LC LC Majors III - Stage 1 (Pools) [Tiebreaks post #300]

The following users are being subbed out due to continued inactivity:
Chronocarrot Keev RamentheGod Jazz&TheFuton Magikarp_Is_AG

Fragments replaces Magikarp_Is_AG in Omanyte Pool - LilyAC gorex
Axelsior replaces RamentheGod in Omanyte Pool
CMDoge replaces Keev in Abra Pool - Alkione iapt Bluecliqse Goro Yagami
KingSlayer2004 replaces Jazz&TheFuton in Omanyte Pool
airfare replaces Chronocarrot in Wingull Pool - Sificon tob Rem2y natu

Please contact your new opponents promptly.


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