Labarith's Trading and Cloning Services 2.0 (Now w/ G5 Pokemon + G5 EV training).

I just say that the politoed belongs to him?

You just ask, "could I give you one credit for the Politoed," and have him accept.

Wild Eep said:
Credits = This is similar to how money is used in real life. You use up credits in exchange for Pokemon in a user's trade thread. To obtain such credits, you will have to do some services for the user (such as doing a Breeding/Capture Project, EV training, and other minor scenarios such as creating a banner or artwork for a user), gain them in a giveaway, or be lucky to gain credits for free from users. Some trade threads have a somewhat unique credit policy, such as one credit in exchange for one Pokemon, two credits in exchange for a single Pokemon, and so on. You will have to read up an individual's thread for more detail on how their policies work. Most of the time, however, a Pokemon will just be worth one credit while fully redistributable Pokemon will be worth half a credit (1/2).
Could I give you one credit for this DW politoed?


AtomC's Calm FEMALE Politoad Eved lv. 90
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: HP: 252 | Defense: 4 |Sp. Defense: 252
Ability: Drizzle
OT: (inappropriate OT name) ID: 11323
Moves: Scald | Ice Beam | Protect | Hypnosis
Notes: Re-Eved by Me, Cloned with Action Replay By me, Fully redistributable.

scratch that.
In response to your CMT, I didn't see anything atm, sorry :(

However, I see that you EV train, so if you could EV train those three pokes for me I'd appreciate it :) Can't trade until late tonight, though, as I need to babysit.
*checks thread*
*scrolls through*
*jaw slowly drops*

Hooooleee heeeelll, that is a big thread. There a lots of things, and I want all of them!

Before I even try to answer the CMT, though, one question:
Fully Redistributable: NU/etc:

Mat's Regigigas
ot: TRU 03089
Nature: Adamant
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31/
Event Moves: Icy Wind/Iron Head/Rock Slide
Note: lv.100​
Cloned by Action Reply by Me
Is this available in Gen4, and if so would it be able to wake up the other 3 golems in Platinum?
Hey, we already have a pending trade, but I found some more guys I like, so CMT and see if we can work something out. :)
(I ment to pick this one the first time)
Lord Scalgon's Manaphy
OT: Masters 47923
Nature: Timid
Ability: Hydration
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 HP Electric 70
Level: 1 (UT)
Moves: Bubble, Tail Glow, Water Sport
Cloned by me by an Action Replay

Linkino's Kyogre Modest Lvl 50, UT
OT: Linkino 29886
Cloned by me by an Action Replay

Sæglópur's Calm Female Dream World Poliwag UT Lv 1
OT: Autumn l ID: 57769
IV's: 31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31
Egg Moves: Encore
Ability: Swift Swim --> Drizzle
I can trade, you cannot. Note: This was a BP done for me, C-Gear, Sæglópur and I have Semi-Redis rights.
(Is this available UT?)

Sandman's Impish Groudon
OT: JOE 11655
IVs: 31/31/31/1/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 28 AT / 196 Def / 32 Spe
Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Dragon Claw /Roar
Cloned by me by an Action Replay
Are you interested in these for iFly's Quiet Duosion?

Lickitung (F) | OT: SETH ID: 32598
Careful - 31 / 30 / 28 / 14 / 31 / 26
Special Moves: Wish, Heal Bell

Chansey (F) | OT: JET ID: 20630
Quiet - 7 / 18 / 15 / 20 / 20 / 23
Wish - Natural Cure

Slowpoke (M) * | OT: V ID: 06509
Bold - 31 / 4 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
DW Ability - Regenerator
Non-Redis | BP by Triggz

Mienfoo (F) * | OT: Julius | ID: 56094
Naive - 30 / 19 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31
HP Ice 70 - Regenerator
Semi-Redis | CP by Julios

With a Pomeg berry attached like we talked about over VM. If you're interested in more than 1 I'm sure I can find something else, great thread :)
In reply to your CMT im interested in,

Shiny Kyogre
OT: Mat 62971
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drizzle
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 50 (UT)
Moves: Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, Water Spout, AncientPower

#425 Drifloon [Hydrogen]
OT: Hijiri | ID No.: 45403 | Gender: Female
Nature: Modest | Ability: Flare Boost | Type: Ghost/
Location: Skyarrow Bridge
Hidden Power:
Fighting 70
IV: 31/30/30/30/30/30
EV: UT | Level: 1
Moves: Minimize | Will-o-Wisp | Hypnosis | Shadow Ball

BowWave's Trubbish Lv. 1 UT
OT: Bow Nature:Jolly
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves:-Poison Gas -SelfDestruct-Spikes -Curse

Is this a male or female?
Okay, so can I get those three, EV'd using my credit too? And RC'd to around level 70 if that's not too much trouble.

Quiet Reuniclus
192 HP / 64 Def / 252 SpA
Psychic / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Trick Room

Calm Politoed
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Scald / Hypnosis / Encore / Ice Beam

Adamant Excadrill
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Swords Dance / EQ / Rock Slide / Rapid Spin

Thanks, let me know when you'd be ready to trade.
You said to make a list, so a list was made.

This is roughly in order of desire, and is by no means the full extent of everything in your thread I like -- there's still lots of in-game legendaries left that I like the looks of, just these are ones I can't possibly catch in game at all without hacking so they take priority. You've got the run of my thread; I would be happy to trade with you as many mons as you'd like.

Mat's Regigigas
ot: TRU 03089
Nature: Adamant
ivs: 31/31/31/x/31/31/
Event Moves: Icy Wind/Iron Head/Rock Slide
Note: lv.100
Cloned by Action Reply by Me
[Khift's note: This one in gen4, please! I wants me some more golems.]


EXIE's Movie 13 Celebi !
Modest lvl 50 UT
OT: {Japanese} 07100
30/6/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire 70)
Leaf Storm, Recover, Nasty Plot, Healing Wish
Date Met: 16th July 2010
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


Mat's Oblivia Deoxys
ot: Oblivia
Natures: Jolly(METEOR MASH)
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


andrea's Nintendo World Store Manaphy
nature: modest ability:hydration HP electric 70
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 ; EVs; -
OT: NWS 10017
Moves: Heart Swap/Water Pulse/Whirlpool/Acid Armor
UT lvl 50 ut *legit wondercard
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


Shiny Kyogre
OT: Mat 62971
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drizzle
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 50 (UT)
Moves: Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, Water Spout, AncientPower
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


Timid 252 SP ATK 252 SPEED 4 DEF
30/3/30/31/31/31 [hidden power ice 70]
OT [censored] 57986
air slash / seed flare /earth power /hidden power
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


Mat's Event Darkrai lv 50
Ot: ALAMOS 05318
Nature: Timid
Special Move: Spacial Rend /Roar of Time
Note: May be from a hacked wondercard. :?
Cloned by me by an Action Replay


Lord Scalgon's Raikou (HP Grass)!
Level: 30
Nature: Rash
IVs: 30/31/31/30/31/31 [HP Grass 70]
EVs: None
Ability: Pressure
Date: Jul. 3, 2017 (note the date)
Moveset: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
Cloned by me by an Action Replay
Hello, I would like to trade this one:

Fully Redistributable: UU:

Lord Scalgon's Raikou (HP Ice)
Level: 30
Nature: Rash
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 [HP Ice 70]
EVs: None
Ability: Pressure
Date: Sep. 27, 2016 (note the date)
Moveset: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
Cloned by me by an Action Replay

I haven't got a trade thread on Smogon, but I traded several times with other people here on Smogon (with Luxpluff, Despotar) and EV trained for some people in 4. Gen. If this is ok for you, here you go:

If you're interested in one, I can give them their english name as a nickname. And if you need some translations, please ask :p
Hi, I looking for a way to get this politoed. Can any 1 help?

AtomC's Calm FEMALE Politoad Eved lv. 90
Ivs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Evs: HP: 252 | Defense: 4 |Sp. Defense: 252
Ability: Drizzle
OT: (inappropriate OT name) ID: 11323
Moves: Scald | Ice Beam | Protect | Hypnosis
Notes: Re-Eved by Me, Cloned with Action Replay By me, Fully redistributable.
please pm for timid cottonee, adamant darmanitan, and calm frillish

if you will clone them i am offering shiny thundurus timid hp ice 70 31 18 30 31 31 31

and shiny tornadus jolly 31 31 31 x 31 31
which of these are females?

BowWave's Gothita UT lv. 1
OT: Bow Nature: Bold
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
I can trade, you cannot


Domiciwah's Adamant Dream World Chimchar UT lv 10
Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 18/20/6/28/19/16
Cloned by Action Replay
Note: Legitimate, non-RNGed Dreamworld Starter. NOT extra-link edited!


Bond's DW Espeon UT lv 10
Ability:Magic Bounce
Nature: Modest
OT:Mat ID:30160
Cloned with Action Reply Note: Exta-link editted.


also i liked this:


Fenix54s calm female dw murkrow lvl 1 UT
featherdance roost
confuse ray psycho shift
Cloned by Action Replay.
In response to you CMT: I'd like this:
Infi's shiny UT lv. 1 Gligar ♀
OT: Infi / ID: 48660
Nature: Impish / Ability: Immunity
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/31
Notes: Poison Tail, Double-Edge, Baton Pass, Agility
Full Redis

Also, please do not CMT a pokemon if it's not in my thread yet. :P
In response to your CMT, I owe you two credits silly! No need for me to CYT with that. 8^y

Also, FYI I have two more Ferroseeds coming up, one with LS + Spikes and one with Spikes + Rocks. Both with 31 speed and Careful nature, since the requester didn't expect to fit Gyro Ball on the build.
in reply to your CMT i liked these: (i want these first four (used my credits) and i want the last two if they are females (in exchange for the two pokes you cmtd for!)


iFly's Karrablast lv 1UT

Nature: Brave | Ability: Shed Skin
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 0 [Ice 64]
Moves: Peck / Pursuit / Megahorn
OT: Keith [23718] | Hatch Date: March 26, 2011 | Hatched: Skyarrow Bridge
Notes: Abuse done on an emulator to hatch shiny in iFly's US game. Non C-gear.

I can trade, you cannot Cloned by Action Replay by Me.


Fenix54s calm female dw murkrow lvl 1 UT
featherdance roost
confuse ray psycho shift
Cloned by Action Replay.


Infi's shiny UT lv. 1 Gligar
OT: Infi / ID: 48660
Nature: Impish / Ability: Immunity
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/31
Notes: Poison Tail, Double-Edge, Baton Pass, Agility
Full Redis


Bond's Female Darmanitans UT Lv 35
Natures: Jolly (F) or Adamant (F)
OT: 30160 Mat / Ability: Zen Mode
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Thrash/ Belly Drum/ Flare Blitz/ Hammer Arm
Fully Redistributable. Cloned by Action Replay by Me.



Domiciwah's Adamant Dream World Chimchar UT lv 10
Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 18/20/6/28/19/16
Cloned by Action Replay
Note: Legitimate, non-RNGed Dreamworld Starter. NOT extra-link edited!


Bond's DW Espeon UT lv 10
Ability:Magic Bounce
Nature: Modest
OT:Mat ID:30160
Cloned with Action Reply Note: Exta-link editted.
In response to your CMT (they can be unnicknamed), I like this if it's able to be taught Stealth Rock (you can have some credits too if it's not worth the two you asked for):

Mat's Oblivia Deoxys
ot: Oblivia
Natures: Jolly(METEOR MASH)
Ivs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Cloned by me by an Action Replay

If not, then I like these:


Khift's female Ferroseed lv. 1 UT
OT: KHIFT | ID: 31712
Sassy - Iron Barbs
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 0
Moveset: Tackle, Harder, Stealth Rock, Leech Seed
Fully redis
Cloned by Action Replay by me



Sæglópur's Timid Zorua UT lv. 10
OT: Autumn l ID: 57769
IV's: 31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31 l 31
I can trade, you cannot. Cloned by Action Replay, by Me.
CMT for:


Fenix54s calm female dw murkrow lvl 1 UT
featherdance roost
confuse ray psycho shift
Cloned by Action Replay.

and if you have any other female dream world pokes cmt for those as well. mostly looking for dw females nidoran,poochyena,eevee slowbro shinx corphish.
In responens to your CMT:

Ifly's (Timid HP Ground)Volcarona lv 70 UT
Nature: Timid | Ability: Flame Body
31 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 [Ground 70]
Moves: Silver Wind / Quiver Dance / Heat Wave / Bug Buzz
OT: Keith [23718] | Catch Date: March 5, 2011 | Caught: Relic Castle
(I can trade, you cannot) Cloned by Action Replay by Me.

Bond's DW Torchic UT lv 10
Ability:Speed Boost
Nature: Adamant/Jolly/Timid
OT:Mat ID:30160
Cloned with Action Reply Note: Exta-link editted.
The jolly one please.

Bond's (Drought) Vulpix
OT: 30160 Mat
Timid • Drought • Female • Level 1 UT
Ember/ Tail whip/ Roar
Fully Redistributable Cloned by Action Repaly by Me.

But I CAN´T trade at Gen 4. :(