to Return, so they can serve as good walls against it. The former must be wary of Wild Charge, however. Knock Off makes Klang significantly more easier to deal with, as it lowers Klang's defenses.</p>
<p>Finally, there are many checks to Klang that can defeat it, but only if Klang hasn't set up with Shift Gear. Taunt is a great way to prevent Klang from overpowering your team; Liepard, Misdreavus, and Murkrow are great examples of Taunt users, but bear in mind that all of them take a lot of damage from Gear Grind. Fast Fire-types, such as Rapidash and Charizard, can check Klang with their super effective STAB moves, but Klang can seriously dent them if it has set up. Choice Scarf users, such as Sawk and Gardevoir, are great checks to Klang if it hasn't set up. Overall, Klang is not that hard to wall and KO because it doesn't hit that hard and has average coverage.</p>