Lavender Volunteer Pokémon House

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Awesome, thanks so much! Could you also help me out with a female serene grace togepi? I can trade online if you'd like. We're aquaintances now :)

All I got is male..even my parent mon is male hence the pokeball...I can try for a female but it's very low % so may take some time? Or I can send as many males as you need!!
Could I get a marvel scale Dratini with Extreme Speed? I deposited a level 2 female Zigzagoon with message Marowak and my IGN is Brian

Edit: Thank you!
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Could I get an adamant magikarp? I just deposited a level 8 male skitty and my IGN is Tyler. Thank you so much for doing this, I wish I had more to offer!
Yes, it appears someone already took it! lol. I have deposited a level 9 poochyena now, sorry for the trouble.
Sent :)......No trouble at all, need others then just post. the users Most, Mattapod and Buckert give away free 6IV ditto's as well to help with your breeding
Could I get fletchling with gale wings?
Deposited: zigzagoon Lv.2 Female
IGN: si.tole
Asked for: Fletchling  
Message: Marowak

Thank You!
Could I get fletchling with gale wings?
Deposited: zigzagoon Lv.2 Female
IGN: si.tole
Asked for: Fletchling  
Message: Marowak

Thank You!
No problem, just started work though so wont get to it for 6hrs
I been taken :( please try again
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Yes, it appears someone already took it,
redeposited woobat lvl 15 male zigzagoon lvl 2 male asked for fletchling female with gale wings
Thank you in advance sorry for the trouble
i'll be back for more pokemon to received ;)
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Yes, it appears someone already took it,
redeposited woobat lvl 15 male zigzagoon lvl 2 male asked for fletchling female with gale wings
Thank you in advance sorry for the trouble
i'll be back for more pokemon to received ;)

Sent! :D

No trouble at all, no restrictions on pokemon so welcome to others :)
Hi Marowak :)

I have deposited a Male Lv. 30 Shuckle with the message "Marowak".

I would like a MALE Brave Honedge with a speed IV of 0.

IGN: Vince

Thanks in advance!
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